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舊 06-28-07, 10:57 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Rise of the Argonauts

Rise of the Argonauts (PS3)
Published by: Codemasters
Developed by: Liquid Entertainment
Genre: Action RPG
Release Date:
US: TBA 2008
Europe: TBA 2008
Also Available On: Xbox 360, PC

Pre-E3 2007: Rise of the Argonauts
Rotting sterns are the least of Jason's worries.

by Jeremy Dunham

June 27, 2007 - "I really want to play this game." That's the phrase that kept popping into my head during our recent non-playable demo of Codemasters' original PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 IP, Rise of the Argonauts. Developed by the Dragonshard guys at Liquid Entertainment, the scheduled-for-2008 RPG looks like it has a lot of promise -- even if it is only running on PC dev stations right now.

Loosely based on the Greek mythological hero, Jason of Iolcus, Rise of the Argonauts resurrects one of the world's most famous parables. Rather than following the popular myth beat for beat, however, the creative team has taken several liberties to tell the story they want to tell. Instead of Jason pursuing the Golden Fleece because of a plot to kill him by his evil uncle Pelias, for example, Jason now seeks the Fleece to restore the life of his dead bride who was murdered on their wedding day (no word yet as to who the bride is; be it Jay's first spouse Medea, his second wife Glauce [who we suspect it is], or a completely fictional woman created for the videogame).

Jason and his Argonauts is a legend older than some religions.

Once the journey's underway, though, there are plenty of familiar sides to the story. Take Jason's magnificent galley, the Argos, for instance. It's a central part of the plotline and acts as a means of travel between the game's 15 different islands and as a "floating trophy case." But the prizes that beautify the Argos aren't just in the visual categories (which represent specific accomplishments unlocked in each land), but also of the practical type. In other words, the boat is completely customizable to reflect the player's progress and it can inherit priests, blacksmiths and other NPCs that provide upgrades and other special needs. Think of it as a buoyant Suikoden fortress and you'll get the general idea.

Of course, with an "Argos" there are "Argonauts" (After all, they are in the title) and selecting the proper companions for each task is all part of the game's strategy. In our demonstration, we were introduced to two of them, Hercules and Atalanta, but learned that Achilles and Odysseus (Ulysses) will be selectable as well. We're assuming that we'll see Philoctetes, Orpheus and Euphemus too, but until Codemasters confirms anything, that's just conjecture on our part.

Artemis always was a snappy dresser.

One thing we know for sure, though, is that in battle Hercules and Atalanta are invaluable teammates. Combat happens entirely in real time with moves taken right out of competitors like God of War and The Mark of Kri. Hercules, for example, is a giant mountain of muscle that's capable of ripping his enemy's arms off (with appropriate blood fountain in tow) or deracinating half-ton objects to use as weapons. Atalanta is the exact opposite -- opting for a speedy long-range bow attack that keeps her pretty face from getting too close to the action. In total, players will be able to select up to two support buddies for Jason at a time and we're told that each and every one of them will be "totally badass."

To prove it, Codemasters fired up a sequence that showed what a typical quest in Rise of the Argonauts is like. After getting through a lengthy cutscene that sees our heroes conversing with the goddess Artemis (who boasts a sweet "Horse-meets-plant" character design), the crew is tasked with hunting down the newly transformed huntsman, Adonis. But in another reinterpretation of popular mythology, you needn't kill Orion's former apprentice with the tusks of a boar -- as he has in fact become a giant boar himself. Why? It's Artemis' punishment for deflowering and killing a virtuous dryad, and should the trio defeat him, they'll earn Orion's magical belt as a reward. It sounded like a pretty good excuse to see the team in action to us, and with that the three were on their way.

Rather than trekking through the forest, fighting baddies and saving the woods' hunters from precarious situations, our demo leads went straight to the big boss himself instead. Had the team decided to explore the island and rescue those who were in trouble, however, they would have paid back that favor by surrounding the impressively huge pig that used to be Adonis to pepper him with projectiles. But as it turned out having Hercules as a backup was more than enough for this scrap...

The key was the big man's strength. As Adonis charged the entire party, Herc stood right in front of him like a half-human roadblock and grabbed the swine by its tusks. This is exactly the opportunity that Jason was waiting for, as he proceeded to hack and slash at Adonis' exposed side before the boar wrestled free to regroup. At the same time, Atalanta hung back and sprayed the pig with her own arrows as a supplement to the archers already present. Eventually, Adonis falls, the day is saved, and the belt is theirs.

Adonis isn't so goodlooking anymore.

What's particularly cool about this boss sequence is the highly cinematic way in which it played out. Liquid wants weapons to affect enemies just as they do in real life, and therefore, hacks and slashes of Jason's sword cut and tear Adonis' flesh in real time. Every stroke and stab made left a mark on the boar's increasingly bloody body, but don't think that's a special exception -- every last enemy in Rise of the Argonauts will sport a highly-advanced procedural animation routine with accompanying textures so that they can react as convincingly as possible. If you smack some dude in the belly with a blunt object, he's going to topple over and respond to it. Every major limb on the body, from the head and torso to the arms and legs, will move independently of each other. It makes for a very realistic effect even at this very early stage.

Making the combat even more interesting is the fact that Codemasters and Liquid want to keep menus and other interface conventions to a minimum. Weapon selection, hit point restoration, and other familiar RPG minutia is supposed to happen onscreen and in-game with little need to break away from the primary view. It's a cool concept for sure, and it will be interesting to see how well the developers can pull it off by ship time.

These early models of Jason are just that -- the next pass will look even more detailed.

Other intriguing concepts being thrown around? How about a character development system that's tied to how well you interact with the Gods? Apollo, Ares, Athena, and Hermes are Jason's four main benefactors in Rise of the Argonauts and successfully completing deeds that please those gods increase your skills in various categories. Of course, you can piss a God off just as easily as you can please one, so finding the right balance and skill tree for you is all part of the fun. Also fun should be the inclusion of offline and online co-op multiplayer modes, but no other details in that area have been mentioned. Still, we like the sound of that already.

Then again, that last sentence sums up how we feel about Rise of the Argonauts quite well. With so many similar action games and RPGs out there, it's refreshing to see one with a couple of new ideas on an old concept. We were especially impressed by the visual strides that Liquid is already making (character faces that are used now were shown side-by-side with the eventual facades, and let me tell you -- the difference in detail was fantastic). In short, pay attention to where this one goes as it has some truly great potential.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-28-07, 11:03 PM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Developer Commentary (June 27, 2007)

File : Trailer (40.73 MB) (1280x720) - Streaming version
File : Trailer (MP4) (58.52 MB) (1280x720) - Streaming version

此篇文章於 06-28-07 11:12 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 07-22-07, 12:48 AM   #3
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
E3 2007 Dynamic Combat System Interview
E3 2007 Dynamic Combat System Interview HD
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舊 03-20-08, 06:45 PM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
來源: 時間:2008-3-20 編輯: 光年




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舊 04-22-08, 10:37 PM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Rise of the Argonauts
Published by: Codemasters
Developed by: Liquid Entertainment
Genre: Action RPG
Release Date:
US: TBA 2008
Europe: Unreleased
Also Available On: PC, PlayStation 3, X360

Rise of the Argonauts: Jason & Herc
We can't understand why Hercules was accused of using performance-enhancing drugs.

by Ryan Geddes

April 21, 2008 - Back in the day, Greece was a dangerous place to live, especially for heroic types. Everything would be humming along smoothly, when all of a sudden those troublesome gods would get involved, and disaster inevitably ensued. So goes the story of Jason and the Argonauts, a timeless tale of love, tragedy and the quest to retrieve the fleece of a flying ram. It's a long story.

The epic tale is the subject of Rise of the Argonauts, an upcoming role-playing game from Liquid Entertainment and Codemasters. The game won't follow the Greek myth exactly, but many of the well-known characters will play important roles, including Hercules and, of course, Jason himself. Here's a brief look at both men as they'll be presented in Rise of the Argonauts.


The young king of peaceful Iolcus, an isle of tranquil villages and rolling farmlands, Jason expected to live a quiet life of service to his people. His sole desire was to marry his childhood friend and beloved fiancé, the Princess Alceme. But on the day of their wedding, an assassin's arrow cut through the clear morning sky and pierced her through the heart.

Hand over the Fleece and nobody gets hurt.

Unwilling to accept this terrible fate, Jason sets out on an epic journey to find and recover the legendary Golden Fleece, a powerful artifact lost for centuries. Along the way, he gathers to his side a crew of the greatest heroes and legends of the Greek world. In his path are fantastic monsters, impossible challenges, and the sinister forces of Hecate, the mysterious titan whose plots seem to confront him at every turn.

Like his fathers before him, Jason trained as a weaponmaster, able to wield sword, spear, or mace with equally deadly skill and finesse. At his side, the Iolcan Aspis, shield of his kingdom, is a powerful weapon in its own right, deflecting enemy attacks and smashing foes with concussive force. Whether shattering shields with his mace, impaling a distant foe with hurled spear, or decapitating his enemies with a single slash, Jason's lethal expertise makes him a powerful warrior in any situation.


The son of Zeus and strongest mortal ever born, Hercules is a celebrated hero whose exploits are already a legend told throughout Greece. Despite his fame, he remains boisterous and good-natured, as fond of a good jest as a good fight.

Kevin Sorbo has been working out.

Hercules is an old friend of Jason's, and was proud to stand with him on his wedding day. After Jason's wife was murdered, Hercules was instrumental in preventing her Assassin from escaping. Of all the Argonauts, Hercules can best relate to Jason's quest—he knows the pain of losing a loved one, and accepts Jason's decision not to give up without question. Hercules will have Jason's back every step of the way.

In battle, Hercules' immense strength is the only weapon he needs. He can crush an armored man with his bare hands, or hold him fast while Jason cleaves him in two. With a single punch, he can send foes flying, then trample them under his sandaled feet.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-27-08, 09:39 PM   #6
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Rise of the Argonauts Progress Report - April 25, 2008
Liquid Entertainment shows us how to beat up Achilles.

來源: 時間:2008-4-27 編輯: 光年

就像很多其他的而遊戲一樣,現在動作RPG的概念爭辯的越來越模糊。以前動作RPG是指像《暗黑破壞神》或是《塞爾達傳說》那樣的遊戲。在近些年,開發者們正在不斷的翻新這個遊戲類型。Codemasters和Liquid Entertainment正在嘗試在新作《亞爾古之崛起》中加入新的東西。這款遊戲對應PS3和X360平台。







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舊 04-28-08, 09:48 AM   #7
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 666
XBox Live Gamertagandydy


3DS動物之森 Onkit
FC: 4167-4453-4797
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舊 04-28-08, 10:00 AM   #8
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2006
文章: 214
XBox Live GamertagIkarugA HK
fatdodo 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-28-08, 10:43 AM   #9
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2006
文章: 4,748
XBox Live GamertagKevinLTB HK
Action RPG + 希臘神話, 諗得過

不過呢 d game 都係等出左評語先再睇下買唔買.

終極目標 (?!) :
Nikon FF 拍片機 (D600) - 2012-09-19 達成
AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED - 2009-08-27 達成
AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II - 2010-12-15 達成
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舊 05-09-08, 10:14 PM   #10
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Ancient Greece Interview
Ancient Greece Interview HD
See Greece come to life as a character--from its islands to arenas!
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舊 06-17-08, 11:41 PM   #11
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Exclusive Full Motion Video
Exclusive Full Motion Video HD
Either with the gods or against them - I will have my vengeance.
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舊 06-17-08, 11:42 PM   #12
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Rise of the Argonauts
Codemasters, Liquid Ent. TBA 2008

Argonauts Rise this fall
Codemasters' action-RPG reimagining of Greek myth preparing to set sail on the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

By Brendan Sinclair, GameSpot
Posted Jun 16, 2008 11:50 am PT;title;9

Codemasters has consulted its Delphic oracle, and the publisher today bears news that Rise of the Argonauts is set for release this fall. Reimagining the Greek myth of Jason and the Argonauts, the action role-playing game is being developed for the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.

This one probably won't be getting an E for Everyone.

The game tells the story of King Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece in an attempt to revive his assassinated queen. The tale will find Jason helming the Argo along with a handful of helpful heroes serving as his Argonauts, including Hercules, Atalanta, Pan, and Achilles.

Rise of the Argonauts will combine a real-time combat system featuring team combos, parries, and on-the-fly weapon switching with RPG elements like upgradeable weapons and branching story arcs. It has not yet been rated, but Codemasters is promising "brutal, lethal combat" in the game, complete with finishing moves.

Rise of the Argonauts is being developed by Liquid Entertainment, which has previously worked on The Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring, Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard, and Desperate Housewives.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-14-08, 05:48 PM   #13
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2007
文章: 99
PSN  IDckakei
XBox Live Gamertagckakei

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舊 12-14-08, 06:34 PM   #14
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2007
文章: 1,859
XBox Live Gamertagsena123

賣360GAME +日版3500MSPT咭 (11/16 update)

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舊 12-14-08, 08:51 PM   #15
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2007
文章: 551
PSN  IDmaxlina
XBox Live GamertagMaxlina
作者: sena123 查看文章
隨故事背境有d 似 God Of War
其他都唔似呢 , 有興趣不妨去 GameHits 睇震波兄寫既簡評
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舊 12-14-08, 09:46 PM   #16
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2007
文章: 1,859
XBox Live Gamertagsena123
作者: maxlina 查看文章
隨故事背境有d 似 God Of War
其他都唔似呢 , 有興趣不妨去 GameHits 睇震波兄寫既簡評

賣360GAME +日版3500MSPT咭 (11/16 update)

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舊 12-15-08, 03:24 PM   #17
The One
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 31,170

柴崎幸 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-16-08, 07:30 PM   #18
Ωmega αlpha™
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 26,155
3DS Friend Code4596 9545 7662
XBox Live GamertagGOUFKING
作者: 柴崎幸 查看文章
我問PC店~話玩法似 真三國 + DIABLO

KIM 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-17-08, 10:21 AM   #19
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2007
文章: 473
少少背景... XDD

隻 game 真係幾好玩.. XDD
不過... 如果你真係當佢 no double 咁玩... 一定會掟制... XDDDD
D 慢動作正呀.... 畀人砍到一身都係既時候會好遺憾自己冇 40 吋大電視

題外... 唔知點解果邊我留唔到 message....

Chesed Sephirot@Figaro.ff14
vins 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-17-08, 01:15 PM   #20
Vibrating Ball
Junior Member
註冊日期: May 2007
文章: 91
XBox Live GamertagVibrating Ball
作者: KIM 查看文章
我問PC店~話玩法似 真三國 + DIABLO
佢老點你 ....

Vibrating Ball 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-18-08, 08:14 PM   #21
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
重返希臘眾神共存的世界《上古神話:亞戈號》即日上市 2008-12-18 16:16:03

  由 Codemasters 和 Liquid Entertainment 聯合製作的動作角色扮演遊戲《上古神話:亞戈號》,於即日起正式上市。


◆ 融入故事劇情 著重角色個性


  Liquid 製作小組希望保持 RPG 的角色成長類型,但同時不會犧牲動作遊戲的樂趣。《上古神話:亞戈號》中不會有傳統 RPG 中那麼多的資料,突顯的是角色個性本身,遊戲人物並不是玩家的替身,玩家需要去融入傑森的故事。在遊戲的進行中會出現很多選擇,玩家的焦點會被牢牢地鎖定在故事主軸上,所以不會有無意義的閒逛。另外,遊戲中的對話佔有很大的比例,不同的對話會有不同的結果。

◆ 傳奇的英雄成為玩家伙伴



◆ 獲得希臘眾神的眷顧 戰績決定角色發展




◆ 超痛快的動作遊戲

  遊戲和其他動作 RPG 最大的不同,在於玩家面對大多數敵人的時候,都可以一擊致命。絕大多數美式 RPG 遊戲基本上是延續簡略化的《龍與地下城》點數系統,生命值隨等級和盔甲增加,攻擊值也會根據武器和人物職業屬性……等有所不同。但是《上古神話:亞戈號》大大簡化了這個系統,遊戲畫面上將不會出現傳統的血條、打擊數值……等,取而代之的則是你控制的人物會表現出受傷的狀態,使這款遊戲玩上去更像一款動作類遊戲。


  PC、PS3、Xbox 360 《上古神話:亞戈號》12 月 18 日上市,PC 版建議售價 990 元,PS3 版建議售價 1690 元,Xbox 360版建議售價 1390 元。

(Ken 報導)
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舊 12-22-08, 12:19 AM   #22
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2004
文章: 104
ok game.

此篇文章於 12-23-08 01:42 AM 被 totalz 編輯。
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