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舊 09-16-13, 01:19 PM   #697
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2006
文章: 8,098
用macro set atk target 同 基本招, 唔一定所有怪都要mark, 自身打一定要mark, 開場一定ae tank左先就包冇衰~

Final Fantasy XIV Macro Guide

Glossary of Text Commands

Command Description
/say (/s) [message] Sends a message to all PCs within a small radius.
Typing /say or /s without a message switches the default chat mode to [Say].
/yell (/y) [message] Sends a message to all PCs within a radius larger than /say but smaller than /shout.
Typing /yell or /y without a message switches the default chat mode to [Say].
/shout (/sh) [message] Sends a message to all PCs in the same area.
The message will not be displayed if a PC has deselected [Shout] in the chat filter.
/party (/p) [message] Sends a message to all members of your current party, regardless of their location.
Typing /party or /p without a message switches the default chat mode to [Party].
/linkshell (/l) [message] Sends a message to all members of your active linkshell, regardless of their location.


Typing /linkshell or /l without a message switches the default chat mode to [Linkshell].
/freecompany (/fc) Sends a message to all members of your free company, regardless of their location.
Typing /freecomopany or /fc without a message switches the default chat mode to [FreeCompany].
/echo (/e) [message] Displays a message that only you can see.
/partycmd (/pcmd) [subcommand] Executes various party commands. Opens your party members display when no subcommand is specified.

add “PC name” – Invite a PC to your party.
leave – Leave your current party.
leader “PC name” – Pass leadership to a PC in your party.
kick “PC name” – Remove a PC from your party.
breakup – Dissolve your current party.
/invite "PC name" Invites the specified PC to your party. Invites current target when not specified.
/kick "PC name" Removes the specified PC from your party. Removes current target when not specified.
/leader "PC name" Passes leadership to the specified PC. Passes leadership to current target when not specified.
/leave Leave your current party.
/join Accepts a party invite.
/decline /decline
Declines a party invite.
/friendlist  (/flist) [subcommand] Executes various Friend List commands. Opens your friend list when no subcommand is specified.

add “PC name” – Send a PC a friend request.
accept “PC name” – Accept a friend request from a PC.
deny “PC name” – Deny a friend request from a PC.
remove “PC name” – Remove a PC from your friend list.
/blacklist (/blist) [subcommand] Executes various blacklist commands. Opens your blacklist when no subcommand is specified.
add “PC name” – Add a PC to your blacklist.
remove “PC name” – Remove a PC from your blacklist.
/? [command_name] Gives a detailed explanation of specified command. Abbreviations can be used.
* All command names must be one word or in quotation marks.
/wait [wait time] A macro command for adjusting the pause between commands.
A wait time amount of 1 equals one second.
The maximum wait time allowed is 60.
If the wait time amount is over 60, it will be counted as 0.
/logout Log out and return to the title screen.
/shutdown Log out and close the game.
/map Opens the current area map.
/check (/c) “PC name” (placeholder) Examines the specified target. Examines current target when not specified.
/huntinglog(/hlog) View the hunting log.
/craftinglog(/clog) View the crafting log.
/gatheringlog(/glog) View the gathering log.
/trade Initiates a trade with your current target.
/return Return to your current home point.
/action (/ac) “action name” “PC name” Uses an action on specified target. Uses current target when not specified.

This cannot be used with actions you have not yet learned, or when restricted by other factors.
/battlemode (/bm) [subcommand] Toggle between active and passive mode. Switches to opposite mode when no subcommand is specified.
On – Draw weapon.
Off – Sheathe weapon.
/marking (/mk) [target type] “PC name” (placeholder) Set a sign on the specified target. Uses current target when not specified.
>>Target types:

off (Turns off enemy sign.)
/marking attack1 (Sets sign “Target to Attack 1” on current target.)
/target (/ta) “PC name” (placeholder) Targets the specified target.
Target must be within range for this command to function.
/targetnpc (/tnpc) Targets the closest NPC within a certain radius.
/targetenemy (/tenemy) Targets the closest enemy within a certain radius.
/battletarget (/bt) Targets the closest enemy within a certain radius that is attacking you.
/assist (/as) Targets the target of another PC or NPC. (A target must be specified.) Assists current target when not specified.
/facetarget (/ft) Immediately turns your PC in the direction of your current target.
/automove Turn on/off auto-run.
/recast Displays time remaining until the specified action can be used again.
/loot Opens the loot list.
/sit (/lounge) Assume a sitting position or rise from it. Certain emotes have special sitting equivalents. Also sits your character in a chair if one is nearby.
/follow Follow a targeted player.
/legacymark (/lmark) [subcommand] Show or hide the mark of the Twelve—a brand appearing on the back of the neck of all who survived the Calamity.
On - Show mark
Off - Hide mark
/gcsalute [subcommand] Perform the official salute of the Grand Company to which you belong.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/pray [subcommand] Offer solemn words of prayer to the Twelve.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/straightface [subcommand] Restore your facial expression to a neutral state.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/smile [subcommand] Smile.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/grin [subcommand] Beam with delight.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/smirk [subcommand] Smirk.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/taunt [subcommand] Put on a taunting grin.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/shuteyes [subcommand] Shut your eyes.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/sad [subcommand] Frown.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/scared [subcommand] Stare in fear.

motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/amazed [subcommand] Stare in awe.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/ouch [subcommand] Cringe in pain.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/annoyed [subcommand] Furrow your brow.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/aler [subcommand] Sense something amiss.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/worried [subcommand] Appear worried.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.


Displays current target name.
Displays target of current target’s name.
Displays your character’s name.
<0> Displays your character’s name.
<1>~<8> Display Party Member 1-8's name. 
Displays Target to Attack 1–5’s name.
Displays Target to Bind 1–3’s name.
Displays Target to Stop 1–2’s name.
Displays target marked with a square’s name.
Displays target marked with a circle’s name.
Displays target marked with a cross’s name.
, Displays mouseover target’s name.
Displays current HP and maximum HP.
Displays current HP as a percentage.
Displays current MP and maximum MP.
Displays current MP as a percentage.
Displays current TP.
, Displays current class and level.
Displays coordinates of current location.

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