Games Animation Forum

舊 02-04-07, 03:00 PM   #76
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2004
文章: 5,282
作者: tallken 查看文章
現時的PC Game運行正常嗎???
very normal, exactly the same as windows xp, 2gb ram is already enough for normal use

for me :

ie, mce for tv, world of warcraft, photo storage, mp3 storage, its already enough and never get higher then 50% of ram usage... (30 to 40% average)

for insurance for later (sp or even sp2), 4gb ram is of course better then 2gb, but if you can foresee that you will not use that much of software, 1gb or 2gb ram is more then enough......


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