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舊 03-09-04, 05:34 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
[PS2,XB]Dead to Rights II: Hell to Pay圖片

Dead to Rights II: Hell to Pay
Publisher: Namco Developer: Namco
Genre: Action Release Date: Q4 2004

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舊 03-09-04, 05:38 PM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
GameSpot Q&A

Dead to Rights II: Hell to Pay is Namco's upcoming follow-up to its original third-person action game Dead to Rights. The stylish film noir-inspired game hit consoles in 2002, and a PC version followed last year. The game cast you in the role of Jack Slate, a police officer who was framed for murder just after the death of his father, and it followed Jack's quest to clear his name and find out who killed his father.

While Dead to Rights wasn't perfect, there were several promising components to its gameplay--such as Jack's dog, Shadow (who often helped you out in tight spots) and a variety of minigames--that made for the solid beginnings of a new franchise. For the follow-up, Dead to Rights II: Hell to Pay, Jack is back and is still apparently not in a good mood as he deals with the criminal element in Grant City. We talked to Pierre Roux, the producer of the upcoming PlayStation 2 and Xbox game, to find out what to expect from Jack's further misadventures.

GameSpot: Where are you in development right now?

Pierre Roux: The game has been in development for about a year and is going well. We're continuing to refine some of the mechanics as we move along in order to make it a solid game when it ships this fall.

GS: What can you tell us about DTRII's story?

PR: Jack is back in Grant City and once again has to deal with the worst criminals that the town has to offer. Expect to see more betrayal, more violence, and, of course, more casualties.

GS: What will be familiar in the game to fans of the original?

PR: Jack will be accompanied once again by his K-9 companion, Shadow. You can also expect to see some of the old characters from Dead to Rights, some as friends and some enemies. Most of the mechanics from the previous Dead to Rights have been kept and are being improved, from the deadly disarm to the 360-degree diving and targeting. Wall mode, toss and shoot, precision shooting, minigames, and human shields are also being improved to refine the gaming experience.

GS: What's new in this year's game?

PR: More weapons and the ability to fight with melee weapons such as knives, baseball bats, 2x4s, chainsaws, etc. Jack can also now climb over certain objects, introducing new high-ground gameplay. We've also introduced a bigger variety of enemies, each with their own behavior and specific look, to keep the game interesting and challenging. A new gameplay system is being introduced as well, arcade mode: The player can play certain levels of the game to amass points by pulling off cool moves and killings.

GS: How did feedback from last year's game affect development?

PR: The team really listened to all the feedback, and we've been working hard to maintain and improve the elements that made DTR fun to play, while introducing new gameplay mechanics that we think will make DTRII an even better experience. We've improved the camera controls, the look of the character, and the animations, to name a few.

GS: Will there be any online components to the game?

PR: There won't be any online play, but the player will be able to unlock secret costumes and download new locations.

GS: Will there be any content that's exclusive to the specific platforms the game is coming out on?

PR: We won't have exclusive content for each platform, but we are creating a solid game no matter what platform you play on.

GS: What can you tell us about the graphics engine?

PR: The team has been working hard to create a new engine for DTRII that will improve the gaming experience. The improvements are drastic--more polygons, more realistic lights and shadows, more characters onscreen. From performance to look, yes, the engine has improved quite a lot.

GS: What can we expect to see at E3?

PR: We will have a fully playable level available at E3, as well as a really cool intro cinematic done by Attitude Studio. In the level, you'll see the art and engine improvements that the team has been working on, as well as the new level interaction and wider array of weapons that are available to Jack. The player will have to fight his way through a dark, rainy alley against smarter AI while performing more violent disarms than previously seen and taking on enemies from all sides using the new 360-degree diving system.

GS: Thanks for your time.

By Staff, GameSpot [POSTED: 03/05/04 01:41 PM]
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舊 05-02-04, 11:24 AM   #3
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
[PS2,XB]Dead to Rights II: Hell to Pay圖片

Dead to Rights II: Hell to Pay
Publisher: Namco
Developer: Namco
Genre: Third-Person Action
Origin: U.S.
Number of Players: 1
Release Date: Fall 2004

Pre-E3 2004: Dead to Rights II
With the action, disarms, and gore raised a notch, Namco's set to turn up the heat on Grant City.

April 30, 2004 - When Dead to Rights came to Xbox in fall of 2002, it was a very hard game, where use of cover (be it a cemetery wall or an enemy's body) was vital to survival. The PS2 version, which came out three months later, wasn't as tough and was far more of a run-and-gun shooter. Though the controls and level design were the same, the two versions of the same game played quite differently. With Dead to Rights II, set to ship this fall for Xbox and PS2, Namco hopes to find a happy medium between the two games while offering a myriad of gameplay improvements. Don't confuse DTR II with the previously announced Grant City Anti-Crime, which has slinked off into a dark shadow for now, future uncertain. DTR II is the true sequel to the Dead franchise.

Following the events of the first game, Jack Slate left the blood-stained streets of Grant City for a new life in some anonymous town. As Dead to Rights II begins, Slate is drawn back to the city that nearly ended him in order to protect an innocent girl. Namco's not prepared to release any further details on the story, but it's safe to assume that within the first five minutes of setting foot in Grant City, the crime and corruption that were catalyst to Slate's first adventure once again propel the gritty cop to break arms, snap necks, and pop a cap in more than a few noggins before the sun sets.

Taking place across eight long chapters, DTR II comes packed with roughly 35 weapons, including a variety of melee weapons -- swords, bats, pipes and more -- plus a slew of guns, the likely favorite to be a T2-inspired chain gun that is easily as big as Slate himself. Of course, having enough guns to put a Wal-Mart to shame still wouldn't make this a Dead to Rights game, so expect a return of all 12 disarms from the first game plus 13 all-new and even more gruesome weapon-stripping maneuvers to boot.

Though at first glance Dead to Rights II may look like the original, it's an entirely new engine allowing for more depth to combat. The Max Payne-esque slow-mo dives remain, but now has a spherical diving motion (instead of merely diving on a flat plane) to allow for some truly spectacular flips and dives. The new engine also incorporates more interactive objects, but this time out those objects will be less obvious. Shoot a pipe, for instance, and it might rupture and spurt steam, stunning an enemy and allowing for some sort of violent act on Slate's part.

Speaking of violent acts, expect an excessive amount of blood in DTR II. Though it won't come near the level of snuff-film gore seen in Manhunt, Namco is vowing to "embrace the M," meaning you can expect heads to be blown off and blood to gush from wounds. The grisliest deaths will be captured in cinematic slow-motion, whether they are the result of a disarm move or not.

All of this leads to an action-focused title where laying waste to scores of villains is the key goal in just about every scene. However, like the first Dead to Rights, expect some adventure elements as well and the return of the mini-games. Namco isn't ready to go into greater detail with the mini-games just yet, but they're looking to keep from disrupting the gameflow too greatly, so puzzles and mini-games shouldn't ever feel like a chore this time out. No word yet on whether any dancing mini-games will make their way into DTR II, but it looks like the bomb disarming mini-games are a thing of the past.
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舊 05-02-04, 11:28 AM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Mini-games were one of the harshest criticisms of the Xbox version of DTR, with the PS2 version toning them down slightly, so fans should be happy to see that Namco is addressing the issue. The other concern coming out of the original was that Jack Slate's faithful K-9 companion, Shadow, needed to be utilized more. The killer canine will have a much greater role this time out and won't just be the occasional attack option. Yes, Shadow will still be able to attack an enemy and retrieve their weapon for Slate, but he'll also be able to get other items at just about any time during the game and may even be able to interact with the environment. He'll also be on screen for the majority of gameplay, even as Slate engages in fisticuffs with a goon using the brand new fighting engine.

Though Dead to Rights II should be easier than the difficult Xbox version, don't expect a walk in the park. Each environment has plenty of objects to hide behind, but the enemies will hide too thanks to a completely revamped AI. Where in the original an enemy would often stay in one position until shot dead, the AI now will hide behind cover, react with line-of-sight visual of Slate and then may choose to actually move from cover to cover, slowly closing in on Slate while protecting his own ass. In other instances, two AI enemies may split to take different paths with one keeping Slate pinned down with heavy fire while the other tries to flank him from behind.

There are also a variety of different factions in the game and each one has a different mindset for combat. Gang members tend to be more aggressive and will take Slate head on, even rushing right into gunfire, but Militants will be far more tactical, which in turn will force the player to think rather than just run forward and shoot anything they see. The Mafia, on the other hand, will try and swarm Slate, which is when the new slow-motion dive system will really come in handy.

Once Jack Slate's dark quest through Grant City is finished, the game won't be over. A yet-to-be-named arcade mode should offer plenty more gunshot wounds for those in need of a firefight fix. Described as Smash TV meets DTR, players will endure an endless stream of enemies, racking up points by reassembling faces with a shotgun (or whatever other weapon might be handy). For Xbox owners with Xbox Live, those scores will be posted on an online Leaderboard so that you can tell the world how great it is to be ranked #10,405 in the world. Downloadable content, including costumes and new levels, will also be available. PS2 Online will not be supported.

There are still a lot of unknowns when it comes to DTR II. Shadow's specific role in gameplay is still uncertain, the new fighting system needs to be tested in the field, and the true depth of the AI will only be measured after some serious time is spent playing DTR II. However, it looks like Namco is making all of the right improvements to this blossoming franchise. Look for hands-on impressions soon and greater details on Dead to Rights II at E3 2004.
-- Hilary Goldstein
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舊 05-02-04, 11:37 AM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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此篇文章於 05-02-04 11:44 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 05-02-04, 11:41 AM   #6
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舊 05-20-04, 10:29 PM   #7
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Dead To Rights II影片 MPEG 1:36 16.0MB{5F47E607-BB12-442E-A946-4A27616D767D}
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