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舊 11-29-06, 06:51 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Red Steel 2 [日版已售]

Red Steel 2 in the Works?
Ubisoft posts job ad for "continuation of the Red Steel project."
by Hilary Goldstein

November 28, 2006 - Ubisoft's Paris office has posted a want ad seeking a game designer for the "continuation of the Redsteel [sic] project."

The French ad goes on to reveal that the new hire will be responsible for assisting in the design of game menus and system documentation. Qualified respondents should enjoy RPGs and have experience with online gameplay. The ad does not identify a system for the project.

It should be noted that this does not guarantee a sequel for Wii or any other console. But, it sounds likely.

Ubisoft declined to comment on the posting.

Red Steel 2
Version: Nintendo Wii
Editor: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft
Kind: FPS

Red Steel 2 se précise

Alors que les rumeurs vont bon train concernant Red Steel 2, Ubisoft indique aujourd'hui dans sa section réservée aux offres d'emploi rechercher un Game Designer pour le développement d'une suite au projet Red Steel. En préparation dans les studios de Ubisoft Paris, Red Steel 2 devrait selon toutes vraisemblances proposer un mode de jeu en ligne.

此篇文章於 08-19-07 12:34 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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