Games Animation Forum

舊 05-19-10, 08:26 PM   #3
註冊日期: Feb 2002
文章: 3,337
PSN  IDAngelus01
XBox Live GamertagAngeluz01
Outlaws to the End - DLC Achievements

Well done - 5
Complete a Co-Op mission.

After completing your first mission you will be rewarded with this achievement.
Just complete the mission without everyone failing.

See "Struck gold"

Have posse, will travel -15
Complete all Co-Op missions.

Complete the following six missions and you will be rewarded with this achievement at the end.
You can keep track of how many missions you have complete from the Journal.

See "Struck gold"

2 guys, 1 Coop - 10
Complete a Co-Op mission with just 2 people.

Before you attempt this either find another player using the Achievement Trading Thread, or invite a friend into your game.
Start a private free roam and enter the co-op mission lobby.
Complete a single mission with a friend and the achievement will unlock.

You won't be able to complete this in a public lobby unless you get very lucky and stumble across an empty lobby with just one other player.
Most lobbies will fill up within a matter of seconds.

Stake a claim - 5
Gold medal any Co-Op mission.

Earning a gold medal is simple, just as long as you complete a mission in a timely manor, and have a respective team score.
Most missions can be completed within no more than 10 minutes with a good team and decent score.
If one of your players quits your final score will be tarnished and a badge may not be issued.

Be very careful who you play with as this can be quite damaging to your attempts of each mission.

See "Struck gold"

Struck gold - 10
Gold medal all Co-Ops missions.

There are a total of six different Co-Op missions.
Completing them is simple, but earning a gold medal will require a good team and coordination.
You will need at least two players to start a match, but four is suggested.

Your overall score and time will factor into how well you do, and what badge you earn.
Play as a team, don't run off and make sure that you score high enough points.

You must have all your players alive at the end of each mission.
All the missions are fairly simple, though "The River" will probably be the one mission which causes the most trouble.
If a player quits mid game this will damage your overall score.

If you make sure you complete all the objectives within a timely manor, and all players are alive at the end you shouldn't have any issues with earning each gold medal.


* The Escape
* The Kidnapped Girl
* The Herd
* The River
* Ammunition
* Walton's Gold

I suggest you play through each mission a few times to get used to the objectives.
Most are simple and require little effort, the faster you complete each mission the more XP you will earn from extra side objectives.

Friends indeed - 5
Complete a Co-Op mission without anyone dying.

Stick together with your team and make sure everyone takes cover.
As long as you no one rushes ahead you should have no issue earning this.
Completing "The Escape", "The Kidnapped Girl" or the "The Herd" will be the easier missions to earn this one.

If you are having issues with other players, compete this privately with a friend.

You rule! - 15
Complete all Advanced Co-Op missions.

Progress through all the missions at your own pace.
You will have to complete several different objectives,
but you will be using the Advanced Targeting System instead.

As long as you complete the missions without failing you will be rewarded after completing all six missions.

See "The mother lode"

The mother lode - 20
Gold medal all Advanced Co-Op missions.

To unlock the advanced co-op game mode, you will need to complete all the general Co-Op missions.
Once you have completed all six you will unlock the Advanced Missions.

If you don't have any experience with the advanced modes in Red Dead Redemption,
you will need to play through each mission several times until you succeed.
You won't be assisted with auto aim, and the enemies will down your player much faster.

Much like the previous Co-Op missions, time and your overall score count towards each medal.

The Escape


* Steal the Gold
* Clear Tumbleweed
* Face and Escape the Army

The Kidnapped Girl


* Clear the Hideout
* Take the girl to the house
* Protect the girl

The Herd


* Save the Herd
* Pass through the canyon
* Get at least 5 cows to the ranch

The River


* Clear the first landing
* Clear the banks and other rafts
* Clear the second landing
* Clear the banks and rafts a second time
* Clear the final landing and destroy the supply crates.



* Clear the Hideout
* Stop the Cannons
* Destroy the Cannons

Walton's Gold


* Clear Gaptooth Breach
* Enter the Mine and collect the gold
* Hold your own against the gang

As long as you know your objectives and communicate with your team you will be able to succeed every mission with a gold badge.
If you're having trouble with the mission try some of the techniques mentioned in this thread.

Dodge this - 10
Achieve a kill chain of 10 or more in any Advanced Co-Op mission.

You can do this on just about any mission where there are more than 10 enemies on the screen at once.
I suggest you setup a private mission with another play on "The Herd".
At the start of the level you will see the camp below, select the Bolt Action Rifle as your primary weapon and use the Rolling Block Rifle to snipe the enemies.
Run across the top of the canyon and shoot the TNT box on right side of the camp with the Bolt Action Rifle. Now change to your sniper rifle and pick off enemies.

While you're doing this have your team mate if use any of the Repeaters to hurt the larger enemies.
They can also shoot other enemies to weaken them for you.
Carefully aim for the head and chest, you don't want to waste more than one bullet on each enemy.

Bulletproof - 5
Complete a Co-Op mission without dying.

Once you start one of the missions, take cover with the and take your time.
If you rush into the middle of a gun fight you won't last very long.
You can also keep your distance and pick enemies off with a rifle.

You can choose your load out at the start of each mission by running up to one of the tailors dress mannequins
and hit to change your load out.

Make it though one of the missions without dying and you will be rewarded for staying alive.


Legends and Killers - DLC Achievements
$9.99 on PlayStation Network and 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE.

2 player boostable achievements:

Call it a Comeback! - 10G
Come back from 2-0 deficit and win a Hold Your Own game.

Choose Gang Matches. Vote until you enter a Hold Your Own match.

The player who will get the achievement will have to let the other player score 2 times.
You can score by grabbing the bag from your enemy and running back to your own chest.
Then the player who is supposed to get the achievement will then have to score 3 times.

After the match has ended, just vote to play again to let the other player get the achievement as well.

Stick and Move - 10G
Get 3 kills with knives or throwing knives in a single competitive match.

This achievement can be done in Gang Matches or Free For All.
The easiest way is to use the knife to kill your opponent three times.
Just look for each other and exchange kills with the knife.
You have to get the three knife kills in 1 Match.

Headhunter - 10G
Kill 5 players via headshot in a single Shootout or Gang Shootout.

This achievement can be done in Gang Matches or Free For All.
Headshot can be achieved by any weapon, even with a dynamite stick you can headshot someone.
To get a headshot more easy, use Casual Targeting Mode. Easiest way to do this is, let someone take the kill in the Standoff.
Let that person get 4 more headshots and he will have obtained the achievement.
Just exchange roles and another achievement is out of the way.

Original Gunslinger - 10G
Get 25 Deadeye kills with Red.

When you first reach on online, Press start, Go down to multiplayer and then go to Outfitters,
there will be a section that says Characters> Red Dead Revolver> Red Harlow will be the first person.
Press X and it will save, return to free roam and look for some Deadeye while playing a Competitive match,
As Description says get 25 kills while using dead eye.

Note: NPC's do not count, you have to kill Real players while playing an online match/Free Roam.
Cumulative kills so you can take as long as you want.
This can be done in a Free Roam, As long as you kill players that are live.

Reeeeal Good - 10G
Get 25 Dynamite kills with Pig Josh.

When you first reach on online, Press start, Go down to multiplayer and then go to Outfitters,
there will be a section that says Characters> Red Dead Revolver>
Go 5 to the left and there will be Pig Josh.
Same as ORIGINAL GUNSLINGER, just with Dynamite

Note: NPC's do not count, you have to kill Real players while playing an online match.
Cumulative kills so you can take as long as you want.
This can be done in a Free Roam, As long as you kill players that are live.

Armadillo is the only map where you can find Dynamite.

4 player boostable achievement:

Who needs Deadeye? - 10G
Kill 3 or more players in a standoff or showdown.

This achievement can only be done in Free For All.

In the standoff, 1 player has to eliminate all other 3. This should not be difficult considering you are boosting. J
ust kill 3 persons and switch roles. It is faster by letting the host select Free For All again than completing the match.
Just rinse and repeat until everybody has the achievement.

Double Bagger - 10G
Double capture 3 times in a single Gold Rush map.

This achievement can only be done in Free For All.

Vote until you come across a Gold Rush gametype.
Just let the player whose turn it is to get the achievement, grab 2 bags and let him score a double capture.
Let him repeat this 2 more times and he has the achievement. Just rinse and repeat until everybody has it.

Multiplayer achievement:

Legendary - 10G
Reach level 50 and pass into Legend.

This trophy is retroactive if you already reached level 50 and passed in to legend, you will still be able to get it.
As soon as you buy the DLC and pop in the game and head in to an online free roam the trophy will pop.

Single Player achievement:

Hail Mary - 10G
Get a kill greater than 35 yards with a Tomahawk.

This achievement can be obtained on your own.
Many people report to have killed AI's with the Tomahawk by just spamming it from higher ground and unlocking the achievement.

Axe Master - 10G
Complete all Tomahawk challenges in Single Player.

This is just like an ambient challenge. It can be viewed in your journal.
Go into your journal on the start screen and then click on challenges.
There are 5 levels for the Tomahawk Challenge.
Buying the Tomahawk from Manzanita post will start the challenge.

1. First thing to do is to buy the Tomahawk from Manzanita Post
Each Tomahawk is 10 Dollars for 1 & 200 for 20.

2.Kill one enemy with the Tomahawk used as a throwing Weapon, one as a melee weapon and one from horseback.

Throwing Weapon: Take the Tomahawk out and throw it at anyone, to complete this part of the challenge.

Melee Weapon: Stand right behind some one to kill that person to complete this part of the challenge.

From Horseback: While on a horse throw the Tomahawk at someone to complete the challenge all together.

3. Kill A flying bird with a tomahawk without using Deadeye
Go to The Hanging Rock it is north of north of Armadillo, climb to the top of the Mountain and kill a flying bird, easier during the day.
Making sure you dont use Deadeye. Go on top of any of the mountains in that area and wait for a bird to get close and then make your move,
a few throws, but you will kill a bird soon or later.

Note: Thanks to mjc0961. After you have cleared a hideout you can just take out your Tomahawk and hit a vulture with it, if you learned their predictable flight pattern.

Twin Rocks gang hideout. There aren't too many enemies there,
so just take 3 minutes to clean them out and bam,
flock of vultures start circling in the air.
From there you just have climb to the roof of the house in the middle
and then it will be easier to tomahawk one of the vultures
because of their easy to predict flight pattern.

4. Kill 5 enemies in a row "without" missing with the Tomahawk.
Try this at Solomon's Folly, the enemies are out in the open and there is more cover, restock on Tomahawks if you are low.
Solomon's Folly has exactly 5 enemies to kill at the hideout so it should be no problem.

5.Complete a gang hideout using only the tomahawk.
If you started Challenge four at Solomon's folly and finished it complete the hideout with only using the tomahawk to finish Challenge 5.
If you miss while trying to kill an enemy while driving the wagon its okay. JUST DON'T USE ANY OTHER WEAPON.

Twin Rocks is the Good place, if you accidentally change weapons, dont use it, dont shoot or anything or you will have to start over.

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