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舊 10-18-07, 08:54 AM   #1
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 38,560
PSN  IDPear_Prince
ENGLAND地帶 VOL.3 [ 碧咸周日晚再次戴起隊長臂章領英軍 ]

作者: KCT 查看文章
克羅地亞 26
英格蘭 23
俄羅斯 21


11/17以色列 vs 俄羅斯
11/17馬其頓 vs 克羅地亞
11/21英格蘭 vs 克羅地亞
11/21安道爾 vs 俄羅斯



Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
If you want a great friend, you've got to be a great friend; if you want a great partner,you've got to be a great partner.

此篇文章於 06-01-08 01:58 PM 被 啤梨王子 編輯。
啤梨王子 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 08:55 AM   #2
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 38,560
PSN  IDPear_Prince
俄 羅 斯 爆 冷 反 勝 英 格 蘭

柏 夫 路 真 高 替 俄 羅 斯 扭 轉 形 勢 。

週 三 晚 上 歐 國 盃 外 圍 賽 E組 賽 果 ,英 格 蘭 作 客 1比 2不 敵 俄 羅 斯 ,在 積 分 榜 上 多 踢 1場 之 下 只 領 先 俄 羅 斯 2分 ,出 線 出 現 危 機 。

柏 夫 路 真 高 成 贏 波 功 臣

上 半 場 15分 鐘 ,謝 拉 特 開 出 角 球 ,後 上 的 歷 斯 確 特 頭 鎚 攻 門 但 被 對 方 後 衛 擋 出 。 26分 鐘 ,施 恩 洛 夫 右 路 突 然 勁 射 ,英 格 蘭 門 將 保 羅 羅 賓 遜 將 球 一 撲 ,皮 球 中 門 柱 彈 出 。 29分 鐘 ,奧 雲 接 應 保 羅 羅 賓 遜 大 腳 長 傳 頭 鎚 二 傳 ,朗 尼 心 口 控 定 後 球 不 著 地 下 窩 利 抽 射 掛 網 ,英 軍 先 開 紀 錄 。 42分 鐘 ,朗 尼 接 應 罰 球 開 出 但 射 高 。 英 格 蘭 領 先 1比 0完 上 半 場 。

下 半 場 51分 鐘 ,巴 利 開 出 自 由 球 ,謝 拉 特 在 禁 區 無 人 看 管 下 起 腳 但 柱 邊 出 界 。 其 後 俄 羅 斯 換 入 柏 夫 路 真 高 加 強 攻 勢 。 67分 鐘 ,艾 沙 雲 直 線 傳 中 ,施 恩 洛 夫 殺 入 禁 區 被 回 防 的 朗 尼 拉 跌 ,球 證 直 指 十 二 碼 ,後 備 入 替 的 柏 夫 路 真 高 操 刀 命 中 ,俄 羅 斯 追 平 比 分 。 73分 鐘 ,比 尼 索 斯 基 勁 射 ,保 羅 羅 賓 遜 擋 出 ,柏 夫 路 真 高 補 射 入 網 ,俄 羅 斯 反 超 比 分 。 85分 鐘 ,朗 尼 禁 區 頂 勁 射 但 被 加 保 洛 夫 撲 出 。 最 終 俄 羅 斯 主 場 2比 1反 勝 英 格 蘭 。

俄 羅 斯 出 場 陣 容 :

加 保 洛 夫 、 比 尼 索 斯 基 、 伊 拿 舒 域 治 、 V.比 尼 索 斯 基 (托 賓 斯 基 46’)、 安 約 高 夫 、 施 恩 洛 夫 、 森 索 夫 、 比 亞 尼 甸 奴 夫 、 舒 亞 哥 夫 、 艾 沙 雲 (高 路 甸 90’)、 卡 查 哥 夫 (柏 夫 路 真 高 58’)

英 格 蘭 出 場 陣 容 :

保 羅 羅 賓 遜 、 米 卡 李 察 士 、 李 奧 費 迪 南 、 蘇 甘 保 、 歷 斯 確 特 (林 柏 特 79’)、 胡 禮 菲 臘 斯 (達 寧 80’)、 謝 拉 特 、 巴 利 、 祖 高 爾 (哥 洛 治 80’)、 朗 尼 、 奧 雲


Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
If you want a great friend, you've got to be a great friend; if you want a great partner,you've got to be a great partner.
啤梨王子 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 08:57 AM   #3
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 38,560
PSN  IDPear_Prince
作者: DevilElvis 查看文章

作者: Busconcamp 查看文章


Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
If you want a great friend, you've got to be a great friend; if you want a great partner,you've got to be a great partner.
啤梨王子 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 03:08 PM   #4
The One
註冊日期: Aug 2002
文章: 32,139
3DS Friend Code5386 8293 2357
PSN  IDDevilElvis


DevilElvis 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 03:10 PM   #5
The One
註冊日期: Aug 2002
文章: 32,139
3DS Friend Code5386 8293 2357
PSN  IDDevilElvis

DevilElvis 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 04:16 PM   #6
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2006
文章: 11,600
Nintendo Switch ID8526-5981-1889
3DS Friend Code0860 3263 4537
作者: KCT 查看文章
克羅地亞 26
英格蘭 23
俄羅斯 21


11/17以色列 vs 俄羅斯
11/17馬其頓 vs 克羅地亞
11/21英格蘭 vs 克羅地亞
11/21安道爾 vs 俄羅斯

fiendray 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 04:56 PM   #7
Shadow 神
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2006
文章: 6,101
PSN  IDShadowNel
作者: DevilElvis 查看文章
UM! 有好多人話今次唔關佢事,係球波射得勁,但其實作為一個龍門,仲要係國家隊級,都應該有能力將個波拍出底線吧 ?? 佢真係無論係英格蘭定熱刺,都三番四次將 d 波拍返係自己身前,然後俾人執雞 ...

老實講試下俾多 d 機會格連好過 ... 目前黎講羅賓遜都似有級數做英格蘭 1 號仔 !!


PSN: ShadowNel
wii friend code: 3580 5742 2557 1699
Shadow 神 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 04:56 PM   #8
Game Master
註冊日期: Aug 2003
文章: 2,320
作者: fiendray 查看文章

這是我的電影觀後感Blog, 有空時請瀏覽:

此篇文章於 10-18-07 06:00 PM 被 Heifetz 編輯。
Heifetz 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 05:05 PM   #9
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2003
文章: 6,840
英格蘭能不能贏克羅地亞都成問題 一班球員好自為之吧 不要奢望別人勝/和俄羅斯了

(實例: 德國一出線就0-3負捷克 以色列既然已一早出局又怎麼會有鬥心替你打江山?)
Iro 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 05:16 PM   #10
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2002
文章: 4,764
PSN  IDmagoting
XBox Live GamertagARTing

波衫應該會好平喇...( 而家已經好平 )

麥卡倫, 睇下人地換一個已經玩死你喇...

睇左咁耐都知左邊都知唔掂啦, 俄羅斯2球都係用右邊攻你



lescott ( ?) 都有唔少責任


『庭』 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 05:53 PM   #11
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2005
文章: 18,154
PSN  IDRayson-GAF2
[fans向]占士係時候上位喇 [/fans向]

POISON 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 05:57 PM   #12
註冊日期: Aug 2003
文章: 3,910
作者: DevilElvis 查看文章
天使之國 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 05:59 PM   #13
註冊日期: Aug 2003
文章: 3,910
作者: POISON 查看文章
[fans向]占士係時候上位喇 [/fans向]
有鬼用 都冇大賽打啦
話唔定用占士 今場有神救tim
天使之國 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 06:01 PM   #14
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2005
文章: 18,154
PSN  IDRayson-GAF2
作者: 天使之國 查看文章
有鬼用 都冇大賽打啦
話唔定用占士 今場有神救tim

POISON 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 07:34 PM   #15
The One
註冊日期: Jan 2003
文章: 75,722

Busconcamp 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 07:48 PM   #16
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
Euro stumble leaves FA facing £8m shortfall

The Football Association face losing £8million in merchandising and sponsorship revenue if England fail to qualify for Euro 2008.

England's defeat by Russia last night means qualification now depends on other teams' results.

FA insiders say the loss of the income will not affect the running of the organisation at all, but will mean that less money will be available to be diverted to other football schemes.

The governing body's television deal is unaffected - a new one with ITV and Setanta has only just been signed and agreements totalling around £100million with top sponsors Umbro, National Express, Carlsberg, Eon and McDonald's last until after the 2010 World Cup.

An FA source said: 'First and foremost we are not out of it yet, we can still qualify though admittedly it is no longer in our hands.

'If we did fail to qualify, there would be no significant impact on our financial structure.

'We are an organisation that will be generating more than £200million a year as of next summer and we are already reinvesting £60million a year into the game at the moment.

'The organisation is more financially secure than ever before and if we did not qualify it would mean only around 3.5% of our annual revenue not coming in.'


no place to hide~
Montella 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 07:50 PM   #17
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
McClaren: It's not over yet

McClaren: It's not over yet

Steve McClaren insists the pressure is all on Russia even though it is England who are facing Euro 2008 oblivion.

Two goals in four minutes from substitute Roman Pavlyuchenko turned last night's Group E qualifier on its head at the Luzhniki Stadium, leaving England begging for a favour from Israel next month.

For, should Russia win in Tel Aviv, they would only have to overcome the part-timers of Andorra in their final game four days later to seal their place at next summer's European Championships, and leave the Football Association scrambling around to give England something else to do during a major tournament for the first time since the 1994 World Cup.

Such a scenario would cost the FA heavily in lost commercial revenue and almost certainly bring McClaren's time in charge to an end.

Yet the England coach remains convinced Russia are the ones who should be feeling the heat as they approach their date with destiny.

'This group is not over yet,' he said.

'It is out of our hands but it is not over. Russia still have to go to Israel and win. The pressure is still on them. We just have to wait.

'As I have said all along, this group is decided over 12 games, not 10 or 11. Let's see where we end up.'

It could be a long wait too for McClaren and his men, who are in the unhappy position of knowing their trip to Austria for a friendly on November 16, 24 hours before Russia tackle Israel, could be the only chance they get to play in one of the countries that will co-host the tournament.

And for that bleak picture, McClaren feels he has identified the cause in Spanish referee Luis Medina Cantalejo and his 'disgraceful' penalty award.

England were in front and, in McClaren's eyes, in control when Cantalejo ruled Wayne Rooney tugged Konstantin Zyryanov's shirt inside the box midway through the second-half.

The foul was clear enough but replays showed it occurred outside the area. Pavlyuchenko levelled from the spot and when the Russian substitute netted again four minutes later, England's dreams were in tatters.

'It is an absolute disgrace,' fumed McClaren, who ignored the fact Rooney was marginally offside when he put England in front with a first-half wonder strike, and also that skipper Steven Gerrard should have doubled the visitors' lead instead of firing Gareth Barry's far-post cross wide from eight yards when completely unmarked.

'We were comfortable and they were running out of ideas. If that penalty had not been awarded, I am absolutely confident we would have won the game. We were in total control.

'I am not blaming anybody but the penalty was given by a referee in a bad position because it was outside the box.

'I don't fault the players, I don't fault their attitude, I don't fault their endeavour and I don't fault what they did in the game.

'Because of one decision, we went from being in a winning position to losing.'

Meanwhile, McClaren has insisted he has no intention of stepping down as England coach after watching his team implode in Russia.

'I'm not even thinking about losing my job - I'm really not,' McClaren told reporters.

'The group is decided after 12 games. Russia have got two to play and we have got one. We are hugely disappointed to lose a football match we were controlling but beyond that, I am not thinking about losing my job.'

no place to hide~
Montella 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 07:52 PM   #18
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
Media maul McClaren after Moscow flop

Media maul McClaren after Moscow flop

LONDON, Oct 18 (Reuters) - There was no hiding place for England manager Steve McClaren and his players as Thursday's newspapers pulled no punches with their angry reaction to a 2-1 defeat in Moscow the previous night.

'Kick Him Into Touch' demanded The Sun's front page headline with McClaren's head squashed inside a rugby ball - a reference to England's rugby team who will play in the World Cup final against South Africa on Saturday.

The back page said it was 'Iron Curtains' for McClaren while an editorial inside said 'England's pampered footie stars snatched defeat from the jaws of victory - and let down the nation yet again'.

England had been winning 1-0 and on course for qualification for next year's Euro 2008 finals but Russia scored twice within four minutes in the second half to turn the match around.

If Russia beat Israel and Andorra in their last two matches they will qualify at the expense of England.

'Plastic Bullet' read the Daily Mirror's back page with a photograph of England's Wayne Rooney conceding the penalty for Russia's equaliser on Moscow's artificial surface.

It said England's hopes of qualifying, and McClaren's job, are now 'hanging by a thread'.

'Nyet Mare' continued The Mirror on its inside pages, adding that England had been 'torpedoed' by Russian sub, that being Roman Pavlyuchenko who scored both his country's goals after coming off the bench.

The Daily Mail described the penalty decision as shocking but said McClaren was the 'real villain'. Inside it said 'Game's Up For You Now, Mac', saying that McClaren's world had disintegrated around him in four second-half minutes.

It said that he had been outwitted by Russia coach Guus Hiddink and blamed McClaren for sticking by goalkeeper Paul Robinson who was partly to blame for Russia's second goal.

One Daily Mail columnist went even further, cranking up the numerous military references by suggesting McClaren 'had despatched a battalion of gallant Englishmen to their inevitable slaughter in the old Soviet heartland'.

The broadsheets were just as damning of England. 'Moscow Mauling' said the Daily Telegraph, adding that McClaren's credibility was 'in tatters'.

While Russia's penalty was harsh, McClaren's tactics were criticised in many quarters. The Telegraph said he had got in wrong in the 2-0 defeat in Croatia last year and was again to blame on Wednesday for playing too defensive after going 1-0 up.

The Telegraph also makes the point that should Hiddink guide Russia to Austria and Switzerland, the Football Association wil have paid the price for overlooking the Dutchman when selecting a successor to Sven-Goran Eriksson.

no place to hide~
Montella 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 07:54 PM   #19
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
Hiddink dismisses Engand penalty gripe

Hiddink dismisses Engand penalty gripe

Russia coach Guus Hiddink has dismissed England's complaints about the penalty which turned Wednesday night's Euro 2008 qualifier in Moscow.

The visitors were leading 1-0 when England's goalscorer Wayne Rooney was adjudged to have tugged at Konstatin Zurianov's shirt inside the area with Spanish referee Luis Medina Cantalejo pointing to the spot.

Television replays showed the offence took place outside the box but Hiddink was adamant the official made the right decision.

He told Sky Sports: 'It started outside the box but went inside and the doubt goes in favour of the attacking team.'

Hiddink also noted the Russians had a valid goal disallowed when the teams met at Wembley last month - Zurianov's effort being ruled out for handball when the ball appeared to hit him on the chest.

He added: 'You can also point to the fact that we had a goal disallowed at Wembley. These things balance themselves out.'

Having drawn level through Roman Pavluchenko's spot-kick, the Russia substitute then added his second of the night to clinch it for the hosts.

If Russia win their two remaining Group E fixtures - away to Israel and Andorra - then they will qualify for next summer's finals in Austria and Switzerland.

The trip to Tel-Aviv looks the make-or-break fixture and Hiddink admitted it will be a tricky test for his side.

'It will be a difficult game. Israel are out (of qualifying) but in international football there is a lot of prestige,' he said.

'We will have a difficult first step and then a difficult second step.

'Russia is on the verge of a return and that's why qualifying is so important for the national team.'

no place to hide~
Montella 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 07:56 PM   #20
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
Today's newspaper headlines

Today's newspaper headlines

What's making the headlines in Thursday's UK newspapers?

• THE SUN: Steve McClaren blamed four minutes of madness and a dodgy decision for a defeat that surely spells the end of his England managerial career.

Also: Scotland's Euro 2008 dream was dealt a massive blow in Tbilisi as Levan Mchedlidze and David Siradze netted.

• DAILY MIRROR: Steve McClaren last night blamed 'five minutes of madness' for England's devastating defeat which leaves their Euro 2008 qualification hopes - and his job - hanging by a thread.

Also: FA chiefs are set to ignore the clamour for a home-grown boss and take the foreign route if the axe falls on Steve McClaren next month.

• DAILY MAIL: Guus Hiddink claimed Steve McClaren blew England's Euro 2008 qualification hopes after the Russia coach pulled off a tactical masterstroke to claim a 2-1 victory here last night.

Also: Scotland boss Alex McLeish still believes his side can qualify for Euro 2008 despite their disappointing performance last night.

• DAILY STAR: Steve McClaren last night slammed the referee and five minutes of madness that left England's Euro 2008 hopes hanging by a thread.

Also: Wales survived a late wobble against the worst side in Europe to salvage some pride after a week to forget.

• DAILY EXPRESS: Steven Gerrard's astonishing miss and four minutes of madness in Moscow took qualification for Euro 2008 out of England's hands and left Steve McClaren with a fragile grip on his job.

Also: Rob Earnshaw picked the worst nation in European football to score his first Welsh goal for a year to begin to take the pressure off manager John Toshack.

• THE TIMES: They had vowed to emulate the heroics of their rugby union counterparts, but Steve McClaren and his England football team were left facing meltdown last night as their European Championship qualifying campaign was hit by four minutes of madness in Moscow.

• DAILY TELEGRAPH: Forget the sweet chariot, start up the darkened hearse.

• THE INDEPENDENT: Steve McClaren branded Luis Medina Cantalejo's penalty decision 'a disgrace' last night and insisted that England 'absolutely' would have won had it not been for the official's error.

• THE GUARDIAN: Wayne Rooney took England's destiny in his own hands and then let it crash to the ground.

no place to hide~
Montella 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 08:08 PM   #21
註冊日期: Aug 2003
文章: 3,910
天使之國 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 08:23 PM   #22
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2003
文章: 1,050
我諗佢會話: 睇下我用鮑魚嘅價錢, 燃出蔗渣嘅味道!

專閹禽獸敗類, 插爆賤種Pat Pat! 地獄門口猫~人間兇獸 Tiger J!

此篇文章於 10-18-07 08:29 PM 被 tigerj 編輯。
tigerj 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 08:49 PM   #23
Game Master
註冊日期: Feb 2002
文章: 2,133


samug 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 09:13 PM   #24
Game Master
註冊日期: May 2002
文章: 2,359
作者: samug 查看文章



西野村中一條河 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-18-07, 09:55 PM   #25
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2005
文章: 5,560
作者: 西野村中一條河 查看文章

打穩陣足球, 一球就算?
sqling 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章


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