Games Animation Forum

舊 05-02-17, 01:18 PM   #726
God of Gamer
The Flash
註冊日期: Nov 2004
文章: 14,779
Nintendo Switch ID6287 6181 7226
『ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド』の追加コンテンツ第 1 弾「試練の覇者」をご紹介!

ニンテンドー e ショップで販売中の「エキスパンション・パス」に含まれる、第 1 弾の追加コンテンツの名称が「試練の覇者(しれんのはしゃ)」に決まりました! 今日は、この鋭意開発中の「試練の覇者」について、具体的な内容をご紹介していきたいと思います。
まず、追加コンテンツの第 1 弾「試練の覇者」には以下の内容が含まれます。
1. 剣の試練(つるぎのしれん)
2. 足跡モード(あしあとモード)
3. ハードモード
4. ワープマーカー
5. 宝探しで見つける装備品 8 点
6. コログのお面

Trial of the Sword

When you get to a certain sacred location, you can take on the new "Trial of the Sword" challenge. Face an onslaught of enemies, one wave after another. Link starts the challenge without any equipment or weapons. When all the enemies in a room are defeated, Link proceeds to the next. Clear all the trials (about 45 rooms in total), and the true power of the Master Sword awakens.

Hero's Path Mode
This new map feature shows the path Link has walked through Hyrule from the last 200 hours of gameplay. Use the time tracker bar to see where you've spent the most time and where you have yet to explore. There's bound to be more adventures and maybe a shrine or two on the road less traveled.

Hard Mode
In Hard Mode, enemies gradually regain health, so take them out as quickly as possible. All enemies are also powered up by one level. For example, Red Bokoblins in Normal mode are now Blue Bokoblins. Enemies can also have higher maximum levels than they would in Normal mode. Look up, and you may also find enemies and treasure chests in the sky!

Travel Medallion

Somewhere in the world, there is a chest with a Travel Medallion inside. When you use this, you can register your current location as a fast travel point on the map. You can only register one location using the Travel Medallion.
More Armor

More Armor

There are 8 treasure chests placed around Hyrule containing armor themed after previous The Legend of Zelda titles. Watch for tips as to the whereabouts of these chests as you travel around Hyrule.

Korok Mask

The Korok Mask is also hidden in a treasure chest somewhere in the world. While wearing this mask, it shakes whenever Link is near a hidden Korok location. There are 900 Koroks hiding in Hyrule, so this should help you discover quite a few of them.

劍之試練,45間房,無得自帶裝備,武器,完成後 master sword 通常最大攻擊力
hard mode:所有敵人提昇一級,出現比普通難度更高的怪身等級, 空中都會出現伏兵

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