Games Animation Forum

舊 06-14-16, 04:03 PM   #7
God of Gamer
The Flash
註冊日期: Nov 2004
文章: 14,779
Nintendo Switch ID6287 6181 7226
其實個LOGO 會唔會又係文字遊戲??
定諗多左 >.<

個肚十字疤似武士切腹自殺咁.. 武士??
I think I understood which feelings Kojima wanted to pass on with this trailer. Full of Konami and his past creation references.

1 - The footprints are set on the ground and then erased. Like all the efforts Kojima offered to Konami.

2 - Reedus is naked, representing the shame Kojima was exposed to in his last days working for Konami.

3 - The broken shackles are the bound between him and the company being destroyed.

4 - The baby represents his suddenly lost creation (Metal Gear), and Reedus cries of pain and sorrow depicting Kojima's suffering.

5 - The hand marks on the body and the ink in Reedus depicts the weight of having a great successful game series on his name.

6 - The swamps shows that will be a dire path to establish another blockbuster.

7 - The crabs are other developers that never made such greatness as his.

Somewhat I felt soul connected to Kojima. It was strange.

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