Games Animation Forum

舊 02-21-10, 10:52 PM   #139
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2002
文章: 690
作者: 魚伕 查看文章
其實出AIR PENNY 3 紅色係唔係流料黎....唔見有0既...

There will be blood in April, as the Nike Air Penny III ‘Liquid’ colourblocking scheme is doused with a bit of the Jaws vibe. The healthy portions of varsity red on this new colourway is likely a way to commemorate the time he recently spent right near the Atlantic, ending his career with the Miami Heat in 2008. An identically blocked purple version is also set for a summer release, but these will be first, hitting Nike Sportswear retailers like Foot Locker’s House of Hoops on April 23rd.

Sorry, but following a lady's lead just isn't my style

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