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舊 01-28-16, 10:36 PM   #326
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,556
開心大發現,更新至V 1.4.43 223版之後,


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舊 01-29-16, 12:01 AM   #327
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,556

Below are the patch notes specific to PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One for the January update.

Additional Content/Functionality:

Multiplayer modes added to the Tatooine Survival map (Blast, Droid Run, Hero Hunt, Heroes vs Villains, Drop Zone)
Hoth Luke Skywalker skin added
Hoth Han Solo skin added
Private match functionality added
Daily challenges added
Setting for actively choosing server site added

Weapon and Star Card changes:

EE-3 Explosive shot damage decreased from 10 to 4 per shot
SE-14C Explosive shot damage decreased from 10 to 5 per shot
Homing Shot lock on time increased from 0.4 to 1.5
Homing Shot lock on distance decreased by 10 meters
Homing Shot projectile speed decreased from 30 to 23
RTC-97 overheat value is increased by 8%
Bowcaster replenish time tweaked (Normal 18 to 25 and Upgrade 15 to 20)
Flash Grenade replenish time tweaked (Normal 16 to 20 and Upgrade 12 to 15)
ION Torpedo replenish time tweaked (Normal 15 to 25 and Upgrade 12 to 20)
Thermal Detonator replenish time tweaked (Normal 15 to 20 and Upgrade 10 to 15)
Impact Grenade replenish time tweaked (Normal 16 to 25 and Upgrade 12 to 20)
Explosive Shot active time tweaked (Normal 7 to 5 and Upgrade 10 to 7)
Scan Ping recharge time tweaked (Normal 8 to 10 and Upgrade 5 to 8)
Cycler Rifle bullet dropoff reduced
Cycler Rifle damage increased from 90 to 100 at close range (10 meters)
DL-44 overheat tweaked and fire rate changed from 250 to 180.
Bounty Hunter trait card Level 3 reward percentage lowered from 100% to 85%
Fully charged (5 shots) Bowcaster damage per projectile decreased from 50 to 15, otherwise (1 or 3 shot) bowcaster damage per projectile decreased from 50 to 10
ION Torpedo lock on range decreased from 600 to 500 meters
Smart Rocket lock on range changed from 1000 to 500 meters
RTC-97 spread is increased when firing for a longer period
Scan Ping tweaked to have 50% shorter spotting time
Scan Ping active time decreased from 7 to 2
Barrage recharge times increased, Normal from 18 to 40 and Upgrade from 15 to 35
Explosive Shot active time decreased, Normal from 7 to 5 and Upgrade from 10 to 7

Vehicle Changes:

Starfighters pickups have a 20 second respawn delay
T-47 Airspeeder pickups have a 10 second respawn delay
Millennium Falcon and Slave I health decreased by 30%

Game Mode Changes:

Removed a turbolaser on Sullust which could be used for spawn killing
Turbolaser respawn time has been increased with 15 seconds
New friend zones and additional spawn points for Supremacy maps
New friend zones and additional spawn points for Walker Assault maps
New friend zones and additional spawn points for Turning Point on Jakku
Bugfix for crashing instantly when spawning in a vehicle on Jakku
Fighter Squadron hero vehicle pickups have more randomized timing
Fixed a Heroes vs Villains bug where players could use their cards in pre-round that got corrected by server
Updated spawn management between big and small game modes
Reduced the match bonus for Blast from 2000 to 1000
Reduced the Win bonus for Blast from 750 to 500
Increased the Match bonus for Hero Hunt from 1000 to 1750
Reduced the Win bonus for Hero Hunt from 500 to 250
Reduced score for dealing damage to AI X-Wings and AI TIE Figthers from 20 to 10
New game mode minimum player count thresholds:
- Walker Assault 20
- Supremacy 20
- Dropzone 4
- Blast 4
- Cargo 4
- Fighter Squadron 4
- Hero Hunt 4
- Droid Run 4
- Heroes Vs Villains 4
- Turning Point 20

Hero Changes:

Han Solo weapon damage over distance is lowered. Damage goes from 70 (was 75) to 30 (was 35) between 10 (was 20) and 25 (was 40) meters
Boba Fett weapon damage over distance is lowered. Damage goes from 30 to 20 (was 25) between 30 and 60 (was 80) meters
Boba Fett wristlauncher explosion radius decreased from 4 to 2.5, maxiumum damage increased from 1 to 1.2 meters
Boba Fett missile doesn't lock on anymore

Bug Fixes:

Stun inducing attacks now properly trigger stun animation loop
Fixing an issue where melee'ing at nothing completly stopped your movement
After the transition from the AT-AT the user screen could remain black, this is now fixed
Several instances of rocks that players could get stuck on have been fixed
Speederbike - Inconsistence between the range when you see the prompt button and when you could actually use the vehicle
Survival weapons behaved differently than MP, now brought in-line
Jakku - Invisible collision located on the landed Rebel transport ship
Users with the most kills will now not be prevented from get the Trophy / Achievement ”Playing the objective” in Blast


此篇文章於 01-29-16 12:03 AM 被 IDGAF 編輯。
IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-30-16, 08:27 PM   #328
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,556

其中要係TDM拎MVP果個Playing the objective,(在團隊殊死戰中獲得最多擊殺 )

Users with the most kills will now not be prevented from get the Trophy / Achievement ”Playing the objective” in Blast

咁玩Blast mode(即TDM)時,因為參與人數比美國西岸少,個勝出機率由1/10提升至1/4或1/6左右…

其他好似逃生艙爭奪戰擊殺 10 名試圖奪取你隊伍逃生艙的敵人果類成就本來唔難搞,

(以 AT-ST 踩扁 25 名步兵 )
我就轉返去美國西岸玩Turning Point,
Battle of Jakku果個沙漠地圖好似仲好個雪地果版,個地圖比較平坦隻AT-ST衡去踩人都快D。


IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-04-16, 06:00 AM   #329
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,556

希望隻GAME到今年聖誕節/推出一週年後,會好似EA另一隻GAME Titanfall做到HK$80就有齊DLC+GAME就正了~!
呢隻我買咗碟版玩+收藏(始終係STAR WARS嘢…)唔介意再買埋下載版~!

Star Wars Battlefront HK$214.50
Star Wars Battlefront Deluxe Edition HK$273.00
Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition HK$592.28

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-04-16, 01:07 PM   #330
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2009
文章: 750
PSN  IDgio0079
XBox Live GamertagSilentEagleF15N
對呢隻好失望﹐最新個UPDATE簡直不知所謂﹐全部STAR CARD同槍都基本上改弱晒.

我等秋季DEATH STAR MAP出左再睇點, 希望係太空戰.
Amuro0093 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-11-16, 06:33 AM   #331
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,556
Star Wars Battlefront又有Bonus XP Weekend(2月12-14日)了~!
不過,如果"DAY 1"(以EA Access優先玩)已經開始玩果班玩家其實經過第一次Bonus XP Weekend應該都已經LV 50晒,
因為見到宜家好多人都已經係著LV 50件黑甲先~!


Bonus XP Weekend Planned for Star Wars Battlefront - IGN News
FEBRUARY 9, 2016
Daily Challenges Galore

Last week, we kicked off our second Community Mission outlining an objective around our new Daily Challenges introduced within the January Update. The goal was set relatively high at 3,000,000 Challenges needing to be completed.

The community stepped up and once again surpassed the goal and completed 4,356,026 Daily Challenges.

As promised, your reward is a 2X Bonus Weekend that is going to kick off on February 12th. The 2X bonus will remain active through Valentine's Day, so make sure to get your special someone a copy of Star Wars™ Battlefront™ and lovingly help them reach level 50.

Stay tuned for your next Community Mission that will kick off on February 16th. Get ready to brush up on your skills with the princess.

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-24-16, 02:06 AM   #332
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,556


賈庫星之戰免費更新發布同時,我們也追加了一個全新的遊戲模式,稱為絕地反攻戰。 玩家們的反應非常熱烈,由於大受好評,我們已經擴大本遊戲模式的涵蓋範圍,只要是目前能玩步行機入侵與星球征服戰的地圖,都能玩絕地反攻戰。

絕地反攻戰是 20 人對 20 人的遊戲模式,反抗軍必須攻下三個被帝國軍佔據的控制點。 時間緊迫,但如果反抗軍佔領成功,就會獲得額外時間,也會有新的控制點可佔領。 最終目標是進軍到帝國基地,進行最終決戰,但是挑戰會一次比一次艱難。

我們也追加了一張全新的豪斯星多人連線地圖,支援所有 40 人遊戲模式(步行機入侵戰、星球征服戰、絕地反攻戰),加上戰機中隊戰。 這張新地圖會帶給你在豪斯星上的全新體驗,我們迫不及待想聽聽您的感想。

說到豪斯星,我們還追加了一個新的生存戰任務,稱為「冰寒洞穴」,讓單人與連線合作玩家們測試自己有沒有本事抵抗一波波越來越龐大的帝國軍部隊。 你永遠預料不到下一波將會出現什麼敵人:AT-ST、鈦戰機、精銳風暴兵…… 新任務上線了,別忘了攻略所有難度、找出所有的收集品。

此外,我們因應玩家意見,將賈庫星之戰內容清單合併到標準遊戲清單中,讓玩家們可以在同樣的配對大廳裡玩到兩邊的內容。 現在玩家們可以在自己喜歡的模式裡,更快選擇賈庫星之戰地圖,輕鬆開戰。

三月還會有更多新內容登場,包括免費更新,以及第一波數位資料片,帶給您更多精彩內容:更多地圖、武器、英雄,還有一種全新模式。 《星際大戰:戰場前線™ 外環區》資料片,讓您可以在蘇魯斯特的工廠地區作戰,還能在塔圖因星的赫特族賈霸宮殿戰鬥。

關於接下來所有即將推出的資料片,請按這裡閱讀詳情。 二月份更新說明的完整清單,則請按這裡(英文論壇)。


Star Wars Battlefront February Update (PS4, PC, & X1)

Below are the patch notes specific to PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One for the February Update.

Additional Content/Functionality

General: Jakku DLC Content is being patched into the game, downloading it separately via platform storefronts is no longer required and can be deleted from your hard drives
New Map: Twilight on Hoth added to Walker Assault, Supremacy, Turning Point, Blast, Fighter Squadron, Drop Zone, and Heroes vs. Villains
New Mission: Survival in the Ice Caves added to Survival Missions
Turning Point: Jundland Wastes, Forest of Endor, Outpost Beta, and SoroSuub Centroplex maps added to the playlist
Attract Mode: GNK Droid added - GONK!
Settings: Turning off music in the Sound menu now turns off music everywhere in the game
Settings: Added a Film Grain setting slider in the Video menu
Credits: Updated Game Credits list

Weapon and Star Card Changes

Primary Weapons: Damage against air vehicles increased by 10%
Bowcaster: Explosion damage increased from 10 to 15 per projectile and explosion radius decreased from 3 to 2.5m
Bowcaster: Full charge direct hit from 20 to 40 per projectile and a normal direct hit increased from 20 to 30 per projectile
Barrage: Damage increased from 50 to 55
Barrage: Cooldown reduced from 40 to 35s (normal) and from 35 to 30s (upgraded)
Barrage: First volley of grenades no longer disappear if the user uses the Refresh Power-up and then fires a second volley
Homing Shot: Lock time decreased from 1.5 to 1.2s
Homing Shot: Players in the AT-GAR turret now receive on-screen notification when locked on
ION Torpedo: Speed increased from 350 to 380m/s and turning angle increased from 120 to 125 in order to more easily hit air vehicles
Pulse Rifle: Movement speed while aiming decreased by 30%
Tusken Cycler Rifle: Movement speed while aiming increased by 40%
Tusken Cycler Rifle: Bullet speed increased from 300 to 450m/s
Orbital Strike: Fixed bug where it sometimes would not trigger on button press

Vehicle changes

A-Wing: Increased hit box size
A-Wing: Now properly takes damage when colliding with an AT-ST while having the Shield active
Slave I: Players can now see the Shield icon on Rebel vehicles when a Shield is active
AT-ST: T-47 Airspeeder kills with a missle while firing the primary cannons at the same time now properly awards a kill (previously registered as a suicide)
AT-AT: Fixed bug where the Orbital Strike ability would sometimes not have the aiming reticle move
T-47 Airspeeder: Players will no longer receive an out of bounds message on Graveyard of Giants during Turning Point when a control point is captured

Multiplayer Game Mode Changes

General: Pre-Round timer lowered from 30s to 20s
Walker Assault: Fixed Power-up spawns on SoroSuub Centroplex
Walker Assault: AT-AT health increased by 18% on Outpost Beta, 8% on Jundland Wastes, 20% on Forest of Endor, 4% on SoroSuub Centroplex, and 5% on Graveyard of Giants
Walker Assault: Spawning as an Imperial Hero after the AT-ATs just pass the second set of uplinks no longer despawns one of the AT-ATs
Walker Assault: The second AT-AT no longer bumps into the wreckage of the other on SoroSuub Centroplex when the first AT-AT is destroyed during the first Uplink
Droid Run: Correct Objective Notification is now displayed to all players if someone is killed while trying to claim the Droid
Droid Run: Improved spawn zones on Dune Sea Exchange
Supremacy: Fixed Power-up spawns on Jundland Wastes, Forest of Endor, and SoroSuub Centroplex
Supremacy: Improved spawn zones on Jundland Wastes, Outpost Beta, and Forest of Endor
Heroes vs. Villains: Planted turrets on Dune Sea Exchange will now disappear in-between rounds
Hero Hunt: Improved spawn zones on Ice Caves
Fighter Squadron: Players are now protected while spawning on Graveyard of Giants

Mission Changes

General: Both players will now properly see Charge Card pick-ups if Player One is using a 3rd Star Card Hand without a Charge Card
General: Player 2's changes to control settings no longer update Player 1's controls when playing Split-Screen
Battle: Fixed AI Spawn issues on Tatooine
Survival: Wave 10 on Sullust will now always spawn if the player / co-op team dies and restarts the round or if a player picks up a Collectible during the Wave 9 transition
Survival: Partner spawns on Sullust will no longer fail if the currently alive player is in a confined area
Survival: Co-Op players can now unlock the "Complete on Hard Difficulty without spending a life" if one player dies and then waits until the other player completes the wave so they get a free respawn

Hero changes

General: Heroes no longer get stuck in a stunned animation state
Princess Leia: Endor outfit updated - Congrats on completing the Lead the Rebellion challenge!
Princess Leia: Trooper Bane now only knocks back primary target, not nearby enemies
Luke Skywalker: Increased Saber Rush's damage against other Heroes from 2% to 6-8%
Luke Skywalker: Lightsaber swing hit radius is reduced from 0.3 to 0.25m
Han Solo: Zooming in no longer sometimes displays a gun scope
Emperor Palpatine's Shocktroopers: Modified primary weapon damage to match Leia's Honor Guards' primary weapon damage over time

Misc. Bug fixes

General: Lighting, textures, audio, user interface, text, and collision fixes
Controls: Legacy control schemes have had their layouts more clearly defined
Colorblind: Enemy players highlighted with Scan Pulse now have the correct Deuteranopia or Protanopia settings on Graveyard of Giants and Goazan Badlands
PC only: Fixed a bug where a player would lose functionality with an Xbox 360 controller after inviting a player to a Private Match and then starting the game
PC only: Air vehicle sensitivity lowered from 0.9 to 0.45 for easier mouse control
Achievements / Trophies: Updated text on "Impressive. Most Impressive." and "Survivor" to clarify the requirements
Achievements / Trophies: "Playing the Objective" now properly awarded

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-04-16, 08:33 AM   #333
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,556

Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim DLC Includes New Maps, Weapons, and Heroes - IGN News

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-10-16, 11:42 AM   #334
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,556
我覺得佢"Free update"果邊只係嘔返應有的內容出嚟咁,

同埋肯定佢收埋Obi-Wan Kenobi、Yoda、Chewbacca、Lando 呢d Star Wars基本應該有的人物,
我都唔明隻game用Star Wars IV至VI集做背景,
碟版基本的版圖都可以抽走Death Star呢個主要場景,
Death Star元祖第一集(即係宜家的第四集)已經有,你話Death Star II第六集先出,再抽出嚟做DLC都叫勉強講得通啦…

EA Details Free Content Heading for Star Wars Battlefront - IGN News

EA has revealed details about the free content coming to Star Wars Battlefront this month.

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-13-16, 12:41 PM   #335
Ultimate Gamer
桐乃 x MIX
註冊日期: Aug 2010
文章: 4,052
PSN  IDmeruruplay
XBox Live GamertagMeruruplay
keijoey 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-18-16, 07:01 PM   #336
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,556

Star Wars Battlefront – Outer Rim Gameplay Trailer

Learn More:
New heroes, maps, mode, weapons, star cards and more. Fight among the factories of Sullust and battle within Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tatooine in the Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Outer Rim digital expansion arriving in March 2016.

Get two-week early access to each expansion pack with Season Pass.

IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-18-16, 09:02 PM   #337
( ゚ω゚)?
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
文章: 9,253
Star Wars Battlefront coming to PlayStation VR

DICE's Star Wars shooter is VR-exclusive to Sony's headset

By Michael McWhertor on Mar 15, 2016 at 5:14p @MikeMcWhertor

Stay Connected. Follow Polygon Now!
Electronic Arts' Star Wars-themed shooter Star Wars Battlefront is coming to PlayStation VR, Sony announced today.
"This will be a Star Wars Battlefront gaming experience like nothing else," said Andrew House, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, "where players can transport themselves to a galaxy far, far away."
Star Wars Battlefront's virtual reality version, which is being developed by DICE, appears to be exclusive to PlayStation VR.
While it didn't show footage of the game, Sony promised more details on Star Wars Battlefront for PlayStation VR in the coming months.

PS4線上中文用戶指南 PS4系統軟件更新 遙控遊玩
\(^o^)/オワタ (;´Д`) ヽ(; ゚д゚)ノ ( ̄∀ ̄) (´・ω・`) ∠(゚Д゚)/ キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━ !!!!(´๑•ω•๑`) (๑*д*๑) (˘ω˘)zZ ( ゚ω゚ ) ∞ヾ(´д´)ノ ก็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔก้ (¯ 3 ¯)(◕‿◕✿) ('A`)(・ิω・ิ) (´д`) <( ̄ω ̄・)> 〆(・ω・`*) (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)淚目 (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧掂 +×(ง⌐□ل͜□) 退休啦! (ง︡'-'︠)ง┗( _)┛(ʘдʘ)
EA-y( ̄Д ̄)。o :game怪有咁勁得咁勁,裝備有咁屎得咁屎,咪等啲友玩得咁舒服,玩完嗱嗱聲pay-to-win.抽loot box有咁難得咁難,box有咁罕有放咁罕有,啲課長咪啫聲抽完抽過第二次囉.
( ゚ω゚)? 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-09-16, 12:04 PM   #338
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,556
官方慶祝STAR WARS VII出DVD同BD影碟搞週末雙倍經驗,
另外,遊戲的終極版係XBOX DwG又搞特價了~!
Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition HK$663.00



《星際大戰:原力覺醒™》藍光和 DVD 版現正推出。為了慶祝這個好消息,玩家本週末只要完成《星際大戰:戰場前線™》的任一場比賽,即可贏得雙倍分數。 新型武器和星際卡近期在邊境星域資料片中推出,甚至還有賈霸本人提供的全新赫特族合約,不必擔心贏得的貨幣沒地方花。

《星際大戰:原力覺醒》週末雙倍分數活動,舉行時間為台灣時間 4 月 8 日下午 4:00 至 4 月 10 日下午 4:00。 準備好爆米花,把控制器充飽電,因為這個週末您絕對不會想錯過。


此篇文章於 04-09-16 12:54 PM 被 IDGAF 編輯。
IDGAF 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-09-16, 12:16 PM   #339
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2009
文章: 750
PSN  IDgio0079
XBox Live GamertagSilentEagleF15N
幾多 X 經驗都唔會有人玩駕喇;
EA﹐ DICE 去死吧!
Amuro0093 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-10-16, 10:58 AM   #340
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: May 2007
文章: 360
Chewie 都唔出出呢兩條友...


津上翔一 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-14-16, 03:55 AM   #341
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,556
剛剛打完Dark Souls III見今個週末個收費DLC搞免費試玩,

Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim Content Free to Play This Weekend - IGN News
Outer Rim, Star Wars Battlefront's first piece of DLC, will be free to play this weekend, May 13-15.



我們的團隊努力不懈,持續為戰場前線打造新的內容。今天我們想要跟遊戲社群分享一個特別的驚喜。 5 月13 日起至 5 月 15 日止,所有玩家都將有機會免費限時體驗《星際大戰:戰場前線™ 邊境星域》資料片內容裡的地圖、模式和英雄。

PlayStation 4、Xbox One 和 PC 玩家都將能進入《星際大戰:戰場前線™ 邊境星域》的四張地圖,一探究竟。 其中包括所有地點,從塔圖因星上的賈霸皇宮和皇宮機庫,到蘇魯斯特星上的索羅蘇布精煉廠和管線,應有盡有。 玩家也都將能體驗〈邊境星域〉的新遊戲模式「彈藥護送戰」,贏取以尼恩南布和葛瑞多身份參戰的機會。
反抗軍進入邊境星域的數個極危險區域,決心取得貴重物資,並將貨物搬上 GR-75 運輸船。 帝國不可能坐視不管,已派出風暴兵來阻止他們完成任務。 進一步了解彈藥護送戰。

《星際大戰:戰場前線 邊境星域》免費試玩活動將於 2016 年 5 月 13 日展開,並於 2016 年 5 月 15 日結束。 敬請於活動期間內登入,暢遊邊境星域,慶祝《星際大戰:戰場前線》的一切。


答:免費試玩活動期間,您將可使用免費的赫特族合約武器,但〈邊境星域〉專屬武器和星際卡仍只會提供給持有季票或《星際大戰:戰場前線 邊境星域》數位單獨券的玩家。

答:2016 年 5 月 13 日至 2016 年 5 月 15 日,您皆可登入體驗《星際大戰:戰場前線 邊境星域》的免費試玩內容。 活動期間結束後,玩家必須持有季票或《星際大戰:戰場前線 邊境星域》數位單獨券,才能存取這些內容。

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舊 05-14-16, 02:16 PM   #342
Insane Gamer
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5月4號 Star Wars Day (May the 4th[force] be with you) 你冇login? 有4444 credit送.
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舊 07-19-16, 05:36 PM   #343
Insane Gamer
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聽日出 offline Skirmish Mode.

Death Star DLC teaser:

最後個DLC係based on Rogue One.
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舊 09-16-17, 06:49 PM   #344
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10月5日前season pass免費!/en-...IASEASONPASS01
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我只 外國玩家 ?

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舊 09-16-17, 08:41 PM   #346
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我只 外國玩家 ?

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