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舊 09-28-06, 11:35 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Conflict: Denied Ops(前稱Crossfire)

機種 Xbox 360/PC
廠商 Eidos Interactive/Pivotal Games
類型 FPS
價格 未定
發售日 2007年發售預定

在今天召開的微軟X06會議上,Eidos公司公開了其計劃於2007年在Xbox 360平台上推出的FPS遊戲新作《交火(Crossfire)》。本作講述了兩名政府秘密特工奉命潛入敵人後方執行絕密任務的故事,遊戲中玩家要充分利用雙人合作的優勢,發揮兩個角色各自的特點,只有相互配合才能在嚴酷的敵後戰鬥中生存下來。


此篇文章於 10-09-07 09:13 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 08-21-07, 10:36 PM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Conflict: Denied Ops (X360)
Published by: Eidos Interactive
Developed by: Pivotal Games
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Release Date:
US: TBA 2008
Europe: Spring 2008
Also Available On: PC, PlayStation 3

Eidos為《交火》更名 《衝突:拒絕行動》正式公佈
來源: 時間:2007-8-21 編輯: 風間仁

Eidos公司今天宣佈,旗下第一人稱射擊遊戲《交火(Crossfire )》將正式更名為《衝突:拒絕行動(CONFLICT: DENIED OPS)》,遊戲預定於2008年春季同時登陸X360、PS3兩大次世代主機以及PC平台。


Crossfire Becomes Conflict: Denied Ops
Don't deny it. You want to be a deniable operative.

by Ryan Geddes

August 20, 2007 - The paramilitary first-person shooter formerly known as Crossfire has taken on a new identity, becoming the latest installment in the Conflict series, publisher Eidos announced Monday.

Featuring cooperative gameplay and highly destructible environments, Conflict: Denied Ops focuses on so-called "deniable operatives," special forces soldiers who do the government's arm's-length dirty work.

According to an Eidos news release, the game's characters are ruthless, merciless, brutal and all-around just swell people.

"We are taking the Conflict series in a new direction, making it more explosive and mature," said Robert Lindsey, executive vice president of sales and marketing with Eidos. "Conflict: Denied Ops delivers large-scale Hollywood style action sequences in real-world political hot spots, sure to appease fans of the FPS genre."

We feel appeased already, and we haven't even had the chance yet to "brutalize the opposition" or "dissolve" threats in South America, Africa and Russia.

Conflict: Denied Ops will be the fifth game in the series and is scheduled for a spring 2008 release on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. But if you tell anyone you read it here, we'll deny everything.

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舊 09-27-07, 08:12 PM   #3
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
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舊 10-09-07, 09:12 PM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Conflict: Denied Ops First Look
The game the government doesn't want you to know about.

by Erik Brudvig

October 8, 2007 - Venezuela has the bomb. Now, it isn't really a big deal if a country has an atomic weapon. Using the nukes, that's a different story. And that is exactly what the new military regime that has overthrown the Venezuelan government has threatened to do if the United States interferes. Or so the story of Conflict: Denied Ops goes, anyway, a co-op first-person shooter on its way to PS3, 360 and PC in the first quarter of 2008. IGN recently got its first look at the title when Eidos brought Denied Ops by the office.

We all know that the good ol' US government wouldn't just sit by and watch Venezuela melt down, even with the threat of nuclear war on the table. That's where the two heroes of Denied Ops enter. They've been sent in to kick ass and take names, though if they're caught the States will deny any involvement. That denial also gives them free rein to do as they please. In this case, that means they're going to blow everything up and shoot anything that moves. Conflict: Denied Ops is a guilty pleasure game, to be sure.

The basic gameplay premise behind Denied Ops arises from the different styles the two main characters offer. The first is a sniper named Graves. Long range, deliberate fire is his method of destruction. His partner, Lang, is more of a run and gunner. He carries an automatic machine gun and prefers to get into the thick of the action. To keep things within the idea of having two distinct characters, you won't be able to find and pick up new weapons en route. Instead, an upgrade system is in place between levels. Each upgrade can be toggled on or off with the d-pad on consoles. Graves gets things like a camera attachment or a shotgun to protect him in close combat. Lang gets even more destructive with things like a rocket launcher. Nice.

With these two character types, making use of the duo effectively is the key to victory. Playing as Graves in a small tunnel probably won't work out too well. If one player does get killed, the other has a set amount of time to bring him back with an adrenaline shot. This isn't an endless life giving tool, though. Each time you bring your partner back, the amount of time you have to do it the next go around before he bleeds out goes down. This count resets with each new level, but if you aren't careful at the beginning of a stage you may find things going haywire at the end.

The game can be played co-operatively, online or offline in a split screen. When playing co-operatively, you won't be able to hop in and play mid-game. Rather, you'll have to go back to the menu and restart a co-op game with a second player. We were shown a single-player game where you can hotswap between the two characters with a touch of the button in a Battlefield: Modern Combat style camera switch. If you don't have a human to control the second character, you'll be largely responsible for managing and directing their actions. The left trigger (on consoles) is used to direct your partner to a specific point. Holding down the same button will tell him to regroup and stay by your side. Similarly, you can order the AI ally to lay down suppressing fire or to attack targets. Of course, if they see a target you haven't pointed out, they'll start shooting on their own, too.

As we said before, Conflict: Denied Ops really is a guilty pleasure. The graphics aren't the greatest out there, though it does make use of modern visual techniques such as a depth of field effect. But the game is really just about blowing stuff up. Most everything we saw in the environment was destructible - if you have a powerful enough weapon. You can shoot through thin walls to create little sniping holes, lay into a table the enemy is using for cover until it shatters and leaves them helpless, or just start launching rockets at a turret nest until you see the sorry body of an enemy blast out into the stratosphere. We even watched as the player hopped in a tank and leveled as much of the level as possible before taking potshots at a helicopter.

Conflict: Denied Ops is targeting a length of 10 levels which will give somewhere around 14 hours of gameplay. As for multiplayer, IGN was told that Eidos isn't talking about that aspect of the game and the company would neither confirm nor deny its existence. Hopefully we'll hear more about that as we get closer to the game's release.
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舊 10-11-07, 09:35 PM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
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舊 11-20-07, 06:10 PM   #6
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Exclusive Developor Diary
Exclusive Developor Diary HD
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舊 02-02-08, 01:47 PM   #7
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2006
文章: 7,938
美PSN Demo已出~
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