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舊 07-06-17, 11:25 PM   #64
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
睇完Splatoon 2 Direct,

其實我覺得MARIO KART出時就應該要有返個官方APP做VOICE CHAT功能,

Nintendo Switch Online app

The Nintendo Switch Online smart device app is designed to enhance your online experience for compatible games on the Nintendo Switch™ console.

This app will initially launch with a limited feature set and will be compatible with the Splatoon™ 2 game.

Splatnet 2 screenshot
Link to compatible games

In Splatoon 2, the app will give you access to SplatNet 2, where you can see your online battle stats, your gear, and much more. See details here.

Invite friends and voice chat during games

With the app, you can send online play invitations to players on your Nintendo Switch system's friend list. The app also lets you quickly send invites via social networks and messaging services. When you're invited to a game, you'll get notified right away via a push notification on your smart device.

Once players are connected, you can use voice chat openly with friends while in the online lobby and during online play (depending on the game).

Compatible smart device and persistent Internet access required. Data charges may apply.

The Nintendo Switch Online app will be available soon
The Nintendo Switch™ Online app for iOS and Android will be available soon.

The app will be compatible with the Splatoon™ 2 game, giving players the ability to access SplatNet 2, invite friends to online matches, and chat during the game. Both the app's functionality and online play will be free until the Nintendo Switch Online service launches in 2018.

With the app and the Splatoon 2 game, you'll be able to access SplatNet 2 to see your online play stats, check out upcoming game stages, and more.

You'll also be able to invite friends who have the game to Private Battles, League Battles, and Splatfest Battles via social media and other services. When players are invited to a game, they'll get an instant notification on their smart device.

The app will let you chat with friends in your online lobby before your game begins, then talk to your teammates to coordinate strategy once the game begins.

Stay tuned for more information.

Nintendo Account required. Online features will be free until the Nintendo Switch Online Service launches in 2018. After the free-trial period, most games will require a paid online service subscription from Nintendo in order to play online. Currently, the free-trial period, the paid service, and online play (for applicable modes in compatible games) will be available for customers in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. For the latest list of countries, please visit Customer Support.

Persistent Internet access and compatible smart device required. Data charges may apply.


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