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舊 04-03-08, 01:22 PM   #26
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2006
文章: 333
XBox Live GamertagALPOM
以前玩 FPS個概念都係鬥快鬥準
至從玩過 CONDEMED 2 後
對呢類 horror 型既 FPS 相當有好感(?)呢

看圖比血腥似乎 condemed 高一籌


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舊 04-04-08, 11:09 PM   #27
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 04-19-08, 07:01 PM   #28
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Project Origin
Release Date: 10/31/2008
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
Developer: Monolith Productions
Genres: First-Person, Shooter

Assassin Trailer
Assassin Trailer HD
This could be your last shot at living.

Hospital Trailer
Hospital Trailer HD
Paranormal activities threaten the city; execute reconnaissance operations, contingency plans, and everything else that stands in your way.

此篇文章於 04-19-08 07:03 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 04-22-08, 08:39 PM   #29
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 05-20-08, 10:28 PM   #31
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
May Combat Trailer
May Combat Trailer HD
This pre-beta footage shows that action-horror will return, bloodier and spookier than ever.
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舊 06-13-08, 12:04 AM   #32
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Project Origin Update
New details emerge for Monolith's first person fright fest.
by Martin Robinson, IGN UK

UK, June 11, 2008 - Monolith has earned itself a place amongst the front line of fear-mongers with its work over the past three years, its original F.E.A.R title inspiring eeks and shrieks from the first person crowd before the Washington based developer moved onto the furtive grounds of tramp bothering for the Condemned titles that brought a more gruesome taste of fear to the console audiences.

Following a split from original publisher Vivendi – and an enforced title change to boot – Monolith is returning to its blend of died in the wool first person thrills and psychological horror with Project Origin, a game that looks to answer many of the questions raised in the original title while adding a further level of refinement to the original's kinetic gunplay.

This generation's new visual fidelity considerably ups the fear factor.

"We will be continuing forward with and expanding on the groundwork laid in the first game," says the Project Origin's lead designer John Mulkey, "and through that exploration we will be answering questions and clarifying story elements."

Some small relief for the many left in limbo following F.E.A.R's propensity for the enigmatic and its curt cliffhanger. Indeed, the sometimes inscrutable fashion that some of the original game's supernatural elements were woven in won't bear down upon Project Origin and as Monolith's Craig Hubbard admits, "I think we took that concept a little too far with the first game, so the challenge is to make the narrative clearer and easier to follow without sacrificing the mystery."

Much of the mystery this time out will arise from the actions of Michael Becket, a member of the Delta forces that were so relentlessly destroyed throughout F.E.A.R. Players take charge of him in the events that directly precede the first game's cataclysmic climax, and subsequently takes him through the consequences of it. And of course we see the return of Alma, the original's core protagonist who seemingly had drifted from the set of a Hideo Nakata film into a videogame backlot before gleefully unleashing seven shades of havoc.

Abominations are a freakish new addition.

Her presence looks to be the centerpiece of Project Origin in more ways than one, and as Hubbard notes, "This time she has a stronger agenda, which gives her a more active, visceral role," with Mulkey adding that, "In the first game Alma was seen in fleeting glimpses as a playful child. In Project Origin, Alma is going to be more direct…she is going to touch you more."

Short of bundling the game with a peripheral that intermittently blows down the player's neck, Project Origin looks to achieve this tactility by utilizing Becket's visor to act as an extra link between the player and the game world. Stand too near to someone you're riddling with lead and the visor will be smeared with thick red blood, with the player having to wipe it clean to regain vision - and this being primarily a horror experience expect the blood to come flowing from more than just gunshots.

Beyond this splattercore, the visor will also act as an indicator of the environment. Walk into a cold room and you'll see the visor fog over, leaving the player blind and solely reliant on the audio cues fed them – and the audio is one of the key tools in Monolith's arsenal when it comes to inciting fear. "We have found that sound is a powerful tool for affecting a player's emotional state," says Mulkey, and anyone with the nerve to have played through the original F.E.A.R or either of the Condemned titles will attest to the fact that Monolith are quite masterful in inspiring brown trouser moments.

The bullet time returns - but this time through an augmentation.

Speaking of brown trouser moments – and excuse us for the tenuous link – one of the key new additions to Project Origin's cast is the abominations, the heavily mutated results of some of the Armacham corporation's more twisted experiments. Delightfully smearing the surrounds with their own faeces in order to scrawl out the demented contents of their twisted minds, the heavily afflicted humanoids also suffer from Tourettes and are contorted by their schizophrenia, so you can excuse them for being a little grumpy as they try to harm our lead.

It's all shaping up to form one of the stronger arms of this year's full on horror assault, and it will be interesting to see how the experiences gained from working on the Condemned series will feed into Monolith's re-treading of the original's unique premise - and from the evidence so far, it looks like they've been successful in putting the F.E.A.R factor through the roof.

For the full Q&A with Craig Hubbard and John Mulkey click here.
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舊 06-17-08, 11:51 PM   #33
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Remnant Gameplay
The only things left on these lonely streets are a number of zombies.

Penthouse Gallery Gameplay
What was once an exhibit for priceless works of art has been reduced to rubble in the form of Swiss cheese.
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舊 06-18-08, 12:02 AM   #34
註冊日期: Oct 2007
文章: 774
XBox Live GamertagJojONa
個bullet time過癮喎...因為bullet time發動中, 自己卻正常速度中動作...
YIUYIU 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-12-08, 02:06 PM   #35
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Project Origin PlayStation 3 Trailer - Fear Alma Again
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舊 07-14-08, 10:14 PM   #36
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
來源: 時間:2008-7-14 編輯: 六段音速


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舊 07-14-08, 11:13 PM   #37
Game Master
註冊日期: Dec 2005
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PSN  IDycyleo07
XBox Live Gamertagycyleo
作者: YIUYIU 查看文章
個bullet time過癮喎...因為bullet time發動中, 自己卻正常速度中動作...
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舊 07-17-08, 02:51 PM   #38
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2002
文章: 7,807
gamespot stage show
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舊 07-18-08, 09:02 PM   #39
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
E3 2008: Cam Gameplay Teaser

E3 2008: Cam Gameplay Teaser HD

E3 2008: Interview

E3 2008: Interview HD

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舊 07-20-08, 12:40 AM   #40
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
E3 2008: Project Origin Hands-On
Can a horror game still be a horror game when you're in a mech suit? We find out.
By Shaun McInnis, GameSpot

Posted Jul 17, 2008 1:14 pm PT;title;1

The transition from F.E.A.R. to Project Origin may have resulted in a tragic loss of punctuation, but this sequel to the 2005 horror shooter has added more than a few visceral bells and whistles to make up for it. We were quite pleased to find this out during a run through the E3 2008 demo available to all passersby on the show floor. Whether it's a tweak to the shooting mechanics, the art direction (you'll actually see colors this time!), or the mech suit available to pilot at occasional moments in the game, Project Origin is looking like an excellent follow-up to its well-received predecessor.

The demo begins with the game's main character, Michael Becket, waking up in an underground metro station. The story continues his search for Alma, this time more grown up, but by all appearances just as creepy as ever. Before heading upstairs, some quick fumbling with the controller will reveal a few mechanical tweaks to the game. For one, there's the addition of an iron sight view. You start out with an assault rifle equipped with a red dot sight, giving you the choice of precise targeting or firing from the hip. The number of weapon slots has gone up from three to four, matching the number of grenade types you can carry. And you'll notice a lack of medikits scattered about; Project Origin has shed its points-based health system in favor of regenerating health. Monolith tells us this is a choice made to keep your focus on the action rather than a slowly-draining number in the corner of your screen.

With weapons orientation out of the way, we took the stairs out of the subway up to exit. You'll quickly discover an urban setting that looks like it just absorbed the brunt of a powerful earthquake. Those whole place is a mess, from the chunks of building facades scattered across the road to the truck-size potholes flooded with water. It's hard to decipher the time of day with all the smoke in the sky, but it's quite obviously not nighttime. That's a focus for Monolith with the game, to add more variety and color to the levels. The trailer that runs when the demo goes idle shows several interesting levels, including a rooftop pool overlooking a lovely sunset.

But don't get the idea that Project Origin has suddenly become a friendly parade of bright colors and sunshine. The enemies provide an even tougher challenge this time thanks to considerably enhanced AI. One example Monolith provided was a soldier taking cover behind a car door. You wouldn't notice this particular soldier's ingenuity until you realize he opened the car door himself. They also have a tough time staying dead. It's possible to wound an enemy, have them hit the ground, and you might run off without noticing them slowly limp back up and draw a sidearm to shoot you from behind. You can respond to these resourceful enemies by creating your own impromptu cover, kicking over tables and hiding behind them when something more sturdy isn't available. Of course, with the destructible environments and ballistics able to travel through varying surface materials, that may not be the best idea in certain circumstances.

After a few play-throughs with this demo, we noticed a rocket launcher hidden in one of the blown-out buildings. This comes in handy when taking on snipers positioned up on the tops of buildings or on the marquee of a movie theater which you need to enter when you've progressed down the demolished city street. It's not the most precise weapon in the world, but thanks to game's destructible buildings, you can simply aim near an enemy and you'll more than likely knock down his perch. If the explosion doesn't kill him, the three-story tumble certainly will. Inside the theater, you're greeted by a heavily armed soldier rivaling a Big Daddy in sheer girth. The best option here is the rocket launcher, of course, but you can also test your luck with a shotgun if you're up to the task.

You soon discover a theater that still has seats, but is missing the wall where the screen would normally be. Instead you have a view of an alley and a dead soldier disturbingly pinned to the wall. Out on the street is a mech suit, or power armor, as it's called in the game. We wasted no time in hopping right into it (once we took care of an environmental hazard nearby, a busted power transistor sending dangerous currents onto the nearby ground). The power armor is a thrilling ride. You have a machine gun and a missile launcher available to you. But it's not a matter of overpowering your enemies because the gun can and will overheat, missiles take time to be reloaded, and plenty of enemy power armors will greet you on your mech-aided stroll down the road. It's still a lot of fun, though, especially the way you can utterly destroy poor pedestrian soldiers running across the ground. Project Origin is noticeably more bloody, especially when you cut through an enemy with the mech suit gun. They'll burst into a fountain of red with torso and limbs going every which way.

Project Origin has us genuinely excited to see more, especially the way they're planning to continue the creepy storyline. We can already tell the action is going to be great, we just need to find out if the horror aspects will maintain the same sense of tension as the original. No release has been scheduled, but you can expect to see Project Origin arrive on the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.


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舊 08-24-08, 04:40 PM   #41
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
GC 2008: Project Origin Progress Report
Blood and bullets revisited.

by Charles Onyett

August 22, 2008 - It's 30 minutes before the explosion at the end of F.E.A.R. when Project Origin begins, so players who experienced the original won't miss a beat, and newcomers will be treated to a rather dramatic opening. And just in case you're not clear, this is Monolith's game, and has nothing to do with TimeGate's Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate expansion packs.

With the sequel, Monolith has increased the number of weapon slots to four, added a larger degree of variety to the environments, made the game more colorful, and tried to make environments a little more interactive. While blasting through stages you can yank open car doors for cover, kick over objects in the environment, and the enemy AI will react to this and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Enemies will also try to use the environment to their advantage, attempting to blow up any volatile elements in your vicinity. And if you happen to blow something up near them and have to set them on fire, you can watch as they drop their primary weapon and try to pat out the flames or extinguish them in any nearby water. Once they're no longer on fire, enemies will come back at you with a secondary weapon or snatch up another primary.

During our demo at GC 2008, we saw a short section of a bombed out street littered with cars and debris from buildings. A shotgun, assault rifle, and rocket launcher were used to dispatch the enemies in the area, using the series' trademark slow-motion mode to help against more heavily armored enemies. Like in the first, expect to find health and slow-motion gauge boosters in hidden alcoves throughout the single-player.

And while there'll be plenty of first-person shooting action, there'll also be horror sequences, as fans of the first would expect. Violent hallucinations and screeching, sudden sounds will be part of the visions, and apparently Alma will take a more active role this time. For instance, in some of the horrific visions, she'll jump right at you instead of skittering quickly across your field of view.

Also improved for the sequel, at least according to Monolith, will be the narrative. No longer will the bulk of the story be delivered through phone messages. Instead, things are being designed to be more interactive, with more conversations with NPCs, though no real examples of this were shown in the demo. You'll also be able to peruse a database of information in a PDA your character carries around, which works to explain who some of the key elements of the F.E.A.R. universe are, like the Armacham Technology Corporation.

At points you'll also be able to hop into a powered armor vehicle, giving you the option of squishing enemies into a bloody paste with its mechanical legs, and letting you fire off dual miniguns and rockets. The minigun fire will not only quickly take down grunt enemies, but also blow up bits of the environment enemies could have potentially used as cover.

When asked about multiplayer, Monolith mentioned it would be a major part of the game but wasn't yet willing to divulge any specifics.

The game's looking pretty sharp so far, and should be ready to ship in the first quarter of 2009 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.
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舊 09-09-08, 09:59 PM   #42
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
原  名: F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
機  種: PS3
類  型: 主視角射擊
開 發 商: Monolith
發 行 商: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
發 售 日: 2009年2月10日
售  價: 59.99美元
其它機種: X360

《起源計劃》更名為《F.E.A.R.2》 恐怖降臨2009年2月
來源: 時間:2008-9-9 編輯: 風間仁

Monolith公司正式宣佈,驚悚FPS新作《起源計劃(Project Origin)》將更名為《F.E.A.R.2:起源計劃(F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin)》,遊戲將於2009年2月10日同時在PS3、X360和PC 平台發售。

《起源計劃》原本就是作為Monolith公司開發的人氣FPS《F.E.A.R.》的續作進行開發,但是由於《F.E.A.R.》品牌持有權在原發行商Vivendi手中,因此一直以來都是以《起源計劃》為其命名。現在,由於Activision Blizzard成立後的瘦身計劃,Monolith的母公司華納將《F.E.A.R.》品牌從Activision Blizzard手中買回,因此《起源計劃》終於能夠以它原本的身份亮相。

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舊 09-12-08, 09:49 PM   #43
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Name Change Announcement HD
Project Origin is now F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin.
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舊 10-17-08, 08:17 PM   #44
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
Release Date: 2/10/2009
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
Developer: Monolith Productions
Genres: First-Person, Shooter

Elite Power Armor Trailer HD
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舊 11-01-08, 11:35 PM   #45
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Exclusive DC Digital Comic HD
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舊 11-15-08, 10:57 PM   #46
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
F.E.A.R. 2 : Project Origin new video

Warner Bros Interactive has sent us a new video of its upcoming FPS F.E.A.R. 2 : Project Origin for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The game is scheduled for February 2009 in the US and Europe.

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舊 12-19-08, 12:03 AM   #47
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin - Interview
Публикувана от 3dzone |Понеделник 13:48


Three years have passed since the release of First Encounter Assault Recon – the ridiculously awesome survival first person action game that raised the bar for what fear, action, and AI should look like in modern games. Two months before the official premiere of the highly anticipated sequel, the primary art lead at Monolith Productions – Dave Matthews was kind enough to answer all questions for FEAR 2 that we brought to him.

3dzone: We already saw the box art for the game and we can see that little creepy Alma is back, but how often are we going to see her in the game?
Dave Matthews: In FEAR and FEAR2, the story is about Alma. In the first game, we explored Alma as the little girl. We established who she was, what horrible things had been done to her, and ultimately laid the foundation of what she means to the FEAR universe. All that culminates with her release and a different aspect of her being exposed. In FEAR2, Now that she is out. We are exploring what that means for her wants, her desires, her abilities (now unbridled) and ultimately how Michael Becket plays a role in Alma’s story.

3dz: The title Project Origin was suggested by the community and Monolith has always been a company that pays close attention to its fans. What were the things that you’ve changed in F.E.A.R. 2 listening to the users’ feedback for the first game?
DM: We love how active our community is and we take the comments very seriously. Shortly after we shipped FEAR, we started receiving requests to make the Powered Armour from the first game into a skin or a selectable character. We thought it was a great idea, as we started to implement it for FEAR2, we realized that it wasn’t enough and didn’t carry all the great things we liked about FEAR’s combat. So we came up the big brother version called the Elite Powered Armour. More firepower, tougher armour, better maneuverability and new environmental responses were created because of the upgrade. What we have now really feels awesome! And we owe the inspiration to the community. This is only one of many things that we evolved from the first game. Needless to say, I think fans of the first game are going to see that we really listened to their comments in FEAR2.

3dz: The cinematography feel of the first game was really important for the player to get sucked into the horror atmosphere, but how will this evolve in Project Origin? Can we expect to see an adventure that is some kind of movie-like experience?
DM: I think part of the formula that makes FEAR so great is that over the top cinematic combat experience as well as the film like presentation of horror elements. Although we have added to the formula, cherry picking some other great influences from film, I think we have something that still feels like FEAR, but new and fresh at the same time.

3dz: We have seen the battle mechs from the trailers. They are big and carrying heavy weaponry and it certainly looks interesting to play with them, but do we get to use them multiple on multiple occasions throughout the game or is it just one-time thing?
DM: The EPA is merely one aspect of combat in FEAR2. Much like the variations in the size of battle fields, we wanted to create a game where the player was always on his toes. So we use the EPA amongst other aspects of the game to keep variety and pacing high. Throwing one thing at you over and over again becomes boring and players quickly learn to expect what’s coming next. This applies as much to horror as it does to combat. The Elite Powered Armor is one way we address that. Players spend much of FEAR 2 overcoming incredibly odds and barely surviving, you are one man against two armies after all. When you get a chance to get in the EPA for the first time, you finally get to take the fight back to your foes. Further fights in the EPA really drive home that feeling of empowerment, and it never fails to get people excited and continue building the momentum for what’s happening next.

3dz: Following the previous question – don’t you think that the mech suits seem to make the player so powerful and invulnerable? Isn’t this a distraction from the overall horror feel of the game?
DM: I think the tension created in combat triggers a very different emotional response from that of the tension created through horror. Keeping both aspects in mind we can create a nice ebb and flow of experience and tension that play really well together.

3dz: Except the battle mech suits, are we going to see other cool ideas in the game or interesting vehicles that we are going to be able to control?
DM: I’m not talking. You’ll just have to wait and see.

3dz: We already know that the player can carry more weapons now. What was the reason behind this decision? And should we expect the arsenal to expand? Are we going to see more weapons like the amazing nail gun from the first part?
DM: Expanding the number of weaponry that the player can carry stemmed from a level of comfort in the first FEAR. Basically you would become quite proficient with you three weapons and developed a strategy with them. Then you would come across a new weapon, “Do I drop the Shotgun for the Nailgun?” You always felt like if you could carry just one more weapon it would solve that dilemma…so we did and its felt better ever since.

3dz: F.E.A.R. had a big success in the multiplayer field. What can we expect in terms of multiplayer options and modes and online multiplayer in Project Origin?
DM: We have some pretty cool things lined up for MP, But you’ll have to sit and wait for the feature list just like everyone else, but I promise we are going to announce it really soon.

3dz: The AI in the first game was really amazing! I have been witness to some of the best enemy reactions in my entire gaming career. Can we expect the AI in F.E.A.R. 2 to evolve and in what aspects?
DM: Absolutely! One of our biggest successes in FEAR was our AI, and that’s not something that’s going to be overlooked. In FEAR 2 we’ve enhanced what was created for the original game and built upon the strengths of that system. You’re going to see enemies that are far more aware of their environment, and a lot more capable of adapting to the way you play. We’ve added awareness to environmental hazards such as fire and electrified areas, An AI that catches on fire, doesn’t just continue fighting with complete disregard for being engulfed in flames, They will now drop their weapons, try to extinguish the flames by patting, the ever popular stop drop and roll, or if there is water nearby run to it. If they can douse the flames, they’ll either switch to their secondary sidearm or find a weapon nearby , pick it up and re-engage in combat. They’ll be plenty of opportunities for the player to experiment with new and glorious ways to bring about the demise of their foes. As for combat, you can think about it like sandbox combat. The environment you fight in doesn’t change, but the way enemies attack you and react to your behavior changes every time you play. You control the battle fields, and enemies will adapt to your play style. If you are a run and gun kind of player, the enemies will see this and use opportunities to flank you and attack you from behind. Players that use cover more heavily will find enemies using various strategies, like throwing grenades to your location, to flush you out into the open so they can attack you. The goal is to make players not notice that the enemies are controlled by the computer. We want our bad guys to feel as natural as possible, and for the underlying systems that control them to be completely transparent.

3dz: As we all know the sound is a vital part of the horror genre. F.E.A.R. featured music that perfectly fit the gameplay and the overall action on screen. Can we expect the same guys that were responsible for the music in the first game to return?
DM: Sound design is without a doubt a fundamental component of any horror game. And I’m happy to say we have a lot of returning players that crafted those great audio moments from the first game. Creating sounds that seem unearthly, and yet not entirely unfamiliar creates an odd discomfort with players. Then of course sudden loud sounds are also effective! And while shock scares are great, FEAR 2, and FEAR before it, prefer to build upon the suspense and grab players when they least expect it. The famous static effect comes to mind, but also the disembodied voices that you will hear and the general creepiness of the world are all being worked on and will be much refined. I don’t want to spoil it, but some of the sounds that the more unconventional creatures manifest are unlike anything! They’re great, and the moans and screams alone are enough to terrify

3dz: Right now every major movie studio is licensing game IPs and we are seeing more and more games being translated into movie adaptations. So in this manner, is there a chance to see F.E.A.R. on the big screen? Especially since the second game is being distributed by Warner Bros. Interactive which a division of one of the biggest major studios in the movie business out there.
DM: I haven’t heard any plans, but I think it would be cool if there was a movie made about Alma and the lives she’s touched and destroyed.

3dz: What horror games do you guys enjoy and what inspires you to make games like Condemned and F.E.A.R.?
DM: I love the genre, it’s tough to narrow is down to just a couple, the list is varied but includes games like the Fatal Frames, Silent Hills, Siren, Resident Evils, Eternal Darkness (Which completely messed with my head), System Shocks and we could go way back in time…Phantasmagoria for the gore. When I think of games for inspiration, I look to games that separated themselves from the masses at the time and helped forge new direction in gaming. Games like Ico, Shadow of the colossus, Mark of Kri, Cookie and Cream, and Flow all brought something new to the table. That innovation is what I find inspiring and it urges me to bring new things to the games I work on.

3dz: What were the most difficult parts of the development process and of course the most interesting ones?
DM: We restructured our pipelines for FEAR2. The first game PC was the lead and the ports happened later(and not by us). After the dust settled, we went back and changed our pipelines so that we build for all three platforms simultaneously. Its great. It affords us the opportunity to tune the exact feel and vibe of an asset and verify it across all three simultaneously. Its has helped the process so much and now we don’t feel like we have a lead skew with others to follow that might not be exactly what we intended.

3dz: Are there any differences between the versions of the game for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3?
DM: I think that gets back to the comment about the most difficult part of development.

3dz: Is there any chance for a demo version before the official release or eventually after that?
DM: We understand how important Demos are these days, so keep on the lookout for some announcements.

3dz: So what is the final ship date? Can we expect some delays between the different platforms?
DM: Worldwide is Feb 13th next year, just in time for Valentine’s Day…oh yeah that’s Friday the 13th. And it’s going to be all three platforms simultaneous release PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.

3dz: OK, thank you for your answers. We’re looking forward to the game and your next projects. Any idea when we’re going to get some information on that? Any chance to see a project called B.L.O.O.D. or S.H.O.G.O.?
DM: We’re keeping our plans pretty quiet. So I can’t tell you the cool things Monolith have brewing. But you can expect some great things as we always learn and push ourselves forward from our previous work.
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舊 01-10-09, 12:38 AM   #48
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Exclusive EPA Trailer HD
Master your fear by donning the Elite Powered Armor.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-10-09, 08:31 PM   #49
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
「F.E.A.R. 2」体験版が1月末に配信予定

続編であるにも関わらず、権利問題から「F.E.A.R.」という名前を冠せなくなる……といった事態に陥るも、権利を買い戻し無事「F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin」として発売されることとなったというのは皆さんもご存知のことでしょう。

 例によって「F.E.A.R. 2」はオーストラリアでレーティング審査拒否されるなど、暴力性、残虐性の高いゲーム内容が指摘されていますが、実は発売はもうすぐそこ、北米では2月10日に、欧州では2月13日に発売されます。

 そんな「F.E.A.R. 2」の体験版がPSNとXbox Liveにて1月末に配信予定であることが明らかになりました。現在のところ詳しい配信日についての発表はありませんが、Qoreでは1月15日に配信されるということです。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-17-09, 12:32 PM   #50
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註冊日期: Feb 2004
文章: 8,580
Eurogamer Exclusive: F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin - Gameplay Video
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