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舊 06-08-07, 07:59 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
The Agency [開発中止]

The Agency
Published by: Sony Online Entertainment
Developed by: SOE Seattle
Genre: Persistent Online RPG
Number of Players: unlimited
Release Date:
US: TBA 2008
Also Available On: PC

First Look: The Agency
A different kind of MMO from SOE Seattle.

by Charles Onyett

Matt Wilson Interview (June 6, 2007)

June 7, 2007 - Sony Online Entertainment's Seattle division is sick of the high fantasy, men in tights type of MMO. The team said so at a recent SOE event, which was a surprising statement considering that the EverQuest 2 and Vanguard: Saga of Heroes development staff was only feet away. Titled The Agency, the studio's upcoming game will be a first-person shooter MMO with spy and espionage themes. No release date is yet available (except that it won't be in 2007), but the Agency is in development for PS3 and PC, with the possibility of cross-platform interconnectivity.

In an interview with IGN, Matt Wilson, Studio Manager for SOE Seattle, said, "We are definitely considering it. It's not something that we're committed to at the moment, I mean there's a lot of gameplay ramifications to that kind of experience, but it is very interesting to us to explore both the PC and PS3 and maybe how they might interact together."

When starting the game players will pick between Unite, a traditional James Bond type of spy outfit, and Paragon, a brasher, up-front type of organization. Through them you'll get early missions for rewards and rise in rank, but eventually the goal is to break out and start your own organization. The majority of the game's missions will take place in instanced spaces. For those unfamiliar, an instanced space differs from public space in an MMO in that only yourself and those in your group exist there -- it's a unique version of the game world specifically for you. Enemies will drop items, but SOE Seattle is keeping mission focus on completion, not individual takedowns and drops. Beating missions gives you points to rank up, and after successive rank ups you open up access to more missions and better items, and other things the studio wouldn't reveal. We were told several forms of experience would be in the game, but their precise mechanics have yet to be determined.

Within missions of the main quest and sidequest variety you'll blast foes with a wide range of guns such as sniper rifles and SMGs, call in vehicles for support, and attempt to trigger specialized Agency moments. These moments will be of the more spectacular variety, such as hopping on a merry-go-round and firing while spinning, or driving a jeep off a cliff into a helicopter. At the end of a successful mission, players will earn money rewards, items, and eventually NPC operatives who function as the game's crafting system. These NPCs can be given schematics obtained from beating missions and commissioned to make new items for you like modded guns, vehicles equipped with special gadgets and weaponry, and other things. Once an order is placed, players will have to wait a certain amount of time before the item is ready, a process that progresses even while offline. Since every player will be compiling different sets of operatives, it'll encourage social interaction since some operatives will require items only produced by others. If you don't have all the necessary operatives in your pool, you'll need to ask around.

Eventually the goal is to become powerful or experienced enough to create your own spy organization with other players, something SOE Seattle is calling "World Domination mode." It's The Agency's endgame, but unfortunately they wouldn't mention exactly how it'll play out aside from it somehow involving player-versus-player combat on a large scale with some sort of mission elements. Aside from in world domination, it seems at any point players can engage in PvP, though to what degree isn't clear. "One of the things we want to do in the game is really provide what we call PvP anytime," says Wilson. "It's the ability for someone to jump in, shoot it up with their friends, and shoot it up against their friends."

In addition to the instanced mission areas, there'll be public spaces set around the globe where players can chat, party up, and play mini-games around towns such as Prague, Czech Republic. The game has a dynamic class system, where your role is determined by your uniform, of which there are three types. The Combat outfit type is geared more toward offensive maneuvers, Support outfits give you options for healing and hacking, and Stealth offers a more specialized skill set. How class skills balance each other we're not sure, but you're free to switch classes at will, at least before heading into an instance.

Completing missions allows your character to rise in rank and open up new skills for use. The skill element is still being worked on, but players can expect things like grenade tossing, melee bashing, and more dramatic actions. Though this could still all change, we were told the current group limit is set at four, though some spaces will accommodate more than one group. Each class outfit will come in multiple types, all of which have different numbers of slots for how many items and weapons you can bring into battle. Doing quests with groups will generally net better rewards than completing them solo; should you run out of ammunition during an instanced quest, we were told it's possible to pick up those from your enemies. SOE Seattle is also planning on including an auction house, but no specifics were available.

We didn't really get to see much of the game at the event, just a few brief gameplay snippets and some cinematics. From what was shown, it certainly looks like it plays as a first-person shooter. The game seems to possess an excellent sense of humor, something missing from many MMOs out there. SOE Seattle says there will actually be a storyline in the game that plays out along a series of main quests, though they wouldn't provide any specifics. After the somewhat limited showing, we're still looking forward to the game, mostly because of SOE Seattle's insistence in trying to make a different kind of MMO. We'd agree that there are far too many high fantasy MMOs out there - we need something different. Whether the gameplay will hold up remains to be seen. When last we talked with SOE Seattle, no pricing structure had been determined.
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舊 06-11-07, 08:38 PM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
原名 The Agency
機種 PS3/PC
廠商 Sony Online Entertainment
價格 未定
發售日 未定



SOE西雅圖工作室的遊戲監製馬特·威爾森(Matt Wilson)在談到PS3與PC可能實現的跨平台互動時說:「我們當然考慮到了這點(跨平台聯機遊戲),但這還不是目前我們所關心的。我的意思是說畢竟主機和PC兩種遊戲的方式還是有很多區別,當然如果能探索一下PS3和PC的聯機遊戲的確是很有趣的。」








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舊 06-11-07, 08:41 PM   #3
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

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舊 06-13-07, 12:57 AM   #4
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
Graphics not so impressive, but gameplay 自由度算幾高.

no place to hide~
Montella 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-29-07, 08:16 PM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
All Channels Interviews
The Agency
27-Jul-2007 Interview: Going undercover with SOE

Last month Sony Online Entertainment drew back the curtain on The Agency, an espionage-themed MMOG for PC and PS3 that the developer describes as a "fast-paced online action shooter filled with espionage, intrigue and betrayal" and a "pick-up-and-play experience".

We caught up with the game's lead designer, Hal Milton, to discover more...

Exactly how massively multiplayer is The Agency?
Hal Milton: The game world will support many, many people in a variety of public and private social and encounter areas. However, we are not supporting Planetside style encounters with hundreds of players blasting each other at the same time. Our game is about social and encounter areas that support the appropriate number of folks to keep not only the gameplay amazing, but the speed where it needs to be for a real action shooter.

Is the game cross-platform? What challenges has getting that to operate smoothly thrown up?
Milton: We're evaluating this, however, we're not prepared to make a statement at this time.

Has SOE's experience with Planetside had impact of any sort on the development process?
Milton: Absolutely. Planetside gives us a technological leg up on how to solve the complexities of a shooter within a persistent online environment. Server technology in particular has benefited from this experience.

Why did you opt for the cartoon-ish art style over something more realistic?
Milton: We wanted to take a stylized approach for a number of reasons. There are more than enough fantastically gritty titles that make photo-realism their focus. For us, we wanted to create a world that was more fun and engaging than the real world we actually live in.

We also wanted to create something a little more timeless than a title that relies solely on technological bells and whistles can hope for.

It's far easier to sustain a stylized look over a long time period than it is a detailed representative one. I think our amazing art director Corey Dangel could probably speak about this with more authority than I, however, I'm amazed at the amount of emotion, character, and impact our stylized choices have presented us.

In the press announcement on the game it was mentioned that SOE is looking to take the online gaming industry to new places with The Agency in terms of its design - could you elaborate?
Milton: We're attempting to evolve the genre by taking the things that work and enhancing those, while minimizing some of the things that make a standard online game feel more like a going to work simulator than a fun experience.

We're addressing things like character creation and progression complexity and remorse with our "You are what you wear" system.

With the Operatives system, we are giving the player the ability to stay involved in the game even when they aren't logged in at home. We're tackling the tedium of waiting for days to participate in fun casual and official competitive encounters by letting players jump into casual and official matches from the very start.

How are you ensuring the game's pick-up-and-play?
Milton: We're not forcing the player to learn a whole new meta-language or crunch formulas in their head before putting on a piece of equipment by keeping the systems up front, simple and accessible.

Also, we're an action shooter, so our mantra is, "Fun now with no waiting." To that end, we're allowing players to take a break from their career at any time to participate in casual and official player versus player scenarios with a host of map and game types.

Can we get more in-depth information on how players actually build up their characters?
Milton: We're not quite to the point where we want to share everything, but, in short, players will perform missions to gain ranks within their parent Agency (UNITE or ParaGON).

This will unlock titles for the specialities they've focused on as well as access to tiers of outfits, weapons, and gadgets. As players use their weapons and gadgets they will unlock new skills and abilities for those items that will let them further develop their personal play style.

And what's the deal with You Are What You Wear?
Milton: "You are what you wear" is our approach to avoiding remorseful character creation. Nothing is more punishing than playing a character for a week only to realize that isn't the play style you wanted to pursue in the first place. Instead, we decided to build a system that allows you to get dressed, go play, and get better.

Want to tackle a mission from a straight combat angle? Put on one of the Combat specialty outfits. Want to retry a mission with some stealth tactics? Put on one of the Stealth specialty outfits. Want to try out that suitcase turret, or provide support for a team? Then put on one of the Support specialty outfits.

You'll get better over time, unlock new titles for your specialties, unlock new skills and abilities, all based on your mood... not a singular decision made months ago.

The biggest decision you'll make up front is between the play styles of UNITE and ParaGON. We think that's as much work as a player should do until they really have their feet firmly planted in the new world they've set out to explore.

What game world will players be presented with on launch?
Milton: We're saving our full reveal of our locales until a later date, but at launch players can expect to live a jet setting lifestyle that will take them to several distinct parts of the world with plenty of interest in-between.

Obviously we're expecting plenty of PvP between the UNITE and ParaGON agencies in the game that players can join - are there any specific plans in place to ensure the two continually engage with combat or will it be more incidental conflict that occurs in the game world?
Milton: We have some tricks up our sleeves for crossover content and other fully optional PvP content within the world proper. In addition, we will have a suite of casual and official matches that will pit UNITE against ParaGON, brother against brother, cat against dog...well, maybe not the last part.

To that end, we're supporting a number of ongoing Faction challenges that should keep the more competitive of our player base fully engaged.

As the game's an action shooter with persistent character development, how are you ensuring that new players aren't overwhelmed by enemy veterans who have built up their characters with new gear and skills?
Milton: This is a great question. When we first started developing the character progression plan we knew that standard power curves don't work. After all, a bullet to the head is a bullet to the head. We want to ensure that an impeccably skilled player is not punished simply because they just started playing. If you can aim for the head and hit, you should be rewarded.

Here's an example I'll probably give another eleventy hundred times. In a standard MMO, if a very high level player is beset by a large group of entry level players, well that high level player will be able to just stand there and laugh while all of the entry level players effectively bounce off him or her. The way the curves work, those entry level players can't even do enough damage to pass through the high level player's armour.

Our title will work quite differently. That same high level character would be killed by the group of entry level folks, however he or she will likely take down a few of them with some earned skill and abilities the entry level guys haven't yet unlocked.

So, if you're new, you can still potentially take out someone who has been playing a very long time indeed. At the very least, you'll gain some insight on the skills and abilities you'll want to unlock to make yourself even more dangerous. But you won't just be able to rely on your experience, you'll also need to keep your personal skills up to snuff if you decide to compete against players.

How are you tying missions in with the main over-arcing storyline, and does the game world actually evolve/change as a result mission completion or failure?
Milton: We're not quite ready to talk about this yet, however, you will have a career story that sets up the world as a whole. This will lead into other content in the future. We are also developing an episodic system to keep a live storyline flowing over time.

We'd love to get a couple of mission examples...
Milton: I'd love to, but I'd probably be erased. You will have the ability to participate in missions and encounters that will test an individual or team's ability to use combat, stealth, and support to overcome madmen in a variety of environments.

You'll break into secure facilities, use disguises or raw firepower to overcome threats, go into deep cover to infiltrate an enemy syndicate, gamble enough to draw interest from a mark, even chat up that exotic assassin to gain access to the villain's sanctum sanctorum. We're building a suite of combat and non-combat activities that should keep players busy for quite a long time.

We will spill the beans on some more specific excitement at a later date.

Is there an end-game in The Agency?
Milton: That depends on the player. Finishing out the main career story and recruiting and building up the roster of operatives you've dreamt of may be enough for some. However, we're developing some ideas we're waiting to share that should answer that question down the road. Besides, I'm about to tell you more about Operatives than I should in the question below, so allow me to keep some secrets!

The Operatives feature is interesting - could you tell us more about how this works?
Milton: Operatives are NPCs that you can recruit to help you out. The higher your rank, the more Operatives you can recruit and task to providing you goods and services over time. Some of these goods and services involve producing weapons, gadgets, outfits, aliases, and analyzing intel discovered in the field.

Other services may help you directly in the field. These include providing satellite scans of enemies in an area, hacking through difficult security and more. You'll be able to grow them over time, trade them with friends, and experience a host of stories as your Operatives complete assignments, interact with each other, and... okay, I've been told to shut up about that now.

Operatives will complete their assignments whether or not you are logged in. Even if they need to go away for work or a vacation, we'll be supporting alternate clients for players to log in and keep their Operatives rolling. This includes plans for optional cell phone, instant messenger, and web clients to keep in touch with the intrigues you've set in motion.

When do you expect to release both versions of the game, and what plans for beta testing do you have?
Milton: We haven't announced a release date yet. We do plan on having robust private, closed, and open beta periods to ensure The Agency is the best game it can be.

How do you plan to support the game post-release? Will there be new content updates released, for example, and will these be free or paid-for?
Milton: It's a little early to talk about content updates and business plans, but you can count on us releasing new content to keep the Agency operational for years to come.

Finally, why is now the right time to bring a game like The Agency to the gaming market?
Milton: I think it's always been the right time for this type of game, it's just the technology hasn't been there to support it. Broadband connections are nearly ubiquitous, and the PS3 is perfectly set up to provide the solid visuals and online connectivity for this type of demanding application.

The world has gotten a taste for persistent online worlds and we want to expand their horizons beyond the norm. We would have done this a long time ago, but now we feel the players are there, the tech is ready, and we've got the plan to make it all come together.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-08-08, 01:01 PM   #6
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2006
文章: 5,552
PS3 MMORPG《The Agency》新遊戲畫面公開
《The Agency (黑暗代理人)》是一款以間諜和特工為主題的大型多人線上FPS遊戲。遊戲將同時對應PS3和PC平臺。遊戲一開始就會要求玩家選擇不同的陣營,可以加入詹姆斯•邦德電影裡那樣傳統的間諜組織;也可以選擇Paragon這樣不擇手段、金錢至上的秘密代理組織。通過加入組織可以你得到一些初期的任務和一些升級的獎勵,但是別忘了,你的最終目的還是要自立門戶,成立自己的間諜組織。

nefrezx 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-08-08, 01:18 PM   #7
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2006
文章: 5,552
The Agency First Gameplay Video

見今日GT至有, 原來係舊野

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舊 01-08-08, 01:52 PM   #8
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2002
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作者: nefrezx 查看文章
呢段係07年8月SOE Fan Faire(玩家團聚)時播的片。
王小虎 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-09-08, 10:02 PM   #9
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
CES 2008: Developer Walkthrough Part 3

CES 2008: Developer Walkthrough Part 2

CES 2008: Developer Walkthrough Part 1
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舊 05-20-08, 09:04 PM   #10
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2006
文章: 9,651
XBox Live GamertagKUHKGAF
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舊 05-22-08, 08:22 PM   #11
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Colorful Characters Trailer

Colorful Characters Trailer HD
Meet your crew of agents in each agency - The United Nations Intelligence and Tactical Experts (U.N.I.T.E) and The Paramilitary Global Operations Network (ParaGON).
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舊 06-02-08, 11:41 PM   #12
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 07-17-08, 10:35 PM   #13
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 07-17-08, 10:37 PM   #14
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
E3 2008: The Agency Progress Report
For the second time this show, there's not much progress to report.

by Greg Miller

July 17, 2008 - All the cool kids in the IGN office are pretty pumped about The Agency, an massive multiplayer online title coming to the PlayStation 3 and PC that will let you live out your spy dreams; so it was a little disappointing to meet the fine folks at Sony Online Entertainment this morning and find out that they'd be showing the same demo they've been showing for months.

Yup, I just saw the same demo Charles saw at CES and the same demo Marissa saw at ION.

Don't get me wrong, it still looked like a lot of fun. The demo starts with the players picking which spy agency they'd like to join -- U.N.I.T.E. is filled with slick James Bond types, while Paragon is a group of atypical hardass/shoot-first folks -- creating a character, and then moving into the U.N.I.T.E. base. You tour the secret weapons facility that's testing a bulletproof corset and a man-eating bed, and then proceed into the following/fighting/shooting/diffusing bomb mission that has already been detailed twice.

Aside from the demo, I personally found the aliasing stuff to be the coolest. Some of the missions you go on will require to undercover, and that means you take on an alias. You'll enter an area in your disguise and have an alias rating to worry about. As you go about your task onsite, the folks around you will begin to get suspicious and stare you down. As they do, your alias rating will begin to deteriorate. To stop the bleeding, you'll need to do something that they'd expect someone on site to do. If you're in a bar, take a drink. However taking too many can get you drunk. The ability to take on an alias is something that's exclusive to the stealth class. Combat and support are the other two units, but you can change your title whenever you want.

An SOE rep also mentioned during his presentation that will feature three types of missions to embark on -- 10 to 15-minute tasks, 20 to 35-minute missions, and hour-plus marathons -- that The Agency will be shooting for bi-weekly episodic content upon release, and that expansion packs will add locales, villains, and more.
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舊 07-18-08, 06:51 PM   #15
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2002
文章: 7,807
Gameplay video
王小虎 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-19-08, 11:17 PM   #16
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
■ 秘密基地から出動、敵勢力をぶっつぶせ! オンラインアクションシューティング「The Agency」

「The Agency」はSOEの自社開発で、PS3とPCで発売を予定している。発売時期は未定だが、2009年の早い時期での発売を目指しているという。

 本作は傭兵部隊「PARAGON」と、スパイのエージェント「UNITE」が激しく争う世界を舞台にしている。ジェームズ ボンドが活躍するスパイ映画「007シリーズ」のような、ケレン味タップリのSF的ガジェットに身を固めたエージェント達が、現代社会を舞台に派手な戦いを繰り広げる。プレーヤーは「PARAGON」か「UNITE」に所属し、仲間と共に敵対組織との抗争に身を投じていく。







 「The Agency」ではソロプレイ、パーティープレイで楽しめるミッションの他にもPARAGONとUNITEのエージェントが激しく戦う16vs16の対戦プレイも用意される。また、インスタンスミッション中に、敵対するインスタンスミッションを遂行中の敵勢力と鉢合わせし、そこで戦いが起こることもあるという。この他にもロデオマシンなど様々なミニゲームも収録されるようだ。


「The Agency」のコンセプトアート。ゲームの雰囲気が伝わってくる。スパイ物が好きなプレーヤーにはたまらない作品となりそうだ








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舊 01-02-09, 09:18 PM   #17
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註冊日期: Feb 2004
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The Agency X-Play Hands On

Designer 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-28-09, 09:53 PM   #18
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2007
文章: 1,325
PSN  IDAstery

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舊 06-09-09, 09:37 PM   #19
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
【E3 09】成為菁英特務! SOE 釋出《The Agency》宣傳影片
(GNN 記者 RU 報導) 2009-06-08 19:03:47

  SOE 在今年 E3 展釋出快節奏線上動作射擊遊戲《The Agency》新宣傳影片,玩家在遊戲中將扮演現代世界中的菁英特務,體驗在世界各地的諜報任務。遊戲結合了眾多的合作與競爭的情節,未來等著玩家來挑戰。


  遊戲開始時,玩家必須從兩大派系選擇其一,一個是類似於大家較熟悉 007 風格的聯合派,另一個則是傭兵組織,火力強大是它的特色。玩家在任務開始前,可以看到世界地圖螢幕,玩家可以在遊戲的中心地區看到眾多的選擇,選擇不同的目標將可以體驗到不同的戰鬥內容。


  PC/PS3《The Agency》預定 2010 年上市。
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舊 06-12-10, 01:57 AM   #20
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舊 06-17-10, 02:24 PM   #21
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2002
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舊 04-01-11, 03:05 AM   #22
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2002
文章: 7,807
The Agency Cancelled, Layoffs at SOE

PlanetSide Next同EverQuest Next仲有,不過就唔知佢地有冇PS3版了,而且兩隻都要等一排吧。(雖然DCUO PS3版賣得唔錯,啱啱又出埋Free Realm PS3版)
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