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舊 05-19-10, 11:01 PM   #21
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2003
文章: 8,090
3DS Friend Code3523 2002 7295
PSN  IDLeifeiPatrick
XBox Live Gamertagfpatrick
作者: 畫伯 查看文章
Android 2.2有咩料消息咁
US 19號, HK今晚
o岩o岩先開始, Android 2.2唔知係邊個session

傳聞Androd 2.2 (Froyo)特點...
1. App to SD (希望係真!! 咁就唔洗root機)
2. Lock screen mode for entering a numeric pin or alphanumeric password (之前有幅leak圖...)
3. native Flash 10.1 Support (Confirmed)
4. 聯絡人分享互傳
5. 底座及車架藍牙連結
6. JIT, to CPU-Bound code for performance improvement (Confirmed 仲傳浮點運算比2.1快左450%云云)
7. 增進core library functionality, stability and performance
8 .提升 ICU from current version
9. 新的media framework that supports local file playback and HTTP progressive streaming.
10. Tethering網路共享, Serial-over-USB tethering support (Confirmed以後唔洗為佢root機)
11.. Support for basic Exchange security likes password policy, remote wipe
12. Auto-discovery for Exchange 2007 and later
13. Exchange calendar integration as a separate account provider
14. Improved Exchange support in Email
15.. 藍牙聲控撥號
如無意外, N1同Milestone呢兩部google指名機應該係首批可以up上2.2 o既機

如果Google順勢公佈埋Nexus Two (Shadow)就當然更好啦...

莫問我是誰~!! ╮(﹀_﹀" )╭

無論你多接近神, 都依然係一個凡人, 別以為自己很了不起

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