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舊 08-17-05, 10:53 AM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Def Jam: Icon圖片及影片,美版3月6日發售

Def Jam 3
Electronic Arts

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舊 09-26-06, 10:33 PM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 10-18-06, 10:02 PM   #3
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Def Jam 3 [Working Title]
Published by: Electronic Arts
Developed by: EA Chicago
Genre: Fighting
Release Date:
US: TBA 2007

First Impressions -- Def Jam: Icon
When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable

by Jeremy Dunham
October 18, 2006 - "We like where they're going with this."

That's the first thing that came to mind when the guys from EA Chicago, namely Fight Night's Kudo Tsunoda, showed off his team's next big project, Def Jam: Icon. Though it's still early in production, Icon takes an approach to the fighting genre that we've never seen before... or more specifically, heard.

Developed from the ground up using bits and pieces of the Fight Night engine, Icon does away with Aki's old influence and mechanics to create something new. EA Chicago is big on using the analog sticks, after all, so most of the game's control stems from the idea of using those. But before we get into that, let's talk a bit about Def Jam's most unique feature -- its treatment of music and how it relates to the in-match action.

You see, rather than just use the musical score as a supplement to the foreground it actually influences every aspect of the contest. As hip-hop blares over the speakers, a built-in equalizer detects its beats and rhythms, which then forces the entire environment to move along with it. And when we say "entire environment," we mean it. In the demo we were given, for example, recording artists Big Boi and Ludacris were throwing down to the backdrop of a gas station in the middle of a sprawling urban city. But as the music thumped over our 7.1 system, the buildings, cars, people, and every other object bounced along in tempo.

With each successive bass hit, the environment became more and more damaged too. Skyscrapers on the horizon were crumbling, glass was breaking, and cars were shaken silly. But all this isn't just for show. The key to winning a match is to use the music to your advantage. Players must time their combinations, solo hits, and placement of an opponent to what's happening acoustically. If timed right, finishing a combo simultaneously with a beat means extra damage -- or more importantly -- if you can throw an enemy into a structure as the cadence hits its climax, you'll get even more damage or a cool environmental effect.

Just a few examples of how this system was put to work when smashing a guy into an object at the apex of a beat: A small fire turned into a fireball to consume an opponent; a car wash scrubber slammed into the back of one of the fighter's heads; the convenience store's cadre of air tanks blasted some dude from one end of the screen to another... these are just a few examples of what to expect in the final game.

This sort of audible system will play to the strengths of each fighter too. As each combatant has a different style, certain techniques lend themselves better to specific tunes. The most intriguing aspect of this mechanic, though, is that the user-defined advantages are far more important. If you know a song better than your opponent, then you're going to have an advantage since you'll know exactly how to time your attacks in sequence. Of course, your opponent may another song even better than you do and if that's the case, you may find yourself in a battle for song supremacy. In fact, that's one of the features of the game -- earning the ability to force the invisible DJ to flip the record to a different track so that it changes how the environment moves and how the timing of environmental hazards and combo finishers work.

The good news is that players aren't limited to using only the music that ships with the game via Def Jam's label. PS3 and Xbox 360 users will both have the option to import their own tracks to change things up however they want -- and because the equalizer picks up on multiple aspects of a song, any genre of music can be used. Country vs. Industrial, Pop vs. Rap, Folk vs. Classical -- you name it, it's theoretically possible.

As for the combat itself (told you we'd get back to it), it runs off the same "two-stick" idea that EA Chicago's Fight Night does --only the stick movements serve different purposes. Any combination of movements allows users to modify their attacks from heavy to light, kicks to punches, and further adjustments can be made with the buttons to pick up objects as projectiles, change mid or high, etc, etc. Taunts are a big part of the battle system too, and showboating in the middle of a combo or right after a reversal will have positive effects for your fighter (an in-depth explanation is father down the road).

Because of the earliness of the build, there was still a lot not working in Def Jam: Icon. Only the aforementioned Luda and Big Boi were playable at this point and their move sets were severely limited. Also, the Xbox 360 version is farther along the PS3 build, and because of this fact, it's running a little smoother than its Sony counterpart (yes, we saw them both). At this point, it doesn't really matter though -- because of its young age and a lack of optimization, the action was only moving along at about 10-15 frames per second... maybe even less; so to say that we hope EA fixes that before its ship date in March is an understatement.

Nevertheless, Def Jam has major potential. With customizable music that plays such an important part in the gameplay and a truly unique concept, it could definitely influence other developers in how they approach making a fighting game (graphics aren't everything). The real question is, will it become a great videogame or just remain a great idea?
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舊 10-18-06, 11:27 PM   #4
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2003
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舊 10-19-06, 09:45 PM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Def Jam Icon 'Brawl' gameplay

Def Jam: Icon PS3 'Guided tour'
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舊 10-19-06, 10:45 PM   #6
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
機種 PS3/Xbox 360
廠商 EA Games/EA Chicago
類型 FTG
價格 未定
發售日 2007年3月發售預定


EA公司的《街頭格鬥》系列由於將hip-hop音樂與街頭格鬥完美結合,憑借獨特的風格和遊戲方式在業內獨樹一幟。大約一年多以前,EA與Def Jam公司聯手宣佈,將在次世代主機平台上推出《街頭格鬥》系列的最新作,今天EA終於正式公佈了有關這款次世代hip-hop風格格鬥遊戲的相信情報,包括官方正式名稱、對應平台以及發售日等。

本作將被命名為《街頭格鬥:偶像(Def Jam: Icon)》,目前正由EA芝加哥分公司負責開發,該公司也是《拳擊之夜》系列的開發公司,對於格鬥遊戲的開發可以說是經驗豐富。本作預訂於2007年3月登陸PS3和Xbox 360兩大次世代主機平台。EA公司強調,次世代的《街頭格鬥》不僅將實現畫面質量上的飛躍,而且遊戲場景與角色的互動性也將得到大幅提升。

對於這款hip-hop風格的格鬥遊戲來說,音樂無疑具有至關重要的作用,EA公司表示,遊戲將把激烈的格鬥與樂曲和旋律充分結合,使整個遊戲過程更富動感。遊戲執行製作人、EA芝加哥分公司總經理Kudo Tsunoda說:「我們力圖通過這款遊戲改變傳統格鬥遊戲的理念,角色與場景之間的關係將得到徹底的改革。遊戲中的場景不再是毫無生氣的,而是會像第三名格鬥者一樣對背景音樂和玩家的行動產生相應的反應,起到類似於伴奏的效果。」

除了hip-hop音樂和場景互動以外,遊戲中重量級說唱歌手的加盟自然也是無庸質疑的。EA公司透露,像系列前作一樣,《街頭格鬥:偶像》將邀請眾多說唱藝人參加遊戲的開發,不過目前EA只重點強調了其中的幾個,他們分別是Ludacris,T.I.,和Big Boi.。
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舊 10-24-06, 11:25 PM   #7
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Def Jam: Icon - Lifestyle and Environments Interview HD
Def Jam: Icon - Lifestyle and Environments Interview

Def Jam: Icon - Hip Hop Lifestyle Interview HD
Def Jam: Icon - Hip Hop Lifestyle Interview

此篇文章於 10-24-06 11:27 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 10-26-06, 10:55 PM   #8
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 01-08-07, 09:04 PM   #9
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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此篇文章於 01-08-07 09:07 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 01-08-07, 11:16 PM   #10
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2004
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作者: 吉吉阿弟仔 查看文章
次世代 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-09-07, 12:55 AM   #11
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2002
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辦公室潛水專家 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-09-07, 10:17 AM   #12
註冊日期: Aug 2002
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XBox Live GamertagJojONa

上集無玩, 今集就咁睇圖好似好正喎...^^ (尤其係d冷冷色調...我最'笠')

當然係入360版啦 (不過封面襯理個盒就PS3靚d, 因為黑邊 )
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舊 01-09-07, 12:51 PM   #13
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Def Jam: Icon First Look
The gloves are off in our first up-close glimpse of with the Xbox 360 version of EA's funky new fighter.

By Ricardo Torres, GameSpot
Posted Jan 8, 2007 5:28 pm PT

EA's Def Jam series has continued to mature since its debut in 2003. Although the notion of a fighting game starring hip-hop musicians seemed like a recipe for a disaster of Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style proportions, the Def Jam games have managed to be solid fighters that have improved with every iteration. However, though the last two entries have seen incremental improvements to the presentation and gameplay, the latest entry in the series, Def Jam Icon, seems poised to offer the most significant tweak to the formula since the series first appeared. Though the game is on display for both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on the CES show floor, we recently had the chance to get a closer look at the promising fighter to see more than just the gas station level.

Def Jam Icon takes the series another step farther away from simple categorization. Though the series started as a fighter, it has transitioned to a more stylized wrestling feel, with a flexible fighting system. Icon goes one step farther, with EA labeling it a "hip-hop lifestyle" game that integrates the solid fighting elements the previous games are known for with the hip music and musicians that the Def Jam license brings to the table. Credit for the change goes to EA Chicago, who, after busting out the most excellent Fight Night Round 3, is taking the reins on the series from original developer Aki. The result is a fresh take on the series, and it's looking very sharp. Def Jam Icon will revolve around your character's rise to mogul-dom as you build a record label. But despite the fact that the boys at EA Chicago are a talented bunch, the action is light on boardroom dealings, power lunches, and contract writing. Instead, you'll find yourself building your recording empire by knocking fools around in a stylish and unique fashion.

The combat system in Def Jam has undergone a radical overhaul that retains the elements you'd want in a fighter and tosses some truly funky business into the mix. You'll have four basic attack types--these being low and high attacks that can be delivered strong and slow or light and fast--that you can chain together for different combos and special attacks. But that's just the start of Def Jam's combat. Thanks to EA Chicago's extensive experience with dual-analog-stick systems courtesy of the Fight Night games, Def Jam Icon relies heavily on a similar system that lets you not only smoothly perform offensive and defensive moves, but also use the game's slick new music system.

Music system? Unlike previous entries in the series, Icon's music is an integral component of combat. The songs and their beats trigger hazards in the environment that you'll use to your advantage and factor into combos. In addition, fighters will be more effective when fighting to their own music. As a result, both you and your opponents can "mix" your signature tunes into combat. Best of all, if rap isn't your thing, you'll be able to import tunes into the game that will be synched up as you fight. It's all extremely cool and surprisingly easy to do during combat, which ensures it's a feature that you'll use often in battle.

Despite the fact that the Icon is still a work in progress, the graphics are one of the game's most pleasant surprises. The PS3 and Xbox 360 are more than capable of turning out realistic visuals, and EAC has thrown in a mix of detailed character models that are very close to their real-life counterparts. These are dropped into funky locales that feature the expected amount of next-gen detail with a really appealing sense of style. The three environments we saw--the gas station, club, and rooftop--featured a good amount of eye candy and variety in general. The gas station should be familiar to those who've seen the game in motion. The club is a crazy new fighting arena that has you facing off against enemies in a bumping atmosphere, complete with crazy lights and a video wall that comes in handy when using the environment against your opponent. The rooftop is just that, a fight on the roof of a building, with plenty of objects to interact with and use during battle. The game is looking sharp across both platforms, with some slight variances on each and the expected rough performance spots given its early state.

The audio in the game, always one of the bright spots of the Def Jam series, will once again draw on the Def Jam catalog and serve up a nice spread of tunes and voice. The ability to import your own tunes adds a whole new dimension to the action, which is very cool. As far as voice acting goes, what we've heard so far is sounding pitch perfect thanks to the involvement of the artists. As with the previous versions of the games, the sound effects for beating on people are crunching and rewarding. For those wondering which artists will be lending their voices and likenesses to the action, we've seen T.I., Big Boi, Ludacris, The Game, and Paul Wall mixing it up.

Based on what we've seen, Def Jam Icon is shaping up to be a slick fighter for the PS3 and Xbox 360. The timing is good due to the simple fact that both systems are sadly light on fighters. The unique mechanics have the potential to appeal to both fighting fans and players who don't normally dig the genre. If you're hungry for a fighter or open to a funky new experience, you'll want to keep an eye out for Def Jam Icon when it ships later this year. Look for more on the game soon.

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舊 01-09-07, 12:54 PM   #14
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Def Jam: Icon
Published by: Electronic Arts
Developed by: EA Chicago
Genre: Fighting
Number of Players: 1-2
Release Date:
US: March 6, 2006

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舊 01-12-07, 08:39 PM   #15
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Def Jam: Icon - CES 07 Street Brawl Gameplay
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舊 01-18-07, 09:45 PM   #16
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Def Jam: Icon - Suburban Street Fight Gameplay
Def Jam: Icon - Suburban Street Fight Gameplay HD

Def Jam: Icon - Rooftop Beatdown Gameplay
Def Jam: Icon - Rooftop Beatdown Gameplay HD
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舊 01-24-07, 09:47 AM   #17
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Def Jam: Icon images and artworks.
2007-01-23 12:22:19 by BlimBlim

Electronic Arts released these 20 images of Def Jam: Icon, from the 360 version of the game and 4 artworks.

20 images


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舊 01-24-07, 11:03 PM   #18
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Def Jam: Icon - Teaser
Def Jam: Icon - Teaser HD
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舊 01-24-07, 11:59 PM   #19
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Gameplay of NBA Street: Homecourt and Def Jam Icon
2007-01-23 22:52:49 by snoopers

Pipomantis and I had the opportunity to try and shoot NBA Street Homecourt as well as Def Jam Icon in Sony's PS3 Living Room. The builds of the game were quite early, and contained several bugs that you'll just have to forget when watching our videos. In other words, don't complain about every glitch you see, because we already know. Anyway, I won't go any further in details as we'll properly introduce the games to you in the next isse of Gamersyde Diaries, coming sooner than you think. Enjoy !

File : Gameplay (251.86 MB) (960x540) - Streaming version
File : Gameplay (295.38 MB) (960x540) - Streaming version
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舊 02-06-07, 09:51 PM   #20
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Def Jam: Icon - DJ Controls Trailer
Def Jam: Icon - DJ Controls Trailer HD
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舊 02-08-07, 09:26 PM   #21
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Def Jam: Icon - Dance Club Gameplay
Def Jam: Icon - Dance Club Gameplay HD

Def Jam: Icon - The Block Gameplay
Def Jam: Icon - The Block Gameplay HD

Def Jam: Icon - BET Studios Gameplay
Def Jam: Icon - BET Studios Gameplay HD

Def Jam: Icon - Crib Gameplay
Def Jam: Icon - Crib Gameplay HD

Def Jam: Icon - Environments Trailer
Def Jam: Icon - Environments Trailer HD
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舊 02-08-07, 09:27 PM   #22
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2006
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XB LIVE Demo 己出
LKC 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-12-07, 10:54 PM   #23
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
《紐約街頭教父》與《NBA 街頭鬥牛》試玩版開放下載 2007-02-12 21:51:46

  EA 美商藝電宣布,Xbox 360 版《紐約街頭教父:嘻哈偶像(Def Jam: Icon)》以及《NBA 街頭鬥牛主場傳說(NBA Street Homecourt)》試玩版已於日前在 Xbox Live 市集中釋出,供玩家下載試玩。

  Xbox 360《NBA 街頭鬥牛:主場傳說》充分發揮次世代主機先進的 3D 繪圖能力,提供尖端的視覺效果以及創新的遊戲內容,同時也是 Xbox 360 上首款以原生 Full HD 1080p 解析度運行的遊戲,比 SEGA 早先宣布支援 1080p 的 Xbox 360《威力網球 3》早 1 個月推出。

  《NBA 街頭鬥牛:主場傳說》這次將讓玩家以無以倫比的帥氣姿勢打籃球,全新的灌籃控制系統,讓玩家精確地操控起跳至出手的每一瞬間。跳到隊友的肩膀上,進行彈跳灌籃,或是使出終極的雙重灌籃,還可以施展各種顛峰的花招和迅雷不及掩耳的灌籃。誰能奪得魔球,就可掌握「必殺絕技」。

  Xbox 360《紐約街頭教父:嘻哈偶像》則將嘻哈風格融入遊戲的各個層面,提供刺激但充滿風格與節奏的街頭格鬥。音樂將會影響玩家在每個場地的格鬥方式,而環境互動與危險物品將成為存活下去的重要關鍵。試玩版提供了遊戲中的加油站關卡,以及兩位嘻哈名人鬥士:Big Boi 和 T.I.,同時也收錄兩位嘻哈藝人的精彩歌曲:Kryptonite(Big Boi 所屬的 Purple Ribbon All-Stars)以及 Top Back(T.I.)。

  《NBA 街頭鬥牛:主場傳說》Xbox 360 版預定 2 月 20 日推出,定價 1390 元,PS3 版預定 3 月 6 日推出,定價 1590 元;《紐約街頭教父:嘻哈偶像》Xbox 360 版與 PS3 版預定 3 月 6 日推出,Xbox 360 版定價 1390 元,PS3 版定價 1590 元;巴哈商城也將推出預購服務,有興趣的玩家不妨參考看看。
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舊 02-12-07, 11:25 PM   #24
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2002
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PSN  IDsureone
XBox Live Gamertagsureone
作者: 辦公室潛水專家 查看文章
3d格鬥?like VF?
一一 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-13-07, 05:00 PM   #25
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2002
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作者: 一一 查看文章
3d格鬥?like VF?
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