Games Animation Forum

舊 10-08-13, 04:48 PM   #957
Viper II
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 6,319
PSN  IDViper-ll
XBox Live GamertagViper II DNA
Updated 10/8/13: If you have previously created a character but see an empty character selection screen when entering GTA Online, please back out to GTAV Story Mode and try re-entering GTA Online through the pause menu (repeat or wait until Rockstar cloud servers are back up). Do not create a new character in the empty slot where your character should be.

If you receive the message 'The Rockstar Cloud Servers Are Unavailable', please return to GTAV Story Mode and follow the steps above. Please do not press “Retry” on the message and do not proceed online with saving disabled, as this may lead to overwriting your existing character.

We apologize for this inconvenience and are working on a permanent fix for these issues

↓龍門太多太散, 香港嘅悲哀↓
熱血光頭: "出黎抗爭, 要示威唔好示弱;我就係要〇〇所有籌款既組織, 睇下你地點生存, 希望普羅快D追上我地步伐唔洗籌款"
任何post最底都提你記住課金; 邊話左翼廢邊念力抗共
YM: 「教徒論」與「蝗蟲論」一樣,是一種「污名化」手段
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