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舊 05-11-06, 01:38 PM   #1
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
No More Heroes [已售]

E3 2006: Grasshopper Announces Heroes for Wii
A new game is named from the developer who brought you Killer 7.
by JKR
May 10, 2006 - Today Japanese developer Grasshopper revealed it is developing an original game called Heroes for Nintendo Wii. The project was mentioned during the game designer panel at the expo and is currently in the works in collaboration with Marvelous Entertainment and Spike. The title was originally planned to be shown at E3 itself, however was removed from th event for unknown reasons.

Readers familiar with Grasshopper will know that the company is best known for its moody GameCube title Killer 7.

Stay tuned to IGN for more details on Heroes from Suda 51 and his team as they develop.

此篇文章於 06-23-07 01:50 AM 被 neo2046 編輯。
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舊 05-17-06, 12:06 AM   #2
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,240
EXCLUSIVE: The Wiire Talks Heroes with Suda 51

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舊 05-17-06, 11:26 AM   #3
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
[Wii]Heroes (from Soda51 / Grasshopper)

EXCLUSIVE: The Wiire Talks Heroes with Suda 51
EXCLUSIVE: The Wiire Talks Heroes with Suda 51
by Rob Galbreath (2006-05-15)

The Wiire sat down in an exclusive interview with Grasshopper Manufacture Director Goichi Suda (known as Suda 51, maker of Killer 7) and Product Manager Nobuhito Nakamura at E3 2006 about the studio's Wii project, known currently as Heroes. Readers should note that Nakamura acted as Suda 51's translator. Grasshopper Manufacture did not have a booth at E3 this year, giving The Wiire the first breaking news on the project.

As The Wiire reported in March, Nakamura intended Heroes to be shown during E3 2006. However, the game trailer may not be available until this summer. Suda 51 responded, "I'm afraid to say this, but we don't know actually why the Heroes wasn't revealed at this show." When asked if the Marvelous Interactive and Spike, Heroes' publishers, made the decision to withold the game from the show, Suda 51 stated, "Maybe. We don't know that. I think [the] publishers also don't know why."

"We are thinking about the reveal date. So, we are planning now," Suda 51 mentioned. "So maybe this summer... we are going to show the world."

When asked how many members of the development team from previous Grasshopper titles are working on Heroes, Suda 51 said the studio is approximately divided in half between Heroes and a new PlayStation 2 title called Blood+, with members of each half going back and forth to work on both titles. However, the team working in tandem with Grasshopper Manufacture's first DS title Contact is now an independent studio called Audio, meaning the Contact team will not be helping create Heroes. Although members of the Killer 7 team are involved with the new Wii title, Suda would not say how many developers are from the team.

The Wiire asked if Heroes is a sequel to Killer 7, to which Suda 51 responded, "No. Heroes is not sequel to Killer 7. [It is a] completely new story and new game of Grasshopper," emphasizing its originality.

Killer 7 sparked controversy due to plot focus on politics, religion, among other topics. When asked if gamers could expect the same social and political commentary from Heroes, Suda 51 commented, "You can expect social matter, not political. You can expect a various theme in the game."

As for the extent of obscene material such as strong language, violence and swearing in Heroes, he noted, "We want Heroes to be more wide-ranged... [I] want more range of ages. Maybe include some violence and language." On that note, Suda 51 mentioned that he doesn't want it to carry the "M for Mature" ESRB label as Killer 7 received.

In regards to the look of Heroes, The Wiire asked if the game would be cel-shaded like Killer 7, but Suda 51 did not want the visual style disclosed to the public. He reiterated that Grasshopper Manufacture is thinking of the best way to reveal Heroes, and when asked if he's considering revealing the title at Tokyo Game Show, he laughed and simply said, "We can't say."

Moving on to Wii hardware discussion, Suda 51 mentioned Nintendo's helpfulness in Wii development procedures. "First, we developed Killer 7 for GameCube so we are very familiar to Nintendo this time with Nintendo Wii," stated Suda 51. "Nintendo is very helpful for us to develop a Wii game... Nintendo gave us [technical] support and we develop it similarly." However, when asked if Nintendo had a hand in the game's actual development outside of providing tools, he responded, "Only we, Grasshopper, [are] developing Heroes. Nintendo gave us [a] developing kit and we developed." Suda 51 also noted that it was relatively easy to work with the development kit.

Suda noted that the Killer7 GameCube code was not ported over to Wii for Heroes, but rather that "the style of Grasshopper is to create [a new] engine for each game," he stated. "So the engine of Killer7 and Heroes [are] totally different; we created [Heroes' engine] from scratch."

Regarding the Wii controller speaker functionality, Suda 51 and Nakamura were made aware of the speaker during, not before, Nintendo's press conference. Suda 51 said he is already planning on how it could be implemented into Heroes.

As for whether Heroes might find its way to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 as well as Wii, Suda 51 responded, "We are very sorry about that... that question is very hard to answer because we are developers and [with] publishers, they decide."

The Wiire asked which of the controllers he likes most out of the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii, Suda 51 laughed and replied, "Wii. Wii."

According to Suda, last autumn Spike President Mitsutoshi Sakurai and Marvelous Interactive Yasuhiro Wada approached Grasshopper Manufacture about crafting the title. Suda 51 had worked with Sakurai and Wada on past titles, and both company presidents held the Killer 7 producer in high regard. After some discussion between the three men, the companies decided on making a title. Production on Heroes began sometime after the agreement made last fall.

As a final message to gamers, Suda had the following to say: "After publishing Killer 7 in North America and Europe, [we received] very many e-mails from fans. So please look forward to Heroes. [It] will be extreme game that no one has seen before. Everyone can be surprised about Heroes...[I] want [the game] to make [a] big piece. So many people can play Heroes, but [it's] a completely new game. Many people can play, but extremely new."

Any other information regarding the title was asked to remain confidential until the unveiling of the game. Stay tuned to The Wiire for further exclusives with Grasshopper Manufacture's titles.

full interview

Wii FC 5690-8031-2592-7760 <US Version>
Endless Ocean 8750-0794-4051 Mario Kart Wii 2020-0652-1136 Smash Bros Brawl 3480-2241-4047 PES 2008 / Winning Eleven Maker 0173 2123 0553
GimGim 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-21-06, 12:25 AM   #4
God of Gamer
The Flash
註冊日期: Nov 2004
文章: 14,779
Nintendo Switch ID6287 6181 7226
HEROES的影片沒有在E3撥放. 須田剛一回應"我得說,我真的不知道為什麼HEROES

沒有在展中提到"當問到是否Marvelous Interactive和Spike公司-HEROES的發行

商做了不在展中展出的決定. 須田說"也許吧. 我們不知道. 我想發行商也不知


"我們在思考發表日期. 所以, 我們現在在計畫中"須田提到"所以也許是這個夏



須田說公司大約分成兩部分在HEROES和新的PS2遊戲Blood+, 成員在兩遊戲中來

來回回地開發. 然而,Grasshopper Manufacture合作開發DS遊戲CONTACT的團隊

現在是一個獨立的公司叫Audio, 這代表著CONTACT團隊不幫忙開發HEROES. 雖然

Killer 7團隊的成員有涉足HEROES, 須田不想說有多少的成員是來自這團隊.

記者問到是否HEROES是Killer7的續作, 須田剛一回應"不是, HEROES不是

Killer7的續作. 它是全新的故事而且是Grasshopper的新遊戲"

Killer7引起爭議是由於劇情集中在政治, 宗教, 等等的話題. 當問到是否玩家

可以從HEROES中期待有同樣的社會和政治的評論. 須田說"你可以期待社會類的

內容, 不是政治類的. 你可以在這遊戲中期待各式各樣的主題"

至於在HEROES中下流題材- 例如激烈的語言, 暴力和咒罵的延續, 他說"我們想

要HEROES有更廣的範疇...我想要更多年齡層. 也許加入一些暴力和語言" 還提

到, 他不想要和Killer7一樣得到遊戲分類ESRB的M.

至於HEROES的畫面, 記者問到是否遊戲會和Killer7一樣的畫面表現, 但須田不

想要對大家揭露影像風格. 他重申Grasshopper在思考發表HEROES最好的方法, 

而且當問到是否他考慮過在東京電玩展提出遊戲, 他笑著說"我們不能講"

來到討論Wii硬體, 須田提到任天堂在Wii開發的幫助. "首先, 我們在NGC開發了

Killer7所以我們這次在Wii上對任天堂很熟." 須田說"任天堂對我們在開發Wii

遊戲上非常有幫助...任天堂給我們技術援助而我們同樣地開發它." 然而, 當問

到除了提供工具之外是否任天堂有幫忙遊戲實際的開發. 他回應"只有我們-

Grasshopper在開發HEROES, 任天堂給我們開發工具而我們開發." 須田附加說在


須田說到Killer7的NGC程式沒有為了HEROES而移到Wii上, 而是把Grasshopper的

風格用來創造新的引擎. 他聲明"所以Killer7和HEROES的引擎是完全不同, 我們


關於Wii控制器喇叭功能, 須田是在任天堂記者會才知道這事的. 他說他已經在


至於HEROES是否也會在XBOX360和PLAYSTATION3上推出, 須田回應"我們很抱歉..


記者問他最喜歡那個控制器, 他笑著回答"Wii, Wii"

據須田表示, 去年秋天Spike社長櫻井光俊以及Marvelous Interactive社長和田

康宏和Grasshopper接觸來計畫遊戲. 須田和他們合作過遊戲, 而且兩家公司社

長對Killer7製作人很尊敬. 在三個人討論之後, 這些公司計畫做一款遊戲.


須田最後想對玩家說的是"在美國和歐洲推出Killer7後, 從FANS那收到非常多的

郵件. 所以請期待HEROES. 它將是沒有人曾看過的極限遊戲. 每個人都會對

HEROES感到驚奇. 我想要這遊戲成為大作. 所以很多人可以玩HEROES, 但它是全

新的遊戲. 很多人可以玩, 但絕對新"
須田剛一 英文名叫Suda 51??

此篇文章於 05-21-06 12:34 AM 被 信長 編輯。
信長 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-22-06, 09:00 AM   #5
Junior Member
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 4
[Wii] HEROES (Suda51 Wii title)

(10.5 MB, MPEG-4, 03:45)
tjhin 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-22-06, 11:28 AM   #6
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
theres another thread aobut this, but its ok
Travis??? Killer 8??
Suda 51

Wii FC 5690-8031-2592-7760 <US Version>
Endless Ocean 8750-0794-4051 Mario Kart Wii 2020-0652-1136 Smash Bros Brawl 3480-2241-4047 PES 2008 / Winning Eleven Maker 0173 2123 0553

此篇文章於 07-22-06 11:34 AM 被 GimGim 編輯。
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舊 07-22-06, 06:56 PM   #7
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,240
Heroes First Footage and Details

neo2046 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-22-06, 09:15 PM   #8
Junior Member
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 4
Sorry, didn't see the thread
Its the first time i start a thread.

Higher quality trailer

此篇文章於 07-22-06 09:22 PM 被 tjhin 編輯。
tjhin 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-23-06, 12:30 AM   #9
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,240
作者: tjhin
Sorry, didn't see the thread
Its the first time i start a thread.

Higher quality trailer
it is OK, thanks a lot

Higher quality 果然唔同D
須田剛一 Cell-shadng style + Wiimote + Killer 7(?) -> 期待期待!

neo2046 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-23-06, 12:55 AM   #10
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2003
文章: 5,267
PSN  IDzellight
XBox Live Gamertagzellight
石光 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-23-06, 12:57 AM   #11
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 7,363

mph FC: nick 0601-9706-0534
content fc:nick 3007-1618-1079

wii fc
3221-5238-1799-9879 //pm fc /4424-6802-0768 //mkwii fc 105.2621-2747-8510//日動物之森 fc: /3738-3048-3107 惡魔:3652-5761-5259

nick 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-23-06, 01:14 AM   #12
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
作者: 石光
the developer who made Killer7(GC/PS2), Contact(DS)

Wii FC 5690-8031-2592-7760 <US Version>
Endless Ocean 8750-0794-4051 Mario Kart Wii 2020-0652-1136 Smash Bros Brawl 3480-2241-4047 PES 2008 / Winning Eleven Maker 0173 2123 0553
GimGim 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-23-06, 01:42 AM   #13
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,240


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舊 07-25-06, 02:06 AM   #14
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,240

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舊 09-23-06, 11:22 AM   #15
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Heroes 'Debut' trailer (Wii)
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-23-06, 01:51 PM   #16
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2003
文章: 4,970
PSN  IDAnson-225
XBox Live GamertagAnson225
I really like that Cel Shaded Style... and I hope there will be Viewtiful Joe on Wii lol

Fine. Stay here. Be just like everyone else. I wanna boldly go where no man has gone before.
Anson225 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-25-06, 02:55 AM   #17
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,240
2006年9月23日(土) 12時55分,0,0.html
マーベラスインタラクティブが新作発表! 『HEROES』をWii向けに開発
neo2046 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-25-06, 11:44 PM   #18
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2004
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Ginkan 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-26-06, 06:51 AM   #19
God of Gamer
The Flash
註冊日期: Nov 2004
文章: 14,779
Nintendo Switch ID6287 6181 7226
女角幾靚,d 音樂都係咁正
希望唔好好似 killer7 開發咁耐
想快d 有gameplay 畫面睇

信長 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-06-06, 10:06 PM   #20
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
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舊 10-25-06, 01:33 AM   #21
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Interview: Suda 51

Capcom's Killer 7 was critically acclaimed for having a gritty storyline, a unique art style, and an odd sense of gameplay. We chat with Goichi Suda, better known as Suda 51 about his next project for Wii – Heroes, how he got involved in the industry, and the rumors about a project with Konami’s Hideo Kojima.

Game Informer: Were you pleased with how Killer 7 turned out?
Suda 51: It was a very new experience for me, and yes for everyone in the U.S. talking about it it was very exciting, and I was very happy about that. There were some things that I didn’t like about the game after it was released and I was sad about that. But for me it was a new job, and a new experience working as a game designer. The scenario and graphic style was new for me as well.

In Japan the style was very different than traditional games, but on the opposite side in America, Russia, Europe there were a lot of good comments on it so I was really happy about that. After Killer 7 I wanted to make another game that was suitable for the western market, so that’s why I chose to do Heroes.

GI: What did you do before you went into game development?
Suda 51: I did a lot of different jobs. I was an undertaker, sold real estate, graphic designer, and I sold women’s hand bags.

GI: How did you get into game development?
Suda 51: I love Pro Wrestling, there was a company called Human that has already gone bankrupt, and they were making some very popular pro wrestling games in Japan. They were looking for some new people for a new Pro Wrestling game. I didn’t really have any game experience, but I really loved Pro Wrestling, so I just applied and I got it. Since then I’ve been in the game industry.

GI: How’d you hook up with Capcom?
Suda 51: It’s true I didn’t have the normal title that Capcom is used .to hiring. They were looking for a title for a worldwide release. It’s a really active company.

GI: Why did you choose to work with the Wii for Heroes?
Suda 51: It’s sort of a different reason. The president for Marvelous Interactive - Mr. Wada - he was really pushing to have a Wii title because he really likes Nintendo and the Wii. So I showed Mr. Wada the game concept with the light saber idea, and this was around the same time Nintendo was working on the Wii’s remote controller, and Mr. Wada knew about the remote for the controller for the Wii. We didn’t know at the time that Nintendo was working on the Wii remote controller, and we didn’t understand why Mr. Wada was pushing so hard for us to make this game for Wii. When I found out about the remote controller I understood why he was pushing so hard for Wii.

The final reason is that people at Nintendo are really nice people, too. And since we are a small development team Nintendo was really happy and supportive of us. This is our first time developing on Wii, and we’re happy with it.

GI: This is the first time a lot of people are developing on Wii.
Suda 51: (laughs) Yes.

GI: We saw the first visuals of this game just after E3, and you’re using another intriguing art style with Heroes. Was this inspired from Killer 7?
Suda 51: Yes, there are some inspirations from Killer 7’s art style. But our plan is to make it more of an illustration style. More of an illustration instead of like a photograph. This will be a new art style.

GI: Could you explain the game concept and what gamers can expect from Heroes?
Suda 51: The hero is Travis Touchdown, and he’s a professional killer. There is a sort of killer association where the killers are ranked, and Travis wants to get from the 10th rank to the 1st – Travis wants to be the top killer. Travis will have to kill each of the 10 killers that are ranked higher to become the best killer.

For example in Kill Bill she (ed: Uma Thurman's character - The Bride) had to kill the other killers that she knew, but in the case of Heroes, Travis doesn’t know who the other killers are. By killing the other professional killers he’ll become more popular and rank higher.

GI: How can a professional killer become a hero?
Suda 51: He is a hitman. Heroes is the working title and there might be some amendment to the title, but we want to keep "Heroes" in the main title some how.

GI: As far as the gameplay is concerned is the game first person or third person.
Suda 51: It’s third person. The left stick is going to move the character, and the Wii remote controller will control the actions. It’s pretty basic.

GI: Will you use the nunchuck's motion detecting at all?
Suda 51: Maybe a little bit. It’s still in progress.

GI: What weapons will Travis have at his disposal?
Suda 51: The light saber and only the light saber.

GI: Huh. Well you probably can’t call it a light saber. (laughs)
Suda: Beam Katana. (laughs)

GI: Yeah, George Lucas won’t mind Beam Katana. (laughs)
Suda 51: Maybe LucasArts cannot look at it and maybe people can be quiet about it. (laughs)

GI: So Travis is trying to go from number 10 to 1. Will it be just boss battle to boss battle to boss battle or will there be an underlying story through out the game?
Suda 51: There will be a small storyline. The game takes place in Santa Destroy, a small town on the East Coast of America. The player will be able to move freely in the town and there will be main missions and sub missions. There will be smaller enemies between the boss fights.

GI: Anything you’re thinking about for Wii Connect 24?
Suda 51: I want to do something, but I haven’t thought about it too seriously.

GI: With the beam katana, how many different moves do you have planned?
Suda 51: If you’re moving your arm around, your arm is going to get tired, so we want to have quick cuts so you can slice in one cut. We will have different types of slashes and special moves.

GI: Have you played Red Steel, and what did you think of it?
Suda 51: I have. We think it’s using a lot of the Wii controller’s potential. It’s a rival title, but so far there’s not a lot of titles like this on Wii. We want Red Steel to succeed.

GI: How different or similar will your swordplay be versus Red Steel?
Suda 51: It’ll be different, but it’s hard to explain now. So please wait until we have a playable version to show you.

GI: When do you think we’ll be able to play it for the first time?
Suda 51: Possibly GDC or E3 next year. I’m not sure. Maybe May or June of next year. For sure you’ll be able to play it at Tokyo Game Show next year.

GI: Do you have a US publisher yet?
Suda 51: We are still looking for a US publisher.

GI: Is there a time frame you’re looking to release?
Suda 51: Before the end of 2007.

GI: Outside of Heroes, do you have anything else in development?
Suda 51: We have another secret Wii title in development.

GI: Is the Killer 7 franchise done?
Suda 51: It depends on Capcom.

GI: There are talks that you have something in the works with Konami’s Hideo Kojima. Is there anything developing there?
Suda 51: There have been rumors about us working on something for next year. If we are actually making something together it would be a really interesting game. (smiles) Before I got into the videogame industry I was already a fan of Mr. Kojima’s work. So if we get to work with Mr. Kojima it would be really really exciting.

GI: How did you meet Mr. Kojima?
Suda 51: In January there was a Grasshopper event in Tokyo, and we invited Mr. Kojima. Of course, Mr. Kojima is really busy so we didn’t think he would come -- especially since it was such a small event. But he came. Since then we’ve developed a good relationship. We have very similar music tastes. We actually talked more about music than video games.

GI: That’s very inspirational coming from not being in the video game industry to suddenly working with Mikami-san and potentially Kojima-san.
Suda 51: Yes, I think I’m very lucky.

GI: Next time you have to work on working with Miyamoto. (laughs)
Suda 51: To me that would be my final goal. He’s a video game God.

-Billy Berghammer
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-29-06, 06:35 PM   #22
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
開発:グラスホッパー ディレクター:須田剛一 キャラクターデザイン:ユザキユースケ

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-29-06, 06:43 PM   #23
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 1,758
PSN  IDABCman2009
killer 7 feel? 幾有特色
波子 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-30-06, 12:31 AM   #24
Game Master
註冊日期: Jul 2005
文章: 3,495
作者: 神祕人1號
開発:グラスホッパー ディレクター:須田剛一 キャラクターデザイン:ユザキユースケ

上, 中, 下段出招,
正喎, 又有新玩法了
幾時出體感 格鬥game 先
Netnet 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-30-06, 01:11 AM   #25
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,240

No More Heroes takes place in the city of Santa Destroy, which is designed to look like a big city in the Western United States. You're free to explore the town to your liking, taking on missions large and small to collect money and purchase new weapons, although the game's storyline progresses only when you take on big killing jobs from the UAA. Your day begins in your motel room, where you change your clothes and get ready for a day out on the town. You can walk around town if you like, or you can speed around on your futuristic Schpeltiger motor bike.

Travis's clothing has special signifinace in the game. Travis is a big anime geek, so his shirts tend to sport anime-style witch characters. You'll also find wrestler and fighter designs. Grasshopper drafted Okama, the character designer for the opening of the recent Japanese television hit Densha Otoko, to create over 100 t-shirt designs.
T-shirts aside, No More Heroes is all about using your Beam Katana to defeat enemies. When fighting, you position the Wiimote facing up, centered, or facing down in order to move Travis into one of three fighting positions. To perform standard attacks, you repeatedly press the A button.
The game makes more direct use of the controller in some situations. When performing finishing moves, you're required to swing the controller in accordance with on-screen prompts. You're also required to shake the controller to power up your Beam Katana's energy meter.

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