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舊 02-21-13, 07:33 PM   #7
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God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
文章: 9,253

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt confirmed for PS4 release in 2014

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt developer CD Projekt RED has confirmed that its open world RPG will hit PS4 in 2014, as well as other high-end consoles.

Speaking with Eurogamer, studio head Adam Badowski said, “We were thrilled when asked, several months ago, to be one of the developers who were granted early access to the PlayStation 4. It was an exciting moment to be invited to be in the company of other legendary developers like Bethesda, EA, LucasArts, Ubisoft or Activision as one of the teams working on titles shipping early in the PlayStation 4′s lifecycle.
“Of course, we couldn’t reveal any specifics about this to our fans, even though many journalists and forum members asked about when and how The Witcher might show up on Sony’s console. After yesterday’s PlayStation Meeting we can finally promise: The Witcher 3 is coming to the PlayStation 4.
By Wesley Yin-Poole Published Thursday, 21 February 2013
CD Projekt Red has confirmed The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for PlayStation 4 in 2014.
The Polish developer said the open world role-playing game will launch simultaneously on all high end consoles, guaranteeing release on the next Xbox.
“We were thrilled when asked, several months ago, to be one of the developers who were granted early access to the PlayStation 4,” said studio boss Adam Badowski.
“It was an exciting moment to be invited to be in the company of other legendary developers like Bethesda, EA, LucasArts, Ubisoft or Activision as one of the teams working on titles shipping early in the PlayStation 4′s lifecycle.
“Of course, we couldn’t reveal any specifics about this to our fans, even though many journalists and forum members asked about when and how The Witcher might show up on Sony’s console. After yesterday’s PlayStation Meeting we can finally promise: The Witcher 3 is coming to the PlayStation 4.
“The new hardware gives us the opportunity to create something great. We are able to work with the new console from its birth and this allows our in-house REDengine 3 to push the graphical limits of what the PlayStation hardware can display. The console is fresh and has some innovative solutions that we’re looking forward to using in our game.”
What do you make of that then?
We covered the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt reveal at great length when it happened earlier this month. Check out everything that has been said, as well as debut screens here.

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