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主題: [XB1] Xbox One 情報區
舊 06-26-15, 11:03 AM   #4173
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
由15年7月起XBOX ONE金會員每月都同XBOX 360一樣有兩款免費遊戲

Xbox Live Gold Members Get Even More With Two New Games Every Month on Xbox One

This July represents two full years since we began giving Xbox Live Gold members access to amazing games to play with your friends. As a special thank you to our members and all Xbox fans, we’re announcing that starting in July, Gold members get more with two new Games with Gold every month on Xbox One! Each month Gold members will enjoy four new free games; two on Xbox One and two on Xbox 360; On Xbox One enjoy a new game on the 1st and 16th of every month, each available to download for a full month. There are no changes on Xbox 360 and games will be available to download from the 1st to 15th and from the 16th to end of the month. Being an Xbox gamer keeps getting better. Thank you for being part of the Xbox community and remember to come to the Gold members’ area on the 1st and 16th to get your awesome games and build your collection.


For the month of July, Xbox Live Gold members will receive four new free games – two on Xbox One and two on Xbox 360 – as part of the Games with Gold program.

This July represents two full years since we began giving Gold members access to amazing games, completely free. As a special thank you to our Xbox fans, we’re announcing that starting in July, Games with Gold will offer two new games on Xbox One every month.

On Xbox One, Xbox Live Gold members can download Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag ($29.99 ERP) for free during the month of July. So Many Me ($14.99 ERP) will be available as a free download from July 16th to August 15th.

On Xbox 360, starting Wednesday, July 1st, Plants vs. Zombies ($14.99 ERP) will be free for Xbox Live Gold members through July 15th. Then on July 16th, Xbox Live Gold Members can download Gears of War 3 ($19.99 ERP) for free through July 31st.

Xbox One will get two new free games a month starting with July's Games with Gold

Xbox One owners with a paid Xbox Live Gold subscription have usually only been able to get one free game per month as part of Microsoft's Games with Gold promotion. That will change starting in July, with the Xbox One getting access to two free games a month from now on.

Ubisoft's pirate-themed game Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, which normally costs $29.99, will be free for the entire month of July for Xbox One owners. From July 16 to August 15, owners of the console will also be able to get the currently unreleased indie puzzle-platformer So Many Me for free, which is a $14.99 value. Here's a quick description of the game:

"In the all-new puzzle-focused platformer So Many Me, blob-shaped clones with different abilities take on an ancient, evil by leveraging their ever-so-slightly different mutations. This game is about thinking laterally, looking cute, and asking yourself the key existential questions: Who are you? Why are there so many of me? And how can I get more of these sweet costumes? You get dozens of levels, hundreds of puzzles, thousands of ways to solve them. You'll need to have good thumbstick skills and a sharp mind to take this one down!"
Xbox 360 owners will continue to get two free games a month under Games with Gold. From July 1-15, they will be able to download PopCap's tower defense game Plants Vs Zombies for free, which normally costs $14.99. From July 16-31, the console will be able to access Gears of War 3, the third game in the sci-fi shooter series from Epic. It normally costs $19.99 to purchase.


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