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體育版>I-1 世界泰拳格蘭披治 2005 年 12 月 10 日
泰妹 03:16 AM 11-21-05
I-1 世界泰拳格蘭披治 2005 年 12 月 10 日<海報>

泰妹 03:17 AM 11-21-05
 I-1 世界泰拳格蘭披治 2005 年 12 月 10 日 7 時正

主辦單位 金葉制作室

協辦單位 香港泰拳理事會

協辦單位 世界泰拳理事會


勝方除得到 I-1 世界拳王名譽 , 更得到 WMC 世界拳王名譽

而勝方會被 WMC 邀請參加 WMC SUPER 8 (63.5kg) 賽事

金葉制作室 用從未用過的工字擂台


頭 2 千名入場觀眾可得精美場刊一本

Being aware that Hong Kong is a multi-cultural international metropolis that has inherited China 's martial arts culture and has absorbed the essence of modern body combat, Promoter Master Kim Ip gained the inspiration that Muaythai matches to work in line with the rapidly developing tourism. Master Kim thereafter wisely goes on his project of Muaythai by promoting " I-1 World Muay Thai Grand Prix " and invites outstanding boxers from all over the world to participate.
" I-1 World Muay Thai Grand Prix " is a brand new phenomenon in Hong Kong for Muaythai boxing competition because it is refreshingly different from other normal Muaythai programs nowadays. I-1 is originated from the genius idea of prestigious promoter Kim Ip. It is utilized as an emblem of new Muaythai phenomenon.


有感於香港是一個多元文化的國際大都會,承襲著中國的武術文化和吸收了現代技擊的精華,籌劃人葉文龍師傅認為泰拳比賽可與現正火速發展的旅遊業配合,邀請世界各國好手,舉辦盛大的國際泰拳賽事,名為「 I-1 世界泰拳格蘭披冶」。

「 I-1 世界泰拳格蘭披治」將是本港泰拳運動的一個嶄新潮流,因為其形式與現今一般泰拳賽事截然不同, I-1 的概念來自籌劃人葉文龍師傅的天才創意,標誌著本港泰拳運動的全新形象與路向。

Invincible, intelligent, international and intercontinental.
“ 1” means number one or top rank.
「 I 」代表戰無不勝 , 才智過人 , 跨越國界和跨越洲份。
「 1 」就是「第一」和「最高層次」的意思。
There are many points make I-1 colorfully interesting to follow up.
I-1 有著很多引人入勝的地方:

Firstly, I-1 wisely permits all boxers around the world who have competent skills in the art of Muaythai to fight. This also helps promote Hong Kong 's athletes into worldwide awareness. However, boxers who can join I-1 are elaborately selected to make sure that they can fight well and also attract audiences.

首先, I-1 在世界各地廣邀具備出色泰拳技藝的好手參賽,藉此提升香港泰拳運動員在國際上的認同。當然,所有被邀請參賽的運動員都經過精心的挑選,必須有一定的知名度和實力,以及吸引觀眾的魅力。
Secondly, boxers will be grouped into two divisions. Boxers in each group fight each other to find the best in their division. (Fighters who lose are unqualified to fight next round; which means that there is merely strongest and most technical boxers can pass to final cut.). Then the best of each group will contend in the final cut. To do so, it makes the game more amusing. Audiences do not have to wait so long to know who the winner is because the paste of the matches is rapid.

其次, I-1 的賽制,是將選手分為兩個小組,即如淘汰賽制的上下兩線,兩組的選手在兩個小組裡進行淘汰賽,而最後由兩位小組的勝出者之間作一場終極爭霸戰。此項賽制使賽事更具刺激性及娛樂性,而賽事節奏可因而更見明快、更為觀眾欣賞。

Finally, the ultimate winner will be granted the world tiltle.


1. To promote I-1 (Muaythai) into every single part of the world.
2. To inspire boxers to train hard therefore they can have motif to be selected joining I-1.

1. 將 I-1 泰拳賽事推廣到世界每一個角落。

2. 激勵運動員努力鍛鍊,以達到可於 I-1 參賽為目標。

Style of the program


I-1 is a live show that guarantees the audiences with thrilling matches of many skillful boxers all around the world. Merely the bravest, hardest and strongest could be selected to join the show.

Moreover, I-1 has a great team of experienced commentators/ masters of ceremony, bringing entertainment, in additional to the matches, to the audience.

I-1 是保證把高程度刺激帶給觀眾的現場賽事,只有最勇敢、最強勁、最硬朗的選手才有資格參賽。

此外, I-1 還有富於經驗的司儀及評述員,帶給觀眾賽事以外的娛樂。

I-1 World Muay Thai Grand Prix

I-1 世界泰拳格蘭披治
140 lbs . Muaythai tournament

140 磅 級泰拳比賽

8 boxers from eight different countries.


Queen Elizabeth Stadium


- It comprises 3 rounds.
- Each round consists of 3 minutes.
- 2 minutes break for each.

- 每場比賽分為三個回合

- 每個回合時間為三分鐘

- 每個回合間的中段時間為兩分鐘
- World Champion Title

- 世界拳王名銜
- World Muaythai Champion Belt

- 世界泰拳王金腰帶

- Champion's Trophy

- 拳王獎盃

- I-1 honor suit jacket

- I-1 榮譽戰衣
泰妹 03:20 AM 11-21-05
I-1 世界泰拳格蘭披治 2005 年 12 月 10 日<資料>
泰妹 01:48 AM 12-05-05
新城電台 滅罪禁毒之王者無敵 賽後評價
泰妹 01:49 AM 12-05-05
新城電台 I-1世界泰拳格蘭披治 訪問
泰妹 02:47 AM 12-13-05
I-1 世界泰拳格蘭披治 精彩相片

