Games Animation Forum

舊 06-19-16, 09:25 AM   #270
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 20,716
E3 was secretly terrible for the future of virtual reality
Platform wars, simulator sickness and exclusivity deals threaten to tear VR apart.
Even players who've spent countless hours in virtual reality (like our own Jess Conditt[/URL]) found themselves on the verge of puking while playing Resident Evil 7: Biohazard -- and it wasn't because of the horror game's gory visuals either. No, it's that the game is pushing the limits of PlayStation's hardware, barely managing to run at the minimum 60 frames per second required for PSVR[/URL]. The problem? Every other VR headset on the market recommends that games run at a minimum of 90 fps.

By having such a low bar for entry, Sony is allowing PlayStation VR developers to create games that flirt with simulator sickness[/URL]. Combined with the fact that the demo's controls allowed the player to move their head with the gamepad, and the title is a nauseous mess. Resident Evil 7 will probably improve its framerate and controls before hitting the consumer market, but giving it the option not to be better sets a dangerous precedent: If the first console VR games to hit the market make players sick, that could severely damage public perception of virtual reality gaming in general.

Oculus VR's Palmer Luckey warned about this exact scenario[/URL] two years ago. "When [VR] arrives, it has to be good," he told me in 2014. "I think really bad VR is the only thing that can kill off VR." Maybe that's why Microsoft is holding off on offering VR to Xbox users until the arrival of its forthcoming Project Scorpio[/URL] -- an upgraded version of its console designed specifically for virtual reality and 4K content. Sony's own PlayStation Neo[/URL] will probably help with low framerates too, but Sony has also promised that all future games will run on today's PS4 hardware. That means it's possible that consumers will be exposed to nausea-inducing framerates. That's bad for everyone.
劉名等睇POKEMON MOVIE大規模抽筋後O黎一次大規模嘔吐,應該係想入GUINNESS吧。

作者: mrk 查看文章
1時FPS,1時TPS,幾正,希望唔好比Oculus獨佔,預埋比PSVR同HTC Veie就好啦!
That's not the case with software sold through the Oculus store; if you own any other PC VR headset besides a Rift, you're out of luck. Even if that same VR title is available on Steam, without hardware restrictions.

"This botch job makes Fantastic Four look good." —Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
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