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球會討論區>兵工廠 阿仙奴 Fans Club Vol.17---(亨利將以1600萬鎊加盟巴塞......下季阿仙奴將邁向另一時代!在此感謝亨利係呢8年為阿仙奴踢既每一場波!)
cloud 11:39 AM 03-29-07

阿仙奴Fans Club Vol.16
阿仙奴英文官方網扯    阿仙奴中文官方網扯    阿仙奴亞洲球迷會    阿仙奴資訊站©
Arsenal Style
Arsenal mania


阿仙奴前球場-[高貝利球場(Highbury Stadium) 1913-2005]

阿仙奴新球場-酋長球場(Fly Emirates Stadium)今年啟用

阿仙奴足球俱樂部雖於 1886 年成立,但到 1913 年才遷往倫敦北部高貝利球場作為其主場。由於球場位於住宅區內,要擴建極為困難,所以俱樂部於 1999 年 11 月宣佈興建新球場,選址高貝利附近的阿什伯頓 (Ashburton Grove) 興建,預計成本為 3 億 5 千 7 百萬鎊,球場占地 17 英畝,可容納 6 萬名觀眾。球場啟用後,預計平均每季將會有 1140000 人次(高貝利每季平均為 722795 人次)。球場設有 150 個貴賓包廂(高貝利為 48 個),為照顧殘疾人士而設 250 個輪椅座位。球場設置 41 台攝影機位置,以及 215 個傳媒記者坐席,同時包含一間 1000 平方米的球|商品專門店,不過新球場將無法擴建。

球場的設計是由 HOK 運動公司擔任,他們曾經擔任雪梨之澳大利亞運動場、新溫布萊英格蘭國家運動場、皇家雅士葛馬場及溫布頓中央網球場的設計。麥卡賓爵士 (Sir Robert McAlpine) 的建築公司負責興建,麥卡賓爵士曾經承建蘇格蘭咸頓公園球場、韋斯咸之百年紀念看臺及千禧蛋,建築合同總額為 2.2 億英鎊,不僅僅是一座球場,還包括了一座價值 6000 萬英鎊的廢物循環處理中心。

由於一度缺乏資金,俱樂部宣佈新球場建成時間由 2005 年推遲到 2006 年,這使外界出現很多猜測,甚至有傳言說球隊會與熱刺隊共用溫布萊球場為主場。阿仙奴以格蘭納達傳媒集團 (Granada) 和耐克 (Nike) 的資金,加上出售新球場相關土地的收益來負擔其餘的款項。阿仙奴並計劃在新球場落成後,於高貝利球場的舊址發展住宅物業項目。

2004 年 10 月阿仙奴宣佈將新球場的命名權給予阿拉伯的阿聯酋航空公司 (Emirates Airline),新球場命名阿聯酋航空球場 (Emirates Stadium),為期 15 年,贊助合約總值達 1 億英鎊,合約同時包括八年的球衣廣告,由 2006/07 賽季(即新球場啟用首季)開始,阿仙奴球衣將印上「乘搭阿聯酋航空」(Fly Emirates) 取代約滿的電訊商 O2。

  GAF 兵工廠 阿迷 會員名單:
    #1 @羅彼仙奴
    #4 岸邊露伴
    #5 亞瑪迪拉
    #6 available
    #7 祖羅.祖班納
    #8 艾莉娜
    #9 tchans
    #10 Castor
    #11 cylmccoy
    #12 ~鵬~
    #13 Jamie  
    #14 亞明Dreamer 
    #15 雙星 
    #19 鯊魚丸 
    #23 seraph
    #25 Orphen
    #27 雲漾
    #29 惡即斬
    #32 cloud
    #33 eddyz

   槍手 榮譽
    1930-31, 1932-33, 1933-34, 1934-35, 1937-38, 1947-48, 1952-53,
    1970-71, 1988-89, 1990-91, 1997-98, 2001-02, 2003-04

    1929-30, 1935-36, 1949-50, 1970-71, 1978-79, 1992-93, 1997-98,
    2001-02, 2002-03, 2004-05

    1986-87, 1992-93

    1930, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1938, 1948, 1953, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2004



    1970-71, 1992-93, 1997-98, 2001-02



   槍手 紀綠
    722場 David O'Leary

    333場 Ray Parlour

    78場 Thierry Henry

    70場 Thierry Henry

    172場 Tom Parker

    16歲177天 Francesc Fabregas

    41歲159天 Jock Rutherford

    214球 Thierry Henry

    30球 Thierry Henry (2003-2004)

槍手 影片

槍手一球小勝曼聯精華 及 迪臣賽後分析
02-03球季, 亨利半場帶波轟入利物浦
路斯基於FA Cup對利物浦轟入第一球
路斯基於FA Cup對利物浦轟入第二球
cloud 11:39 AM 03-29-07
2006-07 球季

cloud 11:40 AM 03-29-07
 07-08年球季, 夏季轉會市場
    Lukasz Fabianski <------Legia Warsaw
    Bendtner <---- Birmingham City Loan Return
   #21 Poom-------Watford
   #9 Baptista----------
19/8/2006 (六)主 阿仙奴 1 VS 1 阿士東維拉 Gilberto Silva
26/08/2006 (六) 曼城  1 vs 0 阿仙奴   Joey Barton 41 (pen)
09/09/2006 (六) 阿仙奴 1 vs 1 米杜士堡  Morrison 21, Henry 67 (pen)
17/09/2006 (六) 曼聯  0 vs 1 阿仙奴   Adebayor 86
23/09/2006 (六) 阿仙奴 3 vs 0 錫菲聯   Gallas 63, Jagielka 69 (og), Henry 80
30/09/2006 (六) 查爾頓 1 vs 2 阿仙奴   Bent 21, Van Persie 32, 50
14/10/2006 (六) 阿仙奴 3 vs 0 屈褔特   Stewart 33 (og), Henry 43, Adebayor 86
22/10/2006 (日) 雷丁  0 vs 4 阿仙奴   Henry 1, 70 (pen), Hleb 39, Van Persie 49
28/10/2006 (六) 阿仙奴 1 vs 1 愛華頓   Cahill 10, Van Persie 70
05/11/2006 (日) 韋斯咸 1 vs 0 阿仙奴   Harewood 89
12/11/2006 (日) 阿仙奴 3 vs 0 利物浦   Flamini 41, Toure 56, Gallas 80
18/11/2006 (六)  阿仙奴 1 vs 1 紐卡素 Dyer ,Henry
25/11/2006 (六) 保頓 3 vs 1 阿仙奴 Faye 9,Anelka 45,G.SIlva 45,Anelka 76
29/11/2006 (三) 富咸 2 vs 1阿仙奴 Mcbride 6,Radzinsk 19,Van Persie 36
02/12/2006 (六) 阿仙奴 3 vs 0熱刺 Adebayor 20 ,Gilberto 42,72
10/12/2006 (日) 車路士 1vs1 阿仙奴 Flamini 78,Essien 84
13/12/2006 (三) 韋根0 vs 1阿仙奴 Adebayor 89
16/12/2006 (六) 阿仙奴2 VS2 樸茨茅夫 Pamarot 45, M.Taylor 47,Adebayor 58,Gilberto Silva 60
23/12/2006 (六) 阿仙奴 6 VS 2 布力般 Nonda 3,Gilberto Silva 10,Hleb 23,Adebayor 27,Nonda 69,Van Persie 85,88,Flamini 90
26/12/2006 (二) 屈福特 1 VS 2阿仙奴 Gilberto Silva 19,Smith 23 ,Van Persie 82
30/12/2006 (六) 錫菲聯1 VS0阿仙奴
2/1/2007 (二) 阿仙奴4 VS 0查爾頓 Henry 30,Hoyte 45,Van Persie 76,89
13/1/2007 (六) 布力般 0 VS2 阿仙奴 Toure 37,Henry 71
21/1/2007 (日) 阿仙奴2 VS 1曼 聯 Rooney 53, Van Persie 83,Henry 90
3/2/2007 (六) 米杜士堡 1VS1 阿仙奴 Yakubu 63,Henry 73
11/2/2007 (日) 阿仙奴2 VS1 韋根 Landzaat 35,Hall (O.G)81.Rosicky 84
3/3/2007 (六) 阿仙奴2 VS 1 雷丁 Gilberto Silva 51,Baptista 62,Fabregas(OG)
14/3/2007 (三) 阿士東維拉 0 VS 1 阿仙奴 Diaby 10
17/3/2007 (六) 愛華頓 1 VS 0 阿仙奴  Andrew Johnson 90
31/3/2007 (六) 利物浦 4 VS 1 阿仙奴 Crouch 4,35,81,Agger 60,Gallas 73
7/4/2007 (六) 阿仙奴 0 VS 1 韋斯咸 Zamora 45 
9/4/2007(一) 紐卡素 0 VS 0 阿仙奴
14/4/2007 (六) 阿仙奴 2 VS 1 保頓 Anelka 10,Rosicky 31,Fabregas 46
17/4/2007(二) 阿仙奴3 VS1 曼城 Rosicky 12 , Beasley 41,Fabregas 73,Baptista 80
21/4/2007 (六) 熱刺 2 VS 2 阿仙奴 Keane 30, Toure 64,Adebayor 78,Jenas 90
29/4/2007 (日) 阿仙奴 3 VS 1 富咸 Baptista 4,S Davies 74,Adebayor 84,Gilberto Silva
6/5/2007 (日) 阿仙奴 1 VS1 車路士 Gilberto Silva 43,Essien 70
13/5/2007 (日) 樸茨茅夫 0 VS 0 阿仙奴

 06-07 Carling Club聯賽盃賽程
24/10/2006(二) 西布朗 0 VS 2阿仙奴 Aliadiere(2)
8/11/2006(三) 愛華頓0 VS 1 阿仙奴 Adebayor
9/1/2007(二) 利物浦 3 VS 6 阿仙奴 Aliadiere , Baptista (3),Song
24/1/2007(三) 熱 刺 2 Vs 2 阿仙奴 Baptista (2)
31/1/2007(三) 阿仙奴 3 Vs 1熱 刺 Adebayor 78 ,Adiadiere 104,Rosicky 113
25/2/2007(日) 阿仙奴 1 VS 2 車路士 Walcott 12,Drogba 20,84

 06-07 FA CUP 足總盃賽程
6/1/2007(六) 利物浦 1 VS 3 阿仙奴 Rosicky(2),Henry
28/1/2007(日) 阿仙奴 1 VS 1 保 頓 Nolan,Toure
14/2/2007(三) 保頓 1 VS 3阿仙奴(重賽)Adebayor 13,Meite 90 ,Ljungberg 108,Adebayor 120
17/2/2007 (六) 阿仙奴0 VS0 布力般
28/2/2007(三) 布力般 1 VS 0阿仙奴(重賽) McCarthy 87

Group G
6M 3W 2D 1L 11P
波圖 6M 3W 2D 1L 11P
莫斯科中央陸軍 6M 2W 2D 2L 8P
漢堡6M 1W 0D 5L 3P
* 小組首名出線

13/09/2006 (三) 漢堡  1 vs 2 阿仙奴   Gilberto 12 (pen), Rosicky 53, Sanogo 90
26/09/2006 (二) 阿仙奴 2 vs 0 波圖    Henry 37, Hleb 47
17/10/2006 (二) 莫斯科 1 vs 0 阿仙奴   Carvalho 24
01/11/2006 (三) 阿仙奴 0 vs 0 莫斯科
21/11/2006 (二) 阿仙奴 3 vs 1 漢堡 Van der Vaart 4, Van Persie 52, Eboue 83,Baptista 88
06/12/2006 (三) 波圖 0 vs 0阿仙奴
20/2/2007 (三) 燕豪芬 1 VS 0 阿仙奴 Mendez 61
7/3/2007 (三) 阿仙奴 1 VS 1 燕豪芬

cylmccoy 01:19 PM 03-29-07

有傳法國國腳列比(Franck Ribery)在來季加盟兵工廠,現效力馬賽的該名翼鋒被傳已與阿仙奴領隊雲加達成口頭協議,於今夏轉投阿仙奴,傳會費將是1,350萬英鎊。



cloud 01:21 PM 03-29-07
Ribery 黎就代表龍堡走得........
cylmccoy 01:22 PM 03-29-07


cylmccoy 01:23 PM 03-29-07
作者: cloud:
Ribery 黎就代表龍堡走得........
我都覺, 但的最驚係阿 Gil 會走 ...
cloud 01:31 PM 03-29-07
鳳熾魂 01:52 PM 03-29-07
作者: cylmccoy:
我都覺, 但的最驚係阿 Gil 會走 ...
available 09:39 PM 03-29-07
Vice captain Rosicky earns £25,000 fineDale Johnson

Arsenal star Tomas Rosicky and five of his Czech Republic team-mates landed the whole squad a £25,000 fine from the Czech FA after spending a night in a hotel with six prostitutes


cloud 09:43 PM 03-29-07
available 09:47 PM 03-29-07

cloud 10:03 PM 03-29-07
作者: available:

KAKA ,Gerrard ,我地隊長....
呢d 我諗一定冇掛
亞明Dreamer 11:14 PM 03-29-07
cylmccoy 11:42 PM 03-29-07
作者: cloud:
KAKA ,Gerrard ,我地隊長....
呢d 我諗一定冇掛
有時有冇 ,

睇你好唔好彩會否比人捉到 ~
cylmccoy 12:31 AM 03-30-07
雲加: 施華事件應告一段落


鳳熾魂 05:07 PM 03-30-07
作者: 亞明Dreamer:
cloud 06:00 PM 03-30-07
Rosicky apologised for his action

Vice captain Rosicky earns £25,000 fine
Dale Johnson

Arsenal star Tomas Rosicky and five of his Czech Republic team-mates landed the whole squad a £25,000 fine from the Czech FA after spending a night in a hotel with six prostitutes.

It was revealed on Monday that the players had been fined after indulging in a wild party following the team's 2-1 defeat to Germany in a Euro 2008 qualifier. But the full extent of the revelry has only just emerged.

A female Czech journalist broke the story after she had visited the hotel room herself as an autograph hunter. Players 'drank and hugged prostitutes' while she spoke to Jan Polak at the room door.

Rosicky, along with Martin Jiranek, Tomas Ujfalusi, Polak and Marek Cech, managed to get the girls into their hotel by telling team officials that the girls were 'autograph hunters'. They also claimed they had been celebrating Ujfalusi's birthday.

Rosicky apologised for his actions at a press conference. He said: 'We have been correctly punished. We are very sorry.' However, he said he had a 'clear conscience' when asked about the presence of the prostitutes.

His girlfriend, Radka Kocurova, may have a few additional questions. She said: said: 'I have read what was in the papers. All I will say is no comment.' Ujfalusi, Cech and Polak are actually married.

'Because the celebration was conducted in an inappropriate way, which does not fall in line with the behaviour of Czech Republic national team members, the whole team was punished by a one-million-crown fine,' the Czech FA said in a statement.

Coach Karel Brueckner was quoted by news agency CTK as saying it was the worst disciplinary offence he had experienced and that it briefly made him consider resigning.

Tabloid daily Sip reported on Monday that the six players had held a party in a room at the Praha hotel until at least 5.30am. The players, who will share the cost of the fine among the whole team, admitted having a late party.

The Czechs lost 2-1 to Germany on Saturday after a weak performance that sparked wide criticism of the team and Brueckner.
cloud 06:01 PM 03-30-07
Wenger won't risk van Persie
By Mark Buckingham - Created on 30 Mar 2007

Arsene Wenger is now resigned to Robin van Persie missing Arsenal's closing nine games of the season.

Van Persie has not played for The Gunners since scoring the winning goal against Manchester United in January after breaking a bone in his foot in the game.

Arsenal boss Wenger had been hopeful that the Holland international would be able to return to the team at the end of April.

But it now seems likely that Van Persie will sit out the remainder of the campaign as Wenger is wary about risking the forward's fitness.

"The end of April now looks optimistic," Wenger told the club's official website.

"It is likely he will be out for the season.

"We have spoken to the doctors and they told us that the longer you keep this kind of fracture without playing the less chance you have of a recurrence.

"So if he can play only one or two games then we will not take a gamble."

Van Persie's continued absence compounds Arsenal's problems in attack, with Thierry Henry and Theo Walcott also out for the season.
cloud 06:03 PM 03-30-07
Wenger takes the blame
By Andrew Scurr - Created on 29 Mar 2007

Arsene Wenger has confessed he should have prioritised cup competitions this season, with Arsenal having nothing left to play for.

The Gunners were knocked out of the UEFA Champions League and FA Cup by PSV Eindhoven and Blackburn respectively, and have also been out of the Premiership title race for some time.

Arsenal's youngsters did reach the Carling Cup final, before losing to Chelsea, and Wenger admits a fixture pile up has come back to haunt his side this season.

"We should have sacrificed the FA Cup this season," Wenger told the Arsenal magazine. "It is a competition we love but last year, when we went out early, we reached the final of the Champions League.

"So this year, once we knew we were in the final of the Carling Cup, we should have completely sacrificed it because in the end it caught up with us. We had two replays in the FA Cup, one just before the PSV tie and one right in between it.

"We had already given a lot, playing 17 games in December and January. Also, we had no possibility to rotate the side because we had many injuries and then all the suspensions.

"So I think it was a mistake on my part. When we drew Blackburn at home we didn't think we would go to a replay.

"When you have 60,000 fans in you own stadium you can never say you will sacrifice the game. But the replay? Perhaps I should have sacrificed it."

Meanwhile, Wenger has confirmed he will continue to play Arsenal's promising youth players in the Carling Cup, with the Champions League taking priority among the cup competitions.

He added: "In the future I will not play senior players in the Carling Cup. But I will not say the same for the FA Cup.

"I think in future our priority should be to qualify from the Champions League group - then take it from there."
cloud 06:04 PM 03-30-07
Jens could play beyond 40
By Chris Stanton - Created on 29 Mar 2007

Jens Lehmann has revealed he may yet play on beyond his 40th birthday despite earlier claiming he would hang up his boots after Euro 2008.

The 37-year-old Arsenal goalkeeper is determined to keep his options open and would not rule out making himself available to Germany for the 2010 World Cup.

Lehmann refused to be pressed on when he would make a decision on his future, with the veteran former Borussia Dortmund man admitting much depends on his fitness.

"I am not going to set myself any time limit to make a decision," Lehmann told Bild.

"Theoretically the World Cup in 2010 is possible - it all depends on my physical fitness. At the moment that is not a problem."

Lehmann's club future also remains unresolved, with the keeper out of contract at the end of the season and having been so far unwilling to sign a new one-year extension.
cloud 06:06 PM 03-30-07

Liverpool v Arsenal preview
By Tom Adams - Created on 30 Mar 2007

Liverpool and Arsenal kick the weekend off with a crucial meeting in the race for third place, live on Sky Sports 1, with The Gunners chasing an unprecedented quadruple over their league rivals.

Arsene Wenger has already masterminded a 3-0 win over The Reds in the reverse fixture at Emirates Stadium, but more impressive were two cup wins in the space of three days at Anfield in January.

The 3-1 FA Cup win was even overshadowed by a memorable 6-3 victory in the Carling Cup, and the Londoners will be hoping to make it a remarkable hat-trick on Merseyside on Saturday.

The last time Arsenal won three times in a row at Anfield, Lord Lucan had just disappeared, and Liverpool's hopes of finishing next in line to Chelsea and Manchester United are also likely to do a vanishing act if they fail to prevent a repeat.

Perhaps a change in ownership will spark a change in fortunes, as Saturday's meeting is the first game since American businessmen Tom Hicks and George Gillett completed their takeover at Anfield.

A victory would take The Reds two points ahead of Arsenal, although the capital club would still enjoy a game in hand.

Gunners boss Wenger has welcomed the return of Emmanuel Adebayor as the Togolese striker has completed a four-game suspension following his role in the Carling Cup final brawl.

Starting alongside Adebayor could be Julio Baptista, and the Brazilian is sure to relish a return to Anfield after his four-goal haul in January.

Thierry Henry (groin and stomach), Robin van Persie (metatarsal) and Theo Walcott (shoulder) are all expected to miss the rest of the season so Arsenal's attacking options appear to be limited.

Conversely, both Gael Clichy (hamstring) and Emmanuel Eboue (ankle) took advantage of the international break to regain fitness so Arsenal's defence will be strengthened.

In midfield, stand-in skipper Gilberto faces a late fitness test as a result of a hip injury, and his possible absence could open the door for young compatriot Denilson or new French international Abou Diaby to play alongside Cesc Fabregas.
cloud 06:15 PM 03-30-07
Adebayor, Clichy, Eboue all back for Anfield test
Liverpool v Arsenal
Barclays Premiership
Sat, Mar 31, 2007, 12.45pm

By Richard Clarke

Arsenal will welcome back three first-team players when they return to Premiership action at Liverpool on Saturday.

Gael Clichy (hamstring) and Emmanuel Eboue (ankle) have recovered from injuries during the international break. Meanwhile Emmanuel Adebayor is available after serving his suspension.

When he spoke to Arsenal TV Online on Thursday afternoon, Arsène Wenger had only one new injury worry. Gilberto hurt his hip in Brazil’s 1-0 victory over Ghana and faces a fitness test on Friday.

“We have good news over the injuries from the international games,” said Wenger. “The only doubt we have is Gilberto who had a kick on his hip. He will have a test on Friday. Apart from the fatigue factor everybody else looks OK. Eboue and Clichy are fit and they are back in the squad.”

The Arsenal manager believes the return of Adebayor is particularly significant.

“It is important for us,” said Wenger. “With the number of strikers we have out, his presence, physical ability and penetration power means it is good to have him back. We have been punished very hard with Adebayor so it is a relief to have him with us again.”
cloud 09:54 PM 03-30-07

宮本 恆靖 10:56 PM 03-30-07
13.5 M
OK 啦
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11  ... 最後
