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電視遊戲討論版>PlayStation 4 情報總合 02 → ?
八仙果 10:36 PM 11-03-13
官方有個 Ultimate FAQ (US),很多答案已有,
有興趣可以看看,當然 US 的資料可能同其他國家的有分別:

Will users be able to replace PS4’s stock 500GB hard drive? What hard drive sizes are supported?
PS4 owners will be able to replace PS4’s standard hard drive. PS4’s hard drive is used to store downloaded game and video content, game save files, gameplay movies and images, and more.

What type of hard drive does PS4 use?
PS4 is equipped with a 5400 RPM SATA II hard drive. Users can choose to install a new hard drive so long as it complies with these standards, is no thicker than 9.5mm, and is larger than 160GB.

Will users be able to connect an external hard drive to expand storage on PS4?
No, this feature is not supported on PS4.

Will I be able to watch Blu-ray movies on PS4?
Yes, you will need to download and install PS4’s day-one system software update 1.50, and then activate your Blu-ray Disc video capability with a one-time activation through the internet in order to play Blu-ray Disc films and DVD video content.

What if I’m not able to or don’t want to connect my PS4 system online?
PS4 owners in North America can contact SCEA Consumer Services at (800) 345-7669 to request a Blu-ray activation disc that will be distributed via mail.

Can I watch DVD movies using PS4?
Yes, PS4 supports DVD movie playback; you will need to download and install PS4’s day-one system software update 1.50, and then activate your Blu-ray Disc video capability with a one-time activation through the internet in order to play Blu-ray Disc films and DVD video content.

Can I listen to audio CDs using PS4?
No, PS4 does not support audio CDs.
普通人一個 01:38 AM 11-04-13
nami_tamaki999 09:33 AM 11-04-13
作者: 八仙果:
官方有個 Ultimate FAQ (US),很多答案已有,
有興趣可以看看,當然 US 的資料可能同其他國家的有分別:
睇哂成個FAQ 其實對PS4已經有一定理解, 咁當然每個SYSTEM總有其限制, 無完美既
對家2部都有其限制, 唔應該要求咁多

btw, 有幾多人會開住PS3 / PS4黎播CD 同 Streaming睇片...?
pet3 09:42 AM 11-04-13
作者: 莎月美希:
ps4 能完全安裝吧

何金水 - 阿水 10:25 AM 11-04-13
最怕係要硬食埋 D 冇人要o既指定遊戲
( ゚ω゚)? 10:34 AM 11-04-13


1. 支援現存的耳機裝置(應是指藍芽耳機)
2. 支援MP3格式(遊戲中及遊戲外)
3. 遊玩中的待機(suspend)及再開(resume)機能
4. 支援DLNA
( ゚ω゚)? 01:21 PM 11-04-13

now_loading 01:32 PM 11-04-13
作者: nami_tamaki999:
睇哂成個FAQ 其實對PS4已經有一定理解, 咁當然每個SYSTEM總有其限制, 無完美既
對家2部都有其限制, 唔應該要求咁多

btw, 有幾多人會開住PS3 / PS4黎播CD 同 Streaming睇片...?
MP3 冇興趣, 有無都冇所謂, WAV or FLAC 就唔同....
Steaming 就 PS3 media server 都有d 用嫁.... 搬相搬片都唔洗用手指...
大覺屋師真 02:14 PM 11-04-13
作者: now_loading:
MP3 冇興趣, 有無都冇所謂, WAV or FLAC 就唔同....
Steaming 就 PS3 media server 都有d 用嫁.... 搬相搬片都唔洗用手指...
ps3 Steaming 超有用呀. 成日用佢喺TV睇野/聽野
シェンムー 03:39 PM 11-04-13
良品已返DS4 同GAME
八仙果 03:42 PM 11-04-13
作者: 山內 一典:
良品已返DS4 同GAME
那是否已經照賣 DS4 及 games ?
シェンムー 03:47 PM 11-04-13
作者: 八仙果:
那是否已經照賣 DS4 及 games ?
八兄,照睇佢fb 已開賣, 唔知幾錢
Game 有killzone

都係果句, ps4 game 盒好核突╮(╯﹏╰)╭
Hello MiMi 04:48 PM 11-04-13
唔鐘意美版因為 x <> O swapped
如果唔係, 我一定衝
八仙果 05:12 PM 11-04-13
作者: 山內 一典:
八兄,照睇佢fb 已開賣, 唔知幾錢
Game 有killzone

都係果句, ps4 game 盒好核突╮(╯﹏╰)╭
以前 PS3 我覺得睇唔慣,
到現在都習慣了,不過還是 DVD size 順眼 D。

驟眼眼,PS4 同 PSV 的包裝好似。(當然 size 不同)
( ゚ω゚)? 05:13 PM 11-04-13

liar 12:24 AM 11-05-13
作者: taikin0901:
我PC得128G SSD,所以有時會將D GAME由SSD轉落去HDD.
例如Rome2 Totalwar咁,載入戰場地圖 SSD要十幾秒左右,HDD要兩分幾鐘....差別大到你唔想打隻GAME.....
而且有D GAME會一直讀HDD,例如ArmA3,唔用SSD玩既話搭飛機會卡下卡下,用SSD玩就乜事都無.
シェンムー 12:35 AM 11-05-13
Ps3 用SSD 玩GTA5 DL 版入GAME 半張至一張圖就入story mode
GT5 , load 賽道到load 12部車玩得快hdd 15-20 秒
夠快未 ? XDDD
teealpha 12:42 AM 11-05-13


taikin0901 01:06 AM 11-05-13
作者: liar:
我PC得128G SSD,所以有時會將D GAME由SSD轉落去HDD.
例如Rome2 Totalwar咁,載入戰場地圖 SSD要十幾秒左右,HDD要兩分幾鐘....差別大到你唔想打隻GAME.....
而且有D GAME會一直讀HDD,例如ArmA3,唔用SSD玩既話搭飛機會卡下卡下,用SSD玩就乜事都無.
你係講梗係PC? PC我都有用SSD , 分別都好大 , 我意思係遊戲機換SSD會唔會差別咁大 , 因為上網睇測試結果都唔係好明顯
taikin0901 01:08 AM 11-05-13
想請教各位CHING , 有邊隻GAME會有升級優惠架 ? 因為我見BF4賣USD29.99如果有10蚊升級優惠咪好抵玩
( ゚ω゚)? 04:57 AM 11-05-13

PS4′s Alleged Overheating Problems: Developers Say they Don’t Exist

by Giuseppe Nelva Nov 4th 2013 3:04PM 2 @abriael

In the last few days a couple of media outlets spread rumors abut the PS4 possibly suffering from overheating problems, and that was presented as the alleged reason why many journalists aren’t receiving review units in advance.
The rumor seemed quite farfetched, and mostly born out of the malcontent of some that felt entitled to a free console before launch and saw that request denied, so I set out to ask those that have the best chance to actually know about possible problems: developers that have been working on the console for quite a while now.
The development environment puts consoles in quite brutal operational conditions, especially due to the long working hours, so if there indeed are problems, developers should have been the first to notice.
Of course not everyone was willing to answer, and not everyone was willing to let us disclose his name and position, but here are the results of our research.
Meridith Braun of Digital Extremes (Warframe) let us know that the PS4 devkits the studio has used “worked as intended.” When I asked for a more specific answer, precisely if the devkits never overheated while working on them, her answer was “Correct.”

Switchblade Monkeys Creative Director Yousuf Mapara working on Secret Ponchos, had the following to say:
We’ve been using a bunch of dev kits. They’ve been on almost all the time, sometimes even over night. They’ve always stayed cool, never even gotten warm so It has never suggested the threat of a problem. We have had no problems with any of the dev kits throughout development.
In addition to that, seven different developers that opted to have their name not published responded that they never experienced any heat-related problems with the development consoles.
Of those one, working on a title that will be both on PS4 and PC answered:
As far as I know, the specs and cooling of the current dev kits are the same as the final retail consoles, and I never saw one getting any hotter than a PS3 or a Xbox 360. Our consoles never had problems of that sort, and if you’re talking about that picture with the red line, I never saw something like that.
Another, currently at work on an AAA multiplatform game that will be on both PS4 and Xbox One, reported pretty much the same thing, including Microsoft’s new console into the picture.
None of our devkits, either PS4 or Xbox One, had any overheating problems. We have so many and we use them so much that if there was any big issue we’d have probably noticed something, but no, they all worked and still work like a charm.
One of the developers we asked was quite clear cut:
We don’t really like getting in the middle of console war stuff /rumors so we’d rather not be credited for a quote, but this makes me giggle. We’ve been using test and dev kits for a while. No over heating issues. We run them for full business hours and beyond. Granted, they aren’t identical to what will be released, so really anyone claiming to have an issue is either fabricating it, or it would be something I’d expect resolved in the final model. No issues on our end that I’ve seen.
A fourth was a bit more philosophical, but still reported no issue:
There’s no such thing as a new console launch without a number of faulty units, but none of the development kits we have suffered from any problem related to heat.
None of the developers wiling to give their insight on the issue reported any overheating problem witnessed directly or heard about.

In addition to developers, I also contacted a few people that worked at the Sony booths at recent trade shows, Milan’s Games Week and the event in Paris that goes by the same name (both booths had a very high number of working consoles). I also managed to get in contact with someone that worked at the Battlefield 4 booth at the Paris Games Week, where 32 PS4 and 32 Xbox One units worked over time for almost a week.
They all were very clear in explaining that no console had any kind of overheating issue during the events, and trade show conditions are just as brutal than the development environment.
There you have it, straight from the mouths of quite a few lions. Of course the PS4 is not a perfect machine. Absolute perfection in electronics manufacturing doesn’t exist, so like one of the developers above said, we can definitely expect a number of faulty units, but there’s no real reason to expect a widespread problem due to overheating.
All in all, alleging that Sony might be withholding delivery of the console to journalists due to overheating issues (that would still surface afterwards, even more disastrously, if they really existed) seems to definitely hold little credibility.
pet3 07:47 AM 11-05-13
作者: Hello MiMi:
唔鐘意美版因為 x <> O swapped
如果唔係, 我一定衝

作者: teealpha:


PS3 高達戰記都係咁

( ゚ω゚)? 10:45 AM 11-05-13

PS4 香港首發? 香港機迷創健力士紀錄

作者: :

nami_tamaki999 11:21 AM 11-05-13
今日下午1:30 先由台灣發佈PS4詳情
qwe 11:26 AM 11-05-13
作者: ( ゚ω゚)かおもじさん:

PS4 香港首發? 香港機迷創健力士紀錄
5號了,仲未收到$ony 7/11的通知,真係唔懮做(返貨慢收錢慢出貨慢咩都慢過人....)
標籤:PlayStation 4, 綜合情報
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