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電視遊戲討論版>Xbox One 情報區
RS 200 11:35 AM 05-19-14
最緊要係,有star war battlefront 3
呢隻o個時打xbox打到天昏地暗,係我o個時o既xbox live開山勁作
八仙果 02:49 PM 05-19-14
Google 將買下遊戲直播平台 Twitch?

作者: :
據 Variety 和華爾街日報的報導,Google 旗下的 Youtube 正在與遊戲直播平台 Twitch 進行商議,可能將以十億美元的天價買下該平台。目前雙方都沒有對這件事做出評論,但 Youtube 為什麼會想買下 Twitch 是顯而易見的:雖然 Youtube 近來一直努力地推廣自已的直播服務,但 Twitch 因為起步得早,而且客群集中在遊戲領域,因此有相當大的優勢,如果 Google 能把 Twitch 買下整合的話,就可以立即攻下在遊戲界的一大塊領域(好像和當年 Google 自已的 Google Video 做不起來,所以買下 Youtube 的感覺類似?)。當然,做為網路影片界毫無疑問的老大,Youtube 要買下 Twitch 一定會被政府的反壟斷盯得死死的,而 Google 顯然也有做好和政府斡旋的準備。但這也是建立在 Twitch 願意賣的前題下 -- Twitch 也有可能選擇自行增資,而非賣出呢。

D-Joe 08:30 PM 05-19-14
作者: RS 200:
最緊要係,有star war battlefront 3
呢隻o個時打xbox打到天昏地暗,係我o個時o既xbox live開山勁作
邊個GOW先,XBOX呢邊既GOW估計CG Trailer都未必有,岩岩先買左個ip返黎幾個月,加上Halo 5預定2015年末,估計2016年末先見街
RS 200 09:34 PM 05-19-14
作者: D-Joe:
邊個GOW先,XBOX呢邊既GOW估計CG Trailer都未必有,岩岩先買左個ip返黎幾個月,加上Halo 5預定2015年末,估計2016年末先見街
xbox 得一隻GOW o者
之前睇過有張e3 game list,話有gow4同halo5 tech demo睇,好過冇啦,叫做有d野睇下唔會比對手食住先
八仙果 11:36 PM 05-19-14

未來的 Xbox One 更新會帶來外接式硬碟支援

作者: :
按照 Microsoft 產品總監 Albert Penello 的說法,外接式硬碟支援早就被安排在了未來的 Xbox One 更新內容中。而今天早些時候一位匿名 Xbox 開發者在 Reddit 上放出了一張照片,從中可以清楚地看到「外接式硬碟就緒」的字樣,可見 Microsoft 已經在對這項功能進行測試了。

我們估計這次爆料的應該是 Xbox One 預覽計畫的參與者之一,以此推測相關的更新可能已經近在眼前。考慮到 Xbox One 的 500GB 內建硬碟在許多動輒佔用 50GB 空間的大遊戲面前很快就會被「榨乾」,外接式硬碟的存在還是很有必要的。畢竟這樣一來,就用不著冒著丟掉保固的風險自己去拆機換硬碟啦。
D-Joe 03:41 AM 05-20-14
作者: RS 200:
xbox 得一隻GOW o者
之前睇過有張e3 game list,話有gow4同halo5 tech demo睇,好過冇啦,叫做有d野睇下唔會比對手食住先
個Game list擺明流料,gow邊可能咁快有gameplay
RS 200 11:16 AM 05-20-14
作者: D-Joe:
個Game list擺明流料,gow邊可能咁快有gameplay
聖鬥士星矢 12:21 PM 05-20-14
gow我估有段短trailer吊下大家胃口, 上年halo都係係咁以有段trailer...之前冇版權唔敢講,現在買左一定會拎出黎講吧...
now_loading 07:29 PM 05-20-14
做d 模出黎示範unreal engine 4 都好
abc1230 11:21 PM 05-20-14
其實 Gold Rush 送 XBONE 遊戲呢個活動可唔可以用 12+1/ 12+2 既預付卡?
ahleung 10:00 AM 05-21-14
作者: abc1230:
其實 Gold Rush 送 XBONE 遊戲呢個活動可唔可以用 12+1/ 12+2 既預付卡?

我正正就係早幾日用張GTA 12+2卡續會, 嚮主機dashboard "Gold Rush" 果道撳入去揀redeem code黎入code, 出error. 續唔到.


我諗住遲D打去hotline問. 但打定輸數.
IDGAF 12:16 PM 05-21-14
作者: 八仙果:
Google 將買下遊戲直播平台 Twitch?
如果成事,對XBOX ONE嚟講有可能唔係好事,
因為Windows Phone果邊試過由MS自己整睇 YouTube APPS,

ahleung 12:52 PM 05-21-14
如果成事,對XBOX ONE嚟講有可能唔係好事,
因為Windows Phone果邊試過由MS自己整睇 YouTube APPS,

Xbox One 個youtube app我就係覺得唔夠方便.
如果google唔俾M$寫, 但google自己又唔去改善, 咁即係唔會改善........
ahleung 05:52 PM 05-21-14
作者: abc1230:
其實 Gold Rush 送 XBONE 遊戲呢個活動可唔可以用 12+1/ 12+2 既預付卡?
作者: ahleung:

我正正就係早幾日用張GTA 12+2卡續會, 嚮主機dashboard "Gold Rush" 果道撳入去揀redeem code黎入code, 出error. 續唔到.


我諗住遲D打去hotline問. 但打定輸數.
今朝問左, 原來都得. 佢話check過我已經參加左個優惠, 等年尾派game~~
仁魂 09:51 PM 05-21-14
作者: ahleung:
今朝問左, 原來都得. 佢話check過我已經參加左個優惠, 等年尾派game~~
Good~~ 聽日
+1, +2卡易買過0
始終都係為左兩隻Game, 剛剛兩隻一直想玩玩, 但其他Game有興趣多D, 一直都唔想買住
taikin0901 09:53 PM 05-21-14

External Storage, Real Names and More Coming with Xbox One System Update in June

With the next system update coming in June, we’re thrilled to announce two of your most-requested features will be here soon: external storage support and real names for identifying your friends.

Since our launch of Xbox One last year, we’ve been hard at work to continue making Xbox One the best destination for all your gaming and entertainment experiences. Because of the way we’ve designed the Xbox One platform, we’ve been able to continually improve the product for you with a more regular cadence of system and app updates. Your feedback for what you want most has been our guiding light for these updates, and will continue to be as we work to bring the fan-favorite features you want most.

Real names and external storage support are just the beginning for June. With this update, Xbox Live is being improved in a number of ways as we announced last week. You will also be able to take advantage of great new SmartGlass features, including OneGuide and Universal Remote Control, select an account for automatic sign-in, and for Xbox One owners in Canada and Europe, get access to OneGuide and more TV, SmartGlass and voice features.

Easily Increase Games Capacity with External Storage Support
It couldn’t be easier to increase your storage capacity of games and apps with the external storage support features we’re bringing in June. Your Xbox One system will soon support up to two external hard drives at once. Simply plug in your 256 GB or larger USB 3.0 external hard drive and once formatted, copy and move games, apps and game add-ons to increase your storage capacity at home.

This is also a great way to take your content to a friend’s house and get straight into a game directly from an external drive. You’ll need to sign in to Xbox Live if you’ve purchased your content digitally or insert a disc to verify your game ownership when you take your content on the road. The great benefit here is there’s no need to wait to re-download your game and all the DLC. With external storage support in June, you can also choose to copy full games and all of the associated content in one easy step.

Real Names Makes it Easier to Identify Friends
With Xbox One you can have 1,000 friends and infinite followers, but as these lists grow it can become increasingly more difficult to remember the people you know by their gamertag alone. Now with real names feature you can recognize people on your friends list and more easily discover people you already know who are on Xbox Live.

Most importantly, we heard your feedback that to make this most useful you need full control. You’ll be able to share with all your friends, a subset of your choosing, friends of friends or none at all. The choice is yours. Also, your name doesn’t show up in games, and you can change your settings any time from your profile and when adding new friends.

SmartGlass Provides Access to full OneGuide and Universal Remote Control, Pin Reordering and More
We’ve made a ton of changes to your SmartGlass app for Xbox One. After getting great feedback from our SmartGlass beta, we’re thrilled to be bringing the entire OneGuide experience and Universal Remote Control to SmartGlass. Now in supported markets you can view all of your TV listings on your SmartGlass device and set and view your favorite channels and app channels on your smart phone, tablet or PC. With the Universal Remote Control, you can also easily switch channels, set new recordings and select and control recorded content from your DVR. Another great companion feature now in SmartGlass is pin reordering. With the touch of your finger you can easily organize your pins in categories or favorites based on your preferences and have those changes refresh to your console.

Other improvements to SmartGlass will help you stay current on what you and your friends are up to, even when you’re away from your console. We’re bringing hero stats and activity feed front and center, and adding more ways for you to compare achievements via SmartGlass whether you’re on a friend’s profile or viewing a game from the activity feed. Just like on the console, you can choose to get notifications on your smart phone, PC or tablet when a favorite friend signs into their console or starts broadcasting a game. For many devices, you can even choose to start watching the broadcast wherever you are.

Expanded TV and OneGuide Soon Available in More Markets
The TV and OneGuide features we began sharing with select Xbox Live members in April will be available in June to everyone in Canada, UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy. The update will bring OneGuide, alongside Favorites and App Channels, for people in these markets who have their TV connected to Xbox One via HDMI-in. Additional features in these markets include Kinect voice commands for controlling your set-top box and other AV equipment. We’ve also updated TV and OneGuide settings to provide better power management and control of your devices and improved compatibility with more devices.

New Gold Membership Benefits, Access to Apps for All and More
With this update, you’ll find a new hub in Xbox One for exploring all of the great benefits available to Xbox Live Gold members, including Games with Gold and Deals with Gold. Also, with the Xbox Live Gold changes announced last week, shortly after the Xbox One system update becomes available in June all Xbox Live members will be able to access popular gaming and entertainment apps without a Gold membership.

Finally, we’ve made it possible for you to choose an account for automatic sign-in on your Xbox One – another much-requested feature from fans like you.

Coming soon, these features will be available to members previewing Xbox One system updates as they help us work through final improvements. This system update will become available to the full Xbox One community in June. We look forward to hearing what you think and keep the feedback coming.

Cross posted on Xbox Wire
ahleung 10:11 AM 05-22-14
作者: taikin0901:

...............Simply plug in your 256 GB or larger USB 3.0 external hard drive.............

感覺Phil Spencer上場後好似係有D改變.......
RS 200 10:46 AM 05-22-14
作者: 仁魂:
Good~~ 聽日
+1, +2卡易買過0
始終都係為左兩隻Game, 剛剛兩隻一直想玩玩, 但其他Game有興趣多D, 一直都唔想買住
年費卡出面好似斷晒貨,game shop唔見有,想問邊道買到
ahleung 10:50 AM 05-22-14
作者: RS 200:
年費卡出面好似斷晒貨,game shop唔見有,想問邊道買到
而家好似好多7仔有, 至少我附近果間有.
但要正價, 12個月 $36X.

我自己早兩星期買就去左間好偏避既game shop, 唔係信和188果D.
佢就有GTA5版 12+2個月.
RS 200 10:59 AM 05-22-14
作者: ahleung:
而家好似好多7仔有, 至少我附近果間有.
但要正價, 12個月 $36X.

我自己早兩星期買就去左間好偏避既game shop, 唔係信和188果D.
佢就有GTA5版 12+2個月.
可唔可以講下邊道? 7仔比較貴
ahleung 11:20 AM 05-22-14
作者: RS 200:
可唔可以講下邊道? 7仔比較貴
你唔會突登去的: 柴灣
RS 200 11:40 AM 05-22-14
作者: ahleung:
你唔會突登去的: 柴灣
聖鬥士星矢 11:51 AM 05-22-14
作者: ahleung:

感覺Phil Spencer上場後好似係有D改變.......
阿phil上場以hard core gamers為主打, 以後應該會多d 正game... 之前微軟投入太多錢係kinect game, 根本收唔返, 咩star wars, harry plotter, disney... 做唔起個熱潮不如cut一半, 早排出隻kinect sport rival應該都係炮灰, 一隻titanfall 影響力大定係kinect sport影響力大大家有眼睇...

仲有阿phil成日有料爆, 好過以前咩都粒聲唔出, 氣勢都弱一折...
仁魂 02:27 PM 05-22-14
作者: RS 200:
年費卡出面好似斷晒貨,game shop唔見有,想問邊道買到
ahleung 02:38 PM 05-22-14
作者: RS 200:
元朗去唔去? 佢話有貨喎
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