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舊 08-18-16, 09:54 AM   #426
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 11,634
PSN  IDTime-6RD-
韓國豪鬼COMBO MV,呢個已係修正版來:


数えきれない…でも少しの歳月は流れ いったい君の事を
どれくらい分かってるのかな? 指先で地図辿るようには
上手く行かないね 気づいているよ不安そうな顔
隠してるくらい 急ぎ足の明日へと抵抗するように
駆け回っていても不思議なくらい… この胸は君を描くよ
見上げれば輝きは色褪せず溢れていた どんな時も照らしてる
Time 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-18-16, 10:03 AM   #427
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 19,140
同場加映: 細路版一八

人在做, 天在看
wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-18-16, 05:04 PM   #428
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 11,634
PSN  IDTime-6RD-
作者: wing 查看文章


数えきれない…でも少しの歳月は流れ いったい君の事を
どれくらい分かってるのかな? 指先で地図辿るようには
上手く行かないね 気づいているよ不安そうな顔
隠してるくらい 急ぎ足の明日へと抵抗するように
駆け回っていても不思議なくらい… この胸は君を描くよ
見上げれば輝きは色褪せず溢れていた どんな時も照らしてる
Time 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-18-16, 05:28 PM   #429
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 19,140
作者: Time 查看文章
希望係故事模式專用, 我唔想在網上對戰時遇到一個令對方所有上段攻擊全部落空的對手...........

人在做, 天在看
wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-19-16, 10:54 AM   #430
The One
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 21,203
岩岩先發現,原來自 TTT2 開始 jin 既 RP RK 係 10f。
歌絲˙暮斯 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-21-16, 01:17 PM   #431
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 11,634
PSN  IDTime-6RD-
韓國"THE FIST"決賽重溫:


数えきれない…でも少しの歳月は流れ いったい君の事を
どれくらい分かってるのかな? 指先で地図辿るようには
上手く行かないね 気づいているよ不安そうな顔
隠してるくらい 急ぎ足の明日へと抵抗するように
駆け回っていても不思議なくらい… この胸は君を描くよ
見上げれば輝きは色褪せず溢れていた どんな時も照らしてる
Time 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-25-16, 08:15 PM   #432
The One
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 21,203
最近練返少少 LEO

仍然係連唔晒最基本果 set:

LAUNCH >6RP > 4 LP RK 3 LK > 6 RK RP > S > DASH 6 RK 3 WP

滑步 LK 後經常接唔到 6 RK RP, 有乜要訣?要慢D ?
歌絲˙暮斯 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-25-16, 08:45 PM   #433
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 19,140

人在做, 天在看
wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-25-16, 10:26 PM   #434
The One
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 21,203
話晒兩個主力都玩左就快十年, 唔玩 TK 唔CHOK 下招會手痕.
歌絲˙暮斯 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-26-16, 10:07 AM   #435
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 11,634
PSN  IDTime-6RD-
作者: 歌絲˙暮斯 查看文章
最近練返少少 LEO

仍然係連唔晒最基本果 set:

LAUNCH >6RP > 4 LP RK 3 LK > 6 RK RP > S > DASH 6 RK 3 WP

滑步 LK 後經常接唔到 6 RK RP, 有乜要訣?要慢D ?
3 LK果下CANCEL滑步係要慢D,呢套其實用返TT2練都得,頭果part


浮空技 > 6RP > 4LP,RK > 3 > 9LP > 66RK,LK > S! > 跑前 托天掌三式


数えきれない…でも少しの歳月は流れ いったい君の事を
どれくらい分かってるのかな? 指先で地図辿るようには
上手く行かないね 気づいているよ不安そうな顔
隠してるくらい 急ぎ足の明日へと抵抗するように
駆け回っていても不思議なくらい… この胸は君を描くよ
見上げれば輝きは色褪せず溢れていた どんな時も照らしてる
Time 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-26-16, 10:11 AM   #436
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 11,634
PSN  IDTime-6RD-
作者: wing 查看文章



数えきれない…でも少しの歳月は流れ いったい君の事を
どれくらい分かってるのかな? 指先で地図辿るようには
上手く行かないね 気づいているよ不安そうな顔
隠してるくらい 急ぎ足の明日へと抵抗するように
駆け回っていても不思議なくらい… この胸は君を描くよ
見上げれば輝きは色褪せず溢れていた どんな時も照らしてる
Time 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-26-16, 07:39 PM   #437
The One
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 21,203

不過睇黎 T7 都會飛起 JULIA, 因為太少人用 ?
歌絲˙暮斯 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-27-16, 09:01 AM   #438
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 19,140
作者: 歌絲˙暮斯 查看文章

不過睇黎 T7 都會飛起 JULIA, 因為太少人用 ?

哦, 你講起又好似係....


不過睇套劇, 初期拳佬突然發威撞到馮春美噴血果招鐵山靠, 個動作似乎又比較似馮威果招嶽寸靠, 唔似paul果招....

我冇玩開vf, 但果時結城晶果招猛虎硬爬山係咪都係打天靈蓋?

人在做, 天在看
wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-27-16, 11:37 AM   #439
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2006
文章: 382
PSN  IDlks9413
XBox Live Gamertagchangs friend

BTW. Soul Calibur 一樣有猛虎硬爬山. 不過用刀出

陳國漢之友 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-27-16, 02:28 PM   #440
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 11,634
PSN  IDTime-6RD-



数えきれない…でも少しの歳月は流れ いったい君の事を
どれくらい分かってるのかな? 指先で地図辿るようには
上手く行かないね 気づいているよ不安そうな顔
隠してるくらい 急ぎ足の明日へと抵抗するように
駆け回っていても不思議なくらい… この胸は君を描くよ
見上げれば輝きは色褪せず溢れていた どんな時も照らしてる
Time 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-27-16, 08:13 PM   #441
The One
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 21,203
作者: Time 查看文章

使用率 julia 好似係女角最低果個


Julia/Zafina > Nina/christie > Anna/曉雨 > Alisa >Jun/Asuka > Lili

Leo 當男計

此篇文章於 08-27-16 11:26 PM 被 歌絲˙暮斯 編輯。
歌絲˙暮斯 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-29-16, 09:15 AM   #442
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 19,140
以故事劇情來計, 我估其實anna會出的機會都好高.

人在做, 天在看
wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-31-16, 09:27 AM   #443
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 19,140

Tekken 7 hands-on and Katsuhiro Harada interview – ‘we’ve made it very easy to recognise what is cool and different about Tekken’
Default author imageGameCentral for 26 Aug 2016 2:00 pm
Game preview: Tekken 7 hands-on and Katsuhiro Harada interview - the king of iron fist tournamnet
Tekken 7 – making Tekken seem young again
GameCentral speaks to the man behind the entire Tekken series, about the latest entry and the future of fighting games.

There are a lot of games that don’t really preview very well at an event like Gamescom or E3. Sitting down for 15 minutes to play a complex strategy or story-based game doesn’t really make sense. But a few quick goes on the new Tekken? That’s the sort of hands-on demo you really look forward to.

It’s been seven years since the last mainline Tekken sequel (although there was Tekken Tag Tournament 2 in between that) and much is being made about the fact that this new game uses Unreal Engine 4. The graphics certainly look more impressive as a result, with much more destructible arenas and, in the story mode at least, extensive use of a slow motion camera and what are essentially mini-cut scenes that occur mid-battle.

Perhaps learning from the mistakes of Street Fighter V, the story campaign is being emphasised as a key feature, highlighting a host of new characters including female ninja Master Raven, Shaheen (who looks very much like Rashid from Street Fighter), Lucky Chole (a cosplaying Japanese catgirl), and Claudio (a rather foppish looking exorcist). There’s also returning characters such as Lee Chaolan/Violet and the chance to play as a young, and surprisingly cute looking, Kazuya. Supposedly Tekken 7 will be the darkest entry yet though, and an end the storyline revolving around the Mishima family feud.

In terms of gameplay, one of the big new additions is the Power Crush move – essentially a combo breaker that lets you continue your attack even while still being hit yourself. The other major addition is to Rage mode, an existing feature which makes attacks more powerful when low on damage. But now you can exchange this bonus in favour of an even more powerful, but short range, Rage Art move. Or a Rage Drive attack, which adds an extra powerful finisher to the next combo you do.

We’ll be honest that we didn’t make extensive use of any of these in our first exploratory games, but we were heartened to find that the journo we were paired up with was also a lapsed fan that hadn’t played the series in a while. And as we both started experimenting with the new characters, and working out their moves and abilities, it was great to be reminded of how instantly enjoyable and accessible Tekken, and the genre at large, can be – even when you don’t know every single move or secret.

Tekken 7’s E3 demo was introduced with a bout between Heihachi and Akuma from Street Fighter. Since his inclusion was never explained at the time this caused great confusion, and so we’re not surprised when this is the topic of the first question in the subsequent Q&A. Here producer and co-director Katsuhiro Harada, who has worked on the series since its inception, explained that it was just a cameo and that the long-promised Tekken X Street Fighter has not been cancelled.

But he also implied it wouldn’t be released for some time, with Harada apparently responding to fan demands for a new standalone Tekken that advanced the franchise’s story. As it turned out though that was the only question asked during the Q&A (we find that often happens at Gamescom, with its predominately Continental clientele). So we feigned disinterest and then when everyone had left stole Harada, and senior games designer Michael Murray, away to question in private.

Formats: PlayStation 4 (previewed), Xbox One, and PC
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Developer: Bandai Namco Studios
Release Date: 2017

GC: In your presentation you put a great deal of emphasis on the use of Unreal Engine 4, why do you feel that’s so important? I get the impression it’s not just about the better graphics?

KH: I don’t know if you’re familiar with the way Japanese develop games, but in the past they had their own propriety engine. But even more so, at least for Namco, each title developed their own code pretty much from scratch. So obviously it took a lot of time before you could actually start to develop things on-screen. So, especially for Tekken this time, it was a great benefit to have things being displayed immediately. And also the physics being handled by the engine itself, rather than our programmers having to code everything from scratch.

GC: [Unlike most Japanese translators Murray isn’t writing any of this down first, but is just translating instantly] I couldn’t remember that much in English, let alone translating it as well!

MM: [laughs] Well, I was there to see it too, so I know what he’s talking about.

GC: Just to take things a step back, how do you feel the Japanese industry in general is doing this generation? There does seem to be some sign that developers are regaining their confidence, after the disaster of the previous generation.

KH: I kind of saw that coming, from maybe the PS2 era. Because from the PS1 era the Japanese almost had a lead, as far as polygon technology and such, but then in the PS2 era you could almost see this shift in the Western developers to the PC – that’s how they started developing their games. And the Japanese were developing for specific consoles, etc. And then we saw the Western developers become very strong for the PS3 and 360 era, because of when they shifted early on to PC development.

I guess you could say that some of the Japanese caught up, using middleware and other methods, but I feel that maybe not so much. That we’ve see kind of they’ve been condensed; because you’ve seen several companies, ours being one of them, merging with other Japanese game developers. If you leave aside ideas and such like that, that some Japanese have always been strong at, if you’re just talking about technologically impressive games… there’s not that many teams that are still on par with Western developers.

Maybe the Final Fantasy team at Square Enix, maybe some teams at Capcom, and also Konami – the guys who made Metal Gear. One of the main programmers who did that was actually a former Tekken developer. So even now there’s probably only a limited number of Japanese teams that can compete in that arena.

GC: And what do you feel is the current health of the fighting game genre? You may see things slightly differently, but it seemed to me as if the success of Street Fighter IV created a renaissance for all fighters, but that, especially with the failure of Street Fighter V, that new golden era is perhaps coming to an end. Tekken 7 is now one of the few major new fighters on the horizon, and I wonder if you worry about the genre returning to just being a niche concern?

KH: I guess your assessment is accurate, and that maybe Street Fighter IV revived at least that franchise, and so maybe other fighting games gained a bit of popularity as a result. But if you look a little bit further, like at before that, you can go back to the ‘90s and right until 2000. There was a bunch of fighting games out, not just from Japan but people from around the world were making them. And then they just kind of stopped all of a sudden. And even the Street Fighter series, they stopped at III and it took 10 years until IV.

And in that time Tekken had constantly continued to produce new games, first arcade versions and then console/arcade. And there’s never been a gap that long in-between. It’s one of the only fighting games that has managed to do that, because there were some fighting games that disappeared from arcades and some that were halted altogether. So there’s always been a popularity of the genre that ebbs and flows, but Tekken’s been pretty consistent because we continually update the franchise.

You could even say that fighting game popularity affects each other. For example, Street Fighter became popular again and other 2D fighters became popular, to some extent. When Virtua Fighter was strong there was a rivalry with Tekken and that kind of boosted both of the games. But even without the benefit of those, just maintaining instalments every few years for the Tekken franchise has led to us having a healthy fanbase. So, we haven’t really had any negative effect from the wane of the genre.

GC: [looks around for interfering PRs] Am I okay to carry on?

MM: Until someone stops you! [laughs]

GC: Someone mentioned to me the other day that Resident Evil has the longest-running storyline in a major game franchise, since it’s never had a reboot. But I suspect that recognition should actually go to Tekken.

KH: [This creates considerable back and forth between the two, as Harada seems interested at the possibility] I think… Tekken was definitely before Resident Evil. I guess most people don’t think of Tekken as a story game. The fans know all about that but if you just take some casual gamer they don’t see it that way… Maybe Final Fantasy is even longer, as far as story video games go?

GC: But that’s not an ongoing storyline. There’s nothing that links any of the mainline sequels. I mean, I guess maybe Street Fighter. But I’m not sure when it started getting a proper backstory.

MM: I think I and II is kind of a different setting.

GC: Well then… there’s a new accolade for you.

MM: Yeah, we never thought of that. [laughs]

GC: The reason I mention it is I just happen to have come from seeing Overwatch, and it strikes me there are a lot of similarities between it and fighting games. Especially in terms of characters with complex backstories that are largely explained through ancillary sources.

MM: [excitedly] You spoke to the Overwatch team?

GC: Yeah, the main guy’s just downstairs.

MM: [More back and forth with Murray] He said that he did think that people will be attracted to the characters’ stories, like from outside of the Tekken universe, to come and play Tekken. But I said well, some characters look like certain real-world actors – I won’t mention who – and some people get attracted to that and decide to pick up the game. He said, that that might be the case: that they’re attracted to the character, the look of it, and that then they become interested in the story, perhaps.

GC: I do think knowing a game has a long history to it adds some interesting texture, and a sense of mystique. For some reason the comparison that comes to mind is Doctor Who, which probably means nothing to either of you. But it was interesting when that suddenly became popular in America and the 50 years of history wasn’t a detriment at all. People liked the idea of a really deep mythology, that they could dip into and research if they wanted to. I imagine Tekken has a similar appeal.

HK: That’s actually exactly what we were thinking when we designed the story mode for Tekken 7.

GC: Well, I’m glad that point made sense. I wasn’t sure.

MM: [laughs]

HK: We imagined that we were going to be attracting a new group, whether it’s from other fighters or even people that don’t play fighting games. When they pick up the game they’re gonna want to pick up on the story. Why is all this happening? So the story mode’s going to be a perfect way to introduce them to that.

GC: I’m sure the common complaint you get at events like this, is that all fighting games look and play the same and they can’t see the difference. How do you deal with that criticism, particularly in terms of Tekken 7?

HK: So, we’ve been making Tekken for quite some time and we get a lot of journalists who say, ‘Where’s the evolution?’ This time we’ve focused… if you tell them that these techniques are added or this game system was added maybe they don’t know. But we’ve made it as much as possible that you look at the game and you know what’s different about it.

So, for example, the look of the game, the texture of the characters, the different shaders and how they make the characters look different. Even Akuma from the Street Fighter series, you could tell right away. ‘This guy’s from a 2D fighting game, what’s he doing in Tekken and how’s he feel different?’ And the slow motion of the camera, when you’re trading blows and you have a little sliver of health left, makes it more impactful. That last moment of the match.

These are things that people can visually see and recognise right away, that it’s quite a different game. As you have mentioned we know that criticism comes up a lot with fighting games. Not just Tekken, but in general. But we’ve made it very easy to recognise what is cool and different about Tekken.

GC: [looks around for PR] I’ll just carry on then, but just one last question. [to Murray] I’m curious about your role. What did you say your job title was again?

MM: Senior game designer on the Tekken series.

GC: And how long you have you been working on it?

MM: From Tekken 4, so… 16 years now. [laughs]

GC: Wow.

MM: He’s been there from the start, I’ve been there from 4. I was always a fan of the series from the outside, and then when I joined the company the reason was I loved Tekken and I wanted to be a part of it. But at the time they didn’t have any foreign staff working at Namco, so it was quite a big hurdle to climb. And he gave me a lot of crap when I first joined. [laughs]

GC: What sorts of things did he do?

MM: Well, okay. This is something I don’t know if I’ve ever told anyone but… So, I’m a big fan of the Tekken series before even developing it and so I joined the company and there’s this guy who’s in the magazines who’s talking about my favourite game. And my boss says, ‘Well, why don’t you go up and ask him all the questions you have about Tekken?’ I go to him and ask, ‘My favourite character’s Nina, what happened? Why is she doing all this? Where is she from?’ And he just tells me all this stuff that’s not even related to the game… I mean… some of the things we can’t even print. It’s just really… [to Harada] I think I might get in trouble if I tell him.

GC: This is about the background of Nina?

MM: It’s just something not even related to Tekken, about how the importance of some real mundane task about office work or something might be to a Japanese mentality. And I’m like, ‘I didn’t come here to learn that! I want to learn about the background of Tekken’. He was testing me just to see if I’d just get bored and leave him alone and he could go back to work. [laughs]

But I was pretty persistent, and eventually I got to get more information about the game and be included in the discussions about the game. I at first started with localisation, because that was kind of a good way to get into the company. And then I started to see the background of how the game was developed and then for Tekken 6 finally made the jump to doing game design.

GC: That’s great. Are there more Westerners there now, or are you still kind of the only one?

MM: We have a lot more in the company as a whole, but as far as development… not so much. But more than there used to be, because now that we have tools that everyone’s used to with Unreal Engine. Before it was Tekken proprietary software, so their skills weren’t really valuable to the Tekken team. Whereas now they can take their skills that maybe even some of the Tekken developers don’t even have and be useful right away. So I think there’s been an increase in the last three or four years, maybe.

GC: Okay, well I better stop there. But it’s been a pleasure to meet you both.

MM: No problem, thanks.

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人在做, 天在看

此篇文章於 08-31-16 09:30 AM 被 wing 編輯。
wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-01-16, 12:00 AM   #444
The One
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 21,203
作者: wing 查看文章
以故事劇情來計, 我估其實anna會出的機會都好高.
Anna 少人用既主要原因係太弱:

1. 無 15f launcher, 難搵食, 同時令佢 15F-17F 大確反弱.
2. 中下段多但全部大硬直
3. combo 無變化, 無牆 combo 無力. 有牆時多返 set 3 hit (3LP RP > 6 RP + LK), 用佢不如用 lars.
4. 15F以下細確反就得大眾 10F, 11F 同 3 LP RP.

1. 好多 +F 招, 66 RP, 236 LP, 66 RK 全部都幾勁.
2. 3 RK 下段高跟鞋好難肉眼睇, 而且 +F, 雖然 ON BLOCK -16F.

COVER 唔返佢大部分缺點, T5 開始到 TTT2 都係咁既設計

T7 CUT 佢都好正常
歌絲˙暮斯 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-11-16, 01:59 PM   #445
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 11,634
PSN  IDTime-6RD-
FR COMBO影片三連彈:




特別注目係MAIN MAN果段既剪接真係一流!!


数えきれない…でも少しの歳月は流れ いったい君の事を
どれくらい分かってるのかな? 指先で地図辿るようには
上手く行かないね 気づいているよ不安そうな顔
隠してるくらい 急ぎ足の明日へと抵抗するように
駆け回っていても不思議なくらい… この胸は君を描くよ
見上げれば輝きは色褪せず溢れていた どんな時も照らしてる
Time 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-15-16, 12:18 PM   #446
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 11,634
PSN  IDTime-6RD-





数えきれない…でも少しの歳月は流れ いったい君の事を
どれくらい分かってるのかな? 指先で地図辿るようには
上手く行かないね 気づいているよ不安そうな顔
隠してるくらい 急ぎ足の明日へと抵抗するように
駆け回っていても不思議なくらい… この胸は君を描くよ
見上げれば輝きは色褪せず溢れていた どんな時も照らしてる
Time 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-18-16, 02:28 PM   #447
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 19,140

人在做, 天在看
wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-18-16, 03:20 PM   #448
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 11,634
PSN  IDTime-6RD-
作者: wing 查看文章



数えきれない…でも少しの歳月は流れ いったい君の事を
どれくらい分かってるのかな? 指先で地図辿るようには
上手く行かないね 気づいているよ不安そうな顔
隠してるくらい 急ぎ足の明日へと抵抗するように
駆け回っていても不思議なくらい… この胸は君を描くよ
見上げれば輝きは色褪せず溢れていた どんな時も照らしてる
Time 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-19-16, 09:08 AM   #449
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 19,140
作者: Time 查看文章


人在做, 天在看
wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-19-16, 09:47 AM   #450
The One
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 21,203
Raven 姐好似易用左?

我都打定輸數到時最多約埋打 console 算

歌絲˙暮斯 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章

Tekken 7, 鐵拳7


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[ETC] 鉄拳×ロード オブ ヴァーミリオン [出產SE] 開發中止 武藤遊戲 街機遊戲討論版 2 09-23-23 06:33 PM
鉄拳 hybrid collection (CG映画 + Tekken Tag Tournament HD + TTT2 Prologue 街機 demo) ( ゚ω゚)? 電視遊戲討論版 53 06-26-12 12:31 PM
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鉄拳6(香港已推出) steve 街機遊戲討論版 181 02-09-08 11:21 AM

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