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舊 06-09-12, 11:47 AM   #284
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2011
文章: 692
Wii U IDJulian_Lau
作者: Fean 查看文章
其實我都唔係好清楚,因為搵唔到相關official條文。我都係聽何輝同旁述果個退休球證講過好多次。同埋睇ESPN話 -

A FIFA panel proposed Tuesday that referees be more lenient with players who foul in the penalty area.

The FIFA Task Force Football 2014 led by Franz Beckenbauer agreed that the so-called "triple punishment" of penalty, red card and suspension is too severe.

"A penalty is enough if it is a simple foul or a tackle where you try to get the ball but you are a second late," said Beckenbauer, a World Cup-winning player and coach with West Germany. "If you have a violent foul, if it would have been a red card anywhere on the field, then it's a penalty and a red card."

Red cards would still be given for handball offenses that stop a certain goal, under the 20-member panel's proposal.


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Fair play to the fore

The meeting proper began with a discussion of a new Fair Play campaign. “We want to harness the power of football in a campaign focusing on fair play, and make an active contribution to school life by founding our actions on the values of discipline,” commented Beckenbauer, who suggested promoting the ten golden rules in conjunction with the national associations. “Honour has to be more than just a word, and what we aim to do is launch a FIFA-backed global campaign to reinforce the Fair Play Code.”

The next topic up for debate was the offside rule and the objective of making it easier for referees to interpret. Following a discussion, the members of the FIFA Task Force Football 2014 agreed on a proposal to amend Law 11.

The “triple punishment” of red card, penalty and suspension for offences inside the penalty box was also on the agenda. The general view was that a penalty and a yellow card should be awarded for the least serious fouls committed in the box, with a red card being reserved for only the most dangerous fouls.

The corresponding proposals will be put to the International Football Association Board (IFAB) for their approval, and included on the agenda of its 126th Annual General Meeting, which will take place on 3 March 2012. FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke also commented that the IFAB will be taking another look at goal-line technologies.

The Task Force members also suggested that coaches who have been sent off should not leave the stands at half-time and should not therefore have access to their team’s dressing room.

In accordance with a study currently being conducted by UEFA, it was proposed that abandoned matches completed on a later date should recommence at the point at which play was interrupted rather than being replayed in full. Furthermore, as is the case at FIFA World Cup™ finals matches, a total of 12 substitutes should be allowed on the bench rather than the current limit of seven. This proposal will also be analysed at the forthcoming IFAB AGM.

Other topics raised at Wednesday meeting included the progress made by the women’s game and a raft of amendments to the rules of beach soccer, drafted by the Beach Soccer working group.

The FIFA Task Force Football 2014 meeting completed the round of meetings held by FIFA’s four Task Forces this week, the results of which will now be


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