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註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Square Enix orders Supreme Commander 2

Square Enix宣佈《最高指揮官2》投入開發
驅動之家[原創] 作者:上方文Q 編輯:上方文Q 2008-11-13 00:26:28

在與Gas Powered Games達成戰略合作夥伴關係後,Square Enix宣佈新款RTS遊戲《最高指揮官2》(Supreme Commander II)已經投入開發。

Square Enix Co., Ltd.和Square Enix Group此前一直專注於日本本土市場,此次首度與西方遊戲廠商合作,也邁出了進軍歐洲和北美市場的第一步,同時著手開發RTS遊戲也是對自身產品線的擴充,不再局限於RPG領域。

不過Square Enix和Gas Powered Games暫時還沒有透露更多有關《最高指揮官2》的細節,包括遊戲特性、支持平台和發佈時間等都將稍後公佈。

第一代《最高指揮官》於去年2月份發佈,普遍被譽為1997年《橫掃千軍》(Total Annihilation)的精髓續作,且由同一製作人Chris Taylor領銜開發,營造了規模空前、氣勢宏大的戰爭場面。

Square Enix orders Supreme Commander 2
By Brendan Sinclair, GameSpotPosted Nov 12, 2008 10:31 am PT;title

Japanese role-playing publisher partners with Gas Powered Games on sequel to epic-scale real-time strategy game.

Last month, Square Enix president Yoichi Wada appeared on a Tokyo Game Show panel about the waning influence of Japanese game makers. He said Japan was no longer the leader in the worldwide gaming industry, having lost too much ground to rising markets in the US and Europe.

If Wada can't lead them, he'll apparently join them. Square Enix today announced a strategic partnership with Gas Powered Games that will see the creation of a sequel to the Redmond, Washington-based studio's large-scale real-time strategy game Supreme Commander. Square Enix didn't specify what its role in the game's creation would be, nor did it reveal any details on platforms, release windows, or gameplay features.

Square Enix did say that the collaboration is a step toward the goal of boosting its Western development for global audiences. This also appears to be just one of numerous upcoming partnerships, as Square Enix described such collaborations as "a new cornerstone of its strategy to create games targeted primarily at consumers in Europe and North America."

For more on the original Supreme Commander (published by THQ), check out GameSpot's review of the original PC edition of the game.
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