Games Animation Forum

舊 06-23-14, 02:44 PM   #15
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2004
文章: 19,230

講真, 無啦啦咁樣去approach人成功機會真係好微, 但係如果唔試下的話, 就100%冇可能
睇你有幾有決心, 如果真係好想嘗試下的話, 咪直接同佢講囉, 反正都冇野輸, 唯一尷尬係食檸檬果下咋嘛.
如果真係衰左, 之後都唔會見啦, 難受都只係果一刻. 今時今日有facebook呢樣野, 可以唔洗一開口就問拿電話, 再唔係你唔好俾機會佢拒絕你, 直接將自己個facebook俾佢, 睇下佢會唔會add你囉. 呢一刻只係想得到一個可以繼續溝通0既渠道嗟, facebook都足夠...

講真, 你係去馬就唔好諗咁多, 呢d情況你越諗就越唔會行動.

The 3-Second Rule

When I started looking into the challenge of talking to someone new every day for 30 days, I read about something called the 3-second rule.

The 3 second rule happens to be the most powerful pickup tool a guy or girl could have and is often referred to in these terms, but it’s a great tool for meeting new people in any context. The rule requires that if you see someone you’re interested in talking to, you have 3 seconds to walk up to them and start a conversation. It’s very simple, but extremely effective.

The reason why it’s so effective is because if you wait any longer than 3 seconds, you’ll probably end up over-thinking it and never say anything at all. With only 3 seconds, you don’t have enough time to let anxiety get the best of you. If you see someone you want to talk to, you must immediately go over and talk to them.

Stop worrying about what to say. Anything is better than nothing.

Plus, you’d be surprised by how much people actually like being talked to. Think about the last time a stranger started a conversation with you, were you weirded out or were you pleasantly surprised? And if we go back to the anecdote of being in a room full of strangers, how do you feel when someone comes up to you and starts talking to you? You feel great, right? No one wants to be the person who’s standing alone.

To reframe the way you think about talking to strangers, realize that you’re actually doing them a favor by talking to them, because out of everyone in the room, you specifically chose to talk to them. If anything, they’ll be grateful that you chose to talk to them, not weirded out.
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