Games Animation Forum

舊 01-21-17, 09:34 AM   #287
God of Gamer
The Flash
註冊日期: Nov 2004
文章: 14,779
Nintendo Switch ID6287 6181 7226
Aonuma says Zelda: Breath of the Wild doesn’t have an option for dual audio

A few days ago, we heard that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild might feature dual audio based on a comment from a Nintendo representative. Sadly though, producer Eiji Aonuma has confirmed himself that you won’t be able to easily change languages in the game. There is no option to simply turn on the Japanese voice acting rather than the English voices.

Aonuma told IGN Portugal:

“In the case of the Nintendo Switch, if you change the language of the system, you can change the game to Japanese, but that will change everything to Japanese. Unfortunately, it is not possible to play with English text, for example, and Japanese voices.”

隻GAME 的確包美日語音, 不過唔會有Option 比你選, 你要轉SWITCH 的語言選擇,
簡單講,一刀切, 無得混合選擇

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