Games Animation Forum

舊 12-18-17, 11:50 PM   #1557
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,240

Panic Button Is Handling The Switch Port Of Wolfenstein II

Panic Button is the studio behind the excellent Switch versions of DOOM and Rocket League - two amazing ports which prove that the company is becoming something of an expert when it comes to getting the most out of Nintendo's hybrid system.

There's more good news to report, as it has been confirmed that Panic Button is handling the Switch version of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.

Speaking at the Fun & Serious Game Festival in Bilbao, Machine Games' narrative designer Tommy Tordsson Bjork and senior game designer Andreas Öjerfors confirmed the news. "That's a collaboration with a different studio that we're working together with," said Öjerfors. "It's the same as the Doom studio," added Bjork.

Öjerfors then said: "They're experts at the Switch and now they're experts with the [id Tech 6] engine so we work with them, and the Doom version turned out to be really kick-ass on the Switch so I think Wolfenstein will be the same." Bjork then stated that "it's going to be as good".

It would seem that Wolfenstein II's creators are more than happy with Panic Button being involved, which bodes well for Switch players.

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