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舊 04-26-18, 11:01 AM   #1
( ゚ω゚)?
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
文章: 9,253
11-11: Memories Retold | BANDAI NAMCO

BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe
We are pleased to announce a new collaboration with Aardman Studios and DigixArt to bring you 11-11: Memories Retold, a gaming experience that explores our shared history through the lens of World War I.

11-11: Memories Retold ~ Bandai Namco, Aardman and DigixArt Collaboration

11-11: Memories Retold Revealed

Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe today announced a collaboration with the world famous Aardman Studios and DigixArt to create 11-11: Memories Retold, a story-driven narrative adventure set during World War I with a unique painted style that plans to deliver an entertaining experience unlike anything before.

1-11: Memories Retold is a game experience that will touch many and bring together some amazing talents from studios, music production and narration to deliver an exciting, engaging and emotional journey.

“Engaging audiences with compelling stories through animation is at the heart of what we do at Aardman. With this project we want to produce an emotionally rich experience with a distinctive visual identity that reflects the sentiment of this narrative. 11-11: Memories Retold is truly an exciting step for us as it marks the first time that Aardman has collaborated on a game of this scale and we’re delighted to see this come to life.”

David Sproxton, Co-founder and Executive Chairman, Aardman

“11:11: Memories Retold is a very special game at many levels. From the painted style to the emotional journey we create for the player to revive their heritage, we are pushing the boundaries of what a game can be and hope it will leave a mark on you.”

Yoan Fanise, Game Director, DigixArt

“We are passionate to work with incredible talents coming from different backgrounds. Nurturing the unique collaboration of Aardman Studios and DigixArt and helping them achieve their vision of what emotions a videogame can deliver is a very exciting endeavour for us.”

Hervé Hoerdt, Vice President of Marketing & Digital at Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe

PS4線上中文用戶指南 PS4系統軟件更新 遙控遊玩
\(^o^)/オワタ (;´Д`) ヽ(; ゚д゚)ノ ( ̄∀ ̄) (´・ω・`) ∠(゚Д゚)/ キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━ !!!!(´๑•ω•๑`) (๑*д*๑) (˘ω˘)zZ ( ゚ω゚ ) ∞ヾ(´д´)ノ ก็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔก้ (¯ 3 ¯)(◕‿◕✿) ('A`)(・ิω・ิ) (´д`) <( ̄ω ̄・)> 〆(・ω・`*) (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)淚目 (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧掂 +×(ง⌐□ل͜□) 退休啦! (ง︡'-'︠)ง┗( _)┛(ʘдʘ)
EA-y( ̄Д ̄)。o :game怪有咁勁得咁勁,裝備有咁屎得咁屎,咪等啲友玩得咁舒服,玩完嗱嗱聲pay-to-win.抽loot box有咁難得咁難,box有咁罕有放咁罕有,啲課長咪啫聲抽完抽過第二次囉.

此篇文章於 04-26-18 12:44 PM 被 ( ゚ω゚)? 編輯。
( ゚ω゚)? 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-27-18, 12:32 AM   #2
( ゚ω゚)?
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
文章: 9,253

PS4線上中文用戶指南 PS4系統軟件更新 遙控遊玩
\(^o^)/オワタ (;´Д`) ヽ(; ゚д゚)ノ ( ̄∀ ̄) (´・ω・`) ∠(゚Д゚)/ キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━ !!!!(´๑•ω•๑`) (๑*д*๑) (˘ω˘)zZ ( ゚ω゚ ) ∞ヾ(´д´)ノ ก็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔก้ (¯ 3 ¯)(◕‿◕✿) ('A`)(・ิω・ิ) (´д`) <( ̄ω ̄・)> 〆(・ω・`*) (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)淚目 (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧掂 +×(ง⌐□ل͜□) 退休啦! (ง︡'-'︠)ง┗( _)┛(ʘдʘ)
EA-y( ̄Д ̄)。o :game怪有咁勁得咁勁,裝備有咁屎得咁屎,咪等啲友玩得咁舒服,玩完嗱嗱聲pay-to-win.抽loot box有咁難得咁難,box有咁罕有放咁罕有,啲課長咪啫聲抽完抽過第二次囉.
( ゚ω゚)? 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章


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