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電視遊戲討論版>FINAL FANTASY XIV -ONLINE- 発売&サービス開始日が8月27日に決定!丨FF14にライトニング参戦が決定 Vol.2
Vanux 12:22 AM 12-11-10
ps3版無了期壓後,PC版繼續免費!依家仲抵玩過玩facebook game!
全部制作管理層換人,睇黎SE今次好有決心,希望佢慢慢整,等我呢d casual player 可以慢慢免費升skill
david 09:59 AM 12-11-10
Final Fantasy XIV team restructuring, PS3 version delayedby JC Fletcher on Dec 10th 2010 10:35AM

We've got bad news and we've got worse news. First, the bad news: The PS3 version of Final Fantasy XIV, originally due March of next year, has been delayed indefinitely.

The worse news is that it's been delayed because the PC game is such a disaster. In an announcement released to the FFXIV community, Square Enix CEO Yoichi Wada apologized for the fact that the game isn't very enjoyable ... and then said that the FFXIV team is restructuring, with new leadership stepping in. Producer Hiromichi Tanaka is out, with Naoki Yoshida taking over as producer/director, and many other positions are also being restaffed. The new team is now working on "a concrete plan outlining Final Fantasy XIV's new direction." Until that new plan is implemented, the game's free trial period will continue.

And so, with the PC version currently a directionless mess, Square Enix wisely decided not to base the PS3 version on that, but instead on whatever the post-restructuring game will be. There's good news, then: Square Enix stopped making what would have been a terrible PS3 game.

kakajit 11:07 AM 12-11-10
換左人希望真係可以掉開FF11 O既包袱 , 今次最失敗係令人覺得係FF11 O既靚畫面版
不過而家整左果D野可以點搞? 想搞好佢但其實好多野已經做好晒 ,
如果個SYSTEM真係天翻地覆咁改變 , 佢一個唔該所有野RESET就真係搞笑 ,
所以真係唔好比佢呃 , 見免月費就幾舊水買隻GAME番去HEA玩
( ゚ω゚)? 07:37 PM 07-14-11






Final Fantasy XIV PS3 Version Coming "At All Costs". New Interview to Naoki Yoshida Published.
 [Dualshockers via へちま速報@ゲーハー板
aquarius 03:40 AM 07-15-11
FF11差唔多10年, 我今年都開始轉淡唔想再玩..
LKC 02:06 PM 07-19-11
作者: aquarius:
FF11差唔多10年, 我今年都開始轉淡唔想再玩..
FFXI online 10年仲生存到,真係好厲害,我由最初玩左2-3年已經放棄了...

不過玩得依類online game,就會無時間玩其他好game,
Eking 02:13 PM 07-19-11
佢變ff11 點都好過原本.....始終故事背景唔同左, 就算玩法似ff11都唔係問題....
aquarius 11:28 PM 07-19-11
作者: LKC:
FFXI online 10年仲生存到,真係好厲害,我由最初玩左2-3年已經放棄了...

不過玩得依類online game,就會無時間玩其他好game,
前陣子server合併, titan加phoeix黄金時段都仲有4000幾人, 月費都係無變

作者: Eking:
佢變ff11 點都好過原本.....始終故事背景唔同左, 就算玩法似ff11都唔係問題....
你好似有個taru friend叫elma (唔知有無記錯)
david 08:42 PM 09-29-11
Square Enix CEO feels Final Fantasy 14 'greatly damaged' brand
by Alexander Sliwinski on Sep 28th 2011 6:40PM

Square Enix CEO Yoichi Wada stated at a recent press conference that the Final Fantasy brand had been "greatly damaged" by the launch of Final Fantasy 14.

"We'll continue with our reform work, which basically amounts to fully redoing the game, and hope to revive the FF14 that should have been released," said Wada, according to Andriasang (translating a report on Sponichi).

The launch of Final Fantasy 14 for PC last year, even by a conservative measure, was an unmitigated disaster. A PS3 version never saw the light of day, as the publisher restructured the staff to fix, er, almost everything. Wada apologized for the game at that time and the title still hasn't implemented its intended subscription fee to this day -- and given the freemium trend in MMOs, likely never will.
強化人間ですの~★ 09:18 PM 09-29-11
作者: david:
Square Enix CEO feels Final Fantasy 14 'greatly damaged' brand
by Alexander Sliwinski on Sep 28th 2011 6:40PM

Square Enix CEO Yoichi Wada stated at a recent press conference that the Final Fantasy brand had been "greatly damaged" by the launch of Final Fantasy 14.

"We'll continue with our reform work, which basically amounts to fully redoing the game, and hope to revive the FF14 that should have been released," said Wada, according to Andriasang (translating a report on Sponichi).

The launch of Final Fantasy 14 for PC last year, even by a conservative measure, was an unmitigated disaster. A PS3 version never saw the light of day, as the publisher restructured the staff to fix, er, almost everything. Wada apologized for the game at that time and the title still hasn't implemented its intended subscription fee to this day -- and given the freemium trend in MMOs, likely never will.
1. 和田洋一:FF的名声被FF14搞砸了
2. 和田洋一:FF的名声被和田洋一搞砸了
3. 和田洋一:FF的名声被鳥山求搞砸了
4. 和田洋一:FF的名声被FF8搞砸了

YHW 10:52 PM 09-29-11
草薙さん 10:53 PM 09-29-11
kakajit 11:07 PM 09-29-11
FF14 受眾唔多 , 真正玩過又賴野O既一定無玩過FF13 又賴野O既多 ,
而且對好多未賴過FF14野O既人黎講 , 佢地都只係聽人講隻GAME唔掂而"未出" ,

講對個brand greatly damage我覺得係因為FF13都未到FF14
( ゚ω゚)? 06:01 PM 10-14-11
【PS3】新生『ファイナルファンタジーXIV(Version 2.0)』が並行開発中!PS3版は2013年1月以降リリース予定

  • チップで構成されコピー要素の強いマップの全変更。
  • 新しいグラフィックスエンジンの搭載。
  • サーバーシステムの新設計と根本的高速化。
  • ユーザーインターフェースの全リニューアル。
  • インゲームコミュニティシステムの大幅拡充。


 ・FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
seed2005 06:36 PM 10-14-11

RPG之鬼 07:33 PM 10-14-11

1. 和田洋一:FF的名声被FF14搞砸了
3. 和田洋一:FF的名声被鳥山求搞砸了

5. 和田洋一:FF的名声被野村哲也搞砸了
冬霜之子lucky 11:08 PM 10-14-11
作者: RPG之鬼:

1. 和田洋一:FF的名声被FF14搞砸了
3. 和田洋一:FF的名声被鳥山求搞砸了

5. 和田洋一:FF的名声被野村哲也搞砸了

chunmanx 11:45 PM 10-14-11
作者: 冬霜之子lucky:
aquarius 11:47 PM 10-14-11
or 應該咁講

ps: 名單上應該仲有北瀨佳範
TSZ 01:10 AM 10-15-11
一見到FF既新消息, 都係諗果樣, 隻V13呢?

可能當初距出ff11-2, 繼承,加強系統+hd甘可能效果仲好過兒家隻14
keijoey 02:22 AM 10-15-11
作者: RPG之鬼:

1. 和田洋一:FF的名声被FF14搞砸了
3. 和田洋一:FF的名声被鳥山求搞砸了

5. 和田洋一:FF的名声被野村哲也搞砸了
第一個月入GAME, 除左見佢好多野未完成之外

如果唔係面子問題, 俾著係其他Title, 和田一早拍板叫人停server收工
而家修修補補, 個個月扔錢落去係唔想死得咁難睇
如果留意之前田中既訪問, 就知SE而家d士氣係好差....

所以即使冇野村哲也經手既title, 一樣都可以俾而家既SE搞死
因為最上面果個而家唔係想做好GAME, 係想做好盤數, 收柴好落台
aquarius 11:33 PM 10-24-11
PLD AF個設定有D似FF4嘅賽西魯
martinyau1979 10:43 AM 06-12-12
Final Fantasy XIV PS3 Update – Interview, New Details
+ Posted by Fabio Santana // PlayStation.Blog Manager, Brazil

When it was first launched back in 2010, Final Fantasy XIV for PC was criticized by players and the media, and eventually the planned PS3 version was postponed. Since then, Square Enix decided to reshuffle the leading developers of the game, with Naoki Yoshida now acting as Director and Producer. His challenge is to helm the 2.0 version of Final Fantasy XIV, which is a re-imagination of the original release. It will mark a new beginning for the game when it gets launched this winter, coinciding with the release of the anticipated PS3 version.
The game was not ready to be demoed publicly at E3 this year, but we got a chance to see a brief live demo behind closed doors of the game still running on a PC. It featured lush visuals, with a richly detailed character running through a forest area with dense vegetation and impressive lighting effects passing through foliage. It was something we definitely aren’t used to see in an MMORPG. “Right now it’s optimized for PC. We’re about 50% into the development of the PS3 version, but it’s pretty much how it’s going to look on the console as well,” explains Yoshida. “It uses the same new graphics engine we built just for this game. This summer we’ll have an opportunity to show the PS3 version.”

In the meantime, he briefed us on what to expect from the new version of the game. “We believe that Final Fantasy XIV 2.0 can be considered the next real Final Fantasy game in the series,” he adds. This re-release is based on three pillars that have also been the aspects the series is known for: high quality gameplay, great storyline and beautiful graphics. “And on top of that, there´s our MMORPG community, which will consist of both PC players and also the PS3 players all over the world.” Which means the game will be cross-platform, like FFXI before it on PS2 and PC.
Yoshida-san is quick to emphasize how the legacy is going to be a driving force for this episode: “We’ll have some Final Fantasy staples as well, like chocobos, moogles and summons. But what is a little bit different is that these summons are like demigods in this world, so they´re really powerful, and it’ll take cooperation of all the players to fight these battles.”
Of course, bringing an MMORPG to a console system means tackling some big challenges. “It is a thing that didn’t have been done a lot in the past, and we have to make sure that we design an user interface and control scheme specially for these players”, explains Yoshida. “And we’ll also be adding in-game tutorials and quests that will help players that might not be comfortable with MMOs, and when they play the game, they will feel like they’re playing a console game that just happens to be online.”
Things are looking promising for the second coming of Final Fantasy XIV, and PlayStation fans will finally have the chance to explore the lush visuals of Eorzea in this deeply-revised version of the title. Below, Yoshida-san goes deeper in some details of his project. And we can’t wait to gather some friends and ride some chocobos around those wonderful vistas.

PlayStation.Blog: Besides the new control scheme and new user interface, does the PS3 version has any new exclusive features compared to the PC version?
Naoki Yoshida, Producer and Director: Because players that’ll be playing on the PS3 client and on the PC client will all be on the same servers, we can’t give either group something special, because everyone is playing together.
But we know that a lot of players have a PS3 and PCs as well, and depending on the mood, sometimes you want to sit down and play in front of your screen, whereas in other times you want to sit back on your couch, relax with controller in hand and play. We believe that we offer opportunities for players to enjoy both worlds
PSB: Final Fantasy has a rich universe, evolving its mythos and its narrative from episode to episode. How do you translate this into a massive open world, into an MMO form, where players can dictate the story?
Yoshida-san: It is an open world in the sense that you can explore freely, but that doesn’t mean is hasn’t a main story. In this open world you have this very detailed story, which has a beginning and it has an ending. What is good is that, once that story ends, we can add new tales. That’s one of the greatest thing about an MMO: you expand a certain story or add new storylines via patches.
PSB: We know some friends that still plays Final Fantasy XI today, 10 years after it was first launched. Do you have a roadmap to keep supporting FFXIV long after its launch?
Yoshida-san: Yes, definitely.

PSB: Are you incorporating easter eggs for fans of the series?
Yoshida-san: Yes, we’re definitely planning on lots of references to past Final Fantasies. This is a game we believe is for the fans of the series, so we want to bring back a lot of nostalgic monsters and other things. For example, we’re planning the Crystal Tower, which is the last dungeon of Final Fantasy III. Basically we’re taking all the great things from the the first 13 episodes, squeezing it into the game and giving them some polish. For example, in FFIII you were limited by the technology of the time, and we’re going to re-render that in this type of high quality graphics. So you’ll have the opportunity to re-visit these sections and see the difference between the lower quality graphics from the past and the high resolution visuals of FFXIV.
PSB: Being players of Final Fantasy XI as well, we know the game was really party-based, and that was a problem with some audiences. Can you also play solo onf Final Fantasy XIV?
Yoshida-san: Definitely, you’ll be able to play the content solo too – it won’t be as party-based as Final Fantasy XI. But, on the other hand, we believe that in this current generation there are a lot of people with time constraints, and it’s hard for them to spend time finding a party. So we’re going to make sure that, for party-based contents, we make it easier to recruit a party. With the Content Finder tool, you’re going to be able to decide “Okay, I want to do this today”, then simply press the button and you’ll be joined by other people with similar goals. So you’ll be able to decide if you’re making a party and, if you don’t have the time, just press the button on Content Finder and you’re automatically in a party.
PSB: With the game finally launching on PlayStation 3 soon, how are you planning to attract those potential new players? You know, the console audience is very different from the traditional PC gamer.
Yoshida: We know that a lot of console players never played an MMO and they may be scared by not knowing what to do, and we want to stress that it’s very similar to an offline Final Fantasy that always had great stories, made you cry, changed your life. There will be a beta for a limited time where people will be able to try it out. And an additional factor to bring in console games are graphics: something of this quality you can’t have in any MMO title.
PSB: Will there be a public beta for 2.0?
Yoshida-san: Yes.
kiburedo 12:18 PM 06-12-12
點都好, 出到先算
Vanux 01:42 AM 06-13-12
如果2.0 個戰鬥系統改到TERA 咁,加上畫面故事同FF個名,應該係完美。玩過TERA 既Action base 戰鬥模式,真係返唔到轉頭。
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