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舊 07-07-15, 06:12 AM   #476
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
作者: nakakula 查看文章
我到依家一個DLC quest都未玩過, 完全唔知係邊
作者: outlineman2003 查看文章
我dl 左side quests, 但都係唔知做左未?


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舊 07-07-15, 06:12 AM   #477
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566


Patch 1.07 coming soon to all platforms!

As some of you may know, we are finishing up work on our next big patch, Patch 1.07. It’s a very large update introducing some key changes, including:

A new, alternative (optional) movement response mode for Geralt.
A player stash for storing items, available in various locations throughout the game. Stash locations are marked on the player's map.
Crafting and alchemy components no longer add to the overall inventory weight.
Books are now placed in a dedicated tab in the Inventory and books that have already been read are properly grayed out.
Multiple sorting options are now available in the Inventory.
Alchemy formulas and crafting diagrams can be "pinned", meaning all components and ingredients required to make them will be conveniently marked in the Shop panel.
Dozens of fixes for quest related issues, both major and minor.
A few performance enhancements, including the optimization of FX, scenes and general gameplay.
Various improvements to horse behavior.

Since it's been all hands on deck working to finish and release this patch on time, we won’t be publishing a free DLC this week (don’t worry - free content comes back next week). We hope you understand our decision. We’ve gathered so much feedback from you over the past couple of weeks and we want to implement as much of it as possible. The full change list for the patch 1.07 will be coming later this week. Stay tuned for info about the release of the update itself.

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-07-15, 09:23 AM   #478
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566

XBOX ONE The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Priscilla's Song The Wolven Storm

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-07-15, 11:05 AM   #479
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2003
文章: 11,869
Wii U ID
XBox Live Gamertag
仲乜出double post

Heavy Metal Hime Stand All
Metal Hime save the world !!!
Metal Hime Infinite Rising !!!!

nakakula 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-07-15, 02:04 PM   #480
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 5,797
PSN  IDkeithlau81


Patch 1.07 coming soon to all platforms!

As some of you may know, we are finishing up work on our next big patch, Patch 1.07. It’s a very large update introducing some key changes, including:

A new, alternative (optional) movement response mode for Geralt.
A player stash for storing items, available in various locations throughout the game. Stash locations are marked on the player's map.
Crafting and alchemy components no longer add to the overall inventory weight.
Books are now placed in a dedicated tab in the Inventory and books that have already been read are properly grayed out.
Multiple sorting options are now available in the Inventory.
Alchemy formulas and crafting diagrams can be "pinned", meaning all components and ingredients required to make them will be conveniently marked in the Shop panel.
Dozens of fixes for quest related issues, both major and minor.
A few performance enhancements, including the optimization of FX, scenes and general gameplay.
Various improvements to horse behavior.

Since it's been all hands on deck working to finish and release this patch on time, we won’t be publishing a free DLC this week (don’t worry - free content comes back next week). We hope you understand our decision. We’ve gathered so much feedback from you over the past couple of weeks and we want to implement as much of it as possible. The full change list for the patch 1.07 will be coming later this week. Stay tuned for info about the release of the update itself.
死啦, 而家先出個咁正既PATCH, 我唔想重玩呀大佬. 淨係SORT ITEM, SORT書都夠啦. 頂
tylau 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-07-15, 02:38 PM   #481
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2012
文章: 1,067


Patch 1.07 coming soon to all platforms!

玩到迷霧島搵契女ciri, 就等埋呢個patch, 唔爭在
Alpha 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-08-15, 12:25 AM   #482
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2003
文章: 11,869
Wii U ID
XBox Live Gamertag
聽講下一個DLC有某舊女角係side quset中出現 ?

Heavy Metal Hime Stand All
Metal Hime save the world !!!
Metal Hime Infinite Rising !!!!

nakakula 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-12-15, 02:09 PM   #483
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566

The Witcher 3 expansion packs combined are almost the size of The Witcher 2
The Witcher 3 will start to receive expansion packs, but just how large will they be? 10-20 hours each, according to CD Projekt Red's Konrad Tomaszkiewicz, who states that at the very least the new expansion packs will be the size of The Witcher 2 if combined. New characters, storylines, items, cutscenes, Gwent cards and more will be included in the purchasable content.

From the interview with Tomaszkiewicz:

"They will be quite long. The first expansion will be around 10 hours, and the second expansion will be around 20 hours. I think it's possible they will be bigger, because it's always like this—we plan some time of hours and it's twice or something like this—but I'm not promising anything right now. Even now, if you sum up these 10 and 20 hours and you compare it to The Witcher 2, it's almost the size of The Witcher 2. It will be cool. It will be new stories, and it will be emotional stories. I think that people will be happy."
If you have already invested countless hours in The Witcher 3, which news may come as a pleasant confirmation that there's much more to come. The developer certainly has the right idea when it comes to said content packs, which continue to be an issue for gamers. What would you like to see in The Witcher 3 expansions?

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-12-15, 05:12 PM   #484
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2003
文章: 11,869
Wii U ID
XBox Live Gamertag
唔係好明佢想點 ?

Heavy Metal Hime Stand All
Metal Hime save the world !!!
Metal Hime Infinite Rising !!!!

nakakula 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-13-15, 03:33 AM   #485
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
作者: nakakula 查看文章
唔係好明佢想點 ?

不過,我自己會等日後SEASON PASS半價優惠先買,

Witcher 3 Expansions "Almost the Size of Witcher 2” - GS News Update

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is about to get a lot bigger. Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine together add around 30 hours of content.

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-13-15, 04:42 AM   #486
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game Director Gamelab 2015 Interview

CD Projekt Red's Konrad Tomaszkiewicz comments on developer feelings and player feedback after The Witcher 3's successful launch, and then talks us through improvements being currently implemented, storytelling techniques, game feel, upcoming major DLC expansions and even some Gwent.

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-14-15, 09:34 AM   #487
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 5,797
PSN  IDkeithlau81

玩到最後大戰之前, 跟跟下紅髮女特然跳返去之前完成唔到既鵰像MISSION, 之後紅髮就唔再行淨坐, 好彩記得要去邊先無事
tylau 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-14-15, 12:27 PM   #488
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2002
文章: 15,646
Wii U IDusayarE
3DS Friend Code3952 6975 1779
PSN  IDusayarE
XBox Live GamertagusayarE
作者: tylau 查看文章
usayarE 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-16-15, 09:46 AM   #489
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
Patch 1.07 - Changelog

Patch 1.07 is almost here! Below is the complete list of changes and fixes it will bring.
Introduces an alternative movement style for Geralt. To enable, go to the Gameplay\Movement Response submenu.
Fixes a rare issue where the player's horse would not fall to the ground properly.
Fixes a rare issue where the player could be locked into the aiming animation if hit while throwing a bomb on horseback.
Fixes a rare issue with an infinite loading screen in the Ladies of the Wood quest.
Includes a variety of collision fixes.
Fixes an issue where Wild Hunt warriors would remain present even after the player completed the main storyline.
Fixes an issue where players could repeatedly buy foreign currency from a loan shark and sell it at the Vivaldi Bank.
Fixes an exploit whereby players could loot gold from a single chest more than once.
Fixes an issue whereby some skills were not properly removed after the player used the Potion of Clearance.
Fixes an issue with target locking, which should now be more responsive.
Introduces a number of changes in selected game-world areas to prevent players from unexpectedly progressing quests or leaving the playable area by climbing certain elements of the landscape.
Fixes an issue where sometimes players could not use Signs after reaching Skellige for the first time.
Fixes an issue where damage from certain sources was incorrectly calculated.
Fixes an issue where the durability of alternative weapons did not drop as intended.
Fixes an issue where the game would remain in slow motion if the player had used manual targeting.
Fixes an issue whereby meditation could be blocked by certain quests.
Fixes an issue where Stamina did not always regenerate properly.
Fixes an issue where Geralt's statistics could be multiplied if the player stood in a Dimeritium bomb cloud while the Cluster skill was activated.
Introduces a number of fixes, improvements and clarifications in the map-pins and objectives for multiple quests.
Fixes an issue where in certain circumstances gravity ceased to apply to the player's horse.
Adds a stash for player convenience. Players can now store loot in their stash, access to which is available in different parts of the world. Stash locations are marked on the map.
Fixes an issue whereby the player's horse would often stop abruptly before bridges or other narrow passages.
Fixes an issue whereby encumbrance was not updating correctly, resulting in players being overburdened where in fact they were not.
Fixes a rare issue where players were unable to choose different Signs.
Fixes an issue where the player was sometimes unable to craft glyphs.
Fixes an issue where not all merchants would accept junk loot.
All crafting components and alchemy ingredients now weigh nothing.
Fixes an issue where certain armor/hairstyle combinations interacted incorrectly.
Fixes an issue where instances of the Quen Sign would occasionally burst during dialogue scenes.
Fixes a rare issue where the player could not play gwent with Madame Serenity at the Passiflora.
The Zoltan gwent card should now always be present beneath the Hanged Man's Tree if the player does not win it earlier in White Orchard.
Fixes a rare issue where players could not talk to, or play gwent with, the innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads.
Includes a number of wording and spelling fixes in multiple localized versions.
Introduces a number of improvements in the game streaming system. Players should experience fewer blurred textures, NPC spawn times should be markedly reduced, and there should be an overall improvement in the speed with which game assets are loaded. Streaming system improvements should be most noticeable on consoles and systems with non-SSD drives.
Improves performance in the swamps of the No Man's Land region.
Fixes an issue whereby the presence of fog could adversely affect game performance.
Optimizes various FX which should result in improved performance during the Battle of Kaer Morhen quest.
Introduces a number of optimizations that improve overall performance throughout the game.
Improves overall game performance.
Fixes an issue where Keira's magic bubble could adversely affect performance.
Fixes an issue whereby the mouse cursor would remain visible during in-game video playback.
Adds a warning if the user runs out of disk space and wants to crate a new game save.
Fixes an issue whereby Colorblind mode was not properly saved.
Fixes an issue whereby Zoltan would sometimes appear in the incorrect location after the Novigrad, Closed City quest.
Fixes an issue during the Last Wish quest whereby Geralt would continue his conversation with Yennefer after they parted.
Fixes an issue where two simultaneous instances of some characters would appear in a scene in the Broken Flowers quest.
Fixes an issue whereby some objectives were not available to the player and would be automatically failed during the Battle of Kaer Morhen quest..
Fixes an issue where in certain circumstances Lambert did not board the boat during the Final Trial quest.
Fixes an issue where in certain circumstances Madame Serenity was improperly placed during the Deadly Plot quest.
Fixes an issue where the Fake Papers quest would be failed if the player did not mention that one of the brothers was dead.
Fixes an issue whereby players would sometimes be unable to start the final horse race, The Heroes' Pursuits: For the Goddess' Glory! in Skellige.
Fixes an issue where unintended objects were present in Novigrad after the Battle of Kaer Morhen quest.
Fixes an issue where a progression break could occur if Geralt was knocked out by guards while following the Bloody Baron during the Family Matters quest.
Fixes an issue where players were sometimes unable to interact with a torch in the Get Junior quest.
Fixes an issue where players could sometimes experience an infinite loading screen during the Iron Maiden quest.
Fixes an issue where in certain circumstances players could encounter a blocker during the Contract: The Apiarian Phantom quest. Players who have encountered this bug need to backtrack to the frozen hive and examine the footprints around it again.
Fixes an issue whereby the player could get locked inside a room during the Through Time and Space quest.
Fixes an issue where on rare occasions players were unable to progress the game after the Get Junior quest, specifically upon reaching Vernon Roche's camp.
Fixes an issue whereby purchasing wine during the It Takes Three to Tango quest would not always progress the quest properly.
Fixes an issue where the In Wolf's Clothing quest did not progress properly after the player read Morkvarg's journal.
Fixes an issue where on some rare occasions players were unable to interact with the Wild Hunt soldier's body during the Echoes of the Past quest.
Fixes an issue whereby Keira would not always properly use the portal during the For the Advancement of Learning quest if asked to go to Kaer Morhen.
Fixes an issue where the Scoia'tael from Novigrad was not always available to play in the Gwent quest.
Fixes an issue where the player could get blocked inside a cellar during the King's Gambit quest.
Fixes an issue where in certain situations the player was unable to find Triss during the Final Preparations quest.
Fixes an issue where occasionally the Kingfisher tavern was left without an innkeeper after the Now or Never quest.
Fixes an issue where Yennefer was not spawned in Oxenfurt during the Great Escape quest.
Fixes a rare issue where Captain Wolverstone was not at the Golden Sturgeon when intended.
Fixes a rare issue where the bodyguards in the Reason of State quest were not hostile.
Fixes a rare issue where the griffin would not always appear in the Contract: The Creature from the Oxenfurt Forest quest.
Fixes an issue where the wyvern would not appear in the Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route quest.
Fixes an issue with enlisting Sukrus from Skellige to be Hattori's bodyguard in the Of Swords and Dumplings quest.
Fixes a rare issue whereby the visions in the Echoes of the Past quest were not displayed.
The Contract: Devil by the Well quest no longer counts towards the Geralt: The Professional achievement.
Fixes a rare issue when the player could not speak with Lambert at Kaer Morhen during the Final Trial quest.
Fixes a rare issue where players could not always complete the Hey, You Wanna Look at my Stuff? quest.
Fixes an issue where players were sometimes unable to summon a horse after the Fencing Lessons quest.
Fixes an issue where in the Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear quest the gate to the mausoleum was locked.
Fixes an issue where players could not use Signs or swords after the fistfight at the Rosemary and Thyme during the Broken Flowers quest.
Fixes a rare issue whereby players could not examine the source of interference during the Disturbance quest.
Fixes an issue with the Dirty Funds quest.
Fixes a rare issue with a loading screen in the Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg quest.
Fixes a issue with a loading screen at Aeramas' residence during the Of Dairy and Darkness quest.
Fixes an issue where quest givers for the Deadly Delights and Jenny o' the Woods contracts would disappear.
Introduces a number of improvements to overall game stability.
Fixes an issue where the Potion of Clearance would pop into the quick slot if the player ran out of food.
Adds a Books tab to the Inventory panel.
Introduces a number of additional loading screen hints.
Introduces a pinning feature for formulae and diagrams. Ingredients and components for pinned formulae/diagrams are highlighted in the shop view. This should greatly facilitate the purchase of currently needed elements.
Introduces a feature whereby currently equipped items are highlighted in the Repair panel, facilitating prioritization of items needing repair.
Adds a feature whereby read and unread books are marked differently in the Inventory panel.
The list of all available DLC packages is now displayed in the Main Menu/Options/Downloadable Content submenu for better clarity.
Enabled additional settings that decreases the hair and fur image quality slightly, without compromising its general appearance, to optimize HairWorks on a wider range of hardware.

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-16-15, 09:50 AM   #490
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566

But still no sign of Patch 1.07.
BY LUKE KARMALIThe Witcher 3 is getting another round of free DLC this week in the shape of an alternative outfit for Ciri.
The DLC released early last week to some players by accident, but should now be available to all. There wasn't any free DLC planned for release last week as CDPR wanted to release the game's Patch 1.07. It still isn't out yet, sadly, but the developer has said it will update on timings as soon as it can.
CD Projekt Red is adding a total of 16 pieces of free DLC to the game, with two hefty expansions coming later in the year.
To date, we’ve received a new monster contract on Skellige, a Skellige armour set, a Temerian Armor Set, an array of beards and hairstyles for Geralt, a new contract quest and skin for Yennefer, new Gwent Cards and Quests and much more.
For more on the 4 million copy seller, be sure to check out IGN's The Witcher 3 review, or head over to IGN's extensive Witcher 3 wiki.


此篇文章於 07-16-15 01:22 PM 被 IDGAF 編輯。
IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-16-15, 12:13 PM   #491
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2012
文章: 1,067
作者: usayarE 查看文章
放心,1.07 patch 會包含改善ps4 framerate

The Witcher 3 1.07 Patch Will Include Fix For PS4 Version Framerate Drops
Alpha 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-16-15, 01:25 PM   #492
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566

Explore the world of The Witcher!

Find out more about Oxenfurt, a bustling and bawdy haven for students, artists, scholars and freethinkers; learn about the history of Crow’s Perch and read up on the Skellige Islands archipelago -- now possible thanks to the new interactive map we’ve just launched.

Visit the map section on our website and check it out.

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-18-15, 10:38 PM   #493
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2004
文章: 480
如果隻game係中文封面(link lee隻),隻game係得中文定有中英文揀?
=PANDA= 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-19-15, 12:13 AM   #494
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566

What You Should Know About Patch 1.07 - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Rob and Jake take a look at the new 1.07 patch for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-19-15, 07:05 PM   #495
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2003
文章: 11,869
Wii U ID
XBox Live Gamertag

What You Should Know About Patch 1.07 - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Rob and Jake take a look at the new 1.07 patch for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.


Heavy Metal Hime Stand All
Metal Hime save the world !!!
Metal Hime Infinite Rising !!!!

nakakula 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-20-15, 01:45 PM   #496
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2010
文章: 4,189
PSN  IDwhassupbun
XBox Live Gamertagwhassupbun
想問問PS4版依家出面咩價位? 準備入手, 見到$398

Now Playing:
PS5:【暗影火炬城】,【Aliens: Fireteam Elite】
whassupbun 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-20-15, 02:07 PM   #497
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566

好耐無玩,啱啱開XBOX ONE版TW3更新,7.2GB…


此篇文章於 07-20-15 02:13 PM 被 IDGAF 編輯。
IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-20-15, 02:11 PM   #498
Insane Gamer
=. ="
註冊日期: Oct 2011
文章: 762
PSN  IDAhhh567
wailala19 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-20-15, 02:13 PM   #499
The One
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 20,461
3DS Friend Code3626 0454 6975
XBox Live GamertagShinMusyaMNG
打倒二世, 去山洞搵人傾計個bug有冇人中過? 我load番賭錢前再玩多次, 之後都係中.....點解決? 點先吾中?



此篇文章於 07-20-15 02:23 PM 被 大覺屋師真 編輯。
大覺屋師真 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-20-15, 02:24 PM   #500
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
作者: 大覺屋師真 查看文章
打倒二世, 去山洞搵人傾計個bug有冇人中過? 我load番賭錢前再玩多次, 之後都係中.....點解決? 點先吾中?

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章


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