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舊 11-28-06, 07:34 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
BlackSite: Area 51

BlackSite: Area 51 (PS3)
Published by: Midway Games
Developed by: Midway Studios - Austin
Genre: Action
Release Date:
US: TBA 2007
Also Available On: Xbox 360

A Veiled Viral Video
Film clip reveals new PS3 game is in the works. But what is it?

by Jeremy Dunham

Viral Video Teaser (November 27, 2006)

November 27, 2006 - Every once in awhile IGN editors are sent "mystery media." That is, a video or screenshot that points to an upcoming product without revealing exactly what that product is. Take, for example, the latest movie to cross our desks (which we've included on the media page below). It's been a popular point of conjecture over the last hour or so, and everyone around the office has theories as to what it is. Could it be a sequel to Insomniac Game's Resistance: Fall of Man? Is it the next chapter of DOOM? Perhaps it's an all-new IP with no connection to anything whatsoever?

According to the notes included with the video, the answer may come later this week -- which is good to know, since the only information included with the 8 second clip itself is that "They're Coming Summer 2007." They can only mean "the aliens", whom we get an extremely quick glimpse of in the highly realistic video snippet.

We did get one other hint as to the game's identity. It's a PS3 title for sure (no other platforms were mentioned) and it will receive an official announcement sometime soon.

What do we think? Our money is on the oft-talked about but never confirmed Area 51 sequel from Midway -- as the artistic style of the creature shown in the video matches several of those from the 2005 shooter. Guess we'll just have to wait and see if we're right or wrong.

Update: Just hours after we posted this story, several IGN readers who subscribe to PSM have informed us that the video above is indeed from the sequel to Area 51 entitled BlackSite (yes, our guesses rock!). The latest issue of the unofficial PlayStation Magazine arrived in mailboxes earlier today with a cover story on said game. Short waits are good waits.

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舊 12-01-06, 04:34 PM   #2
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舊 01-24-07, 08:19 AM   #3
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舊 01-24-07, 10:46 PM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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BlackSite: Area 51 First Details
We declassify Midway's extraterrestrial follow-up with the first details, images and trailer.

by Chris Roper

January 24, 2007 - In the early part of 2005, Midway rejuvenated its alien-centric lightgun shooter franchise on the PC, Xbox and PlayStation 2 with Area 51. The game was a pleasant surprise all around, boasting fantastic visuals (especially on the consoles) and an engaging storyline that wound tighter and tighter as it progressed. This summer, Midway Studios - Austin will unleash its sequel on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC in the form of BlackSite: Area 51.

While details on the storyline are scarce at this point, it sounds as if you'll be given choices along the way that will allow you to dictate the moral standing of your character. The game description words this as follows: "The player's modern-day emotions and fears are driven into a world charged with grave responsibility affecting lives hanging in the balance and eventually finding himself torn between his professional orders and his own ethical standards. In the end, only the actions of the player and his squad can shape the outcome of BlackSite: Area 51 during this potentially pivotal moment in history."

Speaking of the squad, you're now in complete control of a Special Forces squad. Their morale will play a part in how well they perform. Properly commanding them will have them at their best, but running them poorly into bad situations will negatively affect their aim, wear down on their fatigue and make them even lose the will to fight. Squad commands are said to be contextual, utilizing a single button to take care of all your available commands without the need to scroll through menus or whatnot.

Vehicles will now play a part in the game. Vehicles such as HMMWVs, ATVs and even civilian vehicles will play a part in the action. Helicopter raids will also be present where you'll take a seat in the gunner's position to mow down enemy soldiers from up on high.

The level design is promised to be multi-pathed with various routes that you can take to surround and flank the enemy. Cover points will be prominent, encouraging you to make proper use of your squad and covering fire. The cover won't be safe for long however as much of the game's environments will be destructible - to what extent, we're not sure, but the trailer that you'll find in our video section looks promising.

Lastly, BlackSite: Area 51 will ship with a number of online multiplayer modes. These will be a mixture of classic game types like Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture-the-Flag, along with a number of brand-new variants that will be unique to the game, like the Human vs. Reborn and Siege modes, where teams attempt to control each of the levels territories while capturing their enemies.

BlackSite: Area 51 is scheduled to ship sometime this summer on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. We'll have in-depth impressions with the game very shortly, so stay tuned.
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舊 01-24-07, 10:48 PM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 01-24-07, 10:52 PM   #6
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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First Official Trailer (January 24, 2007)

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舊 01-26-07, 08:48 PM   #7
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
名稱 黑暗地帶 第51區
原名 BlackSite: Area 51
機種 PS3/X360/PC
廠商 Midway Games/Midway Studios - Austin
類型 ACT
價格 未定
發售日 2007年第三季度發售預定

神秘莫測!《黑暗地帶 第51區》登陸次世代主機

Midway公司今天宣佈,曾經在PS2、Xbox和PC平台上大受好評的《第51區(Area 51)》系列新作《黑暗地帶 第51區(BlackSite: Area 51)》將登陸全面進軍次世代,計劃在今年年內登陸PS3、X360和PC平台。


有關《黑暗地帶 第51區》的劇情,Midway官方目前並未透露太多具體的信息,但卻透露了一些關於故事發展的蛛絲馬跡。在本作中,玩家依然將扮演政府部門的特殊部隊成員,帶領隊友進入51區與來自地外的神秘生物展開殊死較量。但無論如何,最終決定故事發展方向乃至對人類社會潛在影響的將是玩家自身在遊戲中所做出的選擇。

《黑暗地帶 第51區》預計將於今年第三季度同時登陸PS3、X360和PC平台,Midway官方表示更多詳細消息將在不久後陸續公開。
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舊 01-27-07, 09:18 PM   #8
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
BlackSite: Area 51
Publisher: Midway
Release Date: Q3 2007
On: PC | PS3| Xbox 360

BlackSite: Area 51 beaming down this summer
Last console installment of arcade-inspired series will arrive on the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 soon; new screens and trailer inside.

By Tor Thorsen, GameSpot
Posted Jan 26, 2007 4:01 pm PT

Movie BlackSite: Area 51 Interview Jan 26, 2007

Movie BlackSite: Area 51 Official Trailer 1 Jan 26, 2007

LAS VEGAS--Last night at the Hard Rock Casino, Midway assembled a coterie of journalists and analysts for its 2007 Gamers' Day. Presiding over the event was Midway CEO David Zucker, who touted the fact that Midway has spent over $100 million to create an internal development staff of more than 700. "Our plan to revitalize Midway is to succeed on the new consoles," he told the crowd.

At the centerpiece of this plan is BlackSite: Area 51, a new shooter being developed by Midway Studios - Austin, the shop formerly known as Inevitable Entertainment. Though the existence of the game had been unofficially known for some time, the Vegas event marked its first public unveiling.

Though its title makes it sound like a sequel to Area 51, the tepidly received 2005 shooter based on the classic arcade game, BlackSite is an all-new game written by Gears of War scribe Susan O'Connor. Its story follows a group of covert military operatives charged by the US government to put down an alien invasion in a remote Nevada town, which is the site of the titular top-secret complex. Midway said the story would have some branching elements that would put players in a moral quandary as to whether or not to follow their orders, Deus Ex-style.

Like the other Area 51 games, BlackSite is primarily a first-person shooter. Demo stations on the Gamers' Day show floor saw players wielding an assault rifle tricked out with a grenade launcher against a variety of spindly, Resistance-esque alien troopers. However, the game also introduces squad tactics, letting players command their fellow troopers around the battlefield. The game will focus on "emotionally intense" firefights with aggressive enemies, according to the game's developers--one of which GameSpot interviewed in Las Vegas.

BlackSite: Area 51 is set for release this summer on the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. No rating or pricing information is yet available, but GameSpot did get some hands-on time with the game at the Midway event.
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舊 01-27-07, 09:52 PM   #9
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

BlackSite: Area 51 - Trailer
BlackSite: Area 51 - Trailer HD

Blacksite: Area 51'Debut' teaser HD

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舊 01-31-07, 09:53 AM   #10
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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BlackSite: Area 51 - Gameplay Features Interview
BlackSite: Area 51 - Gameplay Features Interview HD
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舊 03-31-07, 10:33 PM   #11
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舊 04-02-07, 12:29 AM   #12
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2002
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XBox Live GamertagNewbie Dog
睇完片 , 好想玩啊
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舊 04-28-07, 12:00 AM   #13
God of Gamer
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Comics Writer Morrison to Pen Area 51′ Script

Comic book writer Grant Morrison will pen the adaptation of Area 51, based on the videogame franchise, according to Variety.

Set in the U.S. government's most top-secret military facility, the storyline revolves around a hazardous materials specialist who is called in to investigate a viral outbreak that could be extra-terrestrial in nature.

Paramount Pictures picked up the film rights to Area 51 from Midway Games in 2004. The game was released in April 2005 and a spinoff videogame, Blacksite: Area 51, will be released by Midway this summer.

The best-selling comics author Morrison is most known for his Batman graphic novel Arkham Asylum, which has sold over 500,000 copies worldwide. He's also written for DC series Justice League of America, Doom Patrol, and Animal Man as well as New X-Men and Fantastic Four for Marvel.

Morrison's most recent screenplay, WE3, based on his comic book of the same name, is being developed at New Line.

Grant Morrison

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舊 05-02-07, 08:52 PM   #14
Game Master
註冊日期: May 2002
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舊 05-12-07, 12:19 AM   #15
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Video of Blacksite: Area 51 demo
2007-05-11 16:05:00 by snoopers

Midway finally releases its internal Blacksite: Area 51 demo, which the press has been able to try for almost a year from now (and it shows in the framerate, that recalls the first games that used the UE3 before the release of Gears of War). The level is extremely short and you won't kill anything but a few aliens, but it's still very cinematic and teaches the basics of the gameplay. To be brief, it's more of a playable teaser than a demo.

File : Marketplace demo (130.78 MB) (640x360) - Streaming version
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舊 05-13-07, 12:37 PM   #16
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XBox Live GamertagNewbie Dog
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舊 05-13-07, 12:39 PM   #17
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XBox Live GamertagNewbie Dog
作者: 西野川一河 查看文章

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舊 05-13-07, 03:32 PM   #18
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PSN  IDgrave_terry
XBox Live Gamertagwrygrave
作者: gtrr344 查看文章
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舊 05-14-07, 12:06 AM   #19
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XBox Live GamertagNewbie Dog
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舊 05-14-07, 12:24 AM   #20
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作者: Q頭 查看文章
how to fill in address?
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舊 05-14-07, 12:06 PM   #21
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舊 05-17-07, 12:58 AM   #22
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舊 06-07-07, 10:12 PM   #23
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Welcome to BlackSite

I'm Harvey Smith, the exec creative director of Blacksite. Our team here in Austin, TX is really excited because the Blacksite gameplay teaser demo is up on Xbox Live & seems to be going over really well. It's short, but it should give you a sense of the overall mood and gameplay style. Our goal was to create a thrill-ride experience, so the pacing is very fast. But we're also putting a lot of effort into creating a moody, immersive version of small town America, and the atmosphere itself is one of my favorite aspects of the game.

If I had to summarize, I'd say that Blacksite is a first-person shooter set (mostly) in a small US town. You take on the role of Aeran Pierce, the leader of a Delta Force wetwork squad. If you've read anything about Blacksite, you know the story tracks the progress of Echo Squad and thematically it's all about how we create our own some secrets are so terrible they can't be kept. The storyline is fairly subversive and works as an allegory for our current fears and for a lot of the explosive events that have happened over the last 6 or so years.

The gameplay involves a lot of alternation, one of our core values as game designers. Sometimes you're with your squad and sometimes you're alone. Some missions are on-foot, some are in vehicles, and a few are helicopter rail shooters. The story takes you from Iraq to Rachel, Nevada then down under the ground into secret military facilities. Gameplay is made more interesting second to second by the squad's AI and morale, the number of breakables in the final game, the game mechanics driving all our enemies, and the alternation of gameplay setups and environments. The squad morale feature is a lot of fun if you're paying attention to it, and it doesn't get in the way if you're not.

If you're a shooter player, check out our ‘teaser’ demo on Xbox Live. The final game includes more story moments, more destructible objects, and our full cover system, which has evolved a lot since vertical slice. (Cover now includes blind-firing and some other cool "high/low morale" behaviors.) Personally, I'm having a blast working on a fast-paced shooter. And I love the grounded nature of the environments...crawling through places like suburban backyards and strip malls. We're working really hard to add polish to the game and hopefully we'll be able to share more with you in the near future.

Thanks for tuning in. I'll have more from our Austin studio soon.
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舊 06-13-07, 12:37 AM   #24
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
BlackSite: Area 51
Published by: Midway Games
Developed by: Midway Studios - Austin
Genre: Action
Release Date:
US: September 3, 2007
Europe: Q3, 2007
Also Available On: Xbox 360, PC

BlackSite: Area 51 Update
Midway gives us an updated look at its extra-terrestrial shooter and what we can expect to see at E3.

by Chris Roper

June 11, 2007 - At Midway's Gamer's Day this past January, we had the chance to wrap our hands around the company's follow-up to its 2005 extra-terrestrial shooter Area 51. We were highly impressed with what we saw of BlackSite: Area 51 back then, but it's been awhile since we'd seen anything new. To quell our craving for more alien madness, Midway dropped by our offices today to give us a look at what it'll be showing of the game at this year's E3.

The game opens up with a short tour of duty in Iraq that takes place a few years before the events of the rest of the game. Your outing in Iraq has you seeking out a high-level terrorist who is supposedly in possession of some weapons of mass destruction, and the events here lead to your inclusion in the oddness that unfolds a number of years later. As you might assume, being that this is a game about aliens, the guy you're seeking out doesn't have your everyday variety of WMDs.

The Little A'Le'Inn, home to burgers, beer and aliens alike.

The section in Iraq that we saw was roughly the middle 20% of the scenario with you charging upon a small village in search of these weapons. You're already in charge here and have access to the squad commands that you'll be using for the rest of the game, and the ever-changing morale effects already begin showing their usefulness. For instance, after having sniped a soldier up on a balcony and having been praised by the team, one member then quickly snuck up to the next doorway and stealthily sliced the throat of another soldier.

This teammate goes by the name of Noa, a woman you meet up with in Iraq and who looks to play a part in the bulk of the game's events. She knows more than she's letting on, which means that while you might not be able to trust her, but she can also prove to be a huge asset at times.

Shortly after the unfortunate soldier has his blood spilt on the ground, the group finds themselves on the second story of a building overlooking a courtyard where a group of soldiers defend something they don't want you gaining access to. Making use of the nearby turrets, they don't stand much of a chance.

One thing this section helps show off is some of the new destructibility effects that have been added thanks to the Massive D tech seen in Stranglehold. The team moved over bits of the technology and has enabled some of the environment to be blown to bits, like walls that can be used for cover or high-standing statues that are begging to be blown apart. While not everything will be destructible, what is looks very convincing and reacts in a pretty realistic manner. In short, the game is more bullet-friendly than we'd previously seen it.

The Drudge reign supreme at trailer parks.

The next scenario that we saw is entitled Quarantine and takes place in crazy ol' Nevada, the place where aliens seem to love to hang out. Starting right outside of the Little A'Le'Inn, an actual restaurant/bar just outside of Area 51, your squad starts in to find any survivors in the area. Working through the establishment and then out back towards some trailers, a number of xenophobes called the Drudge scurry about on their spider-like legs and mess with soda machines and other scenery. One thing that the developer is working hard to do is create nice "introductions" for each creature and even encounter, never just placing you into a room chock-full of new enemies. In this case, one Drudge at a soda machine just before you light it up with bullets, while others attempt to climb up and into a nearby hanger.

After dispatching all of the nearby Drudge and entering the hanger, you come in contact with a southern fellow who owns the adjacent gas station. He mumbles and rambles a bit, but somewhere in his diatribe you learn that nearby troops are making their way in force to the area.

The third section that we saw picked up shortly after the events in the trailer park and sees you having been grouped up with the incoming military force and riding in a helicopter. This section starts out as a rail shooter segment where you'll be firing upon ground-based troops (and other things) but eventually sees you exit the vehicle and return to ground-based gameplay.

This change in gameplay style works throughout the entire game where mechanics will constantly be mixed up. At times you'll work alone, while at others you'll have anywhere between two and four soldiers in your squad. Driving missions will also play a part as you'll sometimes be behind the wheel of a Humvee while other missions will have you manning a turret while someone else drives. And of course, there are the missions where you're a gunner in a chopper...

In this third scenario, you peer out the side of a helicopter as countless other choppers fly beside you in formation over and through the canyons and mountains of Nevada. Looking down to the ground, a massive convoy of Humvees and jeeps ride along to their destination, only to come to a stop at a crash site where a number of vans seem to have collided with an oil tanker. Hovering above them, you can see a trooper approach the scene to see if there are any survivors, only to be decimated as a large worm-like alien creature pops out of the ground and begins wriggling in place.

These worms fortunately don't survive when cut in half.

Just down the road in the center of the convoy another worm lurches out from the pavement and rises a good forty feet or so in the air. As you fire upon from the sky, they volley with some slow-moving projectiles that you need to take out before they damage your ride. Just as the two worms are taken out, a number of Humvees from down the road approach, driven by reborn soldiers that have been mutated and enhanced with some sort of alien technology. The welcoming committee then begins opening fire upon everyone in sight and you need to return fire quickly before your chopper is downed. A number of nearby oil tankers and other vehicles make for nice explosives and help take out groups of soldiers at a time.

After dispatching these soldiers, what's left of your fleet crosses a nearby ridge and a giant bridge comes into view. The site would be utterly serene except that a large alien creature sits snuggly in the center of the bridge as it literally shakes off incoming machinegun fire from ground troops who soon thereafter meet their maker. The creature, a larger version of the worms from just beforehand, would stand a good 100 feet in the air if its "neck" was upright. The beast is almost octopus-like with a number of extremely long tentacles that swipe at everything nearby - including your chopper, which it can send spiraling if it gets too close.

This bridge is temporarily out of service.

This scene is easily the coolest that we saw today, capped off by the creature's death. As it breaths its last breath, or whatever it does to survive, it slowly slinks off one side of the bridge as it grabs a hold of the road. As it eventually falls, it rips the bridge apart and carries tons of concrete down with it. It's one of the coolest deaths we've seen in a long time.

As the beast plummets into the abyss, Noa's chopper spirals out of control and crashes at a nearby base camp. Landing and taking to the ground at the camp, your chopper takes off with your partner inside, allowing you to give him commands and have him take out reborn soldiers. Used properly, he can decimate everything in site rather quickly, but if you prefer to do things on your own you can pick up a Javelin, a homing rocket launcher that absolutely dominates anything you can manage to get locked-on in your reticule.

This section ends when everyone is dead, Noa is rescued and the two of you board your chopper once again. Midway was mum on what happens next, but it's clear that Area 51 itself is to be your final destination.
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舊 06-13-07, 12:41 AM   #25
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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