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電影版>Man of Steel 2 [TBA]
信長 01:07 PM 08-09-16
Warner Bros. Puts ‘Man of Steel’ Sequel Into Active Development (Exclusive)

作者: :
Henry Cavill‘s Superman will fly solo again in a sequel to “Man of Steel” going into active development at Warner Bros., a person familiar with the project told TheWrap.

Released in 2013, produced by Christopher Nolan and directed by Zack Snyder, “Man Of Steel” earned $668 million at the global box office and launched the ambitious DC Cinematic Universe. This summer’s “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” which picked up where that film left off, has pulled in $872 million.

Despite Superman’s battle with Batman, DC has been silent on a sequel to “Man of Steel” featuring Superman solo, leading many frustrated fanboys to believe that another film wasn’t going to happen. But a person close to the project told TheWrap that Superman is a top priority for the studio and getting the character right for audiences is of tantamount importance.

Warner Bros. did not immediately return a call for comment Monday.

Back in October 2014, while speaking at Time Warner Investor Day, Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara announced a slate of nine films with members of DC Comics the “Justice League” including The Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Cyborg. “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” set the stage for the new films.

“Suicide Squad,” which opened over the weekend and features a cavalcade of DC villains — and brief appearances by Ben Affleck‘s Batman — pulled in a record $135 million.

Cavill, who played Superman in “Man of Steel” and “Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice,” will next be seen in 2017’s “Justice League.”

信長 10:24 AM 08-25-16
4chan rumor
The working titles for the film are Superman: Last Son and Last Son of Krypton.

Geoff Johns and Zack Snyder wrote the story.

J.J Abrams has been approached to direct the film. Doug Liman was also a candidate.
Snyder is still interested in directing the character.

Snyder and Johns want to complete a Superman trilogy.

Brainiac is the main villain.

The film would open with a Krypton sequence ten years before the birth of Superman.

Brainiac takes the city of Kandor while General Zod, Faora and his forces try to defend the city. Kara Zor-El is also a soldier that ends up trapped by Brainiac in the bottled city of Kandor.

Geoff Johns and Zack Snyder wrote the opening sequence with the intention of showing that General Zod was once a hero.

General Sam Lane would have a small role in the film and will be set up as a potential future antagonist.

Lois Lane's role is really small. The story will focus on Superman, Brainiac and Krypton.
The capital of Thanagar will be in Brainiac's collection.

Martain Manhunter was discussed at one point. He would have chased Brainiac to earth after Brainiac captured his race alongside his family.

Superman will travel to space in this film.

Kara Zor-El will meet her cousin once he enters Brainiac's ship. She'll be younger due to the fact that races in bottled cities don't age.

Superman would fight Brianiac twice in this film. In space and on Earth.

The Justice League would make a cameo at the end of the film to help Superman in the final battle.


4chan 料.未必真.
對Brainiac好正路.打上太空都係FANS 期望 .. 出番ZOD.太好了
出MM.Supergirl 又唔奇.配合將來DCEU 發展

信長 01:25 PM 09-03-16
[新聞] 用眼鏡偽裝的超人!約克大學實驗證實戴眼鏡真的會認不出來
作者: :
DC 影業推出的超級英雄系列電影一開始主力就放在「超人」克拉克肯特身上,飾演超人的亨利卡維(Henry Cavill)也受到相當多的關注,不過許多觀眾可能一直有一個疑問,布魯斯韋恩必須要穿著蝙蝠俠頭套才不會被認出來,為什麼超人著裝後,臉部只差了一副眼鏡,大家卻不知道克拉克就是超人?

約克大學的研究員針對眼鏡影響臉部辨識這件事情做了研究,主要是為了加強關於臉部辨識在安全措施上的不足,不過這個實驗套回來超人的神奇眼鏡,結論卻是出奇的合理。根據 CNN 報導,這個實驗總共分成三個階段,第一個階段他們讓 59 位受試者看人們沒有帶眼鏡的照片,第二個階段則是讓他們看人們有帶眼鏡的照片,試驗結果在兩個階段的準確度就有百分之六的差距,而共同主導此計畫的研究員凱瑞奇(Kay Ritchie)表示:

「百分之六聽起來並不是一個很高的數字,但試想每年在亞特蘭大國際機場的旅客,光是去年就有超過 100 萬人次拿著護照通關,這個百分之六的準確度等同於 600 萬人次的誤判。我們希望藉由這個實驗提醒相關單位補強未來在臉部辨識上的政策,尤其是針對帶眼鏡的人們,在不同的身分證件上更加注意。」


好似all star superman
其實如果畫手有心畫. 真係兩個人,Clark 有D寒背,同好論盡,有時用D論盡行為 "掩飾"佢幫人
好似個老人咁. 佢撞跌佢,令佢避過一次車禍,
有次用記者身份訪問獄中的LEX, 特登踢開漏電電線,救LEX

其他角色唔會將Clark 同Superman 聯想係同一個人
信長 02:11 PM 09-03-16
J.J. Abrams Wrote a Superman Movie

已棄用的J.J.Abrams 版本Superman - Superman: Flyby
f2light 04:49 PM 12-24-16
'Man Of Steel 2' Top Priority For Warner Bros.; Amy Adams Confirms Movie Script In The Works [VIDEO]

It seems that a lot of comic book fans and movie buffs will be pleased to know that "Man of Steel 2" will definitely be hitting the big screens soon enough. Reports have suggested that Warner Bros. is giving the sequel some priority in development. Moreover, one of the cast members of the franchise has confirmed that the movie's script is already being worked on as we speak, according to sources.

Fans might be able to see Henry Cavill don the famous cape, yet again, as it was reported that "Man of Steel 2" will be going into active development at Warner Bros., The Wrap learned.

The source took note of the fact that the studio has been mum about any news and development for a possible "Man of Steel 2," which have led many to believe that a sequel might have been forgotten. However, it was stated therein that the follow up to the acclaimed "Man of Steel" movie is of utmost priority by the studio.

However, there hasn't been any confirmation regarding the release date for "Man of Steel 2." It was mentioned further that the studio has already lined up a slew of DC movies being released in 2017 and 2018, such as "Wonder Woman" set in June 2017 and "Aquaman" to debut on July 2018.

Albeit the lack of an exact release date for "Man of Steel 2," reports have indicated that a script for the sequel is already in the works as per Amy Adams, Cosmic Booknews noted. It was stated therein that Adams knows that a movie script is already being worked on.

In a separate interview with the source, Adams said she mostly finds out news about "Man of Steel 2" after they've already been announced. However, she does know that the writers are working on the script.

That being said, it would seem that fans will have to wait a bit more until news surface again confirming a release date for "Man of Steel 2" in the future.
C.Ryo 09:46 PM 04-01-20
JJ 揸旗之下, JL Snyder cut 應該確定會放HBO Max, 今日又傳Zack Snyder + Henry Cavill會回歸拍 Man of Steel 2, 睇黎 Snyder 宇宙又可以再開?
半人馬-RigiL- 09:57 PM 04-01-20
作者: C.Ryo:
JJ 揸旗之下, JL Snyder cut 應該確定會放HBO Max, 今日又傳Zack Snyder + Henry Cavill會回歸拍 Man of Steel 2, 睇黎 Snyder 宇宙又可以再開?
係都唔錯~~~ 前排係Netflix睇返JL, 如果以對家水準來比較,絕對合格有餘~~~ 如果又開返,咁新batman點入呢?
肉羊哩咖 01:31 AM 04-02-20
作者: C.Ryo:
JJ 揸旗之下, JL Snyder cut 應該確定會放HBO Max, 今日又傳Zack Snyder + Henry Cavill會回歸拍 Man of Steel 2, 睇黎 Snyder 宇宙又可以再開?
前排又話做水行俠嗰位(唔好意思,一時懶無去查個名)睇過 Snyder Cut,咁睇個樣都有機會成事 -- 問題係放 HBO Max 嘅話,呢個美洲地區限定,除非連就咁 HBO 都有就話啫~
王小虎 05:37 PM 04-02-20
半人馬-RigiL- 05:44 PM 04-02-20
作者: 王小虎:
C.Ryo 06:21 PM 04-02-20
肉羊哩咖 07:54 PM 04-02-20
C.Ryo 08:16 PM 05-19-20

Zack 20號會係Vero 做 Man of steel Watch Party 同埋 Q&A, 照計應該WB首肯先可以做呢味野,唔知會唔會真係講下 MoS 2 / JL Snyder cut 呢?
肉羊哩咖 03:53 AM 05-20-20
小道就係傳會順手公怖 Snyder Cut 會放上 HBO Max 喎,過兩日就知。

更新:確定咗 2021年上 HBO Max!
肉羊哩咖 03:55 AM 05-30-20
前兩日傳 Henry Cavil 傾緊再演超人(啫係話之前無咗啦),但唔係做超人獨立電影喎;今日 John Campea 話佢個可靠線人話佢知,佢拍就會拍由 JJ 有份嘅 超人主題片~~~
肉羊哩咖 07:09 PM 10-18-22
終放成事!籌備進行中,亦會由 Henry Cavil 担返:

早前大石兄爆,WB 以前啲高層好唔鍾意呢個超人,但新老細就唔同。
wing 08:29 PM 10-18-22
--------------- delete
肉羊哩咖 10:48 PM 10-18-22
本人到而家都唔係特別鍾意呢個版本,唔係話佢唔掂 -- 如果獨立去睇嚟講;主要係接受唔到最後一幕有啲夾硬迫到自己寫成咁,當然你可以好似 Mr Sunday Movies 咁拗話啲超英根本上殺人係好平常嘅事嚟,

不過呢套等再有聲氣都要一排,事關 Henry Carvil 仲有好多戲拍緊,佢有份嘅 Enola Holmes S2 就上,而另一套都係 Netlfix 嘅 Witcher S3,無記錯都係拍緊。
wing 08:21 PM 10-19-22
作者: 肉羊哩咖:
本人到而家都唔係特別鍾意呢個版本,唔係話佢唔掂 -- 如果獨立去睇嚟講;主要係接受唔到最後一幕有啲夾硬迫到自己寫成咁,當然你可以好似 Mr Sunday Movies 咁拗話啲超英根本上殺人係好平常嘅事嚟,

不過呢套等再有聲氣都要一排,事關 Henry Carvil 仲有好多戲拍緊,佢有份嘅 Enola Holmes S2 就上,而另一套都係 Netlfix 嘅 Witcher S3,無記錯都係拍緊。
Witcher 唔知會拍幾多季
肉羊哩咖 02:42 AM 10-20-22
之前 WB 吹過陣風,話好似新嘅占士.邦咁,做得超人,要簽長約,要就到期拍,因為新東對超人有好多打算(唔知係咪因為咁 JJ 個黑超就噉瓜咗)。

所以呢次 Henry Cavil 認承得披得呢件袍,都予咗無時間瞓~
