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電視遊戲討論版>頭戴式虛擬設備 情報 討論區 PIMAX 4K 8K | Acer 5K StarVR | Dlodlo V1 | PSVR|HTC Vive | Oculus Rift
ComeLOLoh 12:16 AM 05-24-16
我都試了HTC Vive ,感覺比PSVR重。
兩支控制器表面有Touch Sensor,比Playstation Move好用。
但則邊位掣唔太就手。解像度記憶上好似高過PSVR。但試過既Game好似PSVR Frame Rate高d。

Jungle Book:幾驚條蛇,因為你係得個睇字,無得玩無得走!最後重…
The Lab:唔錯,但最初試呢隻,未試晒可以做乜。得射野?
Title Brush:畫3D畫,好好玩。效果超一流!!
BrookHaven Experiment:射Zoombie,無得行,有電筒,有槍可上彈。效果非常好。但試過兩次右手支槍個位置錯左/唔見左。最後玩到無晒殭屍。過關有手榴彈/Laser/ 電量Upgrade等。巨形殭屍會衝過黎,但射幾下就K.O.。遠射有時會無反應。爆頭好易。個grid大大減低投入感。唔知可唔可以set做無。


暫時覺得HTC Vive可以做既野多好多,因為個控制器可以做好多野。PS Move無Touch screen/sensor,無得好似Title Brush個轉轉色盤咁玩法。
八仙果 01:52 AM 05-24-16

OnePlus wants you to order its new phone using a VR headset

作者: :
OnePlus doesn't think that last year's VR launch for the OnePlus 2 was just a gimmick... in fact, it's ramping things up. The fledgling smartphone maker has unveiled its own VR headset, the Loop VR, and it's giving away 30,000 units for free (plus shipping) ahead of the OnePlus 3's introduction. And it's not just for the sake of impressing diehard fans, either. If you visit OnePlus' VR shopping experience, you'll get to order the OnePlus 3 before anyone else. Yes, you'll have to immerse yourself if you want to get the first crack at the company's next flagship.

Of course, this is all a calculated marketing strategy. If you receive a free VR headset, immerse yourself in a launch event and get early dibs on a new phone, isn't there added pressure to buy that phone? Even if OnePlus is primarily catering to existing fans, the VR strategy could help it out by convincing those diehards to purchase a phone quickly instead of taking a wait-and-see approach.
八仙果 05:08 AM 05-28-16
HTC 自己為 Vive 做了款 VR 遊戲

作者: :
誰都知道,VR 的內容跟硬體同樣重要,而這估計也是 HTC 要自己開發「Front Defense」的初衷。早些時候,他們正式宣佈將在下週的 Computex 展會上,首度公開這款由內部新創團隊專為 Vive 而開發的作品。據介紹,「Front Defense」是一款軍事射擊類的遊戲,它融入了「戰場上激烈的戰鬥」元素,並且備有涵蓋手槍、步槍、反坦克火箭筒等多個種類的「經典」武器。

不過老實講,在此之前 HTC 並沒有作為遊戲開發商的經驗,所以突然公佈這麼一個消息,多少還是讓人有點意外。但不管怎麼說,此舉也算是情理之中。如果他們能弄出什麼暢銷作的話,在各種 VR 對手面前,獨佔籌碼就意味著很大的優勢呢。
mrk 11:46 AM 05-30-16
今日開始我件Oculus Rift進入左準備出貨時間啦!(30/5~9/6):-):-):-)
mrk 07:33 PM 05-30-16
作者: mrk:
今日開始我件Oculus Rift進入左準備出貨時間啦!(30/5~9/6):-):-):-)
如果日本朋友用SAL空運寄,到香港時,係 送上門簽收,掟 只係放屋企大廈郵箱算啦??
harakuma 07:44 PM 05-30-16
作者: mrk:
如果日本朋友用SAL空運寄,到香港時,係 送上門簽收,掟 只係放屋企大廈郵箱算啦??
如果係國際小包就會上門, 同EMS一樣, 所以如果寄方係住係東京的話, SAL幾乎=EMS

mrk 08:12 PM 05-30-16
作者: harakuma:
如果係國際小包就會上門, 同EMS一樣, 所以如果寄方係住係東京的話, SAL幾乎=EMS


mrk 09:35 PM 06-01-16
Oculus Rift台灣區已經send email出貨中,
八仙果 11:21 AM 06-02-16
Playing “Portal Stories: VR”
J+1 01:56 PM 06-02-16

mrk 11:36 PM 06-02-16
安安 04:40 PM 06-03-16
EVR Studio VR project " Project M "
harakuma 05:07 PM 06-03-16
呢個公司係韓國定日本架, 條女韓味好重
ycyleo 04:05 AM 06-04-16
作者: harakuma:
呢個公司係韓國定日本架, 條女韓味好重
安安 07:30 PM 06-05-16
Edge of Nowhere is a VR third-person action-adventure from Insomniac Games.
Coming exclusively to the Oculus Store, June 6th, 2016

mrk 03:15 PM 06-06-16
作者: 安安:
Edge of Nowhere is a VR third-person action-adventure from Insomniac Games.
Coming exclusively to the Oculus Store, June 6th, 2016
1時FPS,1時TPS,幾正,希望唔好比Oculus獨佔,預埋比PSVR同HTC Veie就好啦!
八仙果 09:10 PM 06-18-16

(自由が丘駅 徒歩1分)
liar 03:59 AM 06-19-16
作者: mrk:
1時FPS,1時TPS,幾正,希望唔好比Oculus獨佔,預埋比PSVR同HTC Veie就好啦!
另外今年E3 Ubi有隻Star trek vr,果隻就全平台。
滿足左我vr揸宇宙艦既美夢。。。。可惜我唔鍾意Star trek....
mrk 06:20 AM 06-19-16
作者: liar:
另外今年E3 Ubi有隻Star trek vr,果隻就全平台。
滿足左我vr揸宇宙艦既美夢。。。。可惜我唔鍾意Star trek....

PS:咁又係,Star Trek係香港真係冇咩人氣!
david 09:25 AM 06-19-16
E3 was secretly terrible for the future of virtual reality
Platform wars, simulator sickness and exclusivity deals threaten to tear VR apart.
作者: :
Even players who've spent countless hours in virtual reality (like our own Jess Conditt[/URL]) found themselves on the verge of puking while playing Resident Evil 7: Biohazard -- and it wasn't because of the horror game's gory visuals either. No, it's that the game is pushing the limits of PlayStation's hardware, barely managing to run at the minimum 60 frames per second required for PSVR[/URL]. The problem? Every other VR headset on the market recommends that games run at a minimum of 90 fps.

By having such a low bar for entry, Sony is allowing PlayStation VR developers to create games that flirt with simulator sickness[/URL]. Combined with the fact that the demo's controls allowed the player to move their head with the gamepad, and the title is a nauseous mess. Resident Evil 7 will probably improve its framerate and controls before hitting the consumer market, but giving it the option not to be better sets a dangerous precedent: If the first console VR games to hit the market make players sick, that could severely damage public perception of virtual reality gaming in general.

Oculus VR's Palmer Luckey warned about this exact scenario[/URL] two years ago. "When [VR] arrives, it has to be good," he told me in 2014. "I think really bad VR is the only thing that can kill off VR." Maybe that's why Microsoft is holding off on offering VR to Xbox users until the arrival of its forthcoming Project Scorpio[/URL] -- an upgraded version of its console designed specifically for virtual reality and 4K content. Sony's own PlayStation Neo[/URL] will probably help with low framerates too, but Sony has also promised that all future games will run on today's PS4 hardware. That means it's possible that consumers will be exposed to nausea-inducing framerates. That's bad for everyone.
劉名等睇POKEMON MOVIE大規模抽筋後O黎一次大規模嘔吐,應該係想入GUINNESS吧。:-)

作者: mrk:
1時FPS,1時TPS,幾正,希望唔好比Oculus獨佔,預埋比PSVR同HTC Veie就好啦!
作者: :
That's not the case with software sold through the Oculus store; if you own any other PC VR headset besides a Rift, you're out of luck. Even if that same VR title is available on Steam, without hardware restrictions.
david 02:27 PM 06-19-16
Razer's OSVR headset is still a work in progress

The HDK 2.0 is moving in the right direction, though.

作者: :

When Razer announced the latest version of its HDK ("Hacker Development Kit") virtual reality headset, it positioned it as a competitor to premium devices like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. On paper, that's very much true: the HDK 2.0 has a 2,160 x 1,200 low-persistence OLED panel, a 110-degree field of view and a 90Hz refresh rate. It also has a low price of $399, which is way less than the Rift's $599 and Vive's $799 (both headsets come with accessories that go a way to explaining the price difference).

We tried on the HDK 2.0 for a quick game, and weren't completely sold own the experience. Despite those lofty specs -- numerically on par with both the Rift and Vive -- the display didn't match the quality of those in either of the more established sets. That said, it did offer a clear advantage over PSVR, which is to be expected given the improved resolution it offers.

Our social media editor Mallory Johns donned the HDK 2.0 for a play season of Redout, an F-Zero-esque space racer. Mallory's been around the VR block, with hours of playtime logged on the Vive, Oculus, PSVR and Gear VR, but despite the 90-frames-per-second refresh rate, she found the experience nauseating, thanks in part to the lenses not playing well with her short-sightedness.

In terms of build quality, the HDK 2.0 feels very much a generation behind. It's comfortable to wear, thanks to its lightness, but it's more comparable to Oculus' Crystal Cove headset rather than the finished article. There's also the issue of compatibility. Valve supports the HDK (and OSVR in general) through Steam, so technically anything the Vive can run HDK can as well. But with only a tiny infrared tracker, and no dedicated motion controls. This is a problem that can be solved in the future, or with third-party add-ons, though.

Being a little rough around the edges is to be expected -- OSVR is an ongoing project, and this is a development kit -- but if you were looking for something comparable to the Vive or Rift in terms of quality on a budget, don't expect the HDK 2.0 to be without compromise.
david 08:18 PM 06-22-16
Here's the game that keeps making E3 attendees sick

Sony's big-name PlayStation VR games are pretty disappointing. One is even making people feel sick to their stomachs.

作者: :
On Monday, Sony announced that three big-name game developers would bring their hottest franchises to the PlayStation VR headset. You'd be able to play Batman, Final Fantasy and Resident Evil in virtual reality, Sony promised.
But two of those three big games are surprisingly disappointing -- and the third one is actually making E3 attendees feel sick to their stomachs.

By the time I tried Resident Evil 7 today at Sony's E3 booth, word had already spread. I'd heard from half a dozen journalists and influencers that something wasn't quite right about Capcom's VR horror experience. I knew that if I tried it, I'd probably regret it for the rest of the day.

The Final Fantasy XV VR Experience is literally just a disembodied gun that you shoot at a Final Fantasy monster while several other Final Fantasy characters bash on it with swords, often passing right through the creature with no effect. That's followed by a brief sequence where you're seated in a car next to one of the ladies of Final Fantasy, with nothing to do but stare at the leather seats and the dusty road.

Batman: Arkham VR is a bit better -- you get to don the Batsuit, throw Batarangs, fire grapple guns and descend into the Batcave for target practice, then analyze a crime scene with other cool tools -- but developer Rocksteady describes it as an hour-long experience with another hour of replay value. If you were expecting a whole new Batman: Arkham game where you traverse Gotham City in VR, you're out of luck.

Final Fantasy XIV PlayStation VR: Great Game That Made Me Nauseous (TGS Hands-On)

ComeLOLoh 02:19 PM 06-26-16
點解重未見到一隻類似Wii Sports/Wii Fit既VR遊戲。
安安 05:55 PM 07-08-16
SQEX、BNEI等遊戲大廠為Vive日本上市站台 HTC透露東京電玩展可望有Vive新作
david 07:00 PM 07-08-16
作者: ComeLOLoh:
點解重未見到一隻類似Wii Sports/Wii Fit既VR遊戲。
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