Games Animation Forum

主題: [多機種] NieR: Automata︱Switch版 已售
舊 02-20-17, 12:04 PM   #251
註冊日期: May 2007
文章: 2,310
NieR: Automata Producer Explains Why there Are No Plans for an Xbox One Version at the Moment

There are currently no plans to release on this platform. The main reason for this is that the Japanese market for Xbox One is not strong, so the decision was made to focus on PlayStation 4 rather than to split our efforts across two platforms. The biggest benefit to developing on one platform is that we did not have to split our time, allowing us to focus more on the quality. It is not about whether one platform is better than the other, it’s that from a development point of view were can devote more time to one platform.
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