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舊 05-10-05, 10:55 AM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
The Elder Scrolls IV: The Shivering Isles圖片及影片,美3月27日發售

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Publisher: 2K Games / Bethesda Softworks Developer: Bethesda Softworks Genre: Role-Playing Release Date: TBA

While the Elder Scrolls role-playing series has been around for years, it arguably came into its own in 2002 with the release of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind for the PC and the Xbox console. That game let you choose a single character from certain fantasy races along with skills or a profession for yourself. You could then head off into a vast, sprawling 3D world, taking on quests, gaining experience points, and exploring a huge world that only got bigger with subsequent expansion packs and fan-created content, thanks to the game's loyal fan community and the included editing tools. But Bethesda is now at work on its next Elder Scrolls game, Oblivion, which promises to offer even more fantastical areas to explore with some extremely impressive graphics. Executive producer Todd Howard explains.

此篇文章於 01-24-07 08:35 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 05-10-05, 10:57 AM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

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舊 05-10-05, 12:24 PM   #3
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 144
Reohinho 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-10-05, 12:32 PM   #4
sun shine™
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舊 05-10-05, 12:39 PM   #5
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2003
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PSN  IDPear_Prince


Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
If you want a great friend, you've got to be a great friend; if you want a great partner,you've got to be a great partner.
啤梨王子 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-10-05, 06:04 PM   #6
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2004
文章: 128
咁下一個世代o既遊戲機應該要令你失望喇 ,
下一個世代o既機應該實時出黎就係呢d畫面 ,

jeakshow 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-10-05, 06:06 PM   #7
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 5,797
PSN  IDkeithlau81
其實預左... 只多係HIGH RES左...同埋多左POLYGON...
不過希望佢做靚D NORMAL MAP...
tylau 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-10-05, 06:16 PM   #8
metal snake
Game Master
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舊 05-10-05, 06:42 PM   #9
Metal Gear NT
註冊日期: Oct 2002
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PSN  IDjasonpoon

All things Apple.

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舊 05-19-05, 01:02 PM   #10
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 05-19-05, 01:23 PM   #11
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 05-19-05, 02:00 PM   #12
Junior Member
註冊日期: May 2005
文章: 22
其實呢到有幾多人玩過Elder Scrolls系列?
ninja18 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-09-05, 07:03 PM   #14
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion E3 2005 Xbox 360 Video.wmv
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-12-05, 12:14 PM   #15
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
E3 電子娛樂展開發人員訪談錄:

《The Elder Scrolls》系列遊戲即將植入 Xbox 360 家用主機系統,Bethesda 軟體公司執行製作人 Todd Howard 目前正在製作這款新一代遊戲。我們與他做了深入訪談,談論《The Elder Scrolls》的故事、角色、以及技術秘辛:Oblivion。製作小組已經花多少時間在《Oblivion》上?你預計還要多久時間才能完成?

Howard:製作時間已經花費三年,目前只剩下今年一年。第一年我們都在研究新技術。包括演譯法、程式變形的景緻、表情程式、對嘴技術等等。過去兩年我們則把時間花在內容與設計製作上。《The Elder Scrolls》系列從開始製作以來,總共耗費了多少人力?這款新一代的遊戲開發過程,和 《上古捲軸 3:晨風®》 有什麼不同?


《Oblivion》幾乎是從零開始製作,所以製作過程基本上有很多地方和《Morrowind》非常類似。可是這一次,我們從一開始就知道自己要製作的是家用主機軟體。打從開始我們就知道《Oblivion》會成為 Xbox 360™ 的遊戲。我們在製作《Morrowind》的時候,Xbox 才開發到一半。一開始我們就把《Oblivion》定位為新一代家用主機軟體。製作小組組員是否曾玩過或製作過其他遊戲,進而影響到《Oblivion》的開發呢?

Howard:要說影響的話,絕對是受到《Morrowind》的影響。我們在找出問題解決辦法的時候,會受到夥伴的影響,而且我們也會想超越之前的系列遊戲,包括 Arena、Daggerfall、Morrowind。有些製作小組成員也製作過 Thief 系列的遊戲,所以連帶影響我們的潛行系統。至於其他影響,也來自於 Bungie、Blizzard、Bioware 等遊戲製作公司。這些公司剛好都是英文字母「B」為首。聽說《Oblivion》的故事主線與《Morrowind》沒有很大的關連。請問故事設定的背景是什麼?主角在新的故事裡擔任什麼樣的角色?

Howard:我們希望讓每款遊戲都是獨立的,所以在故事上並沒有延續之前的情節。這一次的故事發生在 Cyrodiil,帝國首都所在的省份。玩家的任務是抵禦來自《Oblivion》的侵略,也就是來自於 Hell of Tamriel 的侵略。為了完成任務,玩家必須找出正統的王位繼承人,將他帶回來。為什麼你要將《Oblivion》開發成一款完全單人的遊戲?

Howard:我們認為單人遊戲最好玩。這款遊戲的情節與故事,我們覺得最好搭配單一主角,也就是玩家。 是《Oblivion》的遊戲的主要設定背景,對玩家來說也是一個嶄新的世界。如果 Cyrodiil 是個真實的地方,那麼應該有多大?

Howard:大概 40 平方哩,非常大。 有多少公會和組織在裡頭運作?街道的角落和繪製得自然逼真的樹林之間,有多少敵人環伺?可不可以為我們稍微說明一下?

Howard:玩家有五個主要的組織可以加入:Mages Guild、Fighters Guild、Thieves Guild、Arena 以及 Dark Brotherhood。 至於遊戲裡的敵人主要是《Oblivion》的惡魔,以及支持惡魔的人類,叫做 Mythic Dawn。自從《Morrowind》推出以來,許多角色扮演遊戲走的都是正邪對立的故事主線,也是英雄遊戲的主軸。可否為我們說明《Oblivion》中關於道德標準的設定?

Howard:許多任務都可以用正派或邪惡的方式來解決。遊戲裡有偏向「邪惡」的公會,例如 Thieves Guild與 Dark Brotherhood。Dark Brotherhood 的成員都是窮凶極惡的殺手。《Oblivion》的遊戲畫面令人眼睛一亮。你們是如何創造出如此逼真美麗的畫面?


《Morrowind》裡的水,效果良好,讓我們很滿意。所以這一次我們把同樣的技術運用在每一種表面上,包括金屬、木材、石頭、皮膚等等。我們還運用了許多中介工具,例如 Havok 和 Gamebryo 圖像引擎,使得畫面精緻度超高。

另外值得一提的是,我們用一般貼圖來處理光線,擴散貼圖來處理顏色,鏡射貼圖來處理反光,位移映射貼圖來處理幾何細節。而且皮膚頭髮和許許多多物件,都會產生獨特的光影。位移映射貼圖是新技術,效果很驚人。位移映射貼圖和置換貼圖有點類似,但是應用在繪圖處理器上更為方便。這款遊戲的 Radiant A.I. 和遊戲裡其他人物的人工智慧,整體而言會如何互動?


Howard:非玩家人物的行為決定因素非常多,而他們與玩家的互動狀況要視他們對玩家的喜歡程度而定。要改善非玩家人物對玩家的喜歡程度,有一個很酷的方法,那就是提升勸說能力。玩家可以對非玩家人物進行威脅、讚賞、誇耀等動作,甚至可以開玩笑。 Radiant A.I. 自己所執行的行為,有哪些令你驚喜、驚訝、高興或甚至沮喪?


所以我們創造了一個通用系統,讓非玩家人物可以自行思考。不過有些程式後來被我們刪去了,因為它會造成一些狀況,讓玩家覺得遊戲不好玩,例如商店裡完全沒有東西可以買的這種狀況。 《Oblivion》和《Morrowind》在人物移動和交通方面有什麼不同?


快速移動不成問題,不過到處探索依然是有好處的。比如說可以找到新的快速移動點、小營區、小客棧或是之前沒發現的土牢。 自從《Morrowind》推出以來,持械與徒手戰鬥系統有了什麼樣的進步或擴充?



玩家可以施展特別招式,同時防禦。這其中的時間拿捏也會成為關鍵的戰鬥策略。畫面也會很血腥。我們倒不是故意讓畫面血腥,而是我們認為對手中劍時,照理說應該會噴出相當容量的血液才對。 你們在設計戰鬥與魔法系統的時候,為了讓程式在電腦和新一代 Xbox 中運作得同樣順暢,曾面對什麼樣的挑戰?

Howard:其實沒有。《Oblivion》比之前的遊戲包含更多的動作情節,因此在跨平台的表現上十分良好。 遊戲裡的人物要如何才能提升技術或能力?《The Elder Scrolls》的核心系統有沒有什麼重大改變?訓練師還是可以用黃金買技能嗎?


我們做了一點小小的更動,增添了不同的技能,讓遊戲整體更為平衡,不過要提升能力基本上仍是得使用經驗為主。至於訓練師還是可以買到技能點數,不過我們限定每一個等級只能購買一定的額度,因此不能用錢來買等級,只能稍微幫忙提升一點。 魔法系統有什麼新增和改善的部份嗎?有哪些地方是一樣的?

Howard:魔法系統是全新設計的,更好用,而且威力更強大,整個遊戲都可以使用。我們將魔法系統整合到戰鬥系統裡,因此施展魔法、攻擊、防禦,都各有不同的按鈕,玩家可以在三個按鈕間不停切換,讓打鬥的感覺更棒。基本上魔法的概念和前幾代遊戲一樣,只要施展魔法,就會出現各種特效。 奇幻類的角色扮演遊戲,人物大致脫不了法師、戰士、竊賊、治療師這幾種角色。如果玩家在玩《Oblivion》的時候,選擇了沒有太多攻擊武器的角色,該如何求生存呢?



Howard:遊戲裡有 10 個基本的《The Elder Scrolls》種族,包括人類、妖精、獸族等。

主角的設定完全沒有限制。這款遊戲的人物表情系統使用程式變形,玩家可以隨心所欲創造自己喜歡的主角長相。就好像型塑黏土一樣。玩家也可以讓主角的臉看起來很老。也可以自己選擇髮型、頭髮長度、髮色。因此主角的長相有很大的調整空間。每一個非玩家人物的長相也都不同。這款遊戲屬於單人遊戲,請問你未來有計劃將 Xbox Live™ 的功能運用在這款遊戲裡嗎?遊戲裡會不會有下載功能或 Xbox Live Aware 之類的功能呢?

Howard:當然會有。我們會使用 Xbox Live Aware,而且會大量運用下載功能。我們在設計《Morrowind》時,就已經添加了配合 Xbox 的外掛程式,可是最後成品並未包括這項功能。我們希望在 Xbox 360 裡能確實運用這項功能。請你述說 Bethesda 公司希望藉由《Oblivion》所達成的一項最重要的目標。

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-12-05, 12:38 PM   #16
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Length: 1min 36sec
The official E3 trailer.

84.3MB - High Definition DivX AVI Movie
77.4MB - Hi-res Quicktime Movie

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舊 07-23-05, 11:07 AM   #17
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

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舊 08-28-05, 11:01 AM   #18
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 10-02-05, 12:47 PM   #19
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
File Size 120.10 MB (125,929,472 Bytes)
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舊 10-02-05, 01:30 PM   #20
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
In Game Tour- Part 1-4
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舊 10-02-05, 01:46 PM   #21
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
i hope this game is even bigger than Morrowind, so one game can last you playing for 3 years

Wii FC 5690-8031-2592-7760 <US Version>
Endless Ocean 8750-0794-4051 Mario Kart Wii 2020-0652-1136 Smash Bros Brawl 3480-2241-4047 PES 2008 / Winning Eleven Maker 0173 2123 0553
GimGim 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-02-05, 02:31 PM   #22
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2002
文章: 248
作者: GimGim
i hope this game is even bigger than Morrowind, so one game can last you playing for 3 years
are kidding me?
don't you feel boring with the game?
XBOX 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-13-05, 12:13 PM   #23
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Published by: Bethesda Softworks / 2K Games
Developed by: Bethesda Softworks
Genre: RPG
Release Date:
US: November 22, 2005

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Hands-On
Yet even more impressions.

by Charles Onyett

October 10, 2005 - Did you get enough information on Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion last week at X05? Of course you didn't. In fact, I should be smacked in the face with a finely detailed steel axe for even asking that question. We had the chance today to sit down and go hands-on with Bethesda's upcoming role playing epic for the Xbox 360 we continue to be impressed by the title's appearance and depth. Be aware, this preview may get a little technical.

In the last update we briefly mentioned the character creation system, but now we're able to fill you in with many more of the details. In Oblivion you'll have access to all the races, birth signs, and skills you were able to select from in Morrowind, but some things will work a little differently now. While in Morrowind you were able to select five major skills and four minor skills, in Oblivion you'll only be selecting seven major skills and no minor skills. Once a skill is designated as major it gets a boost and is able to increase faster than other skills.

Like in Morrowind you increase your skills by using them. For instance, you'll increase your blade skill by slicing your enemies with it. As you use a skill, a small progress bar will start to move from left to right in the skills menu that you can check at any time. Once the progress bar is filled, the skill increases a point and you're given a notice in the top left corner of your screen.

There are five skill thresholds you'll need to reach in order to access the higher level benefits skill specialization yields. While your skill may start at five or 15 depending on what you've assigned yourself, it needs to reach 20 to access the next tier of skill benefits. The tier names are novice, apprentice, journeyman, expert, and master. As an example, if you're able to increase your armorer skill the master level, you can repair items beyond 100 percent, whereas at lower levels you may only be able to restore it to 50 percent and be restricted from repairing magical items. At the highest levels of the mercantile skill you're even able to invest in stores and turn a profit.

Increasing a skill higher gets more difficult as you progress. For instance, increasing a skill from five to six is much easier than increasing a skill from 89 to 90. All skills as well as attributes are capped at 100, unless you have magical effects active that increase them further.

You'll have the same attributes in Oblivion that you did in Morrowind including strength, intelligence, willpower, agility, speed, endurance, personality, and luck. You'll be able to designate two of these as your primary attributes which you'll gain a bonus to right from the beginning. Also, like in Morrowind, your character will level up after you get 10 skill point increases. Once you level you'll be able to increase whichever stat you wish. The stats that correspond to the skills you've increased over the last level will get special modifiers that enhance the amount they gain.

For instance, if you've been increasing a skill that's related to strength like unarmed combat, you'll gain a significant bonus to your strength attribute when you go to increase it after you level up. Therefore, it pays to stay within the bounds of your character. If you're primarily a magic user, you'll gain more significant bonuses to your magic related attributes if you keep using your magic skills. That's not to say it's impossible to increase your strength as a magic user, it will just take longer.

We played through much of the same areas we saw at X05, which is basically the training area for Oblivion. At the start you'll pick your race and customize your character's appearance, eventually you'll pick a birth sign, and a little while after that you'll be charged with selecting your major skills and attributes. When you go to pick all your final attributes you'll also be given the choice to change any of the conditions you'd previously selected, right down to your character's name.

As you select what kind of character you want to be you can pick warrior or thief presets from a list, modify them, or create and name your own class, much like in Morrowind. Unlike Morrowind, Oblivion gives you the chance to try out some of the game's skills before you finalize everything.

On our way through the training catacombs we were able to pick locks. These sequences switch to a different screen where you're tasked with tapping tumblers into an unlocked position. As the tumblers move upward you need to press A at their apex to correctly fix them in place so you can open the container or door. Your security skill determines how difficult the tumblers are to manipulate and how many tumblers you'll need to tap. You can also tell the game to automatically resolve the lockpick sequence instead of doing it manually, but this seemed to result more often than not in broken picks.

We also used the mortar and pestle to grind up certain reagents we picked up around the game world, from rat meat to mushroom caps. Each reagent has specific properties which you'll be able to see with a higher alchemy skill. If you can match two or more properties, your character will be able to grind up the reagents and make a potion. For instance, if you had two reagents that both drained health, you could make health deteriorating potion out of them. After creating this potion you can click on it to apply it to your current weapon, turning the potion into a poison. There will then be a small green droplet icon on your screen indicating the poison is applied, and it will be transferred to the next enemy you hit.

Combat in Oblivion differs from that in Morrowind since if you swing directly at an enemy, it will hit every time. However, the amount of damage you do is strictly skill based. Also, you won't randomly block with your weapon or shield, you'll have to press the block or shield button. The amount of damage you're able to negate will differ based on your skills in those areas.

As you increase your blades skill you'll eventually be able to pull off flashy attacks, but these will happen automatically. Swinging your sword will always consist of hitting the right trigger. A quick tap of RT results in a quick swing and a more deliberate press results in fatigue draining power attack. As your fatigue drops to zero your attacks will actually decrease in power, so you won't be able to constantly power attack your foes.

To manage all your attacks you'll be able to press Y and bring up an eight slot radial menu. Each of the eight directions corresponds to a direction on the D-pad. Any item, weapon, or spell can be assigned to these. This is useful for rapidly switching between the bow and a sword and shield combo, casting a healing spell, applying a sword poison, and tossing a fireball all at the same time.

Oblivion's map function allows you to quick travel to certain destinations by clicking on them and also highlights the targets of quests. In combination with a more streamlined and easy to access quest log, this means that getting around should be much less of a hassle than in Morrowind.

As we walked again through the world of Oblivion we were continually amazed at the level of detail. From the intricately detailed swords and axes to the runes that glow over your body when you cast the most minor of healing spells it's obvious this game aims to please the most hardcore, demanding gamers out there. If you ever wind up as a skilled enchanter and bestow your weapon with a glowing enhancement, you'll find the weapon then illuminates your surroundings much like a torch.

Oblivion's main quest will last 20 to 25 hours, though there are an amazing variety of other things to do. There are four different guilds you can join, over 200 dungeons, miscellaneous quests for villagers in the various towns and even a fighting arena where you can either wager on bouts or fight to be champion. Some events in Oblivion only take place at certain times of day, so you'll need to keep your eyes open.

You'll travel across 16 square miles of land in Oblivion and battle 30 to 40 different creature types with several subgroups each like goblin warriors and witches. After exhaustive lengths of play you may just come close to finding the over 9,000 items that have been designed for the game, including spoons, bowls, vases, and myriad weaponry and armor.

Oblivion is still scheduled as a launch window title. From what we saw today, the game did get choppy in areas, but everything is still being worked on before release, so we can't say anything for sure. Stay tuned for all the latest.

If you're interested in this game, be sure to add it to your wishlist. You can keep notes, rank games, get updates by email, and more.
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舊 10-13-05, 12:59 PM   #24
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 19,137
作者: 神祕人1號
E3 電子娛樂展開發人員訪談錄:
令我諗起 fable.
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