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電視遊戲討論版>PlayStation 4 情報總合 02 → ?
pakchi70 07:06 PM 07-23-13
作者: Akira 明:

八仙果 07:50 PM 07-23-13
作者: Akira 明:

作者: nami_tamaki999:
唔使通宵排隊 = 冇話題
網絡唔塞車 = 冇人氣

( ゚ω゚)? 10:10 PM 07-23-13
Sony PlayStation 4 waltzes past the FCC

By Alexis Santos posted Jul 22nd, 2013 at 11:32 PM

Sony's PS4 dev kit passed by the FCC roughly a week ago, and now its consumer-oriented counterpart has passed through Uncle Sam's offices. Not only do the federal documents show the consoles' polished exterior, but they once again note a "max clock frequency" of 2.75GHz, teasing just what kind of horsepower sits inside the black parallelogram. Though there isn't much more to note in the agency's files, a duo of system labels marked with "Made in China" and "Made in Japan" hint that Hirai and Co. will be manufacturing the hardware in both those territories. Mark Cerny's wunderconsole won't be hitting store shelves until later this year, but it already has the appropriate paperwork to make the trip stateside.
Sony PS4 FCC certification

See all photos 2 Photos
ayane123 12:35 AM 07-24-13
作者: pet3:
噗. 我看不行吧

  此外,競爭對手歐洲索尼電腦娛樂(SCEE)發言人 22 日再次向 CVG 網站確認,如同先前所釋出的消息, PS4 支援錄製時間為 15 分鐘。有關於先前僅支援 7 分鐘的傳言,發言人表示那僅是「7 分鐘(Seven Minutes)」和「數分鐘(Several Minutes)」的英文謬誤。
  PS4 玩家未來能透過新型 DUALSHOCK 4 控制器上的「分享」按鈕,將錄影畫面擷取出來,透過剪輯及修改後再透過 Ustream 上傳至社群網路,與全球玩家分享遊玩過程。
遊戲怪 12:45 AM 07-24-13
其實錄影時間咁小 幫到打機唔多
D-Joe 03:04 AM 07-24-13
作者: 遊戲怪:
其實錄影時間咁小 幫到打機唔多
不過其實如果已有capture card都冇乜所謂
now_loading 09:40 AM 07-24-13
我覺得capture screen有用d
( ゚ω゚)? 10:48 AM 07-25-13

美國 FCC 檢驗報告確認 PS4 主機最大耗電量與初代薄型 PS3 主機同等

(GNN 記者 Sam 報導) 2013-07-24 16:04:50
美國聯邦通訊委員會(FCC)在官方網站公佈了 7 月 17 日批准的索尼電腦娛樂(SCE) PlayStation 4 量產機與測試機的無線傳輸規格檢驗報告,報告中透露 PS4 主機的型號、耗電量與產地等規格細節。

  根據文件,PS4 的量產機將採用「CUH-1001A」的型號,參照先前 PS3 主機的模式,末尾的 1 代表的應該是美版主機(),A 代表該型號的第 1 種款式,預料後續可能會推出硬碟機容量更大的款式。

※ 0 為日版、1 為美版、7 為台版

  與量產機基本構造相同的 PS4 測試機的型號則是「DUH-T1000AA」。


  根據 PS4 主機的產品規格標籤,美版 PS4 主機將採用 120V 最大 2.1A 的電源輸入,換算電源供應器的最高輸入功率為 252W,與初代薄型 PS3 主機(CECH-2000 系列)相當,預料最大耗電量應與初代薄型 PS3 主機同等(實測最大約 100W)。而且因為 PS4 從設計之初就以節能省電為訴求,預料低負載時的耗電量應該會顯著降低,平均耗電量有可能比初代薄型 PS3 主機更低。

  另外,從標籤上還可以確認首批 PS4 主機將由位於中國的富士康子公司鴻富錦精密電子煙台工廠與位於日本的索尼木更津工廠組裝,目前還不確定最終上市販售的產品是否會有不同產地。
( ゚ω゚)? 03:40 PM 07-26-13

So how much does it cost to develop for PlayStation 4?

By Colin Campbell on Jul 24, 2013 at 6:15p @ColinCampbellx

Microsoft has swung open the gates to indie developers by making the Xbox One a development kit in its own right. But how much does it cost to start creating indie games for Sony's rival PlayStation 4?
Polygon spoke to various development sources who say that the PlayStation 4 dev kit costs about $2,500, which is $2,000 more than an Xbox One. Indie Xbox One developers will also pay a fee to Microsoft, which a source said is a few hundred dollars. Microsoft declined to talk publicly about the fee.
Although this $2,500 price is being cited in development circles, the game-makers we spoke to all said that Sony had lent them dev kits for a limited period of one year, for free. As of right now, there are no dev kits being sold. Sony is sending whatever it has available to favored developers. "All the indies I know got them for free," said one developer. "Sony has been amazing about kits and development thus far."
Another developer said that Sony is focused on loaners, rather than collecting fees. "They are handing them out like candy," he said.
"Self-publishing has been available on PlayStation platforms for over five years, so it's nothing new," said a spokesperson for Sony. "The process of devs bringing their games to market has continued to evolve, and PlayStation has led the charge in adapting and embracing new publishing rules to allow for more creative freedom for developers."
The spokesperson pointed toward Sony's loaner dev kit program, as well as other support mechanisms. "With self-publishing, we keep things really flexible for developers and give them lots of options, including funding through the Pub Fund, which is back-end funding paid upon completion of the game, we waive patch fees for indies and all digital titles and we embrace new business models like F2P, episodic and subscriptions. We've had more than 500 games self-published on PSN."
In the previous generation, PS3 dev kits cost between $1,000 and $10,000. Generally, there are different levels of dev kits, ranging in debug functionality and pricing. The $2,500 price point seems to be a popular option among most developers.
Sony said it would not be changing its self-publishing processes, which are detailed on a website dedicated to indies. Many developers are happy to work in emulation on PCs. A dev kit is not necessary until later in a project's life, and few indies are aiming to release their games at the PS4's launch.
"By and large, indie development has become extremely accessible, especially on our platform," said the spokesperson. "We offer a lot of freedom and flexibility and we've built our in-PS Store promotions around indie titles and their launch dates. Also, we provide indies with additional support like putting them on stage at E3, hosting indie-focused events like our Indie Arcade at GDC, etc. Most importantly, our Developer Relations team has really developed relationships with the devs. They talk daily, offer advice and really advocate for them and their particular needs."
You can find out more about PlayStation 4 indie games in this Polygon feature.
( ゚ω゚)? 03:08 AM 07-27-13
Rumor: PS4 8GB GDDR5,用咗2.5-3.5GB行OS之類,4.5-5.5GB比Game用,不過FreeBSD唔係咁食RAM,就算Mac OSX 10.8全系統都係用咗2GB RAM.不過重有可能設計好似Intel HD Graphic咁,要保留一部分RAM(32MB-1GB)比GPU用.至於OS reserved RAM實際點分配,都要等Sony公布
PlayStation 4 gives up to 5.5GB of RAM to game developers

PS4 ships with 8GB of unified GDDR5. Digital Foundry reveals how much game-makers have to work with.

4.5GB guaranteed, 1GB of "flexible memory".

By Richard Leadbetter Published Friday, 26 July 2013
PlayStation 4 reserves 3.5GB of its 8GB GDDR5 memory for the operating system, leaving 4.5GB of space for game code, according to current PlayStation 4 documentation shown to Digital Foundry by a well-placed development source. However, further sources suggest that an additional 1GB of "flexible memory" may be reclaimed from the OS reservation, based on availability.
Sony's internal docs say that 4.5GB is the baseline amount of guaranteed memory available for game-makers (note the memory usage of the Killzone: Shadow Fall demo) and most likely what the lion's share of launch titles will be using. However, other sources close to Sony indicate that developers can request up to an additional gigabyte of "flexible memory", and use it to boost elements of the game - but only if the background OS can spare it. We're told that incorporating this isn't trivial, and it may well be that to begin with only first-party developers target its usage.
Current PlayStation 4 dev kits have a "Game Memory Budget Mode" in the debug settings featuring two options: normal and large. The normal mode setting confirms that 4.5GB of memory is usable for game applications. The large mode increases this considerably to 5.25GB, but the docs are clear that the extra RAM here is only available for application development, presumably in order to house debugging data. From what we understand, the extra gig of flexible memory appears to work in addition to these allowances.
The news that the PS4's OS reservation is in the same ballpark as Xbox One's equivalent 3GB allocation is sure to surprise many, especially bearing in mind that previously leaked Sony docs have only spoken of a 512MB allocation for the system software - though this information hails from the era where the new PlayStation was slated to ship with only 4GB of memory.

"Current Sony SDK docs say that 4.5GB is the baseline amount of guaranteed memory available for game makers - and most likely what the lion's share of launch titles will be using."

Guerrilla Games developed its own profiling tools for PS4 during the development of Killzone: Shadow Fall. The CPU performance analysis tool is pictured here, strongly suggesting that six of the eight AMD CPU cores are available to developers.

There are many parallels with the Xbox One. Both consoles allocate two Jaguar CPU cores to the operating system, and what sounds like a disproportionately higher level of RAM than one might expect - especially in comparison to PC, where Windows operates perfectly well with less than a gig of memory at its disposal. However, in a world where even the Wii U reserves 50 per cent of its onboard RAM for the operating system, the big bump in PS4's OS allocation is perhaps not completely surprising. The console's leap from 4GB to 8GB has seemingly opened the door for Sony to be much more ambitious about what tasks the PlayStation 4 performs in the background and in parallel with gameplay.
Microsoft has already showcased Xbox One's abilities in this regard, but our sources say that PlayStation 4 is also capable of similar feats, perhaps in a manner more closely resembling that of PS Vita - the game is paused, apps are switched over seamlessly and, once exited, gameplay continues without having to restart the code. The convenience and functionality is undeniable, but it comes at a cost to memory consumption.

As it stands, both next-gen consoles will launch with 8GB of unified memory, but with a significantly diminished amount actually available to games developers. However, a big area of difference between Sony and Microsoft's approaches to OS allocation could come in their future plans for the reserved RAM. A Microsoft insider tells us that the engineers behind the Xbox One specifically chose 3GB in order to allow the background platform to evolve over a ten-year life-cycle - it's very hard to add features if the pool of available RAM is reduced from its initial level. The reserved RAM allocation there is set in stone, and is unlikely to change.
However, sources close to Sony suggest that the PS4 approach is perhaps more flexible - the current allocation in terms of both CPU cores and memory could be reduced once the operating system is complete and then streamlined. In short, while there is no guarantee of change in the future, Sony is at least leaving the door open to the opportunity and the R&D team has experience in reducing the OS footprint - just as it did on PlayStation 3.
In the here and now, the template is now set for the next-gen launch period, and the focus from both platform holders is that while games command the majority of system resources, supplementary services and apps are clearly very important indeed. Microsoft has already set out its stall in this regard - now it remains to be seen what additional features PlayStation 4 brings to the table above and beyond its core gaming functions.
david 10:43 AM 07-27-13
Report: PS4 reserves 3.5GB of RAM for the OS

by Jordan Mallory (8 minutes ago)

Nearly half of the PlayStation 4's onboard RAM is reserved for the console's operating system, according to a report from the hardware sleuths at Digital Foundry. Sony documents supposedly reveal that 3.5 gigs of RAM are dedicated to functions of the PS4's streaming-friendly OS, leaving 4.5 gigs for video games to use exclusively.

"Sources close to Sony," however, indicate that it may be possible for developers to requisition up to one additional gig of space, provided the operating system can spare it at the time. This may also be a luxury most easily used by first-party developers during the early life of the console.

This places the PlayStation 4's off-limits memory allotment within shouting distance of the Xbox One's, which is said to be three gigabytes. Both consoles ship with eight gigs in total, though the type of RAM installed in each console does vary: faster GDDR5 in the PS4, and DDR3 in the Xbox One. For comparison, the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 each have 512 megs of RAM, because they were hewn from driftwood by cave people in the days before time.
( ゚ω゚)? 11:54 AM 07-27-13


新たな時代の扉が開かれようとしている。新世代エンターテインメントマシン“プレイステーション4”がもたらしてくれる、新しいエンターテインメント体験 とは……? いままさに、新世代のエンターテインメントの開発を進めているトップクリエイターたちの証言から、新世代の姿を探る。
Terry仔 11:29 AM 07-28-13
即係好似PS2 初公報時,d spec 越報越低
KUTAR# 11:37 AM 07-28-13
作者: Terry仔:
即係好似PS2 初公報時,d spec 越報越低
係個OS大食, spec冇改到

K.LIFE 04:32 PM 07-28-13
作者: 八仙果:
唔使通宵排隊 = 冇話題
網絡唔塞車 = 冇人氣

now_loading 05:03 PM 07-28-13
正常都限住隻game, 預大d比個os, 因為番唔到轉頭。
シェンムー 05:25 PM 07-28-13
預大d 好, ps3 始終唔夠ram , in game XMB 都做唔到D 咩
taikin0901 05:31 PM 07-28-13
作者: K.LIFE:
( ゚ω゚)? 05:38 PM 07-28-13
AMD official 出咗 GDDR5 vs DDR3 速度比較

Common Graphics Memory Myth – Is more really better?

Performance: 512MB GDDR5 vs. 1GB DDR3

Performance: 1GB GDDR5 vs. 2GB DDR3

D-Joe 05:46 PM 07-28-13
SHCEHUK 07:07 PM 07-28-13
rorimoe 08:12 PM 07-28-13
其實P4 1.6G 同 P4 3G 行windows分別都好大
但i3 同 i7行windows又會有幾大分別...

快左個感覺都未必個個都feel 到
或者好似上面咁用low end卡可能就feel 到
KUTAR# 09:28 PM 07-28-13
PS4 contains 5.5GB of RAM for developers – Sony clarifies

Digital Foundry has been handed an internal PS4 document by a “well-placed development source,” which states the system reserves 3.5GB of its 8GB GDDR5 memory for the operating system, which would leave around 4.5GB of space for game code. Other sources have told EG that an additional 1GB of “flexible memory” is reclaimable from the OS reservation. Sony has issued a statement on these claims as well.

Comment from Sony

“We would like to clear up a misunderstanding regarding our “direct” and “flexible” memory systems,” the firm said to Eurogamer in a statement. “The article states that “flexible” memory is borrowed from the OS, and must be returned when requested – that’s not actually the case.

“The actual true distinction is that:

“Direct Memory” is memory allocated under the traditional video game model, so the game controls all aspects of its allocation –

“Flexible Memory” is memory managed by the PS4 OS on the game’s behalf, and allows games to use some very nice FreeBSD virtual memory functionality. However this memory is 100% the game’s memory, and is never used by the OS
, and as it is the game’s memory it should be easy for every developer to use it.

“We have no comment to make on the amount of memory reserved by the system or what it is used for.”

So, basically now it means that: 4.5GB of conventional RAM is available to developers plus the OS-controlled flexible memory; there’s a 1GB virtual address space, split into two areas – 512MB of on-chip RAM is used (the physical area) and another 512MB is “paged” but 5GB of it is available to developers.

“The good news is that the amount is static and not dictated by OS functions as we stated in our original post, making it a lot easier for developers to work with,” said Digital Foundry.

My head hurts no less after that than it did yesterday.
八仙果 09:44 PM 07-28-13
作者: now_loading:
我覺得capture screen有用d
如果是睇攻略,video 有用好多。

作者: K.LIFE:
シェンムー 09:55 PM 07-28-13
標籤:PlayStation 4, 綜合情報
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