Games Animation Forum

舊 06-07-07, 10:12 PM   #23
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Welcome to BlackSite

I'm Harvey Smith, the exec creative director of Blacksite. Our team here in Austin, TX is really excited because the Blacksite gameplay teaser demo is up on Xbox Live & seems to be going over really well. It's short, but it should give you a sense of the overall mood and gameplay style. Our goal was to create a thrill-ride experience, so the pacing is very fast. But we're also putting a lot of effort into creating a moody, immersive version of small town America, and the atmosphere itself is one of my favorite aspects of the game.

If I had to summarize, I'd say that Blacksite is a first-person shooter set (mostly) in a small US town. You take on the role of Aeran Pierce, the leader of a Delta Force wetwork squad. If you've read anything about Blacksite, you know the story tracks the progress of Echo Squad and thematically it's all about how we create our own some secrets are so terrible they can't be kept. The storyline is fairly subversive and works as an allegory for our current fears and for a lot of the explosive events that have happened over the last 6 or so years.

The gameplay involves a lot of alternation, one of our core values as game designers. Sometimes you're with your squad and sometimes you're alone. Some missions are on-foot, some are in vehicles, and a few are helicopter rail shooters. The story takes you from Iraq to Rachel, Nevada then down under the ground into secret military facilities. Gameplay is made more interesting second to second by the squad's AI and morale, the number of breakables in the final game, the game mechanics driving all our enemies, and the alternation of gameplay setups and environments. The squad morale feature is a lot of fun if you're paying attention to it, and it doesn't get in the way if you're not.

If you're a shooter player, check out our ‘teaser’ demo on Xbox Live. The final game includes more story moments, more destructible objects, and our full cover system, which has evolved a lot since vertical slice. (Cover now includes blind-firing and some other cool "high/low morale" behaviors.) Personally, I'm having a blast working on a fast-paced shooter. And I love the grounded nature of the environments...crawling through places like suburban backyards and strip malls. We're working really hard to add polish to the game and hopefully we'll be able to share more with you in the near future.

Thanks for tuning in. I'll have more from our Austin studio soon.
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