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舊 03-11-18, 08:43 PM   #1
( ゚ω゚)?
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
文章: 9,253
<<免費速報>>[Steam] Amnesia: The Dark Descent and A Machine for Pigs

Amnesia: The Dark Descent and A Machine for Pigs are free on Steam

By Fraser Brown
Scare yourself stupid, twice.

Stressful horror romp Amnesia: Dark Descent and its follow-up, A Machine for Pigs, have been in so many bundles that you might already own them without realising it, but if you don’t, then you can pick them up on Steam for free. The deal is for a limited time, but we don’t know how long that will be, so you’ll probably want to snatch them up right now.
Both Amnesia games are free individually, but for some reason the Amnesia Collection still has the full price. Instead, you can either get them separately, or you can click on 'package info' and get taken to the free version of the collection. It’s a little bit counter-intuitive.

Occasionally I’ll fire up the game that made screaming on YouTube popular, only to be reminded that I can only stomach about 30 minutes in this brilliant but terrifying haunted house. I’ll probably finish it after every single human on the planet owns a copy.
Once you add Dark Descent and A Machine for Pigs to your Steam account, you’ll be able to keep them after the free period has ended. So go do that.

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\(^o^)/オワタ (;´Д`) ヽ(; ゚д゚)ノ ( ̄∀ ̄) (´・ω・`) ∠(゚Д゚)/ キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━ !!!!(´๑•ω•๑`) (๑*д*๑) (˘ω˘)zZ ( ゚ω゚ ) ∞ヾ(´д´)ノ ก็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔก้ (¯ 3 ¯)(◕‿◕✿) ('A`)(・ิω・ิ) (´д`) <( ̄ω ̄・)> 〆(・ω・`*) (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)淚目 (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧掂 +×(ง⌐□ل͜□) 退休啦! (ง︡'-'︠)ง┗( _)┛(ʘдʘ)
EA-y( ̄Д ̄)。o :game怪有咁勁得咁勁,裝備有咁屎得咁屎,咪等啲友玩得咁舒服,玩完嗱嗱聲pay-to-win.抽loot box有咁難得咁難,box有咁罕有放咁罕有,啲課長咪啫聲抽完抽過第二次囉.
( ゚ω゚)? 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章


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