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舊 03-11-08, 08:19 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Alpha Protocol(Sega)

Alpha Protocol
(1 player action/RPG)
Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
Platform: PS3/360/PC
Publisher: Sega
Release: Spring 2009

"A modern day espionage focused action/RPG that takes you on a suspenseful ride in the vein of James Bond, Jack Bauer, and Jason Bourne. Take a wet-behind-the-ears greenhorn agent up through the ranks to become a bona-fide super spy."

-Main character is Michael Thorton, a fully trained but inexperienced young operative who has the world turned upside down when a mission goes wrong.

-Title "Alpha Protocol" is a phrase that is used when operatives go underground to work off the grid. Usually reserved for senior agents.

-Battle system is similar to Mass Effect but have more in common with Uncharted. It revolves around real time combat with an emphasis on gun play and high tech gadgets.

-Third person perspective, action orientated gameplay

-Close quarters combat can be a last resort or primary method of fighting depending on how you spend skill points you have earned.

-Skill system is based most closely on Fallout. It's classless, you have 10 skills and 10 ranks in each skill. Skills don't simply improve things like accuracy, they improve the way your character will perceive situations.

-The game will suit all play styles from the run and gunner to the stealth assassin.

-Extremely in depth dialog system that is a mix of Mass Effect and Indigo Prophecy. Once conversations happen, that's it, no revisiting the NPC to try to talk again and again. System is named the Dialog Stance System. You dictate your characters tone in a conversation by pressing a corresponding face button. Options can be cool and suave others can be brash/impatient.

-You can have multiple active missions in different countries and travel freely between them.

-Lots of girls and romance subplots. You'll meet tons of different girls on missions and yes you can bag them all.

-Current control scheme for selecting powers and weapons is similar to Bioshock.

Other items of interest in the April Issue

Guitar Hero Aerosmith

Final Fantasy A2: Grimoire of the RIft confirmed for release in NA this summer


Saint's Row 2
The Bourne Conspiracy
Battle of the Bands
This is Vegas
Stargate Worlds
The World Ends With You
Boom Blox
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
The Incredible Hulk

REVIEWS: (SO = Second Opinion)

Rainbow Six Vegas 2: 9.25 (SO: 9.5)
Army of Two: 7.5 (SO: 6.75)
MLB 2K8: 8.5 (SO: 8)
Condemned 2: Bloodshot: 8.75 (SO: 8.75)
Frontlines: Fuel of War: 7.25 (SO: 7.75)
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty: 3 (SO: 3.5)
Conflict: Denied Ops: 5.75 (SO: 6)
Bully SE: 8.5 (SO: 8.5)
Lost: Via Domus: 6.75 (SO: 7.25)
Twisted Metal: Head On Extra Twisted Edition: 7.25 (SO: 8)
Lost Odyssey: 8.5 (SO: 8.75)
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements: 8 (SO: 8.25)
Sins of a Solar Empire (PC GOTM): 9 (SO: 9)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (GOTM): 9.5 (SO: 9.5)
Opoona: 5.5 (SO: 5)
Final Fantasy VII CC: 7.25 (SO: 7)
Professor Layton and the Curious Village: 7.5 (SO: 8.75)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: RoF: 6 (SO: 7)
Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles: 6 (SO: 5)

Loose Talk:

Xbox Live 2.0?

Talks about the recent job posting for a program manager.

Bionic Terminator.

Rumored that next gen Bionic Commando developer Grin is getting started on the next Terminator video game project.

What Else is EA Planning? A Console?

Speculates that EA may enter the console arena in 2010. They're waiting to see if PS3 sales pick up first.
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舊 03-11-08, 08:21 PM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Sega & Obsidian Bringing You A Bond-ish RPG

The name, it could do with some work, but the premise, well, it's downright intriguing. Developers Obsidian, who brought us KOTOR II, are at work on Alpha Protocol, a game they're describing as an action-RPG and which will be appearing on the tried and tested triumvirate of PS3, 360 and PC. You play the role of a James Bond-type character, who plays his way through an RPG (it's got skill classes, etc) flush with Mass Effect-style combat sequences. It's also got Mass Effect-style dialogue (though you can only ever speak to an NPC once), with the added bonus of James Bond-style romancing, with alluring, deadly ladies across the globe ready and available for conquest. Excited? Don't be, you've got to wait until at least Spring 2009.
[via Game Informer Magazine]

Sega and Obsidian reveal Bond-like RPG
Tuesday 11-Mar-2008 8:47 AM Alpha Protocol takes influence from 007, Mass Effect

Knights of the Old Republic II developer Obsidian has lifted the curtain on its next "James Bond-style" RPG Alpha Protocol, which is being published by Sega.

According to US mag Game Informer (via Kotaku), Alpha Protocol is a PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 action-RPG starring a 007-type spy, Michael Thorton.

The game kicks off when a mission goes wrong and inexperienced agent Thorton's world is turned upside down.

"A modern day espionage focused action/RPG that takes you on a suspenseful ride in the vein of James Bond, Jack Bauer, and Jason Bourne. Take a wet-behind-the-ears greenhorn agent up through the ranks to become a bona-fide super spy," says the official blurb.

As you'd expect from the developer of KOTOR and Never Winter Nights follow-ups, Alpha Protocol has also taken plenty of influence from BioWare's latest, Mass Effect. Apparently both the combat and dialogue systems in Obsidian's game are similar to the sci-fi epic (shooting is real-time), though there's the important addition of fem-fatales to romance and well... pull.

The game's dialogue system apparently puts even more weight on your conversations, only letting you speak to NPCs once. Before chatting you can set the tone of your character by selecting a corresponding face icon, to make Michael for example speak impatiently, furiously or charmingly.

While there are no character classes in game, there are ten skills for you to advance in and ten ranks in each. Obsidian promises they won't be simple things like accuracy, either.

Obsidian is also working on the Aliens Role Playing Game for Sega, which will compliment the upcoming Gearbox FPS. It's nice to see them working on something original for a change.

Alpha Protocol is dated for Spring 2009. We'll let you know when Sega wants to tell the internet about it.

此篇文章於 03-11-08 08:25 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 03-14-08, 02:55 AM   #3
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 3,696
Alpha Protocol

'Alpha Protocol' (PS3/X360/PC) Officially Announced
“SEGA is very excited to be introducing a new type of gaming experience to next-gen consumers,” stated Sean Ratcliffe, Vice President of Marketing for SEGA of America, Inc. “With ground-breaking new RPG action and an interactive storyline matching the best spy-thrillers, Alpha Protocol delivers a true next-generation RPG experience.”

Loyalty carries a price and no one knows this more than agent Michael Thorton. A talented young agent cast out by his government, Thorton is the only one with the information needed to stop an impending international catastrophe. To do so means he must cut himself off from the very people he is sworn to protect. As players determine how to accomplish different objectives, the decisions made and actions taken in each mission will ultimately transform the type of secret agent Michael Thorton will become. Every choice the player makes as Michael Thorton will carry consequences for his future and the fate of the world.

“Alpha Protocol blends Obsidian’s knack for intricate story, engrossing characters, and significant character advancement with fast-paced modern combat,” said Feargus Urquhart, CEO of Obsidian Entertainment. “Alpha Protocol embraces everything we enjoy about making RPGs from a fresh perspective. We are confident our talented staff at Obsidian will enable us to deliver this exciting RPG experience.”

Alpha Protocol is slated for an early 2009 release for the Xbox 360, the PS3 and PC.

neo 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-24-08, 10:32 PM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

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舊 03-24-08, 10:35 PM   #5
The One
註冊日期: Jan 2003
文章: 39,994
就咁睇真係唔多似 Action RPG 喎 "

¿Es lo que necesitabas?
Marco 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-26-08, 09:06 PM   #6
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
原  名: Alpha Protocol
機  種: X360
類  型: 動作角色扮演
開 發 商: Obsidian
發 行 商: SEGA
發 售 日: 2009年第一季度
售  價: 未定
其它機種: PS3

來源: 時間:2008-3-26 編輯: 光年

近日,世嘉公司和《無冬之夜2》的開發商Obsidian公開宣佈合作推出一款全新的角色扮演遊戲——《阿爾法協議》。和世嘉之前公佈的《異形 殖民艦隊》不同,這是一款完全原創故事的新遊戲品牌。據他們透露,這款遊戲從2006年的3月就已經開始了初步的開發。遊戲將會對應PC、X360和PS3三個平台,發售日初步定在2009年初。


遊戲的製作公司還表示,《阿爾法協議》中不會有等級,玩家可以不斷的學會多達十幾項的特殊技能。遊戲中的任務會散佈在世界各地,相當值得期待。本期的《Game Informer》會對這款遊戲進行獨佔報道。
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舊 04-04-08, 09:13 PM   #7
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Exclusive Alpha Protocol Screenshots
by Game Informer Online
POSTED: 4/2/2008 7:16 PM

bsidian Entertainment’s new title Alpha Protocol sent the gaming industry into a frenzy when we revealed via our April cover just a few weeks ago. The company is very excited to move on to a new original IP that centers around a CIA agent named Michael Thorton. Mixing an RPG, and action game and a shooter, Alpha Protocol will no doubt be a high-octane adrenaline ride. Hit the screenshots tab to see the full Alpha Protocol gallery.

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舊 04-24-08, 01:43 PM   #8
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

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舊 05-21-08, 12:55 AM   #9
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
PlayStation: PS3 Previews
18-May-2008 Get smart... spies are the new space marines

Going 'off the grid' is something we hear a lot of these days. The 'grid' has become choka with everything from shopping list at Tescos to secret government files, usually involving your shopping list at Tescos. The grid isn't the place to be if you're on the run.

The latest Sega game to sneak out of America, that I've been privy too this issue, is based squarely around the idea of going off the grid, or instigating the alpha protocol as fancy spies call it. Alpha Protocol casts you in the shoes of Michael Thorton, a super spy cut from the same cloth as Jason Bourne and Jack Bauer, and apparently he's just as unlucky as following a botched mission must fight against his former colleagues to prove his innocence.

On the face of it, this is a similar
game to Bourne et al, however developer Obsidian is one of the world's leading RPG studios with Knights Of The Old Republic and Midwinter Nights 2 on their CV - games as well respected as Oblivion for scale, script and originality. So, though the action plays out in real time, using a cover fire system close to Uncharted, there's more going on behind the scenes than a comparison deserves.

Character-class system
Alpha Protocol is an action RPG, as such there is a class system close to Fallout 3 in here for you to upgrade. There will be 10 skills and within these a further 10 ranks to tinker with. However these won't be standard action-orientated upgrades, but instead they'll affect how Thorton perceives people, and is perceived by people.

A complex dialogue system, called the Dialog Stance System, is being implemented so you'll be able to express emotion as well as lines of discourse by pressing a face button; how you deliver lines will be as important as what is said.

This is a big game. There will be multiple story paths running at once and missions will take place all around the world, with you free to travel where and when you want.

Obsidian is also promising a string of sexy spy girls to romance, and yes, you will be able to snare them all with your charms - if you try hard enough. Still, how many of us are going to upgrade Thorton with the soul aim of shagging the game's lady spy community? Oh, just me.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-01-08, 11:32 PM   #10
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

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舊 07-06-08, 10:07 PM   #11
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
New Alpha Protocol Details Emerge
by Nick Ahrens
POSTED: 7/3/2008 3:06 PM

When we announced Alpha Protocol to the world in our April issue, the world was abuzz because the developer was highly respected Obsidian Entertainment. Taking on a totally new project and a brand new IP, Obsidian went against its own grain by making an action-shooter style RPG set in a world of spy and secret agents instead of something in a fantasy world. We recently had the opportunity to sit in on a round table with the developer and grab some more details on the game and its protagonist, Mike Thorton.

One of the things that Obsidian used to draw similarities to their game was the three JBs: Jason Bourne, James Bond and Jack Bauer. While this was a great way for readers to get an idea of the character, the developer has decided to move away from the comparison. This is to show that Thorton is really a blank slate at the beginning. Players will get to shape him into the type of secret agent that they want. While James Bond is smooth, Jack Bauer is tough and Jason Bourne is skilled, Mike Thorton can be any or all of those through the choices made by the player.

We also learned a bit more about the game’s mission structure. Both main and side missions will have more than one way of being completed. While this is nothing new to games, Obsidian has but their own spin on things. The different possibilities will depends on how a player has made their choices up until that point. The completion of a mission a certain way will also effect not only what they see on the news but subsequent missions later on. “In particular, a lot of the little thing you do will show up in the end game,” Design Producer Nathan Davis explains. “It will show up depending on who you ally with and what factions are friendly with you, they may come in and help or hinder your ability to finish the end mission.”

Any game with secret agents needs cool weapons, and Alpha Protocol will have no shortage. While the game can be played with the hand to hand combat alone, there’s a good chance that if you come across a kick ass rifle, you’re going to pick that sucker up. While the guns are just loosely based on real-world guns, they are for the most part unique to the game. And it will all tie into the game’s skill system. Thorton will have a skill for each of the four types of guns in the game. “He will also have close-quarters hand-to-hand combat, which can be lethal,” Executive Producer Chris Parker tells us. “And of course, gadgets,” he added. As you level any of these up, it will increase things like damage or give the player access to special abilities. This is just another place where the player can choose to shape Thorton into the perfect secret agent.

Lastly, we dove into the game’s unique dialog system a bit. “The new system is an evolution of the systems going way back on games that we have worked on. Everything from (Planescape) Torment to Icewind Dale through KOTOR 2 and Neverwinter (Nights) 2,” Parker explains. “It’s becoming more personal and the production values are improving.” For Alpha Protocol, the system will be an evolved version of what they used in Neverwinter Nights 2. While the end result of the system is similar looking to Mass Effect, it’s a whole different ball game. Everything will happen is real time and creates a cinematic feel because the player actually has a timer that counts down until the decision is made for them based on their last decision made. This will prevent and needless breaks of awkward pauses in a conversation. It will also give a sense of intensity because while you can think about your choice for a second or two, you may still make a hasty decision and could get you into a bind.

Obsidian knows what they’re doing. Whether you call out the fact that their core team is made up of Black Isle (Fallout) staff or their rich history with more recent RPGs, they have a really solid track record. We always like to see someone try something new and secret agents are always badass. Alpha Protocol is definitely showing a lot of promise and is blurring the line between the action, RPG and shooter genres. As for us, we can’t wait to get our hands on the game.
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舊 07-08-08, 10:40 PM   #12
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Work-in-Progress: Staying Alpha With Alpha Protocol
Obsidian gets into some of the concepts and inspirations behind its latest role-playing game.

FEATURE - Posted Jul 7, 2008 12:06 pm PT;title;1

Staying Alpha With Alpha Protocol This past week, Sega put on a conference call to give gaming outlets an opportunity to hear Obsidian discuss their forthcoming modern espionage role-playing game, Alpha Protocol. We sat in on the call as members of the development team talked story, combat, dialog, and how exactly you place an RPG in a modern spy setting. From the sound of things, it's shaping up to be a promising take on the malleable, character-driven storylines of recent Western RPGs with a bit of international espionage flair.

Story and Setting
"Alpha Protocol" is a term used to describe what happens when a covert agent's ties to the government are cut--not on his own accord, but by the agency itself. This contrasts with the plotline of the Bourne trilogy where the assassin protagonist has a change of heart and decides to go rogue on his own volition. Alpha Protocol stars Michael Thorton as the agent who's been sent out to sea (so to speak) by the government he once called his employer.

The setting will take Thorton all over the world. You build a vast list of contacts who will give you missions in various international locales. There's no hub city in which you spend the majority of your time. Instead, you're a nomad who doesn't stay in any one area for any length of time. The general aesthetic of the game is said to be highly influenced by the 2005 movie Syriana, a film that used gritty, terse storytelling to weave a plotline featuring mature political themes as shown in several international settings. But as a way of keeping things from getting too dry, Obsidian says this modern setting will offer plenty of visual flourishes, effects and general camera trickery.

Character Customization
The character you play is, first and foremost, Michael Thorton. So when you get to designing the look of your character at the game's outset, you'll be limited to modest alterations like facial hair and so forth. If you're looking to create a freakish medical oddity pulled directly from the Mass Effect character creation system, you're more than likely out of luck.

The character you design will have ten skills that can be upgraded throughout the course of the game. You can select predesigned "backgrounds" for Thorton that act as a skill template, but you can also adjust them manually at the beginning. These skills include elements such as weapon abilities, computer hacking, resistance to damage and lock-picking.

One of the biggest focuses for Obsidian is to avoid the pitfalls of sticking Michael Thorton into one of the "three J.B." roles prominent in espionage games--James Bond, Jack Bauer and Jason Bourne. Rather than forcing you to play as a suave ladykiller, a torture-prone tough guy, or an amnesiac with otherworldly melee skills, you'll be able to craft your version of Michael Thorton through the game's skill system and dialog options. Speaking of which...

Dialog and Character Interactions
Just like with Obsidian's previous work, dialog will play a large role in Alpha Protocol. The system at work is called the "Dialog Stance" system. With this, the focus is on choosing a general emotional stance on a particular issue. From there, Thorton will decide what sort of lines to use. Obsidian says this system looks a lot like the Mass Effect interface, but in terms of implementation it doesn't circle back around as much when you discuss matters that have already been talked about. But much like Mass Effect (and the two sequels to previous BioWare games Obsidian has worked on, Knights of the Old Republic 2 and Neverwinter Nights 2) dialog will be a critical force in shaping the world around you. Your contacts are critical to the storyline, and what you say to them, and wind up doing as a result, will prove a big factor in what happens during the plotline and the new broadcasts played out in-game.

Combat and Weapons
It seems most of the role-playing elements in Alpha Protocol are focused on the character development, because combat is firmly rooted in the third-person shooter genre. You can still upgrade various gun skills to determine how well your character can shoot and achieve critical hits, but there's no D-20 system running under the hood. It's almost entirely up to you and your twitch reflexes. But it's not that straightforward; Thorton can unlock super-charged special abilities like the bullet time-inspired "chain shot" despite the fact that the setting is mostly rooted in reality.

The guns in the game are loosely based on real-life models, but they can be heavily customized with various modifications and ammo upgrades. In fact, Obsidian says that upgrades are a good way to counterbalance a lack of gun skills. If your version of Thorton is a lock-picking wizard who excels in stealth, you can compensate for the fact that he might be a terrible shot by upgrading your gun to high heaven.

Of course, you don't have to run around with guns blazing if you don't want to. Characters who specialize in skills like hacking and gadget use can affect the environment in such a way as to minimize the amount of combat they'll need to do. It's entirely within the realm of possibility to sneak around and perform stealth takedowns if that's what you'd like to go with.

Wrapping It Up
We're pretty excited to see what Alpha Protocol has to offer when we get a chance to see it in person. All these conceptual details sound intriguing, and the fact that Obsidian has worked on critically acclaimed games in the past lends credibility to all the early talk. An RPG taking place in a modern espionage setting sounds too interesting to pass up, so we'll be sure to keep you updated on Alpha Protocol as more details arrive.
Category: Story
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舊 07-19-08, 11:58 PM   #13
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

E3 2008: Interview HD
Get the intel on this spy RPG where stats, skills and reflexes add up to espionage action.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-20-08, 12:01 AM   #14
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
PS3/Xbox 360/Windows「Alpha Protocol」(2009年2月発売予定)


 「Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords」や「Neverwinter Nights 2」を手がけるクリエイターを擁するObsidian Entertainmentが開発中のエスピオナージアクションゲーム。このタイトルの場合、なりきりアクションゲームとでもいえばいいのだろうか。戦闘はリアルタイムアクションで、主人公、「Michael Thorton」となり、依頼された任務に応じて世界中を飛び回り、いろんな人物と接触、情報を集めて真実に近づいていく。



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舊 07-28-08, 10:09 AM   #15
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
これは恋愛シミュレーションなのか!『Alpha Protocol』では××まで可能?
by Kako @ 2008/7/27 06:00

SEGAがパブリッシャー、Obsidianがデベロッパーを務めるスパイアクションRPG、Alpha Protocol。プレイヤーはMichael Thortonという政府の諜報部員としてミッションをこなしながら、国際的な大災害を食い止めるために立ち上がる、というもので、エスピオナージアクションにRPG要素も追加した“RPGジャンルを再定義する”ゲーム。プレイヤーの選択によって分岐するストーリー、感情のコントロールを取り入れたダイアローグシステム、充実したキャラクタークリエイションなどいろいろと興味深い要素があるのですが、もっと興味深々な(?)情報が出てきました。MTV Multiplayerが行ったプロデューサーへのインタビューより明らかになっています。

本作の主人公であるMichael Thortonの周りには様々な女性が登場するようなのですが、その女性たちはみな“love interest(恋愛対象)”であり、男女関係になれるんだとか!





一般的な恋愛シミュレーションと大きく違うところがありました。それがこの主人公は男としてパーフェクトな存在だということ。もし望むならゲーム中の全ての女性を“get”することもできるんだとか。さらに衝撃的なのが、“get”するというのがつまり、全ての女性と××することが可能である、ということ……。このS○Xシーンは、話題になったMass Effectと同じような方法で見せるそうです。


これを読んで、なんとなくGrand Theft Auto IVをイメージする人もいるでしょうか。GTAIVでもサイドミッションとして、デートをして好感度を上げることでプレイヤーを助けてくれたり、××ができたりしました。GTA IVにMass EffectをプラスしたものがAlpha Protocol、という感じかもしれません。

Alpha ProtocolはPC、PS3、Xbox 360で2009年2月発売予定。スパイ活動には興味ないけど!という人もちょっと気になるタイトルじゃないでしょうか。

‘Alpha Protocol’ Will Have Plenty Of Sex Scenes, ‘Ladies’ Man’ Achievement
Posted by Tracey John on 7/24/08 at 3:00 pm.

“Alpha Protocol“’s dialogue system doesn’t just offer a variety of ways for player-character Michael Thorton to get missions.

It can also help him pick up women. That is, if you select your responses wisely.

When I saw “Alpha Protocol” at E3 last week, senior producer Ryan Rucinski told me that there are “a lot of love interests” for Thorton to choose from. There are several factions in the game that you can ally with or fight against, so the women Thorton meets can become collaborators or enemies. As a government operative, the player can acquire missions and assistance from the ladies Thorton’s wooed. But piss them off — by dating other girls, for instance — and there’s hell to pay.

“It all depends on how you treat them,” Rucinski said. If you have a strong relationship with female characters, they may help with missions. However, he told me that some of them are “bats–t insane” and can get you into trouble. “One may ask you to assassinate a high-level person,” he added. “Maybe that’s not something you want to do, but she’s really hot. But there are obvious repercussions.”

Rucinski also hinted at the game having at least one date mission. “It’s the funniest [voice-over] we’ve ever recorded,” he said. The game has “tons of dialogue,” though he said much of the banter between Thorton his ladies was cut from the game. “A lot of the extra female dialogue took away from story,” he explained. Between 400 to 500 lines were cut, and some of the lines that didn’t make it involved the women detailing their day of shopping, for example.

“Chris Avellone doesn’t do ‘goo goo’ stuff,” Rucinski said, referring to the chief creative officer at the development studio. “Sometimes he’d be like, ‘No guy would say that!’” That included a scene of Thornton crying. Rucinski said that people around the office were like, “That sucks, he’s crying, I don’t like this guy anymore.”

So no tears for Thornton; he’s all about machismo. In fact, he can “get” all of the game’s women if he wanted to. Rucinski told me it was possible to have sex with all the females, and that the sex scenes were similar to how “Mass Effect” treated its intimate moments. But he was quick to assure me that, “It’s a mature game, it’s not [adults only].”

And although the women are integral to the story, there’s no need to interact with them beyond missions. Rucinski revealed that the game will have Achievements for being a ladies’ man as well as for being a lone bachelor.

You can try your luck with the ladies when “Alpha Protocol” hits the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC in February 2009.
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舊 08-21-08, 09:32 PM   #16
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 10-21-08, 08:49 PM   #17
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Rendezvous Trailer HD

German Rendezvous Trailer HD
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舊 03-14-09, 07:53 PM   #18
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2002
文章: 7,807
今期GTTV (3/13)講Alpha Protocol
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舊 03-17-09, 11:00 AM   #19
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Official Business Trailer HD
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舊 03-18-09, 08:53 PM   #20
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文章: 43,898

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舊 04-03-09, 09:26 PM   #21
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2002
文章: 7,807
Alpha Protocol Developer Diary #2
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舊 04-05-09, 09:36 PM   #22
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Obsidian Evolves Trailer HD

Gameplay Trailer HD
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舊 04-24-09, 11:03 AM   #23
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2002
文章: 7,807
Alpha Protocol Xbox 360Video - The Modern Day Spy RPG

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舊 04-30-09, 03:46 PM   #24
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
(GNN 記者 RU 報導) 2009-04-28 20:38:36

  SEGA 發行、Obsidian 新款間諜角色扮演遊戲《初始協定(暫譯,英文原名 Alpha Protocol) 》新釋出影片,帶領玩家跟隨主角體驗遊戲執行任務的過程。遊戲強調角色與環境的互動,玩家與對方的對話選擇與決定採取的行動,都可能影響玩家與對方的關係,以及接下來執行的行動後果。


  遊戲結合了眾多城市的場景,包括台北、莫斯科、沙烏地阿拉伯、羅馬等,玩家未來有機會在遊戲中看到台北捷運的場景。PC/PS3/Xbox 360《初始協定》延至今年 10 月問世。
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舊 05-21-09, 12:19 AM   #25
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2002
文章: 7,807
Alpha Protocol - Making Of Trailer #3 HD

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