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舊 03-25-04, 12:18 AM   #1
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,244

  先前曾報導過,微軟預定於 3 月 24 日於 GDC 2004 正式公布次世代遊戲戰略,如今微軟正式於 GDC 2004 正式發表名為《XNA》的強大次世代遊戲開發平台,以充分發揮微軟領域的各遊戲平台硬體效能,簡化遊戲的開發與耗費的人力資源,讓遊戲的開發邁入下一個世代。

  針對 PC Windows、Xbox 與 Windows Mobile 等各種不同平台的遊戲開發,微軟將以《XNA》整合各種不同硬體的開發套件,達成遊戲開發環境簡單化與一致化,讓耗費於程式撰寫等工作的時間減少,讓遊戲本身的製作能獲得更多人力與資源,以提昇遊戲本身的質與量。


  《XNA》的發表,被外界視為是 Xbox2 遊戲軟體戰略的首波攻勢,微軟計劃以《XNA》統合旗下包括 PC Windows,Xbox/Xbox2 與 Windows Mobile 等自個人電腦至可攜裝置的遊戲開發,尤其是針對 Xbox2 這個不再沿用既有 PC 設計,大幅革新的次世代遊戲主機來說,更是需要一個能充分整合現有資源遊戲開發平台,來加速此一新主機的遊戲開發。

  目前各遊戲平台的硬體皆朝向功能強大但日趨複雜的方向在發展,所以各遊戲平台的作業系統與開發環境便擔任了管理與活用硬體資源,簡化遊戲開發難度的重大任務,因此各界普遍認為下一世代的遊樂器平台將不再如以往一般以硬體為主角,而將是硬體(遊樂器主機)與軟體(作業系統與開發環境)並重,甚至軟重於硬的態勢,微軟選擇以公布《XNA》,而非以公布 Xbox2 硬體規格來為次世代遊戲開發打頭陣,可以說是充分反映了這個現象。

  究竟下一世代的遊樂器平台在硬體與軟體上會呈現一個什麼樣的進展,以及各遊樂器平台廠商如何就自身的優勢來投入下一波的競爭,GNN 將持續追蹤報導,玩家不妨拭目以待。

neo2046 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-25-04, 12:26 AM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Microsoft: Next Generation of Games Starts With XNA
New Software Development Platform Integrates Innovations Across Industry

 SAN JOSE, Calif. ― March 24, 2004 ― Microsoft Corp. today announced XNA™, a powerful next-generation software development platform. XNA empowers developers to deliver breakthrough games while combating rising production costs and ever-increasing hardware complexity. Games for future iterations of all Microsoft® game platforms ― including Windows®, Xbox® and Windows Mobile™-based devices ― will be unleashed by tools and technologies from the XNA development platform.

 XNA is the catalyst for a new ecosystem of interchangeable, interoperable software tools and technologies from Microsoft, middleware and game development companies. By integrating software innovations across Microsoft platforms and across the industry, XNA forms a common environment that liberates developers from spending too much time writing mundane, repetitive boilerplate code. Instead, XNA frees game creators to spend their time where it matters most ― on the creativity that differentiates their games.

 “Software will be the single most important force in digital entertainment over the next decade,” said Bill Gates, founder and chief software architect of Microsoft. “XNA underscores Microsoft’s commitment to the game industry and our desire to work with partners to take the industry to the next level.”

 The industrywide XNA initiative will be unveiled today in a keynote speech delivered by Microsoft’s Robbie Bach, senior vice president of the Home and Entertainment Division, and J Allard, corporate vice president, Xbox platform, and chief XNA architect, to hundreds of game developers at the annual Game Developers Conference in San Jose, Calif. In the speech, Bach will outline some of the challenges that game developers will face in the near future.

 “Silicon advancements and new features like high-definition and pervasive broadband will send game development costs skyrocketing,” Bach is expected to tell conference attendees. “The video game industry must band together to find a solution that ensures vitality and sustainability for years to come, while responding to consumer desires for bigger, better games.”

 As part of the XNA unveiling, Microsoft also announced Allard’s responsibility for overseeing and driving the XNA initiative companywide. “At the heart of XNA is choice. No game today is built with just one tool, and no game tomorrow will be either,” Allard said. “By creating an environment where software innovations flourish and work together, XNA will allow game developers to redefine what’s possible in games and give gamers the freedom to pursue their own paths. XNA closes the gap between what gamers want and what developers dream.”

 Illustrating the potential of the XNA development platform, Microsoft will make a series of announcements about its own video game tools and technologies in four key areas: online, input, graphics and audio.

*In response to strong customer demand, Xbox Live™ development tools for functionality such as billing, security, login, friends and matchmaking will be made available to Windows developers. The tools will make it easier to create the same social, unified online gaming experiences on Windows that game players have come to expect on Xbox.

*On the input front, as part of XNA, Microsoft will develop a common controller reference design and unify input APIs and button standards across multiple platforms. The result will be a family of common controllers for Windows and Xbox game players. In addition, the move will fuel a whole new wave of compelling, cross-platform input devices from peripheral manufacturers.

*In graphics and audio, many tools such as PIX (an analysis tool) and XACT (an audio authoring tool) ― previously available only to Xbox developers ― now will be available on Windows as part of the XNA development platform. Likewise, innovations from Windows such as High-Level Shader Language (HLSL) will come to Xbox. The DirectX® API and the Visual Studio® development system will continue to be the baseline environment for both platforms. Collectively, these tools and technologies will enable movie-quality graphics while forming the impetus for new software that will help developers cope with the looming complexity of high-definition video and audio.

 “On the PC we have tools like HLSL. On Xbox we have tools like PIX. These are both really powerful, and XNA combines the power of the PC and the power of the console into a best-of-breed platform,” said Gabe Newell, founder and managing director of Valve Software LLC.

 More than 20 game development and middleware companies already have recognized that XNA will drive advancements in the industry. David Lau-Kee, chief executive officer of Criterion Software, said, “We are pleased to see that Microsoft shares our vision of helping developers make better games, faster, through use of their favorite middleware. We look forward to leveraging XNA in the RenderWare tool chain to implement Windows- and Xbox-specific features.”

 “Because it’s software, we can add new and improved XNA tools consistently, spurring continuous innovation in games. Developers won’t have to wait for new silicon to enjoy the latest advances,” said Dean Lester, general manager of Windows Graphics and Gaming Technologies at Microsoft. “The benefit to gamers will be dramatic leaps in production quality and gameplay for the next-generation Xbox and the next generation of Windows. And it starts today.”

 Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.


Microsoft, XNA, Windows, Xbox, Windows Mobile, Xbox Live, DirectX and Visual Studio are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

■For more information, press only:
Stone Chin, Edelman, (206) 223-1606,
Rebecca Holmes, Edelman, (206) 223-1606,
Brian Kemp, Edelman, (206) 223-1606,
Ken Schramm, (206) 390-0499,

■For more information on XNA:
Please visit

Note to editors: If you are interested in viewing additional information on Microsoft, please visit the Microsoft Web page at on Microsoft’s corporate information pages. Web links, telephone numbers and titles were correct at time of publication, but may since have changed. For additional assistance, journalists and analysts may contact Microsoft’s Rapid Response Team or other appropriate contacts listed at


Microsoft XNA Support Sheet

The XNA development platform will serve as the foundation for future game platforms from Microsoft, including Windows, Xbox and Windows Mobile-based devices. Video games on future iterations of Microsoft game platforms will be powered by tools and technologies from the XNA ecosystem. XNA dramatically improves the way games are produced, helping contain skyrocketing development costs by reducing the amount of time developers spend writing mundane, repetitive boilerplate code for complex new hardware. The XNA ecosystem integrates new and existing tools and technologies from Microsoft and its partners so that developers can make better games faster.

“Alias heartily supports XNA. XNA will pave a single path for deployment of rich content from Maya across multiple Microsoft game platform environments such as Windows-based PCs and the Xbox.”
  ― Geoff Foulds
Global Games and Interactive Marketing Manager
Alias Systems

“Anything that makes the game developer’s job easier, and removes some of the risk and some of the trial and error, is a good thing. We can concentrate on what makes a game good ― gameplay, content and visuals ― and not worry about fighting the hardware.”
  ― Jez San
Founder and CEO
Argonaut Games PLC

“We’re excited to have been involved with XNA since its conception. We design hardware for developers so they get the high performance they expect under all circumstances, but it’s equally important to provide software tools that remove the barriers to creating great content. The combination of ATI’s hardware and Microsoft’s XNA software will let game developers concentrate on what’s most important: making blockbuster games.”
  ― Andy Thompson
Director of Strategic Marketing
ATI Technologies Inc.

“We are pleased to see that Microsoft shares our vision of helping developers make better games, faster, through use of their favorite middleware. We look forward to leveraging XNA in the RenderWare tool chain to implement Windows- and Xbox-specific features.”
  ― David Lau-Kee
Criterion Software

“XNA is a great software solution that provides efficient tools, middleware and production pipelines to create better games faster. We fully approve and support this next-generation strategy, as effectiveness has been our ultimate goal since the establishment of Crytek and the development of CryENGINE middleware.”
  ― Cevat Yerli
President and CEO
Crytek GmbH

“Discreet is excited to support game developers though Microsoft’s new XNA initiative announced today. With the largest registered install base of 3-D animation software in the world, Discreet 3ds max software has been an integral creation tool for Microsoft Xbox game developers ― and the new XNA middleware platform will assist them in bringing high-quality games to market faster.”
  ― Marc Petit
Vice President, Product Development
Discreet (a division of Autodesk Inc.)

“It’s the age-old problem of game development: how much time do you spend on your tools and technology and how much time do you spend on your game design? The better the tools and technology, the better ― and faster ― you can make your game. The more Microsoft does to provide developers with tools, the easier it is for game developers to develop better games.”
  ― Tim Sweeney
Founder and President
Epic Games

“We are extremely excited about XNA, both as a middleware provider and as a game developer. Tools are the only chance for future success in this industry, and never has this been more true than now. As we move into next-generation development, the expectations of gamers and the abilities of hardware open almost limitless possibilities for content creators. Without the right tools, developers will not be able to keep up with the pace ― XNA is what the industry needs right now.”
  ― Julian Eggebrecht
Factor 5 LLC

“Havok, as the leading supplier of physics middleware for the game industry, believes that only through increasingly sophisticated software components and tools that integrate seamlessly with each other can the power of the next generation of entertainment platform be leveraged by game developers. The XNA initiative is important for the industry in that it represents a commitment to providing the software infrastructure to make this happen. We are looking forward to leveraging XNA technology and participating in its success.”
  ― Dr. Steven Collins
Chief Technical Officer

“I want more of those up-front tools and more technology that we could use right away and learn from, because what we try to do is hire all creative people to figure out that answer. If I have to devote a lot of resources to technology, that’s fewer resources that we can devote to creating a great game.”
  ― Brett Bourbin
Director of Technology
High Voltage Software

“If the right tools are available, we can worry about building the game and not building the software.”
  ― Marc Lutz
Chief Technical Officer
Ketsujin Studios

“XNA will enhance NDL in delivering Gamebryo’s industry-leading cross-platform 3-D graphics engine and tools.”
  ― John Austin

“Microsoft’s introduction of XNA presents an exciting opportunity for game developers to not only maintain a unified development environment while creating stunning content for multiple platforms, but to also focus on taking full advantage of the latest graphics technologies and shading effects to express their creative visions to the fullest. For NVIDIA, the availability of XNA presents a particularly exciting opportunity as our graphics technology continues to extend into new markets, such as handheld computing, where developers will be able to create and deliver 3-D gaming experiences like never before seen.”
  ― Mark Daly
Vice President of Content Development

“The best thing a console provider can provide is a complete, robust environment where all the redundant generic stuff is taken care of. That frees us developers to work on the cool, specialized features that are going to make each of our games innovative.”
  ― David Wu
President and Technology Director
Pseudo Interactive Inc.

“We are extremely excited by the new XNA technology introduced by Microsoft. XNA empowers Quazal with tools to drive innovation even further on both Microsoft Windows and Xbox. In the end, Microsoft XNA is the starting point of a revolution that will bring game development to the next level.”
  ― Martin Lavoie
Chief Technology Officer
Quazal Technologies Inc.

“Developers have demanded an easier way to develop games, and Microsoft has responded. With HLSL and now with the XNA development environment, the process of writing shaders and creating visually stunning content is more accessible and simplified than ever before. Right Hemisphere shares Microsoft’s goal to streamline the production pipeline for artists and programmers. Our Deep Exploration software is included in every Xbox developer kit so that assets may be created in most any application and previewed in real time on Xbox. What this does is allow for a smoother, less disruptive development process in which artists, engineers and programmers can focus on their core tasks and work more freely and independently of each other. Together, XNA and our WYSIWYG software take away some of the constraints and disruptions burdening the 3-D content creation process.”
  ― Michael Lynch
Right Hemisphere

“For tools and middleware developers like Secret Level, having our tools work across platforms is key. Good tools and middleware solutions will be vital on the next generation of game machines, and XNA is just what we need to support the development of cross-platform games simultaneously.”
  ― Reeve S. Thompson
Director of Production
Secret Level

“Today’s developers demand the most advanced and flexible tools in order to produce out-of-this-world games. In unifying the Windows and Xbox development tools under the XNA software system, developers can now save time by designing multiplatform games, and focus on creating amazing content. Combined with SOFTIMAGE|XSI, they can make better games, faster than ever before.”
  ― Gareth Morgan
Senior Product Manager
Softimage Co.
(a subsidiary of Avid Technology Inc.)

“At Touchdown, we have always been committed to providing tools that help developers focus on game content rather than technology development. We’re looking forward to XNA, which will further expand the value of middleware to game developers.”
  ― Jeffrey Hutt
Technical Director
Touchdown Entertainment Inc.

“On the PC we have tools like HLSL. On Xbox, we have tools like PIX. These are both really powerful, and XNA combines the power of the PC and the power of the console into a best-of-breed platform.”
  ― Gabe Newell
Founder and Managing Director

“XNA allows us to leverage some of the great tools we’ve come to rely on for Xbox development for PC games as well. We are excited about this, both as a developer whose games often bridge between the console and Windows worlds, and as a middleware licensor supporting teams working with both platforms. This is going to be a win-win for everyone.”
  ― Tobi Saulnier
Vice President, Product Development
Vicarious Visions Inc.

“Virtools is proud to join the XNA program. We will provide even stronger middleware for the next generation, capable of dramatically easing the development effort and accelerating the time to market of high-quality games on powerful future platforms.”
  ― Bertrand Duplat
President and CTO
Virtools Canada Inc.

“Software makes all the difference. I believe with this next generation, hardware is not going to matter as much as it has in the past. It’s about software tools.”
  ― Scott Patterson
Executive Vice President
Visual Concepts
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-25-04, 11:37 PM   #3
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
GDC 2004: XNA Demos

XNA noir demo
Date uploaded: 03/24/2004
400 x 300 10.4MB wmv

XNA character morph demo
Date uploaded: 03/24/2004
400 x 300 10.7MB wmv

XNA car crash demo
Date uploaded: 03/24/2004
400 x 300 14.4MB wmv

*right click to save
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-25-04, 11:40 PM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
GDC 2004: XNA Interview
Damn, that's good for Windows; damn, that's good for Xbox; damn, that's good for gaming.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-25-04, 11:40 PM   #5
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 10,484
Nintendo Switch ID8445-2408-9599
3DS Friend Code4768 8206 2595
PSN  IDTrombeElzam
XBox Live Gamertagtrombeningen

在微软宣布有关 《XNA》次世代游戏战略的同时,日本 TECMO、韩国 NC SOFTWARE便立即宣布会加入 Xbox 2阵营,并会为Xbox 2开发一系列的新作。

早在2002年,当Xbox推出之前,TECMO早已宣布会成微软的忠诚合作伙伴,并为Xbox推出多款大受欢迎的作品,例如《DEAD OR ALIVE》系列,以及早前推出的《NINJA GAIDEN.忍者龙剑传》等等......而TECMO宣布加入 Xbox 2的游戏开发可谓意料中事......

而韩国 NC SOFTWARE出品的《天堂 2》可说是近期无人不识,无人不晓的PC在线游戏大作,我们相信 NC SOFTWARE是看准了Xbox Live的网络服务平台,认为能够籍以强化及拓展他们在网络游戏市场的发展,所以才宣布加入 Xbox 2阵营。

iTunes 站起來 用眼神訴說著 他想加入同伴!要加入同伴嗎?
iTunes 加入同伴了! QuickTime 加入同伴了!
Bonjour for Windows 加入同伴了!
Apple Mobile Device Support 加入同伴了!
Apple Software Update 加入同伴了!
MobileMe 加入同伴了!
Apple Application Support 加入同伴了!
Apple Software Update 召喚了 Safari!
Apple Software Update  召喚了 iPhone軟體!
C85 count
強化人間ですの~★ 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-26-04, 12:34 AM   #6
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
XNA 官方網站

Video Demos

streaming | download

streaming | download

streaming | download
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-26-04, 12:35 AM   #7
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
XNA Home

Microsoft XNA is the catalyst for a new ecosystem of interchangeable, interoperable software tools and technologies from Microsoft, middleware and game development companies. By integrating software innovations across Microsoft platforms and across the industry, XNA forms a common environment that liberates developers from spending too much time writing mundane, repetitive boilerplate code. Instead, XNA frees game creators to spend their time where it matters most -on the creativity that differentiates their games.

The XNA development platform will serve as the foundation for future game platforms from Microsoft, including Windows, Xbox and Windows Mobile-based devices.

Games on future iterations of Microsoft game platforms will be powered by tools and technologies from the XNA ecosystem. XNA dramatically improves the way games are produced, helping contain skyrocketing development costs by reducing the amount of time developers spend writing mundane, repetitive boilerplate code for complex new hardware. The XNA ecosystem integrates new and existing tools and technologies from Microsoft and its partners so that developers can make better games, faster.

Illustrating the potential of the XNA development platform, Microsoft made a series of announcements about its own video game tools and technologies in four key areas: online, input, graphics and audio.

*In response to strong customer demand, Xbox Live™ development tools for functionality such as billing, security, login, friends and matchmaking will be made available to Windows developers. The tools will make it easier to create the same social, unified online gaming experiences on Windows that game players have come to expect on Xbox.

*On the input front, as part of XNA, Microsoft will develop a common controller interface and unify input APIs and button standards across multiple platforms. The result will be a family of common controllers for Windows and Xbox game players. In addition, the move will fuel a whole new wave of compelling, cross-platform input devices from peripheral manufacturers.

*In graphics and audio, many tools such as PIX (an analysis tool ) and XACT (an audio authoring tool) - previously available only to Xbox developers - now will be available on Windows as part of the XNA development platform. Likewise, innovations from Windows such as High-Level Shader Language (HLSL ) will come to Xbox. The DirectX® API and the Visual Studio® development system will continue to be the baseline environment for both platforms. Collectively, these tools and technologies will enable movie-quality graphics while forming the impetus for new software that will help developers cope with the looming complexity of high-definition video and audio.

"Software will be the single most important force in digital entertainment over the next decade. XNA underscores Microsoft's commitment to the game industry and our desire to work with partners to take the industry to the next level."
- Bill Gates, founder and chief software architect of Microsoft
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-26-04, 12:37 AM   #8
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,244

  微軟於 GDC 2004 所發表的跨平台整合式開發環境《XNA》,日前於微軟《XNA》官方網頁公布三段概念展示影片,讓玩家們感受《XNA》的威力。

  三段影片分別為「Xenomorph Demo」、「Crash Demo」、「Film Noir」。「Xenomorph Demo」展示的是由 3D 繪圖所構成的生物,生動的肢體動作與平順的型態變化﹔「Crash Demo」則是展示跑車板金真實的反射效果,與高速撞擊下的車體變形損毀模擬﹔「Film Noir」則是先前報導過,曾一度被推測為 Xbox2 概念展示人物的黑色低胸禮服女郎,展示影片為黑白片風格,重點部分在於人物細部的肢體動作與臉部的變化。

  以上展示影片,是由尚未正式發表的下一世代 3D 圖形處理器樣品,於 PC Windows XP 作業系統上所演算的即時處理畫面,並不是由 Xbox2 硬體所演算。

  《XNA》是一個訴求於遊戲開發者的產物,對於一般玩家來說,可能無法直接體驗其強大之處,以上的概念展示影片,並不表示只有《XNA》能達成這些表現,而是說明《XNA》將能提供遊戲開發者便利的環境與工具來達成影片所展示的各種效果,像是 3D 角色的動作,物理現象的模擬與表現等等,將可減少遊戲開發者花費於遊戲程式開發的時間,而能有更多的餘裕投注於遊戲本身的各種製作上。

neo2046 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-26-04, 12:38 PM   #9
Game Master
=.=a 情迷大姐姐
註冊日期: Aug 2003
文章: 2,012


capcom 無口齒!!!
支持三上過檔 任天堂
witchblade 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-26-04, 12:39 PM   #10
Ωmega αlpha™
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 26,155
3DS Friend Code4596 9545 7662
XBox Live GamertagGOUFKING
作者: witchblade

KIM 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-26-04, 02:18 PM   #11
Game Master
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 2,066
作者: witchblade
LCK 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-12-04, 08:27 AM   #12
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2002
文章: 7,416
不如將 xna 加埋入 .net la
再向 monopoly 更進一步, 跟住繼續俾人告
Kaga 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-12-04, 09:56 AM   #13
Junior Member
註冊日期: Oct 2002
文章: 61
XBox Live GamertagMRKAMUS
作者: Kaga
不如將 xna 加埋入 .net la
再向 monopoly 更進一步, 跟住繼續俾人告

《XNA》是一個訴求於遊戲開發者的產物,對於一般玩家來說,可能無法直接體驗其強大之處,以上的概念展示影片,並不表示只有《XNA》能達成這些表現,而是說明《XNA》將能提供遊戲開發者便利的環境與工具來達成影片所展示的各種效果,像是 3D 角色的動作,物理現象的模擬與表現等等,將可減少遊戲開發者花費於遊戲程式開發的時間,而能有更多的餘裕投注於遊戲本身的各種製作上

MRKAMUS 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-12-04, 01:10 PM   #14
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 11,382
我唔係好明~其實xna係ms開發的xbox or xbox2的遊戲開發平台?

ai. 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-12-04, 01:28 PM   #15
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 611
mankun 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-12-04, 02:32 PM   #16
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2003
文章: 5,267
PSN  IDzellight
XBox Live Gamertagzellight
石光 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-13-04, 12:16 AM   #17
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2002
文章: 7,416
《XNA》是一個訴求於遊戲開發者的產物,對於一般玩家來說,可能無法直接體驗其強大之處,以上的概念展示影片,並不表示只有《XNA》能達成這些表現,而是說明《XNA》將能提供遊戲開發者便利的環境與工具來達成影片所展示的各種效果,像是 3D 角色的動作,物理現象的模擬與表現等等,將可減少遊戲開發者花費於遊戲程式開發的時間,而能有更多的餘裕投注於遊戲本身的各種製作上

.net 係一個 development platform
xns 都係, innovative d integrate 埋左佢 la
java 將會都係咁

似乎有 d "生物"唔明 xna o既 potential 囉
Kaga 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-13-04, 12:37 AM   #18
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2002
文章: 5,318
作者: AiStudio
我唔係好明~其實xna係ms開發的xbox or xbox2的遊戲開發平台?
但係佢意思應該係xna做出來的東西可以在所有"未來的"windows platform 執行
Rv250 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章


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