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主題: [XB1] Xbox One 情報區
舊 08-05-15, 06:33 AM   #2
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
Xbox gamescom 2015相關新聞:

其實幾鍾意呢個Chatpad,如果XBOX ONE香港更新用Xbox one Chatpad打到中文就更好,
宜家我係XBOX ONE用緊MS出的WIN 8的keyboard就只能打到英文及用唔到touch pad,

The Chatpad returns on Xbox One this November

Xbox one Chatpad
Remember that Chatpad you used to trash-talk your Xbox 360 rivals? It's back in an Xbox One version with a few new twists. The keyboard add-on still clips to the bottom of your gamepad and makes it easy to type just about anywhere on either the Xbox One or a Windows 10 PC, but it now has a pair of programmable keys to automate common input (for example, asking for help from your friends in a tough match). Microsoft won't ship the peripheral until November, alas, but pre-orders will start today -- we'll get you pricing as soon as we can.

Xbox One 新版 Dashboard 將於 11 月降臨,終於要向下兼容 Xbox 360 遊戲了
之前微軟在 E3 上介紹的新版 Xbox One Dashboard 如今終於確定了具體的上線日期,等到 11 月的時候,各位玩家就可以使用包括 DVR 錄製、Cortana、快速啟動選單等在內的功能了。當然,其中最受人期待的改進,肯定還是對 Xbox 360 遊戲的向下兼容,如果之前有購買過的玩家,不用另外付費,就可以玩到上代主機的作品了。值得一提的是,未來 360 上的 Games with Gold 將也都可以在 Xbox One 上順利運行,不知道這會不會給大家多一個入手的理由呢?

Xbox One 將新增免費 DVR 功能

之前的傳聞總算變成了現實,在本屆 Gamescom 上,微軟終於正式宣佈將會為 Xbox One 加入 DVR 功能,讓玩家可以將錄製下的影片內容,輕鬆串流至 Windows 10 裝置上播放(離線都可以看喔)。而且最重要的是,這項更新並不會收取額外的費用,等到它 2016 年上線時,1TB 的硬碟就有更多用武之地啦。

Xbox One will be a 'full-featured' DVR for TV

We'd heard rumblings for some time, but today at Gamescom, Microsoft announced that Xbox One would get its own DVR. The new functionality works from the OneGuide and streams over-the-air TV recordings to any Windows 10 device with the Xbox app or SmartGlass on iOS and Android. And you'll also be able to watch offline, too. With those two apps, you'll be able to schedule shows to record when you're away from OneGuide in your living room. Recorded content stored on an external DVR was viewable on the Xbox One's TV option, but now, the console itself will pull double duty. The console also has the ability to stream over-the-air television channels thanks to a pair of digital TV tuners, so adding in the recorder offers a complete package for game and TV viewing. Xbox One's DVR will arrive in 2016 and won't command any additional fees.

Microsoft's blog detailing the feature says that you'll need to use an external USB hard drive to store shows. The company says by using this setup, you won't have to worry about any issues with gameplay or running out of space on the console itself. This also means that the amount of content you can record is only limited by the size of the hard drive that you plug into the Xbox One. We'll have to wait until next year to give it a shot, but today's news is certainly a welcome addition.

gamescom 2015: DVR for Over-the-Air TV Coming to Xbox One


Xbox gamescom 2015 Media Briefing

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