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舊 01-29-03, 04:01 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898


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神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-06-03, 09:35 AM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Halo 2
Publisher: Microsoft Developer: Bungie Software
Genre: FPS Release Date: Q4 2003

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-06-03, 10:26 AM   #3
The One
註冊日期: Jul 2002
文章: 20,647
我一直都好懷疑呢 d 係咪就係玩緊既畫面??
因為全部都係 third-person view 既!!!
Zaku 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-17-03, 11:22 PM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Halo 2 FAQ
The Official answers to your Halo 2 questions.

Trailer Music (MP3)

Q When is Halo 2 coming out?
A Bungie has always stood by our policy of not giving out release dates for any of our titles. To put it simply, Halo 2 will be done when it's done. We're all as eager as you to get our hands on this amazing game but perfection takes time.

For now, Matt has already confirmed that the Summer 2003 dates being shown on various retail websites are definitely not accurate. When we do have a solid release date, we will post it here on Until then, any Halo 2 release dates you hear should be considered extremely unreliable.

Q What's new in Halo 2?
A So far a ton of new features have been announced. For example, Halo 2 will offer new vehicles, destructible environments, new weapons, low gravity levels, online play, Human vs. Covenant multiplayer battles, improved AI, and more.

There are a lot of surprises you'll have to discover for yourself by playing the game, but you can read the rest of this FAQ for more details about what we've already announced. Keep in mind that Halo 2 is still a game in development and all of the information included herein is subject to change before the final release.

Q Will there be a public beta test for Halo 2?
A Unfortunately, No. Halo 2 will undergo rigorous internal testing but it will not be available to the public. Anyone who claims to have a beta copy or to be a participant in the beta test other than a Bungie employee is pulling your leg.

Q Will Halo 2 support online play via Xbox Live?
A Absolutely! Forget everything you know about Xbox Live. We intend for Halo 2 to become the definitive Xbox Live experience with well designed and extremely robust support for online play. We'll have much more to say on this subject in the months ahead.

Q Will Halo 2 support the Xbox Live communicator in online games?
A Definitely.

Q Will Halo 2 support downloadable content?
A We can't answer this just yet, but stay tuned...

Q Will flying vehicles be available in multiplayer games?
A You better believe it!

Q What multiplayer game types will be offered in Halo 2?
A All of Halo's multiplayer modes will return including Oddball, Race, Slayer, CTF, etc.. In addition to these classics, we have some big plans for Live that we'll reveal a little later.

Q Will there be multiplayer bots?
A We have not made a final decision regarding bots yet. The team has heard the cries of fans and we're exploring ways to make multiplayer games more enjoyable for gamers with only 2 controllers and no Live access.

Q Which characters will be returning in Halo 2?
A Naturally the Chief will take center stage again in his efforts to save mankind from the Covenant threat. And what would MC do without his favorite AI construct Cortana?

We can't reveal anymore than that just yet but stay tuned...

Q What about the Music in Halo 2?
A The same team responsible for Halo's award winning music and sound design are working busily on Halo 2. While we can't share the fruit of their labor with you at this writing, we can safely say Halo 2's audio will definitely kick ass.

Q What new weapons will be available in Halo 2?
A So far there have a been a few new weapons revealed. The Battle Rifle is an evolved version of the original assault rifle and features increased accuracy, a scope, and a slower rate of fire. The SMG (Sub Machine Gun) is a rapid-fire gun that trades a high volume of bullets for decreased accuracy.

Of course these are others, but we can't tell you about them yet.

Q What are the new Covenant races?
A The Brute has been described as a cross between a gorilla and a rhino and will be a serious force to reckon with on the battlefield. The Prophets have been referred to as "giant space popes" and they provide the political, religious and spiritual leadership in the Covenant.

As for the others... you'll just have to wait and see.

Q What new levels will there be in Halo 2?
A We can't reveal the full extent of your travels but we can confirm that some of the battles will take place on a war torn Earth, a moon base, and several other completely new locations. You can check out a few early environment concepts here.

Beyond that, all we can say is that this time MC is taking the war to the Covenants.

Q Will the Halo 2 environments be interactive?
A Yes! This time around, the worlds of Halo 2 will feature destructible objects to add to the realism and strategy. Windows, columns and doors will shatter into pieces when they take damage. Enemy soliders will be able to recognize these objects and strategically destroy them to make you an easier target. In addition, MC will be able to shoot out lights and hide in the shadows when stealth makes more sense than confrontation.

Q Will the Artificial Intelligence be improved over Halo?
A Absolutely. The enemies in Halo were no slouches but this time around expect your opponents to be more cunning and tactical in their attempts to anihilate you. Covenant forces will use the environment to their advantage and make your job that much more difficult. You'll see the Covies scurrying under ledges, leaping over obstacles, and climbing up structures. They'll fluidly move with animal-like grace while talking and coordinating amongst their squads. They'll even use flashlights to hunt down MC in the darkness. It will take all of your wits and skills to overcome your adversaries this time around.

The Human forces will also be smarter this time around. They'll work better as a team and flip over objects to create cover. The Marines will also know how to call in support from a Warthog or point out an enemy sniper for an ally to take down.

Q How has Master Chief changed?
A Besides sporting an improved graphical look, MC will get his hands on a new suit of armor, some "tools", and a few new moves. Check out the 'Characters' section of the Halo 2 gallery for a glimpse of the Chief's new look.

When things get hectic, the Chief can lower his gun and sprint at almost twice his normal speed. Before rushing into battle, MC can peek around corners and scope out the situation. When the action gets up close and personal, the Chief can string together melee attacks into devastating combos.

The Chief is sure to have a few other surprises up his sleeve so stay tuned for future updates.

Q What graphical improvements are being made over the original Halo?
A Besides a pumped up bump-mapping system, Halo 2 will really shine due to the inclusion of a new advanced real-time lighting engine. Dramatic lighting and shadows will behave realistically and interact with characters and environments. We've also got a new subtle technique called "self shadowing" where every model in the game will cast shadows on itself as well as its surroundings.

Most of our new graphical effects are still in heavy development so we can't say too much about them yet. We can say that our goal is make sure that Halo 2 looks better than Halo in every way!

Q What new vehicles will be in Halo 2?
A We've created several new vehicles for Halo 2 though we've only shown a few. The Human 4 wheel ATV and several Warthog variants can all be seen in their early stages in the Halo 2 Gallery

The Covenant Shadow has also been confirmed and you can check out an early concept sketch here.

Q What is the plot of Halo 2?
A The full story is a closely guarded secret but so far we can confirm that the Covenant forces will attack Earth, another Halo ring comes into play, and MC will take the battle to the Covenant. As with the first Halo, there will be a few new twists that you definitely won't expect.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-17-03, 11:34 PM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Halo 2 Wallpaper

The Mark VI

Halo 2 Trailer Screen

Halo 2 Trailer Screen

Halo 2 Logo

EGM Art by Craig Mullins

Eddie Smith's EDGE Magazine Cover


Halo 2 Concept Art

An early concept of the new Brute

An early concept drawing of a Prophet

Concept sketch of a control room Halo 2

Concept sketch of some machinery

Sketch of airlock space from the trailer

Early sketch of elevator from the trailer

An early concept sketch of the Shadow

Drawing of the hangar from the trailer
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-18-03, 12:07 AM   #6
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2002
文章: 689
辦公室潛水專家 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-18-03, 12:15 AM   #7
The One
註冊日期: Jul 2002
文章: 20,647
Q4 = 第四季 =/= 4月
Zaku 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-18-03, 12:26 AM   #8
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2002
文章: 689
辦公室潛水專家 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-18-03, 10:40 AM   #9
Game Master
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 2,431
PSN  IDNightghostTony
正呀, 我最鍾意渣坦克.
tonyyeung 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-18-03, 10:43 AM   #10
Ultimate Gamer
諸行無常 諸法無我
註冊日期: Jul 2002
文章: 4,209
Wii U IDSwitch
Nintendo Switch IDPS Vita
3DS Friend Code0123 4567 8900
PSN  IDXBox one
XBox Live GamertagPlayStation 4


hk_boy 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-18-03, 11:45 AM   #11
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2002
文章: 8,063
3DS Friend Code1805 2967 4401


嵐の中で輝いて その夢をあきらめないで
傷ついた あなたの背中の
天使の羽 そっと抱いて

- くすくすくっすん さんくっすん祭り 2014/2015
feat.楠田 亞衣奈
ヴィタさんさんKS☀ 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-18-03, 09:55 PM   #12
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 20,716
Originally posted by Zaku :
我一直都好懷疑呢 d 係咪就係玩緊既畫面??
因為全部都係 third-person view 既!!!
其餘遊戲中ge過場動畫都係real time ge,丁點cg都無.
david 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-27-03, 10:35 AM   #13
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
HALO 2: OXM World Exclusive
By Cesar
04.26.2003 @ 06:16 PM
You better be ready for this. Forget about Star Wars: KOTOR, Counter-
Strike or Fable. This is the game you're really waiting for.

Halo 2 is coming and OXM has a world exclusive feature in next
month's issue. Mike Salmon and Frank O'Connor went to Bungie Studios
headquarters in Redmond to to see first hand what Bungie is up to.
After playing Halo 2 multiplayer this is what they have to say:
Of all the game's you've had a chance to preview, how would yourate
Halo 2 as far as the anticipation and expectations that surround it?
What about Halo 2 are you most excited about?

It’s an 11. Out of 10, natch. People are breathlessly waiting for
it. Once the PC and Mac version of the first game hit, you can
expect a huge migration to the Xbox just for Halo 2. The aspect I’m
most excited about is in the feature, and I’m not going to spoil
the surprise, but it’s hardly a shocker to reveal that new graphics
are exponentially better.

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-27-03, 10:45 AM   #14
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Interview with Frank O'Connor
By SketchFactor
Friday, April 25th, 2003, 12:45 PM

New Halo 2 information is coming... Next month's issue of OXM features an exclusive look at the game and what you can expect to see at this year's E3 show. From the awesome cover created by our own Mehve to the new tidbits of info, the anticipation level is extremely high.

We invited Mike Salmon, Editor in Chief, and Frank O'Connor, Executive Editor, to visit our humble home to see first hand what we've been up to. After some top secret debriefings and a little Halo 2 multiplayer (drool) we sent them away to work their magic.

Once the dust settled from an unfortunate encounter with our intoxicated and belligerent Webmaster, I sat down with Frank to get some insight into their visit.

Hey Frank, how's it goin!? Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what it is you do?

I’m the Executive Editor of the Official Xbox Magazine, which means I do whatever I’m told by a cabal of evil unmatched in modern media. Mostly writing, assigning and editing articles. I’m in charge of news and features, but I get to do lots of other things to, as you’ll hear more about later.

Do you guys really sit around and play games all day? Describe a typical day at the office for us.

We only play games (during the day) if we’re writing about them, or taking screenshots. A typical day involves me rolling in here around 8:30, finding a coffee, trawling the news websites and answering email. Then I start writing and editing and taking screenshots and on a typical day, a software company will show up and show us a new game.

The office is tiny, so there’s a lot of noise and huddle and interaction with the other staff.

What are your favorite and least favorite parts of the job?

Well my favorite parts are the parts anyone would love: Traveling, seeing new games, meeting strange and fragrant new people, making fun of them the moment they leave, and forwarding pictures of terrible things from the internet. Also, on quiet days, I like to make up particularly heart-wrenching emails about orphans with consumption.

I'm sure getting a behind-the-scenes glimpse at some of gaming's hottest titles is a blast. What is the most memorable game feature you've worked on? On the contrary, what game have you had to write about that you just couldn't stand?

Halo 2 is definitely up there. In large part because I was so looking forward to it. Many, many years ago however, I was invited to see Super Metroid on the SNES in Japan, and the game was demoed to me by Shigeru Miyamoto and Gumpei Yokoi! And it hadn’t even been announced. I nearly soiled myself, as you can imagine. Plus, I was younger and easier to impress.

I was lean and taut back then, like a tiger. Or maybe a young Tom Jones. The worst game? Wow. There have been so many. Games are like movies you know, MOST of them are mediocre, average or bad. But seeing a game early means you have to appreciate that it’s not finished, and that it could get better. Maybe the worst games to see are just genres that you could care less about. For me, Strategy (not realtime) and “Bemani” or Dance Dance Revolution type games are high on my -blam!- list.

Working for a game magazine seems like a really cool job. What advice would you give to any aspiring game writers out there?

Get a college degree in something useful, like English LANGUAGE (not lit) or Journalism. That said, there are plenty of people in the industry with totally useless degrees. But get one anyway, not only will it help you get a job, but you’ll get paid more to start. For our line of work, a vast, working knowledge of games is a must. Oh and most people can’t write. Just like most people can’t draw. Luckily, a crack-team of editors will fix your shizzle, for nizzle.

There's a lot more that goes into a game magazine feature than just the words. Can you give us an idea of how everything comes together and the roles that your teammates play?

Halo 2 is a convenient example. There’s a lot of political drama before fingers ever hit keyboards. We call, we email, we beg and we plead. Nothing is handed to OXM on a platter. In fact, Microsoft is very careful about which magazine gets which exclusive. They argue internally about this stuff too.

Once the feature deal is secured, we start arguing about assets. “We need a zillion screenshots and access to everyone on the team,” is usually our first request. That is filtered to Bungie as, “They want a polaroid of Jones and some pizza when they get here.”

Then there’s a bunch of arguing and more deal-making to get sausage on the pizza. Meanwhile a whole other drama – the cover illustration - is being played out between Bungie and our art director. A magazine cover is a pretty thing, but hamstrung by things like logos and barcodes and disc info. We had to work with Bungie to get an illustration that worked for both of us.

Then we (in this case, me and Mike Salmon, but Rees, Reyes and McCaffrey all pitch in) show up. They show us AMAZING SECRET AWESOMENESS THAT WE CAN NEVER WRITE ABOUT and the stuff we did write about. Then they kicked us out onto the rain-slicked streets of Seattle and we went back to our hotel and started writing furiously. Because of the E3 deadlines and timelines, we only had a couple of days to get this feature from conception to production. But it was all worthwhile. And to be honest, pretty typical.

One thing I would like our readers to know is that OXM is tiny. Seriously, some people think we have a staff of thousands and all we do is fly around the world eating foie gras and washing our butts with champagne. There are four writers, two art staff and a disc guy. We work super hard. Except me. I’ve fixed it so I can loaf around taking credit for other people’s work, and basically flirting with PR chicks by Instant Messenger.

You were one of the first journalists in the world to get into Bungie Studios for an exclusive look at Halo 2 and the cool stuff being planned for E3. What was that like? Can you share the highlights of your visit with us?

The visit was stressful for everyone. The fact that I have an appalling case of Tourette’s Syndrome By Proxy probably made it harder. As I unleashed yet another stream of random profanity and nonsequeter obscenities, the Bungie guys just sat there smiling and nodding.

Seeing the game though. That was the highlight.

Can you give us a hint about some of the cool stuff you've put together for your article?

It’s really the story of how Bungie made this amazing E3 demo, without wasting a single resource. Almost everything you see at the show and in the feature, will make it either intact or in some form to the final game. So we look at new game features, new gameplay mechanics, we check out new aliens and vehicles and the thing I’m personally most excited about – environments.

Most of the detail and flavor in the piece comes from talking to the guys who’re making the game. Sound guys, graphics guys, gameplay guys, programmers. They are all so passionate about making this more than a sequel. I say that a lot, because everyone working on a sequel says that. Andthen it’s the same game with different textures. I can guarantee you in the case of Halo 2 that simply isn’t true. It’s a quantum leap.

Since practically none of our readers have ever had a chance to visit the studio, was there anything you saw or learned about Bungie that the average fan might not be aware of?

They love their fans. Anyone who’s been to is aware of that, but until you see the office space, it’s hard to understand how much. They have as much office space devoted to community as we have to our entire editorial staff at OXM. Seriously. Also, they’re expanding into a bigger office space, so maybe they’re working on a new game...

Now that you've had a small taste of Halo 2 I'm sure the wait for the final release will be more painful than ever. What advice would you give to our fans to pass the time between now and then?

Play more Halo. Buy the Mac version when it comes out(I’m sure the PC version will be nice too) and get used to playing online this year. Don’t get too used to the mouse. I even suggest getting one of those USB adapters so you can play using an Xbox controller to keep it pure.

Of all the game's you've had a chance to preview, how would yourate Halo 2 as far as the anticipation and expectations that surround it? What about Halo 2 are you most excited about?

It’s an 11. Out of 10, natch. People are breathlessly waiting for it. Once the PC and Mac version of the first game hit, you can expect a huge migration to the Xbox just for Halo 2. The aspect I’m most excited about is in the feature, and I’m not going to spoil the surprise, but it’s hardly a shocker to reveal that new graphics are exponentially better.

Do you guys still play Halo around the OXM offices? If so, do you have a favorite map or gametype?

Yes. Every single day. 5:30pm, Blood Gulch, CTF, all vehicles on, normal weapons, five flags, flags reset. It’s a work of art. It NEVER gets old. Oh and by the way, we CRUSH Microsoft at that game type every time we play ‘em. Not Bungie, Microsoft, to clarify. They park all their -blam!- in their own base so we can’t get in. It’s sad really. Then we pick them slowly apart until they lose it...

Just between us, who's the best Halo player around the OXM offices?

Everyone has his or her strengths. Fran is Ghost-Face-Killa. When you hear that Ghost, it’s already too late. Mike Salmon is a good all-rounder, New Guy Ryan is getting really good and even our art staff are kind of bitchin’. I’m very creative and will get my tank on the roof of your base for laffs, but hands down, the best player is Dave Rees. He can kill you from across the map with two pistol shots. I swear to god he’s cheating. Also he has this really, really irritating way of standing on ridges where he’s protected from splash damage.

Everyone hates him. His one weakness is his bad temper. If, god forbid, somebody actually kills him, he throws down his controller in a short-lived fit of pique. Dan Egger used to rock, but he came to visit recently and had either lost it completely, or was playing some kind of antique Halo stylee that doesn’t cut it in the modern world.

Anything else you'd like to share with the Bungie Fan Community?

Just that they should all pick up the next issue. It’s got some game in it called Halo 2. Should go on sale the week of E3 (some subscribers might even get it early!) and you should know that Bungie is taking good care of you. Set your faces to “stunned.”

Thanks for your time Frank! We'll be looking forward to checking out next month's issue of OXM when it hits the stands. Also, next time I promise we'll keep the Webmaster locked up. =)
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-28-03, 10:25 AM   #15
The One
註冊日期: Jul 2002
文章: 20,647
Originally posted by david :

其餘遊戲中ge過場動畫都係real time ge,丁點cg都無.
冇睇清楚我個 post
我懷疑係咪玩緊既畫面係指 third-person view, 唔係話畫面靚得擠

同埋我係有 Halo, 所以先知 third-person view 只係過場畫面, 咁咪即係唔係玩緊個畫面囉
Zaku 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-28-03, 11:48 AM   #16
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2002
文章: 8,063
3DS Friend Code1805 2967 4401

嵐の中で輝いて その夢をあきらめないで
傷ついた あなたの背中の
天使の羽 そっと抱いて

- くすくすくっすん さんくっすん祭り 2014/2015
feat.楠田 亞衣奈
ヴィタさんさんKS☀ 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-28-03, 03:34 PM   #17
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

KaiserBlade - I have added 10 Amazing Pictures, and some assuaging Halo 2 Information. The newest and the low-down on Halo 2. Click on the thumbnails to make the image bigger.

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-28-03, 07:02 PM   #18
Game Master
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 2,431
PSN  IDNightghostTony
tonyyeung 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-28-03, 11:02 PM   #19
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2002
文章: 689
辦公室潛水專家 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-28-03, 11:57 PM   #20
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 20,716
Originally posted by 辦公室潛水專家 :

"This botch job makes Fantastic Four look good." —Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
NS CC:Morphus X300
david 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-03-03, 08:44 AM   #21
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-03-03, 04:26 PM   #22
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2002
文章: 689
Originally posted by david :

辦公室潛水專家 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-09-03, 10:55 AM   #23
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-09-03, 11:02 AM   #24
Game Master
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 2,431
PSN  IDNightghostTony
Originally posted by 辦公室潛水專家 :

咁, 你地戰況一定好激勒
tonyyeung 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-09-03, 10:15 PM   #25
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2002
文章: 689
Originally posted by tonyyeung :

咁, 你地戰況一定好激勒
辦公室潛水專家 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章


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