01-28-09, 11:30 PM | #1 | |
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註冊日期: Dec 2001
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Bandai Namco Holdings が大規模な人事異動を発表
●2009年4月1日付けで鵜之澤伸氏がバンダイナムコゲームスの代表取締役社長に就任 http://www.bandainamco.co.jp/ http://www.famitsu.com/game/news/1221633_1124.html ttp://www.famitsu.com/game/news/1221633_1124.html 引用:
01-29-09, 10:25 AM | #2 |
Registered User
註冊日期: Feb 2004
文章: 8,580
Bandai Namco shuffles executives Shin Unozawa to become CEO of Bandai Namco Games --Jan 28, 2009, 16:30, Tokyo-- Bandai Namco Holdings announced today a major executive shuffling to be implemented at the start of the new fiscal year this April. Starting April 1, current Bandai Namco Holdings CEO Takeo Takasu will take on the role of Chairman, Representative Director. Current Bandai Namco Games CEO Shukuo Ishikawa will become Bandai Namco Holdings President and CEO, Representative Director. Taking over the ranks as President and CEO at Bandai Namco Games will be current vice president and frequent company spokesperson Shin Unozawa. As reason for the changes to the Bandai Namco Holdings upper brass, a statement from the firm noted that it hopes to expand its management and business by switching from a current solo Representative Director system to a dual system. The Chairman side of the duo will oversee overall group operations under a long term vision, while the CEO will implement mid-range policies and have general control of the business. Other changes to the Bandai Namco Group executive family include retiring board members and new position names for business operation leads in overseas territories. Bandai Namco Holdings also finalized plans today to merge its Bandai Namco Games and Bandai Networks operations. Bandai Namco Games will retain its current name and absorb Bandai Networks into its fold. Bandai Networks currently handles mobile contents, web contents, e-commerce and other network services. 此篇文章於 01-29-09 10:29 AM 被 Designer 編輯。 |