Games Animation Forum

舊 06-17-18, 11:40 PM   #51
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 20,716
Microsoft Says Sony Is Holding Back Fortnite Cross-Play

Ethan Gach

Now we have Fortnite Battle Royale, far and away one of the most popular games in recent memory on its way to mobile and, who knows, maybe eventually the Switch. Lo and behold, the same dance has begun all over again. Everything is in place to allow people on Xbox One and PS4 to start playing together right now. How do I know this? Last year, Epic Studios accidentally did just that. For a few hours in September, cross-play between the two platforms became a reality. "We had a configuration issue and it has now been corrected," Epic told Kotaku in an email at the time. Right on cue, Spencer took to Twitter. "I would have liked to see them leave it on," he said.

$orry唔俾CROSSPLAY又唔係第一次,但今次情況唔同,係只要一去PS4 LOGIN,就靜雞雞即時LOCK死PLATFORM,唔可以再O係XBOX ONE或SWITCH再玩,呢個先係問題。

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