Games Animation Forum

舊 03-25-19, 10:14 AM   #282
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2009
文章: 1,006
3DS Friend Code3282 2238 7072
PSN  IDsaberlam
XBox Live Gamertagsaberlam
預購了Xbox one x版,體驗非常差,流暢度太低了。


I tell them I always pick up Xbox version because I trust Xbox one x is the most powerful console.

But I really doubt what means by optimized for Xbox one x ? My PS4 Pro can run significantly better than it.

I think the developer is trying to discriminate Xbox gamer and that is why they never release Xbox gameplay rather than ps4 and pc.

Red redemption 2, devil may cry 5, resident evil 2 remake they all optimized for Xbox one X. Sekiro is shit experience and make all the timing and parry become frustrated and annoying.

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